
NeoTerrex to Undertake Maiden Drill Program on Its Mount Discovery Rare Earths Property

NeoTerrex to Undertake Maiden Drill Program on Its Mount Discovery Rare Earths Property

NeoTerrex將在其Mount Discovery稀土礦產上進行首次鑽探計劃
newsfile ·  03/14 20:30

Ottawa, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - March 14, 2024) - NeoTerrex Minerals Inc. (TSXV: NTX) ("NeoTerrex" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has selected Downing Drilling Ltd. to undertake its upcoming drill program on its 100%-owned, 11,187-hectare, Mount Discovery property located in southwestern Quebec (the "Property"). This 2,000-metre drill campaign marks a crucial step in unlocking the potential of NeoTerrex's rare earths flagship project located within minutes of critical infrastructure. The drill program is scheduled to begin within the next two weeks.

安大略省渥太華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 14 日)- NeoTerrex 礦業公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NTX) (”NeoTerrex“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,它已選擇唐寧鑽探有限公司對其位於魁北克西南部的佔地11,187公頃的100%所有權、佔地11,187公頃的Mount Discovery地產(“物業”)進行其即將進行的鑽探計劃。這次2,000米的鑽探活動標誌着在釋放NeoTerrex稀土旗艦項目的潛力方面邁出了關鍵一步,該項目位於關鍵基礎設施的幾分鐘之內。演習計劃在未來兩週內開始。

The drill program's primary focus is to delineate areas exhibiting promising mineralization continuity and substantial widths. This strategic approach aims to ascertain both lateral and depth extensions of mineralized zones. The Company is poised to undertake further extensive drilling later in the summer, building upon the insights garnered from this initial endeavor.


At the forefront of exploration efforts lies the King showing, which has already showcased significant potential, boasting results of 3.25% Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO) over 27 metres in a channel sample (the true width cannot yet be established) and demonstrates that the mineralization could potentially extend further under the overburden. This discovery, and its geological context, underscores the prospectivity of the region for rare earths mineralization. NeoTerrex plans to undertake nine drill holes within a 50-metre radius of the King showing, aiming to delineate lateral and depth extensions of the mineralization. Additionally, attention will be directed towards investigating a suspected major fault south of the occurrence, hypothesized to have played a pivotal role as a conduit for rare earths mineralization.


Furthermore, the program will include three additional drill holes targeting the Sicilian-Blitz areas. These zones have exhibited promising signs, with grab samples returning values ranging from 1% to 10% TREO. These samples were collected at the margins of a suspected fault and carbonatite unit, a similar context to the King showing, indicating the potential for significant mineralization.


As part of a comprehensive exploration strategy, NeoTerrex plans to identify and drill numerous other targets during the summer months, following additional surface work and establishing further trail access. This multifaceted approach underscores the Company's commitment to methodical and systematic exploration, aimed at unlocking the full potential of the Property.


The geological landscape of the Property is characterized by a diverse array of formations, including carbonatite, gabbro, pegmatitic syenite, pyroxenites, and occasional granites. Of particular interest are the carbonatites, often rich in apatite and biotite phenocrysts, typically located in valley bottoms where major faults are suspected of being present. Pyroxenites frequently occur near carbonatites, further highlighting the geological complexity of the region. Noteworthy is the presence of strong alteration, resembling a "unakite" appearance, often associated with areas of mineralization. Additionally, magnetite-bearing dykes or sills have been observed in mineralized zones, further enriching the geological context of the Property.

該地產的地質景觀以多種岩層爲特徵,包括碳酸岩、輝長岩、偉晶正長巖、輝石巖和偶爾的花崗岩。特別令人感興趣的是碳酸岩,通常富含磷灰石和黑雲母表晶體,通常位於谷底,懷疑存在重大斷層。輝石經常出現在碳酸岩附近,這進一步凸顯了該地區的地質複雜性。值得注意的是存在強烈的蝕變,類似於 “不合時宜” 的外觀,通常與礦化區域有關。此外,在礦化區觀察到含磁鐵礦的堤壩或基岩,進一步豐富了該地產的地質背景。

The Mount Discovery property boasts robust infrastructure, including road access, power sources, and water supply. This infrastructure streamlines exploration operations and significantly reduces their costs and logistical challenges and accelerates project timelines. Leveraging the region's well-established mining industry and supportive regulatory framework, NeoTerrex can navigate permitting processes efficiently. These advantages position the project for sustainable growth and success in rare earths exploration.

Mount Discovery酒店擁有強大的基礎設施,包括道路通道、電源和供水。該基礎設施簡化了勘探業務,顯著降低了其成本和物流挑戰,並加快了項目進度。利用該地區完善的採礦業和支持性的監管框架,NeoTerrex可以高效地管理許可流程。這些優勢使該項目爲可持續增長和稀土勘探取得成功奠定了基礎。

Qualified Persons


Technical and scientific aspects of this news release have been reviewed, verified and approved by Mathieu Stephens, P.Geo., President and CEO for NeoTerrex, the Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

根據國家儀器43-101礦業項目披露標準,NeoTerrex總裁兼首席執行官Mathieu Stephens, P.Geo. 已對本新聞稿的技術和科學方面進行了審查、驗證和批准。

About NeoTerrex


The Company is currently advancing its prospective rare earths projects located in the province of Quebec, with most of its activities focused on its Mount Discovery property. The Company owns a 100-percent undivided interest in certain mineral claims located in southwestern Quebec constituting the Mount Discovery property. The Property was acquired due to its rare earth element potential.

該公司目前正在推進其位於魁北克省的潛在稀土項目,其大部分活動都集中在探索山地產上。該公司擁有位於魁北克西南部的某些礦產索賠的100%不可分割權益,這些礦產構成了Mount Discovery財產。該物業之所以被收購,是因爲其稀土元素的潛力。

For further information, please contact:


NeoTerrex Minerals Inc.
Mathieu Stephens, President & Chief Executive Officer

NeoTerrex 礦業公司
Mathieu Stephens,總裁兼首席執行官

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This news release may contain certain forward-looking information and statements, including without limitation, statements pertaining to NeoTerrex's future plans, objectives or goals regarding the drill program of the Company. All statements included herein, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking information and such information involves various risks and uncertainties. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information except in accordance with applicable securities laws. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. A description of assumptions used to develop such forward-looking information and a description of risk factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking information can be found in the Company's disclosure documents on the SEDAR+ website at .


