
NFL Icon Ricky Williams Enters Hemp Space With The Launch Of Delta-8, Delta-9 And Alternative CBD Products

NFL Icon Ricky Williams Enters Hemp Space With The Launch Of Delta-8, Delta-9 And Alternative CBD Products

Benzinga ·  03/08 21:19

Marijuana brand, Highsman, founded by former Dolphins running back and NFL legend, Ricky Williams, is launching an online marketplace for hemp-derived Delta 8, Delta 9 and other alternative cannabinoids, featuring a product lineup of pre-rolls, disposable vapes, edibles and gametime strains.

由前海豚隊跑衛和美國國家橄欖球聯盟傳奇人物瑞奇·威廉姆斯創立的大麻品牌Highsman正在推出一個大麻衍生的Delta 8、Delta 9和其他替代大麻素的在線市場,其中包括預卷、一次性電子煙、零食和遊戲時間毒株的產品陣容。

The hemp-derived product line includes Highsman's signature Pregame, Halftime and Postgame strains and gummies, disposable vapes and cartridges in Texas and Florida-themed packaging. These products will be available at beginning March 8th and in stores in select states nationwide.


"This is the next evolution of Highsman and I am so excited to be bringing the brand to so many new states," said Williams, founder and president of Highsman. "The hemp industry, particularly with the rise of compounds like Delta 8 THC, offers a glimpse into the potential federal acceptance of cannabis. This is a stepping stone towards achieving the ultimate goal: making cannabis legally available to responsible adults nationwide."

Highsman創始人兼總裁威廉姆斯說:“這是Highsman的下一次演變,我很高興能將這個品牌帶到這麼多新州。”“大麻行業,尤其是隨着Delta 8 THC等化合物的興起,可以一窺聯邦政府對大麻的潛在接受。這是實現最終目標的墊腳石:在全國範圍內向負責任的成年人合法提供大麻。”

Williams, a long-time advocate for cannabis legalization, views the burgeoning hemp market as a critical pathway to federal cannabis reform.


Highsman has teamed up with industry veteran and CEO of Frozen Fields and Hempsi, Reid Stewart for the project. "We are excited to bring such an authentic cannabis brand and pioneer into the Hemp marketplace," Reid said in a statement. "High profile people entering the space help push the envelope forward and with our strong focus on producing compliant and safe Delta 8 products we hope we can push things through to help gain acceptance for cannabis products with a wider audience."

Highsman已與業內資深人士兼《冰雪奇緣》首席執行官和Hempsi首席執行官裏德·斯圖爾特合作開展該項目。裏德在一份聲明中說:“我們很高興將這樣一個正宗的大麻品牌和先驅帶入大麻市場。”“進入該領域的知名人士有助於突破極限,我們非常專注於生產合規和安全的Delta 8產品,我們希望我們能夠推動發展,幫助獲得更多受衆對大麻產品的認可。”

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The Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference is returning to Florida, in a new venue in Hollywood, on April 16 and 17, 2024. The two-day event at The Diplomat Beach Resort will be a chance for entrepreneurs, both large and small, to network, learn and grow. Renowned for its trendsetting abilities and influence on the future of cannabis, mark your calendars – this conference is the go-to event of the year for the cannabis world. Get your tickets now on – Prices will increase very soon!

Benzinga Cannabis Capital會議將於2024年4月16日和17日在佛羅里達州好萊塢的新地點重返佛羅里達州。在外交官海灘度假村舉行的爲期兩天的活動將爲大小企業家提供交流、學習和成長的機會。這次會議以其引領潮流的能力和對大麻未來的影響而聞名,記住你的日曆——這是大麻界年度必去的活動。立即在bzcannabis.com上購買門票——價格很快就會上漲!

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