
Update on BTU Dixie Halo Project - Kinross (Great Bear) Option

Update on BTU Dixie Halo Project - Kinross (Great Bear) Option

BTU Dixie Halo 項目的最新消息-Kinross(Great Bear)選項
Accesswire ·  03/13 20:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 13, 2024 / BTU METALS CORP. ("BTU" or the "Company") (TSX-V:BTU)(OTCQB:BTUMF) announces updates on the exploration work completed on the Dixie Halo Project optioned to Kinross Gold Corporation (K-TSX). Kinross holds their interests in the area in a wholly owned subsidiary Great Bear Resources Ltd. ("GBR"). The Company's Dixie Halo project is a strategic, large land position adjacent to the world class Great Bear gold deposit southeast of the main Red Lake Gold camp area in northwestern Ontario.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 3 月 13 日/BTU 金屬公司(“BTU” 或 “公司”)(TSX-V: BTU)(OTCQB: BTUMF)宣佈了金羅斯黃金公司(K-TSX)選擇的Dixie Halo項目已完成勘探工作的最新情況。金羅斯在一家全資子公司大熊資源有限公司(“GBR”)中持有該地區的權益。該公司的Dixie Halo項目是一個戰略性的大地塊,毗鄰安大略省西北部主要紅湖金礦區東南部的世界級大熊金礦牀。

The Dixie Halo Project is located adjacent to Kinross' Great Bear project (the "Great Bear Project") where Kinross has budgeted $85 million for 2024 for the continuing exploration and development of what they refer to as a world class gold deposit. Kinross continues to expand the envelope of the known gold mineralization down-dip and along strike and they have also announced plans to explore outside the known mineralization this year. Kinross recently announced deep drill hole results on the Great Bear Project that included an intersection of 389.57 g/t gold over a 4.4 m core length (Drill hole BR843AC1A).

Dixie Halo項目毗鄰金羅斯的大熊項目(“大熊項目”),金羅斯已在2024年預算8500萬美元,用於繼續勘探和開發他們所謂的世界級金礦牀。Kinross繼續擴大已知金礦化的範圍,包括向下和沿走向,他們還宣佈了今年在已知礦化區之外進行勘探的計劃。金羅斯最近公佈了大熊項目的深鑽結果,其中包括在岩心長度爲4.4米(BR843AC1A 鑽孔)上鑽出389.57克/噸金的交叉點。

Exploration Summary and Exploration Plan for 2024

2024 年勘探摘要和勘探計劃

A state-of-the-art airborne magnetic survey was completed in late 2023 using the same contractor (Geotech Ltd.) and the same airborne geophysical system as was used at the Great Bear project to provide a seamless, consistent high-quality airborne magnetic dataset to generate a solid base for updated geophysical interpretation and geological correlation across the Great Bear and Dixie Halo projects. Detailed interpretation of the data is ongoing.

2023年底,使用了與Great Bear項目相同的承包商(Geotech Ltd.)和相同的航空地球物理系統,完成了一項最先進的機載磁場測量,以提供無縫、一致的高質量機載磁數據集,爲Great Bear和Dixie Halo項目的最新地球物理解釋和地質關聯奠定堅實的基礎。對數據的詳細解釋正在進行中。

GBR is continuing work under the Option Agreement including an ongoing program of re-logging and sampling of all of the BTU drill core using its ever-expanding experience and geological knowledge they have amassed in relation to the gold mineralization at the Great Bear project. GBR will use the sampling protocols used at Great Bear to provide a more comprehensive and complete understanding of the geology and alteration on the Dixie Halo project and to provide an expanded basis for the correlation of geological units and alteration throughout the area.

GBR正在繼續根據期權協議開展工作,包括一項正在進行的計劃,利用其在Great Bear項目金礦化方面積累的不斷擴大的經驗和地質知識,對所有BTU鑽芯進行重新記錄和採樣。GBR將使用Great Bear使用的採樣協議來更全面、更全面地了解Dixie Halo項目的地質和蝕變,併爲整個地區地質單位和蝕變的關聯提供更廣泛的基礎。

GBR plans to complete a geological review and sampling of various outcrop areas of interest on Dixie Halo including some of the areas worked in the past by BTU.

GBR計劃完成對Dixie Halo上各種露頭區域的地質審查和取樣,包括BTU過去曾工作過的一些區域。

As the various review, relogging and sampling results are received and compiled by GBR, an initial core drilling program will be planned and GBR expects to be in a position to execute an initial drill program once it has secured an exploration permit from the Ontario government.


Under the option agreement GBR is required to spend not less than $2.7 million over the first three years and a total of $4.7 million to earn a 70% interest in the Dixie Halo property. The BTU-GBR option agreement closed on February 22, 2023.

根據期權協議,GBR必須在前三年中花費不少於270萬美元,總共花費470萬美元才能獲得Dixie Halo房產70%的權益。BTU-GBR 期權協議於 2023 年 2 月 22 日結束。

BTU CEO Paul Wood commented; "We are very pleased to be working with Kinross and the Great Bear project team as they carry on the exploration of the Dixie Halo project. We are excited to be involved as they apply their expertise to continue the evaluation of the best places to explore on the Dixie Halo project. We look forward to them defining the best available gold targets and then drill testing those targets. The knowledge and expertise they bring to the further evaluation of the Dixie Halo project are invaluable, given they are the experts at defining the structure, alteration and gold mineralization in the area."

BTU 首席執行官保羅·伍德評論說:“我們很高興能與金羅斯和大熊項目團隊合作,繼續探索 Dixie Halo 項目。我們很高興能參與其中,他們運用自己的專業知識繼續評估Dixie Halo項目中的最佳探索地點。我們期待他們確定最佳的可用黃金目標,然後對這些目標進行鑽探測試。他們爲進一步評估Dixie Halo項目帶來的知識和專業知識非常寶貴,因爲他們是定義該地區結構、蝕變和金礦化的專家。”

BTU has now received the $300,000 anniversary payment from GBR under the Purchase Agreement, bringing the Company's cash balance to approximately $1.7M.


February 2023 transactions with GBR

2023 年 2 月與 GBR 的交易

The Transactions entered into by BTU and GBR, in late February 2023 included: (i) a purchase agreement pursuant to which GBR acquired from BTU certain unpatented mining claims located in the Kenora District of Ontario, with BTU continuing to participate in those lands through a newly created royalty payable to BTU; (ii) an option agreement, which provides GBR with an option to earn a 70% interest in certain unpatented mining claims held by BTU located in the Kenora District of Ontario; and (iii) a subscription agreement pursuant to which GBR purchased 25,000,000 common shares of BTU at a purchase price of CAD$0.05 per common share.

BTU 和 GBR 於 2023 年 2 月下旬達成的交易包括:(i) 一項收購協議,根據該協議,GBR 從 BTU 手中收購了位於安大略省凱諾拉區的某些未獲專利的採礦索賠,BTU 繼續通過新設的應付給 BTU 的特許權使用費參與這些土地;(ii) 期權協議,該協議爲GBR提供了從BTU持有的位於凱諾拉的某些非專利採礦索賠中獲得 70% 權益的選擇權安大略特區;以及(iii)訂閱協議,根據該協議,GBR購買了25,000,000BTU的普通股,每股普通股的收購價格爲0.05加元。

Asset Acquisition


The Company entered into a purchase agreement with GBR, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kinross, for the purchase (the "Acquisition") of certain unpatented mining claims located in the Kenora District of Ontario (the "Acquisition Properties"). The Acquisition Properties had a total area of 2,637 hectares and consisted of 39 Boundary Cell Mining Claims and 76 Single Cell Mining Claims located to the south of the Great Bear Project, as well as 2 Multi-cell Mining Claims located to the north of the Great Bear Project. BTU holds Net Smelter Royalties from 1.5% to 2.5% on these properties as well as underlying royalty buy back rights.

該公司與Kinross的全資子公司GBR簽訂了收購協議,以收購(“收購”)位於安大略省凱諾拉區的某些未獲專利的採礦索賠(“收購物業”)。收購地產總面積爲2637公頃,包括位於大熊項目以南的39份邊界單元採礦索賠和76份單細胞採礦索賠,以及位於大熊項目以北的2份多單元採礦索賠。BTU 將這些物業的淨冶煉廠特許權使用費以及基礎特許權使用費回購權持有 1.5% 至 2.5% 不等。

The consideration payable by GBR pursuant to the Acquisition was: (i) CAD$1,550,000 in cash, with CAD$1,250,000 due immediately on closing and an additional CAD$300,000 due on the one-year anniversary of the closing date (received February 2024), and (ii) GBR issued to the Company a variable 1.5% - 2.5% NSR royalty on the Acquisition Properties (the "Royalty"), such that each Acquisition Property will have a cumulative total 4% NSR royalty attached to it upon the grant of the Royalty, once combined with the existing royalties payable over and in respect of the Acquisition Property. BTU will maintain any existing third-party royalty buy-back rights in respect of the Acquisition Properties.

根據此次收購,GBR應支付的對價爲:(i)155萬加元的現金,125萬加元在收盤時立即到期,另外300,000加元將在截止日期(2024年2月收到)一週年之際到期;(ii)GBR向公司發放了收購物業的1.5%至2.5%的NSR特許權使用費(“特許權使用費”),因此每處收購物業的累計總額將達到1.5%至2.5% 授予特許權使用費時附帶的4%的NSR特許權使用費,一旦與現有特許權使用費相結合收購財產。BTU 將保留與收購物業相關的任何現有第三方特許權使用費回購權。

Figure 1: Map showing the Acquisition Properties, Optioned Properties ase well as Kinross' properties and the BTU/GoldON Pakwash properties. The Great Bear Project mineral resource is located on the northern Kinross property on this map.

圖 1:顯示收購房產、可選房產以及金羅斯房產和 BTU/Goldon Pakwash 屬性的地圖。在這張地圖上,大熊項目礦產資源位於金羅斯北部的礦產上。

The Acquisition was an arm's length transaction pursuant to the policies of the TSX-V.


About the Option Agreement


The Company entered into a property option agreement (the "Option Agreement") with GBR, pursuant to which GBR has been granted the right to acquire an undivided 70% interest in and to 757 mining claims (12 Boundary Cell Mining Claims, 3 Multi-cell Mining Claims, and 742 Single Cell Mining Claims) covering approximately 16,410 hectares of land, located in the Kenora District of Ontario (the "Optioned Properties").


Pursuant to the terms of the Option Agreement, GBR has the option to acquire the 70% interest in the Optioned Properties in consideration for completing cash payments or exploration expenditures on the Optioned Properties, being: (i) CAD$2,700,000 in expenditures, to be incurred by GBR on or before the date that is 36 months from the effective date of the Option Agreement, and (ii) a further CAD$2,000,000 of expenditures, to be incurred by GBR in its sole discretion within 48 months from the effective date of the Option Agreement.

根據期權協議的條款,GBR可以選擇收購期權物業的70%權益,作爲完成期權物業的現金支付或勘探支出的對價,即:(i)2700,000加元的支出,由GBR在期權協議生效之日起36個月當天或之前支出,以及(ii)GBR在以下方面產生的額外200萬加元支出自期權協議生效之日起 48 個月內自行決定。

In connection with a private placement in February 2023, GBR acquired 25,000,000 Common Shares. Pursuant to the private placement GBR held an aggregate of 25,000,000 Common Shares representing approximately 17.5% of the current issued and outstanding common shares on a non-diluted basis of the Company.

在 2023 年 2 月的私募中,GBR 收購了 25,000,000 股普通股。根據私募配售,GBR共持有25,000,000股普通股,約佔公司當前未攤薄已發行和流通普通股的17.5%。

About BTU

關於 BTU

BTU Metals Corp. is a junior mining exploration company focused on the Dixie Halo Project located in Red Lake, Ontario immediately adjacent to the Great Bear Project. The Company has no debt, no property obligations and maintains a cash balance of approximately $1.7M.

BTU Metals Corp. 是一家初級礦業勘探公司,專注於位於安大略省紅湖的Dixie Halo項目,緊鄰大熊項目。該公司沒有債務,沒有財產債務,現金餘額約爲170萬美元。

"Paul Wood"
Paul Wood, CEO, Director


BTU Metals Corp.
Telephone: 1-604-683-3995
Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770

BTU 金屬公司

Cautionary Statement


Trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Neither the TSX-V nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX-V) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws that are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. The information in this release about future plans and objectives of the Company are forward-looking information. Other forward-looking information includes but is not limited to information concerning: the intentions, plans and future actions of the Company.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券法所指的某些 “前瞻性信息”,這些信息基於截至本新聞發佈之日的預期、估計和預測。本新聞稿中有關公司未來計劃和目標的信息是前瞻性信息。其他前瞻性信息包括但不限於有關以下方面的信息:公司的意圖、計劃和未來行動。

Any statements that involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance (often but not always using phrases such as "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans", "budget", "scheduled", "forecasts", "estimates", "believes" or "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or results "may" or "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken to occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking information and are intended to identify forward-looking information.

任何涉及預測、預期、信念、計劃、預測、目標、假設、未來事件或績效的討論的陳述(通常但不總是使用 “期望” 或 “不期望”、“預期” 或 “預期”、“預期” 或 “未預期”、“計劃”、“預算”、“預期”、“預期”、“預期”、“預期”、“預期”、“預期”、“計劃”、“預期”、“預期”、“預計”、“相信” 或 “打算” 等短語或此類詞語的變體,短語或陳述 “可能” 或 “可能”、“將”、“可能” 或 “將” 被認爲發生或實現)不是陳述歷史事實,可能是前瞻性信息,旨在識別前瞻性信息。

This forward-looking information is based on reasonable assumptions and estimates of management of the Company at the time it was made, and involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such factors include, among others: risks relating to the global economic climate; dilution; future capital needs and uncertainty of additional financing; the competitive nature of the industry; currency exchange risks; the need for the Company to manage its planned growth and expansion; the effects of product development; protection of proprietary rights; the effect of government regulation and compliance on the Company and the industry; reliance on key personnel; global economic and financial market deterioration impeding access to capital or increasing the cost of capital; and volatile securities markets impacting security pricing unrelated to operating performance. The Company has also assumed that no significant events occur outside of the normal course of business. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking information other than as required by law.


SOURCE: BTU Metals Corp.

來源:BTU 金屬公司

