
The United Federation of Teachers Partners With Vibrant Emotional Health to Launch Groundbreaking Mental Health Helpline for Nearly 200,000 Educators

The United Federation of Teachers Partners With Vibrant Emotional Health to Launch Groundbreaking Mental Health Helpline for Nearly 200,000 Educators

教師聯合會與Vibrant Emotional Health合作,爲近20萬名教育工作者開通了開創性的心理健康求助熱線
PR Newswire ·  03/12 21:00

Supporting the mental health of New York City educators is crucial if they are to be at their best to meet the needs of more than 900,000 public school students every day


NEW YORK, March 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vibrant Emotional Health (Vibrant), one of the nation's leading mental health organizations, announces a new partnership with the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) to introduce transformative mental health and emotional well-being helpline 1-800-UFT-FOR-U designed for nearly 200,000 union members. This partnership, backed by a three-year contract, represents a significant advancement in providing immediate crisis intervention, mental health resources, and general emotional support services to union members in need.

紐約,2024年3月12日 /PRNewswire/ — 美國領先的心理健康組織之一Vibrant Emotional Health(Vibrant)宣佈與教師聯合會(UFT)建立新的合作伙伴關係,推出專爲近20萬名工會成員設計的變革性心理健康和情感健康求助熱線1-800-UFT-FOR-U。這種夥伴關係以一份爲期三年的合同爲後盾,代表着在向有需要的工會成員提供即時危機干預、心理健康資源和一般情感支持服務方面取得了重大進展。

With the initial launch on March 12, 2024, followed by several phases throughout the coming weeks, the helpline will roll out support services for its members through call, text and chat options. The new helpline will offer 24/7/365 expanded emotional and crisis support to address the diverse mental health needs of New York City non-supervisor educators and school workers, including teachers, classroom aides, school administrative workers, counselors, and school nurses. With this partnership, Vibrant and the UFT aim to bolster mental health resources and promote emotional well-being throughout the education system in New York City.


"At Vibrant Emotional Health, we are committed to breaking down barriers to mental health care and ensuring that support is readily available to those who need it most," said Lisa Furst, Chief Programs Officer at Vibrant Emotional Health. "We are proud to join forces with the United Federation of Teachers to launch this innovative helpline, which will serve as a lifeline for educators and front-line workers, offering compassionate assistance during times of crisis and beyond."

“在Vibrant Emotional Health,我們致力於打破心理保健的障礙,並確保最需要的人隨時獲得支持,” Vibrant Emotional Health首席項目官麗莎·弗斯特說。“我們很自豪能與教師聯合會合作推出這條創新的求助熱線,它將成爲教育工作者和一線工作人員的生命線,在危機時期及以後提供富有同情心的幫助。”

The new 24/7/365 helpline is the brainchild of the UFT's Member Assistance Program (MAP), which provides free, confidential, voluntary counseling to UFT members and their families. MAP has seen a 50% increase in calls for assistance in the last eight months alone. While MAP expanded to meet post-pandemic needs, MAP leaders recognized union members needed access to support on holidays, after hours, and seven days a week. With the support of Vibrant, a leader in the field, MAP launched this dedicated helpline for UFT members and their families, staffed by counselors specifically trained to handle the needs of this population.


"UFT members are under stress like never before. Our members know they can come to MAP for confidential expert support. The partnership between UFT/MAP and Vibrant creates more opportunities and a new way to provide vital support whenever a member is in need," said Michael Mulgrew, President of the United Federation of Teachers.

“UFT成員承受着前所未有的壓力。我們的成員知道他們可以來MAP尋求機密的專家支持。UFT/MAP和Vibrant之間的合作伙伴關係創造了更多機會,也是一種在成員需要時提供重要支持的新方式,” 教師聯合會主席邁克爾·穆爾格魯說

According to a survey sponsored by the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers in 2023, teachers reported better well-being in January 2023 than in prior years, and rates of job-related stress have returned to pre-pandemic levels. However, teachers continue to report worse well-being than the general population of working adults. By investing in comprehensive support systems and promoting a culture of well-being for teachers, we can create healthier, more sustainable educational environments that benefit them and students alike. Vibrant is committed to working with other cities nationwide to prioritize educators' mental health needs.

根據一個 調查 由全國教育協會和美國教師聯合會於2023年贊助,教師報告稱,2023年1月的健康狀況比往年好,與工作相關的壓力率已恢復到疫情前的水平。但是,教師繼續報告說,他們的健康狀況比普通在職成年人差。通過投資全面的支持系統和促進教師的幸福文化,我們可以創造更健康、更可持續的教育環境,使他們和學生都受益。Vibrant 致力於與全國其他城市合作,優先考慮教育工作者的心理健康需求。

"To meet the needs of our membership, we needed to be able to provide quality, experienced support outside the traditional workday. By providing a cadre of Vibrant counselors specially trained to support the needs and experiences of UFT members, we can provide crisis support in multiple languages, 24/7, seven days a week," said Tina Puccio, LCSW, Director of the UFT Member Assistance Program.

“爲了滿足會員的需求,我們需要能夠在傳統工作日之外提供優質、經驗豐富的支持。通過提供一支經過專門培訓的Vibrant顧問隊伍,以支持UFT成員的需求和經驗,我們可以每週七天全天候以多種語言提供危機支持,” UFT會員援助計劃董事LCSW的蒂娜·普西奧說。

The helpline will provide confidential crisis intervention, emotional support, and information referral services, catering to the unique needs of the education community. Trained professionals will be available around the clock, in multiple languages, to offer guidance, resources, and a listening ear to individuals experiencing mental health challenges or emotional distress.


By prioritizing educators' mental health and providing them with the necessary support and resources, all these professional settings can create a more positive and conducive working environment for all staff members. This will ultimately benefit educators and students by promoting mental health awareness, reducing stigma, and ensuring all education community members have the support they need to thrive.


For more information about Vibrant Emotional Health, please visit .

有關充滿活力的情緒健康的更多信息,請訪問 。

About Vibrant Emotional Health
Vibrant Emotional Health is a non-profit organization that helps individuals and families achieve emotional wellbeing. For over 50 years, our groundbreaking solutions have delivered high-quality services and support when, where and how people need it. We offer confidential emotional support through our state-of-the-art contact center and crisis hotline services that use leading-edge telephone, text and web-based technologies, including the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, Disaster Distress Helpline, Veterans Crisis Line, and NFL Life Line. Through our community wellness programs, individuals and families obtain the support and skills they need to thrive. Our advocacy and education initiatives promote mental wellbeing as a social responsibility. We help nearly 5 million people live healthier and more vibrant lives yearly. We're advancing access, dignity and respect for all and revolutionizing the system for good. Visit Follow Vibrant on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

活力情感健康是一家非營利組織,旨在幫助個人和家庭實現情感健康。50 多年來,我們的開創性解決方案隨時隨地爲人們提供高質量的服務和支持。我們通過最先進的聯絡中心和危機熱線服務提供保密的情感支持,這些服務使用尖端的電話、短信和網絡技術,包括988自殺和危機生命線、災難求救熱線、退伍軍人危機熱線和NFL生命熱線。通過我們的社區健康計劃,個人和家庭獲得蓬勃發展所需的支持和技能。我們的宣傳和教育計劃將心理健康視爲一項社會責任。我們每年幫助近500萬人過上更健康、更有活力的生活。我們正在促進所有人的准入、尊嚴和尊重,並徹底革新系統。參觀。繼續關注 Vibrant 推特Facebook,以及 Instagram

About The United Federation of Teachers
The United Federation of Teachers represents nearly 200,000 public and private sector union members in New York City and is committed to strengthening our communities, our professions, and the lives of our members and students. In 2009, the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) started the Member Assistance Program (MAP). UFT provides a range of mental health support services to nearly 200,000 in-service UFT members and their families. Most UFT services are free, and all are confidential, professional, and voluntary. The staff at UFT are uniquely qualified and trained mental health professionals to serve New York City's school communities and are clinically trained to specifically support and advocate for the emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing of all union members. These include most school staff, NYC Public School Teachers, Paraprofessionals, School Psychologists & Social Workers, Guidance counselors, Childcare Providers, Nurses, Occupational, Physical & Speech therapists, School Secretaries, Home instructors, UFT Retirees, and UFT Employees.


SOURCE Vibrant Emotional Health


