
Grid Battery Metals Files NI 43-101 Technical Report on Its Clayton Valley Lithium Project in Nevada

Grid Battery Metals Files NI 43-101 Technical Report on Its Clayton Valley Lithium Project in Nevada

Grid Battery Metals提交了關於其在內華達州克萊頓谷鋰項目的NI 43-101技術報告
Accesswire ·  03/06 20:30

COQUITLAM, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 6, 2024 / Grid Battery Metals Inc. (the "Company" or "Grid Battery") (TSXV:CELL)(OTCQB:EVKRF)(FRA:NMK2) is pleased to announce that the NI 43-101 Technical Report for Grid's Clayton Valley Lithium Project, dated March 4, 2024, prepared by Mr. Steven McMillin P.G. of Rangefront Geological, has been filed on SEDAR+ () and can be viewed on the Company's website at Clayton Valley Technical Report.

不列顛哥倫比亞省高貴林市/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月6日/Grid Battery Metals Inc.(“公司” 或 “電網電池”)(TSXV: CELL)(OTCQB: EVKRF)(FRA: NMK2)欣然宣佈,2024年3月4日電網克萊頓谷鋰項目NI 43-101技術報告,由Rangefront Geological的史蒂芬·麥克米林先生編寫,已在SEDAR+ () 上提交,可以在公司網站的克萊頓谷技術報告中查看。

At the Clayton Valley Lithium Project, the Company contracted the services of Rangefront to perform an updated and revised NI 43-101 Technical Report. To complete the Technical Report, the Company used the results of prior soil samples, geophysical surveys, and drilling on the property, to help identify structure and target areas favorable to lithium accumulation and determine next steps for its overall exploration plan. The recommended 2024 exploration plan includes additional CSAMT geophysical survey work, additional soil sampling, and a subsequent multi-hole exploratory drilling program on the property.

在克萊頓谷鋰項目,該公司與Rangefront簽訂了服務合同,以執行更新和修訂後的NI 43-101技術報告。爲了完成技術報告,該公司使用了先前的土壤樣本、地球物理調查和在該地產上鑽探的結果,以幫助確定有利於鋰積累的結構和目標區域,並確定其總體勘探計劃的後續步驟。建議的2024年勘探計劃包括額外的CSAMT地球物理調查工作、額外的土壤採樣以及隨後對該物業的多孔勘探鑽探計劃。

Mr. Tim Fernback Grid President & CEO comments "We are happy to report the filing of the NI 43-101 Technical Report on our Clayton Valley Lithium Project. The recommendation for future exploration ultimately includes a drilling program as a logical next step here on the property. The timing is good for the Company, and with approximately CAD$7.0 million in our treasury, we are well-positioned and fully funded for our 2024 exploration season."

電網總裁兼首席執行官蒂姆·費爾恩巴克先生評論說:“我們很高興地報告克萊頓谷鋰項目NI 43-101技術報告的提交情況。未來勘探的建議最終包括在該物業上進行鑽探計劃,這是合乎邏輯的下一步。對公司來說,時機良好,我們的國庫中約有700萬加元,我們爲2024年的勘探季節做好了充分的準備和充足的資金。”

Mr. Fernback continues "Clayton Valley holds the only producing lithium brine system in the United States and holds amazing potential for lithium clay-hosted deposits. Our lithium claims in Clayton Valley are bordering the Silver Peak Lithium Project of Albemarle Corporation (NYSE:ALB), home to the only producing lithium mine in North America. Previously, Albemarle Corporation announced that it will continue to invest in its Silver Peak mine in order to double lithium production by the year 2025. Another neighbour of ours to the east, Century Lithium Corp. (TSXV:LCE)(OTCQX:CYDVF), has issued a pre-feasibility study referencing a 26% after-tax internal rate of return and an NPV8 of $1.03 billion. Furthermore in May 2023, Nevada was ranked again as the #1 Mining Jurisdiction in the world by the Fraser Institute, a position it has held several times in the recent past. Our plan at Grid is to realize the potential of this area of Nevada for lithium-hosted brine and claystone for our shareholders."

Fernback先生繼續說:“克萊頓谷擁有美國唯一的鋰鹽水生產系統,並且擁有巨大的鋰粘土礦牀潛力。我們在克萊頓谷的鋰礦產地與雅寶公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:ALB)的銀峯鋰項目接壤,該項目是北美唯一生產鋰礦的所在地。此前,雅寶公司宣佈將繼續投資其銀峯礦,以便到2025年將鋰產量翻一番。我們在東部的另一個鄰國世紀鋰業公司(TSXV: LCE)(OTCQX: CYDVF)發佈了一份預可行性研究,其中提到了26%的稅後內部回報率和淨現值8 爲10.3億美元。此外,2023年5月,內華達州再次被弗雷澤研究所評爲全球 #1 個採礦管轄區,該研究所最近曾多次擔任這一職位。 我們在Grid的計劃是爲我們的股東實現內華達州這一地區鋰基鹽水和粘土石的潛力。

Clayton Valley Property


It should be noted that results from any adjacent property(s) are not an indication of what may be found on the Company's property(s).


About Rangefront Geological

關於 Rangefront 地質學

Elko Nevada-based Rangefront Geological has combined in-depth expertise with cutting-edge technology to provide mining consulting services, contract labor, field crew services, and vehicular support to the mining industry. With services available across North America, Rangefront works closely with its clients to provide high-quality mineral exploration services.

總部位於內華達州埃爾科的Rangefront Geological將深厚的專業知識與尖端技術相結合,爲採礦業提供採礦諮詢服務、合同工、現場工作人員服務和車輛支持。憑藉遍佈北美的服務,Rangefront與客戶密切合作,提供高質量的礦產勘探服務。

Qualified Person


Mr. Steven McMillin, P.G. is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has approved the technical information contained within this news release.

根據美國國家儀器43-101的定義,P.G. Steven McMillin先生是合格人士,並已批准本新聞稿中包含的技術信息。

About Grid Battery Metals Inc.


Grid Battery Metals Inc. is a Canadian based exploration company whose primary listing is on the TSX Venture Exchange. The Company's maintains a focus on exploration for high value battery metals required for the electric vehicle (EV) market.

Grid Battery Metals Inc.是一家總部位於加拿大的勘探公司,主要在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所上市。該公司一直專注於勘探電動汽車(EV)市場所需的高價值電池金屬。

About Texas Springs Property


The Company owns a 100% interest in the Texas Spring Property which consists of mineral lode claims located in Elko County, Nevada. The Property is in the Granite Range southeast of Jackpot, Nevada, about 73 km north-northeast of Wells, Nevada. The target is a lithium clay deposit in volcanic tuff and tuffaceous sediments of the Humbolt Formation. A Phase 1 exploration program at the Texas Springs Property (Fall 2023) yielded results with average lithium grades of 2010 ppm, applying a 1,000 ppm cut-off, and up to 5,610 ppm Lithium.

該公司擁有德克薩斯斯普林地產的100%權益,該地產包括位於內華達州埃爾科縣的礦脈索賠。該物業位於內華達州傑克波特東南部的花崗岩山脈,內華達州韋爾斯東北偏北約73公里處。目標是洪堡組的火山凝灰岩和凝灰岩沉積物中的鋰粘土沉積物。德州斯普林斯地產的第一階段勘探計劃(2023年秋季)得出的結果是,鋰的平均品位爲2010年 ppm,採用了1,000ppm的臨界值,鋰的平均品位爲5,610 ppm。

The Texas Spring property adjoins the southern border of the Nevada North Lithium Project - owned by Surge Battery Metals Inc. ("Surge") (TSXV:NILI),(OTC:NILIF) and comprised of 725 mineral claims. Surge's first round of drilling identified strongly mineralized lithium bearing clays. The average lithium content within all near surface clay zones intersected in the 2022 drilling program, applying a 1000 ppm cut-off, was 3254 ppm. (Press release March 29, 2023). More recent results have shown higher grade lithium up to 8070 ppm on this property after initial drilling (Press release September 12, 2023). Our exploration results are on-trend with these results.

德州斯普林的房產毗鄰內華達州北部鋰項目的南部邊境,該項目由Surge Battery Metals Inc.(“Surge”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NILI)(場外交易代碼:NILI)擁有,包括725份礦產索賠。Surge的第一輪鑽探發現了強礦化的含鋰粘土。2022年鑽探計劃中相交的所有近地表粘土區域的平均鋰含量爲3254 ppm,截止值爲1000 ppm。(2023年3月29日新聞稿)。最近的結果顯示,在首次鑽探後,該地產的鋰等級更高,最高可達8070 ppm(2023年9月12日新聞稿)。這些結果使我們的勘探結果符合趨勢。

About Clayton Valley Lithium Project


The Company owns a 100% interest in 113 lithium lode and placer claims covering over 640 hectares in Clayton Valley. Clayton Valley is a down-dropped closed basin formed by the Miocene age Great Basin extension and is still active due to movement along the Walker Lane structural zone. As a result, the basin has preserved multiple layers of lithium bearing volcanic ash, resulting from multiple eruptive events over the past 6 million years including eruptions from the 700,000-year-old Long Valley Caldera system and related events. These ash layers are thought to contribute to the lithium brines extracted by Albemarle and are also likely involved in the formation of the exposed lithium rich clay deposits on the east side of Clayton Valley.


Volt Canyon Lithium Property

Volt Canyon 鋰地產

The Company owns a 100% interest in 80 placer claims covering approximately 635 hectares of alluvial sediments and clays located 122 km northeast of Tonopah, Nevada.


About the British Columbia, Nickel Projects


The Mount Sidney Williams Group consists of three claim blocks with a total area of 10,569 hectares in the area surrounding Mount Sidney Williams, both adjoining and near the Decar project of FPX Nickel Corp., located 100 kilometres northwest of Fort St. James, B.C., in the Omineca mining division. Metallic mineralization includes nickel, cobalt, and chromium. At least some of the nickel mineralization occurs as awaruite. The Mitchell Range Group area claim consists of one claim block covering 8,659 hectares with demonstrated metallic mineralization including nickel, cobalt, and chromium. Nickel cobalt mineralization has not been well explored, but the presence of awaruite has been documented. The Company's B.C. Nickel properties are held within Grid's wholly-owned subsidiary, AC/DC Battery Metals Inc.

西德尼·威廉姆斯山集團由三個索賠區塊組成,總面積爲10,569公頃,位於西德尼·威廉姆斯山周邊地區,均毗鄰FPX鎳業公司的Decar項目,該項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省聖詹姆斯堡西北100公里處的奧米內卡採礦部門。金屬礦化包括鎳、鈷和鉻。至少有一些鎳礦化是以銅礦的形式發生的。米切爾山脈集團的區域索賠包括一個佔地8,659公頃的索賠區塊,其已證實的金屬礦化作用包括鎳、鈷和鉻。鎳鈷礦化尚未得到很好的探索,但已記錄到金剛石的存在。該公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省的鎳礦物業由電網的全資子公司AC/DC Battery Metals Inc持有。

The Company has previously announced plans to spin out its wholly-owned subsidiary, AC/DC Battery Metals Inc., finance it separately, and separately list it on the TSX Venture Exchange in 2024. This transaction once complete, will provide a valuable share dividend to each Grid Shareholder of record for no additional cost.

該公司此前曾宣佈計劃分拆其全資子公司AC/DC Battery Metals Inc.,爲其單獨融資,並於2024年單獨在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所上市。該交易一旦完成,將向每位登記在冊的電網股東提供寶貴的股息,而無需支付額外費用。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


"Tim Fernback"


Tim Fernback, President & CEO


Contact Information:
Phone: 604- 428-5690


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release may contain forward-looking statements which include, but are not limited to, comments that involve future events and conditions, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Except for statements of historical facts, comments that address resource potential, upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt and security of mineral property titles, availability of funds, and others are forward-looking. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may vary materially from those statements. General business conditions are factors that could cause actual results to vary materially from forward-looking statements. It should be noted that results from any adjacent property(s) are not an indication of what may be found on the Company's property(s).


SOURCE: Grid Battery Metals Inc.

來源:Grid Battery Metals Inc

