
Experience the Exclusive First Edition of the Magma Glove at PAX East

Experience the Exclusive First Edition of the Magma Glove at PAX East

在 PAX East 體驗獨家第一版 Magma Glove
PR Newswire ·  2024/03/19 00:15

BOSTON, March 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, disruptive gaming tech manufacturer GamerTechannounced that it will join industry leaders at PAX East, the East Coast's most-attended gaming event. Panels, demos, performances and more will take place March 21 to 24 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.

波士頓,2024 年 3 月 18 日 /PRNewswire/ — 如今,顛覆性遊戲技術製造商 GamerTech宣佈將與行業領導者一起參加東海岸參加人數最多的遊戲盛會PAX East。小組討論、演示、表演等將於3月21日至24日在波士頓會展中心舉行。

Experience the Exclusive First Edition of the Magma Glove at PAX East
在 PAX East 體驗獨家第一版 Magma Glove

The GamerTech booth will serve as an Experiential Area. PAX East visitors can immerse themselves in the world of gaming innovation, getting a firsthand look at the future of game culture through a collaboration with Oxygen Esports. The booth will spotlight the new Magma Glove, GamerTech's first-ever Performance Wearable product.

GamerTech展位將用作體驗區。PAX East的參觀者可以沉浸在遊戲創新的世界中,通過與Oxygen Esports的合作,親眼目睹遊戲文化的未來。展位將聚焦新品 岩漿手套,GamerTech 有史以來第一款高性能可穿戴產品。

Designed with every gamer in mind, the Magma Glove is equipped with cutting-edge technology that takes performance, comfort and accuracy to the next level. Thin Film Thermal Regeneration Technology uses precise targeting to provide active heat to key areas on the hand and wrist, enhancing the gaming experience from practice to professional play. Three customizable heat settings and intelligent timed cycles ensure comfort without compromising gameplay. Plus, with valuable feedback from Oxygen Esports athletes, the Magma Glove is battle-tested.

Magma Glove 專爲每位玩家而設計,配備了尖端技術,可將性能、舒適度和準確性提升到一個新的水平。 薄膜熱再生技術 使用精確的瞄準爲手部和手腕的關鍵區域提供主動熱量,從而增強從練習到職業遊戲的遊戲體驗。三種可自定義的加熱設置和智能定時循環在不影響遊戲玩法的情況下確保舒適度。此外,根據Oxygen Esports運動員的寶貴反饋,Magma Glove經過了實戰考驗。

Booth visitors will also have the unique opportunity to pre-order the exclusive first edition of the Magma Glove. There's limited availability, so make the GamerTech booth your first stop at this year's PAX East event.

展位參觀者還將有難得的機會 預購獨家第一版 岩漿手套的。名額有限,因此請將GamerTech展位作爲今年PAX East活動的第一站。

About GamerTech
GamerTech (GT) brings disruptive products and technology-based apparel solutions to market, focused explicitly on gamers and esports athletes to boost performance, enhance wellness and amplify their overall experience. GT is a fully-owned subsidiary of MAS Holdings — the largest apparel tech manufacturer in South Asia, with over 100,000 employees across 15 countries.

關於 GamerTech
GamerTech(GT)將顛覆性產品和技術爲基礎的服裝解決方案推向市場,專門針對遊戲玩家和電子競技運動員,以提高表現,增強健康並增強他們的整體體驗。GT是南亞最大的服裝科技製造商MAS Holdings的全資子公司,在15個國家擁有超過10萬名員工。

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SOURCE GamerTech

來源 GamerTech

