
Advent Technologies Participates in $12.4 Million Project to Reduce GHG Emissions in the Maritime Sector

Advent Technologies Participates in $12.4 Million Project to Reduce GHG Emissions in the Maritime Sector

Advent Technologies參與了耗資1,240萬美元的減少海事部門溫室氣體排放的項目
Advent Technologies ·  03/05 13:00

Boston, MA – March 5, 2024– Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADN), an innovation-driven leader in the fuel cell and hydrogen technology space (the "Company" or "Advent"), is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, Advent Technologies A/S, has received approval for funding for its latest research and development project, RiverCell 3. This project aims to develop a maritime fuel cell system resulting in an auxiliary power unit with a total capacity exceeding 500kW. This will be accomplished by utilizing Advent's modular 50kW eMethanol-powered fuel cell systems ("Serene"), which are based on the Company's Ion-Pair membrane electrode assembly ("MEA") technology.

馬薩諸塞州波士頓——2024年3月5日——燃料電池和氫技術領域創新驅動的領導者Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:ADN)欣然宣佈,其子公司Advent Technologies A/S已獲得批准爲其最新研發項目RiverCell 3提供資金。該項目旨在開發一種船用燃料電池系統,從而產生總容量超過500kW的輔助動力裝置。這將通過使用Advent的模塊化50kW 乙醇動力燃料電池系統(“Serene”)來實現,該系統基於公司的離子對膜電極組件(“MEA”)技術。

The RiverCell 3 project has a total budget of approximately $12.4 million, from which Advent's budgeted portion is approximately $6.1 million. The collaborative partners involved in the project include MEYER NEPTUN Engineering GmbH, Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG, Lloyd's Register EMEA Niederlassung Deutschland and Hochschule Wismar Bereich Seefahrt, Anlagentechnik und Logistik. The project commenced in January 2024 and is scheduled to conclude on December 31, 2026.

RiverCell 3項目的總預算約爲1,240萬美元,其中Advent的預算部分約爲610萬美元。參與該項目的合作伙伴包括邁耶海王星工程有限公司、西門子能源全球有限責任公司。KG、勞埃德船級社歐洲、中東和非洲德國分部和威斯瑪地區海法赫特學院、Anlagentechnik and Logistik。該項目於2024年1月開始,計劃於2026年12月31日結束。

RiverCell 3 builds upon the foundation established by previous RiverCell initiatives, in which Advent played a pivotal role as a key partner, demonstrating the effectiveness of its Serene fuel cells to the maritime sector. In this latest stage of the project, Advent's innovative Ion Pair MEA technology will play a vital role in crafting fuel cell systems designed specifically for larger vessels.

RiverCell 3 建立在以下機構建立的基礎之上 以前 RiverCell的各項舉措中,Advent作爲關鍵合作伙伴發揮了關鍵作用,展示了其Serene燃料電池對海運業的有效性。在該項目的最新階段,Advent的創新Ion Pair MEA技術將在打造專爲大型船舶設計的燃料電池系統方面發揮至關重要的作用。

By extending the expected lifespan of fuel cells by at least three times and doubling the power density compared to Advent's earlier systems, the Ion Pair MEA technology promises significant advancements in maritime applications. The technology is made possible through the Company's participation in the U.S. Department of Energy's L'Innovator program, developed in collaboration with esteemed U.S. research institutions such as Los Alamos National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

與Advent早期系統相比,Ion Pair MEA技術將燃料電池的預期壽命延長了至少三倍,功率密度提高了一倍,有望在海事應用中取得重大進步。該技術之所以成爲可能,是因爲該公司參與了美國能源部的L'Innovator計劃,該計劃是與洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室、布魯克海文國家實驗室和國家可再生能源實驗室等著名美國研究機構合作開發的。

The successful completion of RiverCell3 is anticipated to make a substantial contribution to the objectives outlined in the revised IMO GHG Strategy, which was adopted in July 2023. This strategy aims to mitigate greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions for international shipping, with a reinforced commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Furthermore, it pledges to encourage the adoption of alternative zero and near-zero GHG fuels by 2030, while also setting milestone targets for the years 2030 and 2040.


The RiverCell 3 project is partially funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport as part of the National Innovation Programme Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology, with a total of approximately $6.2 million, from which Advent's portion is approximately $3 million. Funding for this measure is provided as part of the German Recovery and Resilience Plan (DARP) via the European Recovery and Resilience Facilities (ARF). The funding is coordinated by NOW GmbH and implemented by Project Management Jülich (PtJ).

作爲氫和燃料電池技術國家創新計劃的一部分,RiverCell 3項目部分由德國聯邦數字和交通部資助,總額約爲620萬美元,其中Advent的部分約爲300萬美元。該措施的資金是作爲德國復甦和復原計劃(DARP)的一部分通過歐洲復甦和復原力基金(ARF)提供的。這筆資金由NOW GmbH協調,由尤利希項目管理部(PtJ)實施。

Dr. Vasilis Gregoriou, Advent's Chairman and CEO, commented: "We express our sincere appreciation to the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport for their funding support, and we eagerly anticipate collaborating with our esteemed partners on this groundbreaking project for the maritime industry. Undoubtedly, the Ion Pair MEA technology will significantly enhance the capabilities of our Serene fuel cell systems, positioning them as a pivotal clean energy solution for the future of maritime operations."

Advent董事長兼首席執行官Vasilis Gregoriou博士評論說:“我們衷心感謝德國聯邦數字和交通部的資金支持,我們熱切期待與尊敬的合作伙伴合作開展這個海事行業的開創性項目。毫無疑問,Ion Pair MEA技術將顯著增強我們的Serene燃料電池系統的能力,使其成爲未來海上業務的關鍵清潔能源解決方案。”

Morten Sørensen, Senior Vice President of Advent Technologies A/S, commented: "The growing adoption of eMethanol as an environmentally friendly fuel in maritime settings stems from its notable energy density, convenient handling, and minimal emissions. As the maritime sector intensifies its endeavors to cut carbon footprints and comply with environmental regulations, Advent's eMethanol fuel cells stand out as the preferred choice, providing a compelling substitute for conventional diesel generators and engines that can be easily embraced today."

Advent Technologies A/S高級副總裁莫滕·索倫森評論說:“電子甲醇作爲環保燃料在海事環境中越來越多地被採用,這要歸因於其顯著的能量密度、便捷的操作和最低的排放。隨着海事部門加緊努力減少碳足跡和遵守環境法規,Advent的eMethanol燃料電池脫穎而出,成爲首選,爲當今可以輕鬆採用的傳統柴油發電機和發動機提供了一個引人注目的替代品。”

About Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc


Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc. is a U.S. corporation that develops, manufactures, and assembles complete fuel cell systems as well as supplying customers with critical components for fuel cells in the renewable energy sector. Advent is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, with offices in California, Greece, Denmark, Germany, and the Philippines. With more than 150 patents issued, pending, and/or licensed for fuel cell technology, Advent holds the IP for next-generation HT-PEM that enables various fuels to function at high temperatures and under extreme conditions, suitable for the automotive, aviation, defense, oil and gas, marine, and power generation sectors. For more information, visit

Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc. 是一家美國公司,開發、製造和組裝完整的燃料電池系統,併爲可再生能源領域的客戶提供燃料電池的關鍵組件。Advent總部位於馬薩諸塞州波士頓,在加利福尼亞州、希臘、丹麥、德國和菲律賓設有辦事處。Advent擁有150多項燃料電池技術專利、正在申請和/或許可,擁有下一代HT-PEM的知識產權,該專利使各種燃料能夠在高溫和極端條件下運行,適用於汽車、航空、國防、石油和天然氣、船舶和發電領域。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release includes forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "expect," "plan," "could," "may," "will," "believe," "estimate," "forecast," "goal," "project," and other words of similar meaning. Each forward-looking statement contained in this press release is subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statement. Applicable risks and uncertainties include, among others, the Company's ability to maintain the listing of the Company's common stock on Nasdaq; future financial performance; public securities' potential liquidity and trading; impact from the outcome of any known and unknown litigation; ability to forecast and maintain an adequate rate of revenue growth and appropriately plan its expenses; expectations regarding future expenditures; future mix of revenue and effect on gross margins; attraction and retention of qualified directors, officers, employees and key personnel; ability to compete effectively in a competitive industry; ability to protect and enhance Advent's corporate reputation and brand; expectations concerning its relationships and actions with technology partners and other third parties; impact from future regulatory, judicial and legislative changes to the industry; ability to locate and acquire complementary technologies or services and integrate those into the Company's business; future arrangements with, or investments in, other entities or associations; and intense competition and competitive pressure from other companies worldwide in the industries in which the Company will operate; and the risks identified under the heading "Risk Factors" in Advent's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on March 31, 2023, as well as the other information filed with the SEC. Investors are cautioned not to place considerable reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. You are encouraged to read Advent's filings with the SEC, available at, for a discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date of this document, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any of these statements. Advent's business is subject to substantial risks and uncertainties, including those referenced above. Investors, potential investors, and others should give careful consideration to these risks and uncertainties.

本新聞稿包括前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述通常可以通過使用 “預期”、“預期”、“計劃”、“可以”、“可能”、“會”、“相信”、“估計”、“預測”、“目標”、“項目” 和其他含義相似的詞語來識別。本新聞稿中包含的每份前瞻性陳述都存在風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際結果與此類聲明所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。適用的風險和不確定性包括公司維持公司普通股在納斯達克上市的能力;未來的財務業績;公共證券的潛在流動性和交易;任何已知和未知訴訟結果的影響;預測和維持適當的收入增長率並適當計劃開支的能力;對未來支出的預期;未來的收入組合和對毛利率的影響;吸引和留住合格的董事、高級管理人員、員工和關鍵人才人員;在競爭激烈的行業中有效競爭的能力;保護和提升 Advent 的企業聲譽和品牌的能力;對其與技術合作夥伴和其他第三方的關係和行動的期望;未來監管、司法和立法變更對該行業的影響;尋找和獲得補充技術或服務並將其整合到公司業務中的能力;與其他實體或協會的未來安排或投資;以及激烈的競爭和競爭壓力來自公司運營所在行業的全球其他公司;以及Advent於2023年3月31日向美國證券交易委員會(“SEC”)提交的10-K表年度報告中在 “風險因素” 標題下確定的風險,以及向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他信息。提醒投資者不要過分依賴本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述。我們鼓勵您閱讀Advent向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件,網址爲,以討論這些風險和其他風險和不確定性。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述僅代表截至本文件發佈之日,公司沒有義務更新或修改任何這些陳述。Advent的業務面臨重大風險和不確定性,包括上述風險和不確定性。投資者、潛在投資者和其他人應仔細考慮這些風險和不確定性。



Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc.
Michael Trontzos
[email protected]


