


361 度 (1361.HK):以明星產品和贊助爲主導的轉機
招银国际 ·  03/13

We initiate BUY on 361 Degrees with TP of HK$6.23 based on 10x FY24E P/E. We forecast 16%/20% sales/ NP CAGRs in FY22-25E vs 7%/20% during FY19-22, driven by major improvements in: 1) star products and endorsement quality, 2) offline store images and e-commerce strategy, and 3) kids business. Noted that 361 Degrees' YTD returns was 25%, the highest among all peers.

根據 FY24E 市盈率的10倍,我們啓動361度買入,目標價爲6.23港元。我們預測,FY22-25E 的銷售額/淨複合年增長率爲16%/20%,而FY19-22 期間的複合年增長率爲7%/20%,這得益於以下方面的重大改善:1)明星產品和代言質量的重大改善,2)線下商店圖片和電子商務策略,以及3)兒童業務的重大改善。注意到361 Degrees的年初至今回報率爲25%,是所有同行中最高的。

361 Degrees is the 4th-largest domestic sportswear brands in China. 361 Degrees (1361 HK) is the 4th-largest domestic sportswear company, with a 3.1% market share in China in 2022, estimated by Euromonitor. It had a store network of around 5,480 adult stores and 2,288 kids stores in FY22, which generated sales and net profit of about RMB7.0bn and RMB747mn.


The brand has successfully turned around, thanks to rebranding. We find 361 Degrees' 2019 rebranding strategy successful. Since 2Q22, its retail sales growth has started to outperform with an improved sell-through rate. Not only its inventory and receivable days have improved significantly since FY18, store expansion has started to resume since FY20. Moreover, its e-commerce and kids businesses are growing at an even faster rate.

得益於品牌重塑,該品牌成功扭轉了局面。我們發現361 Degrees的2019年品牌重塑戰略取得了成功。自22年第二季度以來,其零售銷售增長已開始跑贏大盤,銷售率有所提高。自2018財年以來,不僅其庫存和應收賬款天數顯著改善,而且自20財年以來門店擴張已開始恢復。此外,其電子商務和兒童業務正以更快的速度增長。

Solid product upgrades around running and basketball. By increasing its R&D expense ratio and focusing on a smaller number of SKUs, the star product launches have been highly successful. Hence, the ASP for footwear/apparel managed to grow by a 5.2%/4.8% CAGR during FY19-22. Going forward, we continue to be upbeat about the launches of more innovative running shoes and basketball series built around Nikola Jokic.

跑步和籃球方面的可靠產品升級。通過提高研發費用比率並專注於較少數量的SKU,明星產品的發佈取得了巨大成功。因此,在 FY19-22 期間,鞋類/服裝的 ASP 成功增長了 5.2%/4.8% 的複合年增長率。展望未來,我們將繼續對圍繞尼古拉·約基奇打造的更具創新性的跑鞋和籃球系列的推出持樂觀態度。

Upgrading its "professional" image and build a stronger tie with young customers. The sponsorship for the Asian Games was fairly influential, which has effectively shaped its professional image and showcased its new and innovative products. And the self-owned sports events"3#Track/三号 赛道"and"Light Up/触地即燃"are also highly rewarding, as they have helped the brand build a strong bond with targeted customers.

提升其 “專業” 形象,與年輕客戶建立更牢固的聯繫。對亞運會的贊助具有相當大的影響力,這有效地塑造了其專業形象,並展示了其新的創新產品。而且,自有體育賽事 “3 #Track /三號賽道” 和 “Light up/contraggourgeizeaBun” 也獲得了豐厚的回報,因爲它們幫助品牌與目標客戶建立了牢固的聯繫。

We foresee a 16% sales and 20% NP CAGR during FY22-25E. Key drivers are: 1) solid sales from new products (aided by upgrades in design and brand equity), 2) increases in 9th-gen stores, which has a sharper store image, larger area and lower capex, 3) robust e-commerce sales growth, due to excellent A&P and exclusive product strategy, 4) strong kids business growth and 5) great resilience under consumption downgrades.

我們預計,在 FY22-25E 期間,銷售額將達到16%,淨複合年增長率爲20%。關鍵驅動因素是:1)新產品的穩健銷售(得益於設計和品牌資產的升級);2)第9代門店的增長,其門店形象更清晰,面積更大,資本支出更低;3)強勁的電子商務銷售增長,這要歸功於出色的A&P和獨家產品策略;4)強勁的兒童業務增長以及5)消費下調時表現出色的彈性。

Initiate with BUY and TP of HK$6.23, because we find its turnaround rather solid, hence a 16% sales and 20% NP CAGR should be achievable in FY22-25E. We think current valuation of 7.0x FY24E P/E is still attractive, as it has a 29% discount to China sportswear average. Our TP is based on 10x FY24E P/E, about 1 s.d. higher than its 5 years average of 7x, roughly at par with peers' average. Note that 45% of its market cap is net cash.

一開始買入和目標價爲6.23港元,因爲我們發現它的轉機相當穩健,因此,在 FY22-25E 中,應該可以實現16%的銷售額和20%的淨複合年增長率。我們認爲,目前估值爲7.0倍 FY24E 市盈率仍然具有吸引力,因爲它比中國運動服的平均水平折扣了29%。我們的目標收益基於 FY24E 市盈率的10倍,比其5年平均水平的7倍高出約1秒,與同行的平均水平大致持平。請注意,其市值的45%是淨現金。

