
Isiah Thomas, Stephen Marley Collaboration Launches CBD-Enriched Muscle Rub

Isiah Thomas, Stephen Marley Collaboration Launches CBD-Enriched Muscle Rub

Isiah Thomas、Stephen Marley 合作推出富含 CBD 的肌肉按摩
Benzinga ·  03/06 01:11

One World Products Inc (OTCQB:OWPC) unveiled its latest offering during the 2024 NBA All-Star Weekend. Pro-11, an innovative muscle rub enriched with CBD is a result of the collaboration between Kx Family Care, led by Stephen Marley and guided by NBA Hall of Famer Isiah Thomas.

One World Products Inc(場外交易代碼:OWPC)在2024年NBA全明星週末期間公佈了其最新產品。Pro-11是一種富含CBD的創新肌肉磨砂膏,是Kx家庭護理合作的成果,由斯蒂芬·馬利領導,NBA名人堂成員伊西亞·托馬斯的指導。

A Strategic Partnership With Deep Roots


The launch of Pro-11 symbolizes a milestone in the alliance between One World Products (OWP) and Kx Family Care, with Marley's Kx Family Care making a strategic investment of $400,000 in OWP. This infusion of capital will boost OWP's operations within Colombia's Bogota Free Trade Zone, amplifying its production capabilities to meet the demand for its wellness products on a global scale.

Pro-11的推出象徵着寰宇產品(OWP)和Kx Family Care聯盟的里程碑,馬利旗下的Kx家庭護理對OWP進行了40萬美元的戰略投資。這種資本注入將促進OWP在哥倫比亞波哥大自由貿易區內的業務,擴大其生產能力,以滿足全球對其健康產品的需求。

Crafted For Athletes, Inspired By Legends


Pro-11 is a confluence of the profound legacies of Bob Marley and Isiah Thomas. The muscle rub is designed with the needs of athletes at its core, blending premium CBD, essential oils, and natural extracts to support the rigorous demands of active and professional lifestyles. Its formulation provides rapid absorption, deep muscle penetration and a non-greasy finish for optimal performance and recovery support.

Pro-11 彙集了鮑勃·馬利和伊西亞·托馬斯的深厚遺產。這款肌肉磨砂膏的設計以運動員的需求爲核心,混合了優質的CBD、精油和天然提取物,以滿足積極和職業生活方式的嚴格要求。其配方具有快速吸收、深層肌肉穿透和不油膩的效果,可提供最佳性能和恢復支持。

Echoing The Voices Of Visionaries


Isiah Thomas, reflecting on the launch, remarked, "Pro-11 is more than just a muscle rub; it's a fusion of science and nature, designed to elevate athletic performance and recovery." His words underscore the ambition behind Pro-11: to offer a natural, health-forward solution for athletes' therapeutic needs.


Stephen Marley added, "My family's foundation has always been rooted in the love of music, the use of healing herbs, and playing sports! To start a sports collection of truly natural and effective CBD products with a sports icon like Isiah Thomas is something remarkable. As a collective, we are a stronger force in the healing of all nations."

斯蒂芬·馬利補充說:“我的家庭基礎一直植根於對音樂的熱愛、對治療草藥的使用和體育運動!以像Isiah Thomas這樣的運動偶像開始一系列真正天然有效的CBD產品的運動系列真是太了不起了。作爲一個集體,我們是治癒所有國家的更強大力量。”

Pro-11 will be available to consumers on March 15, 2024, via its dedicated platform, and is expected to arrive in select retail locations later in the year.


OWPC Price Action
OWPC's shares were trading 18.60% higher at $0.0593 per share at the time of this writing around 11:30 AM ET Tuesday.

OWPC 價格走勢

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Photo courtesy of OWP.

照片由 OWP 提供。

