
Psychological Safety in the Workplace Is Not Universal and Must Consider Diverse Employee Needs: New Guide From McLean & Company

Psychological Safety in the Workplace Is Not Universal and Must Consider Diverse Employee Needs: New Guide From McLean & Company

工作場所的心理安全並不普遍,必須考慮員工的不同需求:McLean & Company的新指南
PR Newswire ·  03/15 03:17

Global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company's newly published insights highlight how psychological safety at work has evolved in the future of work. The firm advises organizations that a holistic approach to psychological safety in the workplace must also consider the unique lived experiences of a variety of demographics.

全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司McLean & Company最新發布的見解突顯了未來工作中工作中的心理安全是如何演變的。該公司建議各組織,工作場所心理安全的整體方法還必須考慮各種人群的獨特生活經歷。

TORONTO, March 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - As the employee experience remains a focus for organizations and employees alike, the traditional singular focus on physical safety in the workplace is no longer sufficient to meet employee expectations. In the future of work, organizations are increasingly expected to ensure that psychological safety is as integral a component to employee wellbeing as its physical counterpart. However, not every employee experiences psychological safety in the same way. To equip HR and people leaders focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion with the tools to adapt their approach to fostering psychological safety to meet unique employee needs, global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company has released a new support guide, Primer: Psychological Safety in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Sessions.

多倫多,2024年3月14日 /PRNewswire/-由於員工體驗仍然是組織和員工關注的焦點,傳統上對工作場所人身安全的單一關注已不足以滿足員工的期望。在未來的工作中,越來越多的人期望組織確保心理安全與身體安全一樣成爲員工健康不可或缺的組成部分。但是,並非每個員工都以相同的方式體驗心理安全。全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司,爲注重多元化、公平和包容性的人力資源和人事領導者提供工具,調整其促進心理安全的方法,以滿足員工的獨特需求 麥克萊恩公司 已經發布了新的支持指南, 入門:多元化、公平和包容性中的心理安全 (DEI) 會議

According to McLean & Company's new primer, establishing psychological safety through an inclusive lens is a continuous effort of aligning organizational norms, leadership behaviors, and artifacts on an ongoing basis. The strength of that alignment, as well as consistency in prioritizing psychological safety across the leadership team, impacts whether an organization builds upon each stage or regresses. (CNW Group/McLean & Company)
根據McLean & Company的新入門讀物,通過包容性視角建立心理安全是一項持續努力,不斷調整組織規範、領導行爲和製品。這種一致性的強度,以及領導團隊在優先考慮心理安全方面的一致性,會影響組織是在每個階段的基礎上發展還是倒退。(CNW 集團/McLean & Company)

In the resource, McLean & Company explains that successfully creating psychological safety through an inclusive lens ensures all employees experience the ability to speak up, take risks, and be their authentic selves without the fear of negative consequences, regardless of demographics or personal lived experiences. Building a psychologically safe workplace that prioritizes inclusion requires ongoing commitment from key players, including organizational leaders, people leaders, and HR.

McLean & Company在資源中解釋說,通過包容性視角成功創造心理安全可確保所有員工都能體驗到大聲疾呼、冒險和成爲真實自我的能力,而不必擔心負面後果,無論人口結構或個人生活經歷如何。建設一個優先考慮包容性的心理安全工作場所需要包括組織領導者、人事領導者和人力資源部門在內的關鍵人物的持續承諾。

"Establishing psychological safety in the workplace is not a quick fix or a simple checklist item on the organizational to-do list," says Elysca Fernandes, director of HR Research & Advisory Services at McLean & Company. "Successfully building psychologically safe workplaces requires acknowledging that employees' unique intersectional characteristics influence how they experience psychological safety at work. This is why conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion are one of the first opportunities to recognize that psychological safety is not a universal experience and approaches to fostering safety must meet individual needs."

“在工作場所建立心理安全不是快速解決方案,也不是組織待辦事項清單上的簡單清單項目,”艾麗斯卡·費爾南德斯,麥克萊恩公司人力資源研究與諮詢服務總監。 “成功建立心理安全的工作場所需要承認員工獨特的交叉特徵會影響他們在工作中體驗心理安全的方式。這就是爲什麼圍繞多元化、公平和包容性的對話是認識到心理安全不是一種普遍體驗的首批機會之一,促進安全的方法必須滿足個人需求。”

To support leaders in creating psychological safety in DEI sessions and leading with inclusion in mind, the firm has created an overview of each stage of psychological safety, adapted from Timothy Clark's Four Stages of Psychological Safety. Additionally, the primer includes practical sample tactics for the elements of psychological safety – organizational norms, leadership behaviors, and artifacts – that can be applied at each stage.

爲了支持領導者在DEI會議中創造心理安全並以包容性爲導向,該公司根據蒂莫西·克拉克的文章對心理安全的各個階段進行了概述 心理安全的四個階段。此外,入門書還包括心理安全要素(組織規範、領導行爲和製品)的實用示例策略,這些策略可以應用於每個階段。

The four stages of psychological safety, adapted from Timothy Clark, are outlined below:

改編自蒂莫西·克拉克(Timothy Clark)的心理安全的四個階段概述如下:

  1. Inclusion – Employees feel like they belong and are appreciated for being themselves.
  2. Learning – Employees feel safe participating in the learning experience.
  3. Contributing – Employees feel safe using their skills, making a difference, and participating.
  4. Challenging – Employees feel safe speaking up and challenging the status quo.
  1. 包容性 — 員工感到自己的歸屬感,並因成爲自己而受到讚賞。
  2. 學習 — 員工可以放心地參與學習體驗。
  3. 貢獻 — 員工可以放心地運用自己的技能、有所作爲並參與其中。
  4. 具有挑戰性 — 員工可以放心地大聲疾呼和挑戰現狀。

McLean & Company has organized the elements of psychological safety at work into concise categories that need to be aligned consistently to foster safety. These elements are outlined below:

McLean & Company已將工作中的心理安全要素組織成簡潔的類別,這些類別需要始終保持一致以促進安全。這些要素概述如下:

  1. Organizational norms – Shared standards of acceptable behavior that are socially enforced and guide all interactions across the organization. For example, establishing ground rules for DEI sessions where people share their personal experiences.
  2. Leadership behaviors – Actions, values, and characteristics that leaders incorporate to motivate their team and achieve their goals. This may look like practicing grace and humility by apologizing for mistakes rather than acting defensively.
  3. Artifacts – The organization's processes, policies, and procedures, such as introducing and consistently reinforcing an anti-discrimination policy.
  1. 組織規範 — 共同的可接受行爲標準,這些標準由社會強制執行,指導組織內的所有互動。例如,爲人們分享個人經歷的 DEI 會議制定基本規則。
  2. 領導行爲 — 領導者爲激勵團隊和實現目標而採取的行動、價值觀和特徵。這可能看起來像是通過爲錯誤道歉而不是採取防禦行動來練習優雅和謙卑。
  3. 人工製品 — 該組織的流程、政策和程序,例如引入和持續加強反歧視政策。

For a full breakdown of actionable tactics that are aligned with each stage of psychological safety and address the elements of psychological safety in the workplace through an inclusive lens, please visit Primer: Psychological Safety in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

要全面了解與心理安全各個階段相一致的可行策略,並從包容的角度解決工作場所心理安全要素,請訪問 入門:多元化、公平和包容性中的心理安全 (DEI)

The primer is a component of the firm's broader Introduction to Psychological Safety for HR resource and can be found by scrolling to Section 3: Fundamentals on the linked page above.

入門書是公司整體業務的一個組成部分 人力資源心理安全簡介 資源,可以通過滾動到上面鏈接頁面上的第 3 節:基礎知識來找到。

To register for upcoming free webinars on a variety of topics or to explore the publicly available archive of recorded sessions, please visit McLean & Company's official webinars page. Please note that a selection of McLean & Company's research-based webinars are now offering professional development credits for recertification with SHRM, HRCI, and HRPA.

要註冊參加即將舉行的有關各種主題的免費網絡研討會或瀏覽公開的會議錄製檔案,請訪問 McLean & Company 的官方網絡研討會頁面請注意,McLean & Company的部分基於研究的網絡研討會現已提供 通過 SHRM、HRCI 和 HRPA 進行再認證所需的專業發展積分

Media interested in connecting with McLean & Company analysts for exclusive, research-backed insights and commentary on psychological safety in the workplace, DEI, generative AI in HR, HR trends in 2024, the future of work, and more can contact Senior Communications Manager Kelsey King at [email protected].

媒體有興趣與McLean & Company分析師建立聯繫,獲取有關工作場所心理安全的獨家見解和評論,DEI, 人力資源中的生成式 AI2024 年的人力資源趨勢工作的未來,還有更多人可以通過以下方式聯繫高級傳播經理 Kelsey King [電子郵件保護]

About McLean & Company

Through data-driven insights and proven best-practice methodologies, McLean & Company offers comprehensive resources and full-service assessments, action plans, and training to position organizations to meet today's needs and prepare for the future.

通過數據驅動的見解和久經考驗的最佳實踐方法, 麥克萊恩公司 提供全面的資源和全方位服務評估、行動計劃和培訓,使組織能夠滿足當今的需求併爲未來做好準備。

McLean & Company is a division of Info-Tech Research Group.

McLean & Company 是一個部門 信息技術研究小組

Media professionals can register for unrestricted access to research across IT, HR, and software and hundreds of industry analysts through the firm's Media Insiders program. To gain access, contact [email protected].

媒體專業人士可以通過公司的Media Insiders計劃註冊不受限制地訪問IT、人力資源和軟件以及數百名行業分析師的研究。要獲得訪問權限,請聯繫 [電子郵件保護]

SOURCE McLean & Company

來源 mClean & Company

