
PPX Continues to Deliver Outstanding Drilling Results With up to 33.08 G/t Au, 8174.2 G/t Ag and 13.1% Cu

PPX Continues to Deliver Outstanding Drilling Results With up to 33.08 G/t Au, 8174.2 G/t Ag and 13.1% Cu

PPX 繼續提供出色的鑽探結果,金含量高達 33.08 g/t、8174.2 g/t Ag 和 13.1% Cu
Accesswire ·  03/08 03:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / March 7, 2024 / PPX Mining Corp. (the "Company" or "PPX") (TSX.V:PPX)(BVL:PPX) is pleased to announce that in February 2024, the two diamond drill holes focused on Callanquitas East and its branches were completed, with a total of 376.4 meters drilled from an underground level chamber (2970 masl). The results from the first hole, CA-24-07, intercepted an oxidized breccia with grades of 12.05 g/t Au and 300.9 g/t Ag over 5.25 meters (drilling length at 116.05 meters to 121.30 meters). This included a 3.15 meters intersection grading 19.70 g/t Au and 415.3 g/t Ag in oxides at 116.65 meters. The hole was continued and intercepted a vein of sulfide mineralization over 9.2 meters of drill length grading 10.34 g/t Au, 1670.8 g/t Ag, and 4% Cu at 141.8 meters which includes 1.70 meters grading 33.08 g/t Au, 8174.2 g/t Ag and 13.1% Cu at 142.8 meters. The CA-24-08 drill hole sample results are still pending, but visually the oxidized breccia was intercepted with a width of 1.95 meters. The two drill holes started at the same underground drill chamber near at the 2970 meters level. Table N°01 below, demonstrates the mineralized intersections of the drill hole CA-24-07 and the grades obtained with the details of the orientation and dip of the structure.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月7日/PPX礦業公司(“公司” 或 “PPX”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PPX)(BVL: PPX)欣然宣佈,2024年2月,專注於卡蘭基塔斯東部及其分支機構的兩個金剛石鑽孔已經完工,從地下室鑽探了總共376.4米(2970馬薩爾)。第一個洞 CA-24-07 的結果截獲了一塊氧化角礫岩,其金品位爲 12.05 克/噸,銀 300.9 克/噸,超過 5.25 米(鑽探長度爲 116.05 米至 121.30 米)。這包括一個3.15米的交叉點,金品位爲19.70 g/t,116.65米處的氧化物含銀量爲415.3 g/t。鑽孔繼續鑽孔並截獲了一條長度超過9.2米的硫化物礦脈,金品位爲10.34克/噸金,1670.8克/噸銀,141.8米處的銅品位爲4%,其中包括1.70米的金品位爲33.08克/噸、8174.2克/噸銀和142.8米處的銅13.1%。CA-24-08 鑽孔樣本的結果仍在等待中,但從視覺上看,氧化角礫岩是在寬度爲 1.95 米的情況下被截獲的。這兩個鑽孔始於同一個地下鑽室,高度爲 2970 米。下表 N°01 顯示了 CA-24-07 鑽孔的礦化交叉點以及結構取向和傾角的詳細信息所獲得的等級。

The drillholes intercepted the Callanquitas East structure, and are located to the north and below the area of the historic drilling carried out in 2018, at a depth of 2970 mal. The location of these new intercepts is located more than 50 meters below the mined areas (see longitudinal section below of Mina Callanquitas), the nearest historical drilling is CA-12-44.

這些鑽孔攔截了卡蘭基塔斯東部建築物,位於2018年進行的歷史性鑽探區域的北部和下方,深度爲2970海里。這些新截點的位置位於雷區下方 50 多米處(見下方米納·卡蘭基塔斯的縱向部分),最近的歷史鑽探是 CA-12-44。

The intersections in the two drillholes confirms the continuity at depth of the Callanquitas East structure, with good mineralization and high grades of Au and Ag in the material assayed. The grades seen in the Table N°01 demonstrate that the mineralization extends down dip and plunge with continuing mineralization in this area.

兩個鑽孔的交叉點證實了Callanquitas East結構深度的連續性,礦化效果良好,所測材料中的金和銀品位高。表 N°01 中顯示的等級表明,隨着該區域的持續礦化,礦化作用向下延伸並呈下降趨勢。

Callanquitas East consists of several hydrothermal breccia events and faults that were mineralized at different stages. The structure cuts quartz sandstones and siltstones. The hydrothermal alteration in these units is predominantly sericite - quartz. The mineralization intercepted by CA-24-07, consists of Fe oxides (FeOx), located in the matrix of the hydrothermal breccias. This is replaced by more than 20% goethite and limonite and in addition some sections are completely replaced by FeOx and a few sections with a fault breccia.

東卡蘭基塔斯由幾個熱液角礫岩事件和斷層組成,這些事件和斷層是在不同階段礦化的。該結構切割石英砂岩和粉砂岩。這些單元的水熱變化主要是絹雲母-石英。CA-24-07 截獲的礦化物由鐵氧化物(FeOx)組成,位於熱液角礫岩的基質中。這被超過 20% 的針鐵礦和褐鐵礦所取代,此外,一些部分被鐵氧體完全取代,還有一些部分被斷層角礫岩所取代。

The drill hole CA-24-07 also intercepted an important and well mineralized sulfide vein with high grades of Au, Ag and Cu, over good intercept lengths. The original vein is replaced by massive sulfide intergrowths with quartz. This vein intersects the Callanquitas East breccia, and with the appearance of a tensional system with an approximate orientation of N320 dipping -75 degrees. This vein (with oxides) was located in the upper mining levels of the Mina Callanquitas.

CA-24-07 鑽孔還在良好的截距長度上截獲了一條重要且礦化良好的硫化物礦脈,該礦脈含有高品位的金、銀和銅。原來的靜脈被大量硫化物與石英相互生長所取代。這條靜脈與東卡蘭基塔斯角礫岩相交,並出現了一個張力系統,其方向約爲N320,向下傾斜-75度。這條礦脈(含氧化物)位於米納·卡蘭基塔斯的上層採礦層。

PPX, in cooperation with PLP, agreed to sample the mineralized areas of the structure with these holes in the current drilling program, prioritizing the Callanquitas breccia and adjacent host rock. Sampling was completed in the drill hole CA-24-07 and assay results have been received, and sampling has been completed for drill hole CA-24-08 but the assay results are pending.

PPX與PLP合作,同意在當前的鑽探計劃中對帶有這些孔的結構的礦化區域進行採樣,優先考慮卡蘭基塔斯角礫岩和鄰近的主巖。CA-24-07 鑽孔的採樣已經完成,化驗結果已經收到,鑽孔 CA-24-08 的採樣已經完成,但化驗結果尚待確定。

In the longitudinal section we can notice that the mineralization to the north and south of Callanquitas East is open along strike and at depth. The two drill holes demonstrate continuity of the Callanquitas breccia and will assist in planning future drilling in this area.


John Thomas, CEO, commented: "The results of CA-24-07 encourage us to continue drilling below the mined area of Callanquitas East. The ore appears to continue at depth with good grades of Au and Ag in an oxidized breccia. In addition, drill hole CA-24-07 showed the presence of a sulfide vein with spectacular grades in Au, Ag and Cu, in addition to good thickness, having the highest value in terms of contained metals ever obtained from the Igor concessions. This vein represents a new target for future drilling. Work planned to expand the resources for both Callanquitas East and West will continue, based on these excellent results. The Company is designing a second phase of drilling at Callanquitas for the first quarter of 2024, with the objective of defining the definitive geometry of the Au and Ag precious metals mineralization."

首席執行官約翰·托馬斯評論說:“CA-24-07 的結果鼓勵我們繼續在東卡蘭基塔斯礦區下方鑽探。在氧化角礫岩中,礦石似乎仍在深處延伸,金和銀的品位良好。此外,CA-24-07 鑽孔顯示出硫化物礦脈的存在,其金、銀和銅等級驚人,而且厚度良好,是有史以來從伊戈爾特許權獲得的含金屬的最高價值。該礦脈代表了未來鑽探的新目標。在這些出色結果的基礎上,計劃擴大卡蘭基塔斯東部和西部資源的工作將繼續進行。該公司正在設計2024年第一季度在卡蘭基塔斯進行的第二階段鑽探,目的是確定金和銀貴金屬礦化的最終幾何形狀。”

Core Sampling and QA/QC Protocols: PPX geologists collect core diamond drill core samples immediately following geological and geotechnical logging. Samples are collected based on natural fractures and their geological characteristics based on their individual runs. Samples are separated by obvious geological boundaries such as rock types, mineralization styles, and hydrothermal alterations associated. Samples are collected by cutting the core in half, using a diamond saw. The second half is retained for future review analysis, future studies, and reference. Samples are sealed, labeled and stored in a secure area before shipment to SGS laboratories in Trujillo-Lima, Peru. Gold and silver analyze are performed using a fire assay method with a CN solution. Blanks and standards are inserted approximately at every 10 samples; Duplicate samples are included at similar intervals. Duplicate fire assay tests approximately every 30 samples are sent to a second laboratory for reanalysis. The gold equivalent is calculated as: Au Eq = (Au gpt) + (Ag gpt/90).

岩心採樣和質量保證/質量控制協議:PPX 地質學家在地質和岩土工程測井後立即收集岩心金剛石鑽芯樣品。樣本是根據自然裂縫及其各自分佈的地質特徵收集的。樣品由明顯的地質邊界隔開,例如岩石類型、礦化類型和相關的熱液變化。使用金剛石鋸將巖芯切成兩半來收集樣品。保留下半部分以供將來的綜述分析、未來的研究和參考。樣品在運往秘魯特魯希略利馬的 SGS 實驗室之前,先密封、貼標籤並儲存在安全區域。金銀分析是使用火法和氯化萘溶液進行的。大約每 10 個樣本插入空白和標準品;重複樣本的間隔相似。大約每 30 個樣本重複的火災分析測試會被送到第二個實驗室進行再分析。黃金當量的計算公式爲:金當量 =(金精度)+(Ag gpt/90)。

About PPX Mining Corp:

關於 PPX Mining Corp:

About PPX Mining Corp: PPX Mining Corp. (TSX.V: PPX.V, SSE: PPX, BVL: PPX) is a Canadian exploration and development company with assets in northern Peru. The Company's 100% owned Igor gold and silver project is located in the prolific northern Peruvian gold belt in the department of La Libertad. PPX is pursuing a two-pronged strategy to further develop and explore Project Igor. The Callanquitas structure is open along strike and at depth. Parallel structures have not yet been explored. The new discoveries in Portachuelos in 2018, as well as the exploration targets in Domo and Tesoros, show that the Igor Project is becoming a district-scale project with multiple deposits and mineralized zones. Evaluating mineral development alternatives in parallel with exploration drilling will provide dual catalysts for growth and increased shareholder value.

關於PPX礦業公司:PPX礦業公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PPX.V,SSE:PPX,BVL:PPX)是一家加拿大勘探和開發公司,在秘魯北部擁有資產。該公司 100% 控股的伊戈爾金銀項目位於秘魯北部多產的拉利伯塔德省金礦帶。PPX正在採取雙管齊下的戰略,以進一步開發和探索伊戈爾項目。卡蘭基塔斯結構沿着走向和深度都是開放的。平行結構尚未得到探討。2018年在波塔丘埃洛斯的新發現以及在多莫和特索羅斯的勘探目標表明,伊戈爾項目正在成爲一個擁有多個礦牀和礦化區的區域規模項目。在進行勘探鑽探的同時評估礦產開發替代方案,將爲增長和增加股東價值提供雙重催化劑。

All scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Eddy Canova, PGeo., External Consulting Geologist of PPX Mining Corp., who is a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101.


John Thomas
Chief Executive Officer
82 Richmond Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1P1

里士滿東街 82 號
安大略省多倫多 M5C 1P1

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Cautionary Statement:


This press release contains forward-looking information and forward-looking statements (collectively, "forward-looking statements") as such terms are defined by applicable securities laws, including, but not limited to statements regarding test results, future plans or management estimates. Forward-looking statements are statements that relate to future events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance and often contain words such as "anticipate," "believe," "plan," "estimate," "expect," and "intend,", statements that an action or event "may,""might," "could," "should," or "will" be taken or occur, or other similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond the Company's control, and the Company's actual results could differ materially from those stated or implied in forward-looking statements due to many various factors. Such uncertainties and risks include, among others, delays in obtaining or inability to obtain required regulatory approvals in connection with this transaction. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, the Company cannot guarantee that the events and circumstances reflected in the forward-looking statements will be achieved or occur. The timing of events and circumstances and actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, one should not place undue reliance on forward- looking statements. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of today's date, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or publicly revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by law.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述(統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”),這些術語由適用的證券法定義,包括但不限於有關測試結果、未來計劃或管理層估計的陳述。前瞻性陳述是與未來事件相關的陳述。在這種情況下,前瞻性陳述通常涉及預期的未來業務和財務業績,通常包含 “預測”、“相信”、“計劃”、“估計”、“預期” 和 “打算” 等詞語,關於某項行動或事件 “可能”、“可能”、“可能”、“應該” 或 “將” 採取或發生的陳述,或其他類似的表述。前瞻性陳述受許多已知和未知的風險和不確定性的影響,其中許多涉及公司無法控制的因素或情況,由於許多不同的因素,公司的實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述中陳述或暗示的業績存在重大差異。除其他外,此類不確定性和風險包括延遲獲得或無法獲得與本次交易相關的監管部門批准。儘管公司認爲前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但公司不能保證前瞻性陳述中反映的事件和情況能夠實現或發生。事件發生的時間和情況以及實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中的預測存在重大差異。因此,不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中包含的所有前瞻性陳述均自今天起作出,除非法律要求,否則公司沒有義務更新或公開修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

SOURCE: PPX Mining Corp.

資料來源:PPX 礦業公司

