
Earnings Call Summary | Synchronoss Technologies(SNCR.US) Q4 2023 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Synchronoss Technologies(SNCR.US) Q4 2023 Earnings Conference

業績電話會議摘要 | Synchronoss Technologies (SNCR.US) 2023 年第四季度業績發佈會
富途資訊 ·  03/13 09:58  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (SNCR) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是 Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (SNCR) 2023年第四季度業績電話會議記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Synchronoss Technologies reported Q4 revenue of $41.4 million, leading to full year revenue of $164.2 million, exceeding expectations.

  • The firm was able to achieve a positive net cash flow of $2.7 million in fiscal 2023 and further reduce annual costs by an additional $15 million for fiscal 2024.

  • Profit in Q4 increased 2.5% to $26.5 million, representing 63.9% of total revenue.

  • Net loss in Q4 was $35 million or $3.56 per share compared to a net loss of $15.9 million or $1.66 per share in Q4 2022. For the full year, net loss was $64.5 million or $6.62 per share.

  • Adjusted EBITDA in Q4 increased 127% to $10 million. For the full year, adjusted EBITDA increased 13.5% to $31.4 million.

  • For FY 2024, they anticipate GAAP revenue to range between $170 million and $175 million, and adjusted EBITDA between $42 million and $45 million.

  • Synchronoss Technologies公佈的第四季度收入爲4,140萬美元,使全年收入達到1.642億美元,超出預期。

  • 該公司得以在2023財年實現270萬澳元的正淨現金流,並在2024財年進一步減少1500萬美元的年度成本。

  • 第四季度的利潤增長了2.5%,達到2650萬美元,佔總收入的63.9%。

  • 第四季度的淨虧損爲3500萬美元,合每股虧損3.56美元,而2022年第四季度的淨虧損爲1,590萬美元,合每股虧損1.66美元。全年淨虧損爲6,450萬美元,合每股虧損6.62美元。

  • 第四季度調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤增長了127%,達到1,000萬美元。全年調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤增長了13.5%,至3,140萬美元。

  • 他們預計2024財年的GAAP收入將在1.7億美元至1.75億美元之間,調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤將在4200萬美元至4,500萬美元之間。

Business Progress:


  • Synchronoss ended 2023 by becoming the world's premier global personal cloud solutions provider after divesting noncore Messaging and NetworkX businesses to Lumine Group in Q4.

  • Over 75% of total revenue is now under contracts with at least four-year terms

  • In Q4, Synchronoss saw subscriber growth of 9% year-over-year with the addition of SoftBank subscribers which crosses 100 million subscribers across its brands.

  • The company plans to focus on protecting and growing this subscriber base, expanding its global customer base, and delivering new anchor features in 2024.

  • The firm launched SoftBank's Anshin Data Box, powered by Synchronoss Personal Cloud, which has been well received.

  • Subscriber growth is expected to be in the high single to low double digits in 2024. Cloud revenue, up 3% YoY in Q4, is projected to comprise 100% of revenue in 2024.

  • 在第四季度將非核心消息和NetworkX業務剝離給Lumine集團之後,Synchronoss在2023年底成爲全球首屈一指的全球個人雲解決方案提供商。

  • 現在,超過75%的總收入是根據合同簽訂的,期限至少爲四年

  • 在第四季度,Synchronoss的訂戶同比增長了9%,軟銀增加了其品牌的訂閱量超過1億。

  • 該公司計劃在2024年專注於保護和擴大這一訂戶群,擴大其全球客戶群,並提供新的主要功能。

  • 該公司推出了由Synchronoss個人雲提供支持的軟銀的Anshin Data Box,廣受好評。

  • 預計到2024年,訂戶增長將處於較高的個位數至低兩位數。雲收入在第四季度同比增長3%,預計將在2024年佔收入的100%。

更多詳情: 同步科技 IR

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