
Sensus Healthcare Launches "Fair Deal Agreement" for Its SRT-100 Vision at the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting

Sensus Healthcare Launches "Fair Deal Agreement" for Its SRT-100 Vision at the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting

Sensus Healthcare 在美國皮膚科學會年會上發佈其 SRT-100 願景的 “公平交易協議”
GlobeNewswire ·  03/13 20:00

New shared service contract expands the unmatched clinical results achieved with IG-SRT to a broader base of prospective customers


Active traffic at the Company's booth generated a record-high number of sales leads and affirms very strong interest in a better economic choice


BOCA RATON, Fla., March  13, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sensus Healthcare, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRTS), a medical device company specializing in highly effective, non-invasive, minimally-invasive and cost-effective treatments for oncological and non-oncological conditions, announces the successful launch of its new "Fair Deal Agreement" for the SRT-100 Vision (IG-SRT) at the AAD 2024 Annual Meeting, held March 8-12 in San Diego. This meeting is the largest gathering of dermatologists in the U.S., hosting more than 10,000 medical personnel at this year's event.

佛羅里達州博卡拉頓,2024年3月13日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——專門爲腫瘤和非腫瘤疾病提供高效、無創、微創和具有成本效益治療的醫療器械公司Sensus Healthcare, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:SRT)宣佈在3月8日至12日舉行的AAD 2024年年會上成功推出新的 SRT-100 願景(IG-SRT)“公平交易協議” 聖地亞哥。這次會議是美國最大的皮膚科醫生聚會,今年的活動有超過10,000名醫務人員參加。

Under the Fair Deal Agreement, dermatology offices gain access to Sensus' image-guided, award-winning superficial radiotherapy technology to treat non-melanoma skin cancer and keloids under a new service model, with an economic value proposition that's second to none.   Sensus manufactures and sells the only proven, FDA-cleared IG-SRT system and holds a patent for SRT combined with ultrasound, which is deeper and more effective.

根據公平交易協議,皮膚科辦公室可以獲得Sensus的影像引導、屢獲殊榮的淺表放射治療技術,在新的服務模式下治療非黑色素瘤皮膚癌和瘢痕瘤,其經濟價值主張是首屈一指的。Sensus 製造和銷售唯一經過驗證的、經 FDA 批准的 IG-SRT 系統,並擁有 SRT 與超聲波相結合的專利,該系統更深、更有效。

"The AAD Annual Meeting was the ideal forum to launch our new Fair Deal Agreement program, and the response among conference attendees exceeded our most optimistic expectations. We also generated a record-high number of sales leads for our portfolio of SRT products," said Joe Sardano, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sensus. "In particular during a challenging macroeconomic environment, a program such as this facilitates access to our industry-leading products and the unmatched, proven clinical results achieved with ultrasound under terms that work best for the customer. Coupled with our recently announced collaboration with CureRays to provide oversight and supervision to assure patient safety, quality, reliability of outcomes and conformance with regulatory requirements, we have by far the most compelling offering in the industry, and one that prospective customers have been asking about for years.

“AAD年會是啓動我們新的公平交易協議計劃的理想論壇,與會者的反應超出了我們最樂觀的預期。我們還爲我們的SRT產品組合創造了創紀錄的銷售線索。” Sensus董事長兼首席執行官喬·薩爾達諾說。“特別是在充滿挑戰的宏觀經濟環境中,這樣的計劃有助於在最適合客戶的條件下獲得我們行業領先的產品,以及超聲波取得的無與倫比的、經過驗證的臨床結果。再加上我們最近宣佈與CureRays合作,提供監督和監督,以確保患者的安全、質量、療效的可靠性並符合監管要求,我們擁有迄今爲止業內最具吸引力的產品,也是潛在客戶多年來一直在詢問的產品。

"Quite simply, we are now delivering the best technology under the best agreement while offering an economic choice.   Our proven technology has the simplest formula to treat non-melanoma skin cancer non-invasively and with the highest cure rate of up to 99.1%," he added. "This new option complements our long-standing capital equipment sales model and, more recently, our fair market value lease model, to expand our market. Our corporate and SRT Vision brands are well-established and highly-regarded in the industry, and dermatologists know they will get unmatched product quality, the best customer service and the most compelling value proposition with Sensus. We are delighted to have already entered into several contracts under the aptly-named Fair Deal Agreement."

“很簡單,我們現在正在根據最佳協議提供最好的技術,同時提供經濟的選擇。我們久經考驗的技術具有最簡單的配方,可以非侵入性地治療非黑色素瘤皮膚癌,治癒率最高可達99.1%,” 他補充說。“這個新選項補充了我們長期以來的資本設備銷售模式以及最近的公允市場價值租賃模式,以擴大我們的市場。我們的企業和 SRT Vision 品牌在業內享有盛譽並備受推崇,皮膚科醫生知道,他們將通過 Sensus 獲得無與倫比的產品質量、最佳的客戶服務和最具吸引力的價值主張。我們很高興已經根據恰當命名的公平交易協議簽訂了幾份合同。”

Sensus noted that the capabilities of the SRT-100 Vision, with image-guided ultrasound and Sentinel technology, make this new sales model possible. This HIPAA-compliant software with clinical, billing and asset-management utility allows utilization to be tracked in real time. This technology is ideal for better managing dermatology clinical practice, and is a Sensus Healthcare exclusive.

Sensus指出,SRT-100 Vision的功能,加上圖像引導超聲波和Sentinel技術,使這種新的銷售模式成爲可能。這款符合 HIPAA 標準的軟件具有臨床、計費和資產管理實用程序,可以實時跟蹤利用率。該技術是更好地管理皮膚科臨床實踐的理想之選,是 Sensus Healthcare 獨有的。

In addition, last year Sensus introduced an important new and improved high-resolution ultrasound technology to provide See & Treat capability. This leads to excellent clinical outcomes because the physician can see the impact of each treatment on the lesion, and lesion resolution following treatment.

此外,去年,Sensus 推出了一項經過改進的重要全新高分辨率超聲技術,以提供 See & Treat 功能。這可以帶來良好的臨床結果,因爲醫生可以看到每種治療對病變的影響,以及治療後的病變消失。

"We are in the early stages of tapping the enormous market opportunity for SRT just in non-melanoma skin cancer and keloids, and our technology has stood the test of time against many would-be competitive technologies that are more expensive, less effective and long gone," noted Mr. Sardano.   "Published studies have consistently shown that SRT clinical results are as good or better than Mohs surgery, while being non-invasive and leaving no scars. Those compelling clinical facts are why SRT and IG-SRT have become the No. 1 patient-preferred choice."


