share_log Announces EWROS as New Partner in Turkey for Its Augmented Reality Navigation Experience Platform Announces EWROS as New Partner in Turkey for Its Augmented Reality Navigation Experience Platform 宣佈 EWROS 成爲其增強現實導航體驗平台在土耳其的新合作伙伴
Accesswire ·  03/19 19:30

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / March 19, 2024 / ("ARway" or the "Company") (CSE:ARWY)(OTCQB:ARWYF)(FSE:E65) is an AI powered Augmented Reality Experience platform with a disruptive no-code, no beacon spatial computing solution enabled by visual marker tracking with centimeter precision is pleased to announce a paid partner deal with EWROS, a leading developer of automation systems software based out of Turkey. This new partner is another step in's expansion, aligning with EWROS's recognized position in the region as a premier automation solutions provider.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 3 月 19 日/“ArWay” 或 “公司”)(CSE: ARWY)(OTCQB: ARWYF)(FSE: E65)是一款基於人工智能的增強現實體驗平台,具有顛覆性的無代碼、無信標空間計算解決方案,由厘米精度的視覺標記跟蹤支持 EWROS,總部位於土耳其的領先自動化系統軟件開發商。這個新合作伙伴是 擴張的又一步,與 EWROS 在該地區作爲首屈一指的自動化解決方案提供商的公認地位一致。

EWROS becomes an integral part of the ARway ecosystem, licensing ARway's innovative platform for large-scale projects within the region. This partnership allows EWROS to leverage ARway's cutting-edge AR technology in conjunction with their existing IoT deployments, thereby offering a comprehensive tech stack to their clientele.


EWROS selected ARway for its unique value propositions, including low maintenance costs, absence of hardware requirements, and ease of customer integration, effectively leapfrogging existing hardware-based deployment ecosystems. This strategic decision opens new revenue streams for EWROS, enhancing their service offering within their customer base.

EWROS 之所以選擇 ArWay,是因爲其獨特的價值主張,包括維護成本低、無硬件要求和易於客戶集成,有效地超越了現有的基於硬件的部署生態系統。這一戰略決策爲EWROS開闢了新的收入來源,增強了他們在客戶群中提供的服務。

Last week, announced the launch of ARway V3.0, a groundbreaking update to its spatial computing platform providing augmented reality navigation and immersive experiences. The ARway V3.0 update introduces a host of innovative features designed to enhance navigation accuracy, user engagement, and content creator flexibility.

上週, 宣佈推出 ArWay V3.0,這是其空間計算平台的開創性更新 提供增強現實導航和身臨其境的體驗。ArWay V3.0 更新引入了許多創新功能,旨在提高導航精度、用戶參與度和內容創作者的靈活性。

Watch a video of the ARway's new technology and features the recently launched V3.0 - click here
The impact of ARway V3.0 offers significant advancements, opening new avenues and unprecedented opportunities for new partners like EWROS. These new features introduce innovative capabilities, enhancing the creation of customized and immersive augmented reality experiences, while fostering new business opportunities and driving growth within the AR ecosystem.

觀看有關最近推出的 V3.0 的 ArWay 新技術和功能的視頻- 點擊這裏
ArWay V3.0 的影響帶來了重大進步,爲像 EWROS 這樣的新合作伙伴開闢了新的途徑和前所未有的機會。這些新功能引入了創新功能,增強了定製和沉浸式增強現實體驗的創建,同時創造了新的商機並推動了增強現實生態系統的增長。

A highlight of this partnership with EWROS is the forthcoming deployment of ARway's technology in a major furniture retail chain in Turkey. This marks a shift from traditional RFID systems to advanced AR-based wayfinding solutions, revolutionizing navigation experiences for employees and customers alike in retail and warehouse settings. While RFID will continue to manage inventory, ARway's technology will enable indoor augmented reality wayfinding technology and enhance operational efficiencies.


This partnership builds upon ARway's series of recent new partnerships with leading innovators in the industry,, 3D Marx and Aigentless, showcasing the company's growing influence across various industries. The alliance with EWROS not only extends ARway's geographical reach but also solidifies its position as a comprehensive solution provider in the augmented reality landscape.

這種夥伴關係建立在 ArWay 最近與業內領先創新者建立了一系列新的合作伙伴關係、、3D Marx和Aigentless,展示了該公司在各個行業中日益增長的影響力。與EWROS的聯盟不僅擴大了ArWay的地理覆蓋範圍,而且鞏固了其作爲增強現實領域綜合解決方案提供商的地位。

EWROS specializes in creating state-of-the-art automation systems, providing comprehensive control and cost-effective solutions for companies engaged in the production process.

EWROS 專門創建最先進的自動化系統,爲參與生產過程的公司提供全面的控制和具有成本效益的解決方案。

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To learn more about ARway, please follow on Social Media: Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook, and visit our website:

要了解有關 ARWay 的更多信息,請關注社交媒體:推特、YouTube、Instagram、LinkedIn 和 Facebook,然後訪問我們的網站:

About (CSE:ARWY)(OTCQB:ARWYF)(FSE:E65) is a spatial computing platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI) providing an array of augmented reality (AR) experiences for indoor spaces. ARway's breakthrough no-code no-beacon IPN allows for the easy creation of navigation, tours, information sharing, notifications, advertising and gamification. ARway works seamlessly as a cross platform solution on iOS/ Android. ARway's technology is optimized for both mobile devices and AR glasses: Apple's Vision Pro, Magic Leap and Microsoft's HoloLens. ARway has unlimited use cases for augmenting physical spaces, making it a valuable tool for creators, brands and companies in various industries. The complete ARway platform includes: the Web Creator Studio, the ARwayKit Software Development Kit (SDK) and a mobile app for iOs and Android.

關於 ARWY)(OTCQB: ARWYF)(FSE: E65)是一個由人工智能(AI)提供支持的空間計算平台,爲室內空間提供一系列增強現實(AR)體驗。ArWay 突破性的無代碼無信標 IPN 可以輕鬆創建導航、旅遊、信息共享、通知、廣告和遊戲化。ArWay 可作爲跨平台解決方案在 iOS/安卓系統上無縫運行。ArWay的技術針對移動設備和增強現實眼鏡進行了優化:蘋果的Vision Pro、Magic Leap和微軟的HoloLens。ArWay 擁有無限的增強物理空間的用例,使其成爲各行各業創作者、品牌和公司的寶貴工具。完整的 ArWay 平台包括:Web 創作者工作室、 ArwayKit 軟件開發套件 (SDK) 還有一款移動應用程序 iOS 安卓。

On October 26, 2022, was spun-out from its parent Company, (OTCQX:NEXCF)(CSE:NTAR)(FSE:1SS). Nextech retained a control ownership in with 13 million shares, or a 50% stake. is a Generative AI powered 3D modeling Company and leading provider of augmented reality ("AR") experience technologies and 3D model services. Nextech's AI-powered 3D modeling platform, "ARitize3D" has contracts with; AMZN, KSS, CB2, Genuine Parts & many others. To learn more about, visit

2022年10月26日, 從其母公司 NEXCF)(CSE: NTAR)(FSE: 1SS)分拆出來。Nextech保留了 的控制權,持有1300萬股股份,佔50%的股份。 是一家基於 Generative AI 的 3D 建模公司,也是增強現實(“AR”)體驗技術和三維模型服務的領先提供商。Nextech的人工智能驅動的三維建模平台 “Aritize3D” 與亞馬遜、KSS、CB2、原裝零件等簽訂了合同。要了解有關 的更多信息, 訪問

For further information, please contact:


Investor Relations Contact
Julia Viola

Evan Gappelberg
CEO and Director
866-ARITIZE (274-8493)
866-ARIZE (274-8493)

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SOURCE: ARway Corporation

來源:ARWay 公司

