


GlobeNewswire ·  03/14 06:00

Vancouver, B.C., March 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Keon Capital Inc. ("Keon" or the "Company") (TSXV: KEON.H) is pleased to provide an update respecting its previously announced transaction (the "Transaction") with Frame Holdings Inc. ("Frame") pursuant to which Keon will acquire all of the issued and outstanding Frame shares from the Frame shareholders (see Keon's news release dated November 6, 2023 announcing the execution of an LOI respecting the Transaction).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年3月13日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Keon Capital Inc.(“Keon” 或 “公司”)(TSXV:KEON.H)很高興提供其先前宣佈的與Frame Holdings Inc.(“Frame”)的交易(“交易”)的最新情況,根據該交易,Keon將從Frame股東手中收購所有已發行和流通的Frame股份(見Keon的新聞)發佈日期爲2023年11月6日,宣佈執行有關該交易的意向書)。

Transaction Agreements


Keon, Frame and 1469253 B.C. Ltd. ("Subco", a newly incorporated wholly-owned subsidiary of Keon) have now executed a business combination agreement (the "Business Combination Agreement") and an amalgamation agreement (the "Amalgamation Agreement"), each dated as of March 12, 2024. The Transaction is structured as a three-cornered amalgamation (the "Amalgamation"), with Frame amalgamating with Subco and becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keon. Shareholders of Frame will receive one common share in the capital of Keon in exchange for each outstanding common share of Frame held by them, with Keon expected to issue an aggregate of approximately 40,000,000 Keon shares (assuming the minimum Frame financing of $2,000,000) to the Frame shareholders under the Transaction.

Keon、Frame和1469253 B.C. Ltd.(“Subco”,Keon新成立的全資子公司)現已簽署了業務合併協議(“業務合併協議”)和合並協議(“合併協議”),每份協議的日期均爲2024年3月12日。該交易採用三角合併(“合併”)的結構,Frame與Subco合併,成爲Keon的全資子公司。Frame的股東將獲得Keon資本中的一股普通股,以換取他們持有的Frame的每股已發行普通股,根據該交易,Keon預計將向Frame股東共發行約4000萬股Keon股票(假設Frame的最低融資額爲200萬美元)。

In connection with the Transaction, Keon will conduct a 2.8:1 share consolidation of issued and outstanding Keon common shares (the "Keon Share Consolidation"), and any shares issued to Frame shareholders under the Transaction will be on a post-consolidation basis. In addition, prior to closing the Transaction Frame is expected to complete an equity financing having gross proceeds of no less than $2,000,000 and no more than $3,000,000 through the issuance of Frame common shares to participating investors at a price of $0.20 per share (the "Frame Private Placement"). The exact number of Keon shares to be issued to Frame shareholders under the Transaction will depend on the size of the Frame Private Placement. Keon intends to issue additional Keon shares to an arm's length third party finder, such number of shares to be the maximum allowable under Exchange policies and to be determined based on the number of Keon shares issued to Frame shareholders under the Transaction.

在本次交易中,Keon將對已發行和流通的Keon普通股進行2. 8:1 的股票合併(“Keon股票合併”),根據該交易向Frame股東發行的任何股票都將在合併後進行整合。此外,在交易框架結束之前,預計將通過以每股0.20美元的價格向參與的投資者發行Frame普通股(“框架私募配售”)來完成總收益不少於200萬美元且不超過300萬美元的股權融資。根據該交易向Frame股東發行的Keon股票的確切數量將取決於Frame私募的規模。Keon打算向獨立的第三方發現者發行額外的Keon股票,該數量將是交易所政策允許的最大數量,並將根據交易向Frame股東發行的Keon股票數量確定。

In connection with the Transaction, Frame has loaned Keon an aggregate of $20,000 for Transaction expenses pursuant to a loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement") between Keon and Frame dated as of January 9, 2024. The loan will accrue interest at 5% per annum, calculated and compounded monthly at the end of each calendar month. Keon may repay the loan and any interest payable thereon at an time, and shall be required to repay the loan and interest on or before the earlier of (a) the date which is 30 days from termination of the Business Combination Agreement for any reason; and (b) December 31, 2024.


Closing of the Transaction will be subject to a number of conditions, including completion of the Keon Share Consolidation, completion of the Frame Private Placement, approval of the Exchange, and approval of the amalgamation by the Frame shareholders.


The Transaction


The Transaction will be a "Change of Business" and "Reverse Takeover" for Keon under Policy 5.2 of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange"). The Transaction will not constitute a transaction with any "Non-Arm's Length Party" of Keon (as such term is defined by the Exchange). The Transaction is not a "related party transaction" as such term is defined by Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions and is not subject to Policy 5.9 of the Exchange. As a result, no meeting of the shareholders of Keon is required pursuant to Policy 5.2 of the Exchange or applicable securities laws.

根據多倫多證券交易所風險交易所(“交易所”)的第5.2號政策,該交易將是Keon的 “業務變更” 和 “反向收購”。該交易不構成與Keon的任何 “非正常交易方” 的交易(該術語由交易所定義)。該交易不是 “關聯方交易”,因爲該術語由多邊文書61-101所定義— 在特殊交易中保護少數證券持有人 並且不受聯交所第5.9號政策的約束。因此,根據交易所的政策5.2或適用的證券法,無需舉行Keon的股東大會。

Sponsorship of the Transaction may be required by the Exchange unless a waiver is granted by the Exchange. Keon intends to apply for a waiver of sponsorship; however, there can be no guarantee that a waiver will be granted.


About Frame

關於 Frame

Frame Holdings Inc., incorporated under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) in November 2022, is a start-up manufacturer and seller of tiny prefabricated homes using offsite construction based in North Vancouver, British Columbia. In 2023, Frame completed the prototype for its first flagship product, "Riverside", which is a 269 square foot tiny home complete with a murphy bed, full kitchen, bath and loft. Frame intends to stand out in the marketplace through elegant minimalist design and sustainable, socially-responsible practices through material sourcing and production efficiency. The company intends to sell to two primary customers segments: (a) direct to consumers (home owners) and (b) land bankers and property developers, offering a turnkey solution. No shareholder of Frame currently holds more than 7% of the issued and outstanding Frame shares.

Frame Holdings Inc.,根據 《商業公司法》 (不列顛哥倫比亞省)成立於2022年11月,是一家總部位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北溫哥華的使用場外建築的小型預製房屋的初創制造商和銷售商。2023年,Frame完成了其首款旗艦產品 “Riverside” 的原型,這是一個佔地269平方英尺的小房子,配有墨菲牀、設備齊全的廚房、浴室和閣樓。Frame打算通過優雅的極簡主義設計和通過材料採購和生產效率實現可持續的、具有社會責任感的做法在市場上脫穎而出。該公司打算向兩個主要客戶群進行銷售:(a)直接面向消費者(房主)和(b)土地銀行家和房地產開發商,提供一站式解決方案。目前,Frame的股東持有Frame已發行和流通股票的7%以上。

As will be reflected in Frame's audited financial statements for the financial year ended October 31, 2023 which will be included in the Company's filing statement to be prepared in connection with the Transaction, as at that date Frame had total assets of $547,084 (including cash of $235,537), total liabilities of $231,767, nil revenues and a net loss of $829,413.


The Resulting Issuer on Closing


On closing of the Transaction, the resulting issuer (the "Resulting Issuer") will be an "Industrial" issuer on the Exchange. The Resulting Issuer will be renamed "Frame Holdings Inc." or a similar name mutually acceptable to Keon and Frame, and trading of the Resulting Issuer's shares is expected to be under the Exchange symbol "HOME.V".

交易完成後,最終發行人(“最終發行人”)將成爲交易所的 “工業” 發行人。由此產生的發行人將更名爲 “Frame Holdings Inc.” 或Keon和Frame雙方都能接受的類似名稱,最終發行人的股票預計將以交易所代碼 “HOME.V” 進行交易。

The Resulting Issuer is expected to have the following directors and officers on closing of the Transaction:


Conor Power - Chief Executive Officer and Director

Conor Power-首席執行官兼董事

Conor Power is a venture capitalist who was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia. Over the last three years, Conor has successfully funded many early-stage startups, with the majority of his investments focused on health and wellness, consumer goods, online marketplaces, and technology.


Harry Nijjar - Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary

Harry Nijjar-首席財務官兼公司秘書

Harry Nijjar is currently a Managing Director with Malaspina Consultants Inc. and provides CFO and strategic financial advisory services to his clients across many industries, responsible for the financial reporting and other administrative functions. He holds a CPA CMA designation from the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia and a B.Comm. from the University of British Columbia.

哈里·尼賈爾目前是Malaspina Consultants Inc.的董事總經理,爲多個行業的客戶提供首席財務官和戰略財務諮詢服務,負責財務報告和其他管理職能。他擁有不列顛哥倫比亞省特許專業會計師協會的註冊會計師(CPA CMA)稱號和不列顛哥倫比亞大學的商學學士學位。

Chris Naychuk - Chief Operating Officer

Chris Naychuk-首席運營官

Chris Naychuk is a Professional Engineer with thirty years of construction/management experience. His expertise includes excellent communication skills, change leadership and project management, evidence-based decision making, corporate development, strategy and business development, business performance and lean manufacturing, corporate governance, as well as capital portfolio management and leasing. He currently serves as the Senior Director of Business Development for Mitsui Home Canada, specializing in the design/manufacture of prefabricated walls and stairs for large multi-family projects. Additionally, Chris's career includes roles as Director of Manufacturing for Lafarge Western Canada, Manager of Strategy & Business Development for Lafarge Western Canada, Manager of Financial Advisory Services at PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Corporate Engineer-In-Training at BC Hydro. He graduated from the University of Waterloo (Civil Engineering) with honors and completed his MBA in Finance from the Sauder School of Business.

Chris Naychuk 是一名專業工程師,擁有三十年的施工/管理經驗。他的專業知識包括出色的溝通技巧、變革領導力和項目管理、循證決策、企業發展、戰略和業務發展、業務績效和精益製造、公司治理以及資本組合管理和租賃。他目前擔任三井家居加拿大業務發展高級董事,專門爲大型多戶住宅項目設計/製造預製牆和樓梯。此外,Chris的職業生涯還包括擔任加拿大西部拉法基製造總監、加拿大西部拉法基戰略與業務發展經理、普華永道財務諮詢服務經理以及BC Hydro的企業培訓工程師。他以優異成績畢業於滑鐵盧大學(土木工程),並在桑德商學院完成了金融學工商管理碩士學位。

Kent Patenaude - Director

Kent Patenaude-董事

Kent Patenaude is a Cree Status Indian from the Sucker Creek First Nation with a background in Business Administration. He currently serves as the Director of Business Development for Lu'ma Development Management (LDM), specializing in social purpose real estate projects in Canada. With extensive experience in senior Indigenous relations and engagement positions, Kent has successfully developed and maintained relationships with Indigenous communities while ensuring cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in various projects. Additionally, he has been the President of the Board for Lu'ma Native Housing Society for the past 11 years.


Chief Roy Whitney - Director


Chief Roy Whitney Onespot is the current Chief of the Tsuut'ina Nation, a First Nation community located just outside of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, a position he was first elected to in 1984 has held cumulatively for 36 years. Chief Roy is also a successful businessman, having established and run an Aboriginal consulting firm, Wynterose Consulting Group Ltd., from 2001 to 2012, that provided Indigenous consultation and engagement services to major corporations and projects, including Enbridge Pipelines Inc, Northern Gateway Pipeline Project, and Shell Canada, among others. He has also held many prominent positions in the resources industry including Director of Aboriginal Relations for a division of BP Canada, Husky Energy, and Norant Resources. In addition to his chieftainship, and his business ventures, Chief Roy has held many board positions including Chairman National Aboriginal Economic Development Board, Calgary Stampede, Niechie Institute, National Parole Board, Prime Minister's Dinner Co-Chair, Chief Board Member Alberta Gaming, Calgary Economic Development Authority and the First Nations Bank of Canada, and he is currently a member of BMO Bank of Canada's Indigenous Advisory Council.

酋長羅伊·惠特尼·奧內斯波特是Tsuut'ina Nation的現任首領。Tsuut'ina是一個位於加拿大艾伯塔省卡爾加里郊外的原住民社區,他在1984年首次當選該職位已累計擔任了36年。羅伊酋長也是一位成功的商人,他在2001年至2012年期間成立並經營了一家原住民諮詢公司Wynterose Consulting Group Ltd.,該公司爲包括Enbridge Pipelines Inc、Northern Gateway管道項目和加拿大殼牌公司等大型公司和項目提供土著諮詢和參與服務。他還曾在資源行業擔任過許多重要職務,包括加拿大石油公司、赫斯基能源和諾蘭特資源分部原住民關係總監。除了擔任酋長職務和從事商業活動外,羅伊酋長還擔任過許多董事會職務,包括全國原住民經濟發展委員會主席、卡爾加里牛仔節主席、Niechie研究所、全國假釋委員會主席、總理晚宴聯席主席、艾伯塔博彩、卡爾加里經濟發展局和加拿大原住民銀行首席董事會成員,他目前是BMO加拿大銀行土著顧問委員會的成員。

Nader Vatanchi - Director


Nader Vatanchi has spent a decade in finance, starting with Edward Jones and IG Wealth Management in 2012 where he spent a combined six years before selling his business to pursue his entrepreneurial goals. He currently serves as CEO of the Company, CEO of Musk Metals Corp. (CSE: MUSK) and CEO of Forty Pillars Mining Corp. (CSE: PLLR). Nader graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in Criminology from Simon Fraser University.


Ashish Misquith - Director

Ashish Misquith -董事

Ashish Misquith has extensive experience in business development and start-ups. He has invested in multiple private and public companies and IPOs (initial public offerings). He is the founder of Swiftgrade, an artificial intelligence (AI) application that allows teachers to grade students in a timely and efficient manner. Ashish is an advocate for continuous education and is a former semi-professional tennis player.


Trading of the common shares of Keon will remain halted in connection with the dissemination of this news release and will recommence at such time as the Exchange may determine, having regard to the completion of certain requirements pursuant to Exchange Policy 5.2. Further details respecting the proposed Transaction will follow in future news releases.


The Transaction


On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Nader Vatanchi"


Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 778.881.4631




Completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including but not limited to, Exchange acceptance and if applicable, disinterested shareholder approval. Where applicable, the Transaction cannot close until the required shareholder approval is obtained. There can be no assurance that the Transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.


Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the management information circular or filing statement to be prepared in connection with the Transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of Keon should be considered highly speculative.


The TSX Venture Exchange Inc. has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release.

TSX Venture Exchange Inc. 絲毫沒有透露擬議交易的優點,也沒有批准或不批准本新聞稿的內容。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


