
Chariot Corporation (ASX:CC9) Expands Its Black Mountain Holding

Chariot Corporation (ASX:CC9) Expands Its Black Mountain Holding

Chariot Corporation (ASX: CC9) 擴大了其在黑山的控股權
sharecafe ·  03/05 12:30

Chariot Corporation Limited (ASX:CC9) Managing Director Shanthar Pathmanathan discusses reasons behind the company's expansion of its Black Mountain holding.

Chariot Corporation Limited(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:CC9)董事總經理Shanthar Pathmanathan討論了該公司擴張其黑山控股的原因。

Peter Milios: I'm Peter Milios from the Finance News Network and today, I'm talking with Chariot Corporation (ASX:CC9). Their ASX ticket code is "CC9" and they have a market cap of around $45m. Chariot Corporation is a mineral exploration company focused on discovering and developing high-grade and near-surface lithium opportunities in the United States. And here to tell us more is Chariot Managing Director Shanthar Pathmanathan. Shanthar, welcome back to the network.

彼得·米利奧斯:我是財經新聞網的彼得·米利奧斯,今天,我正在和Chariot Corporation(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:CC9)交談。他們的澳大利亞證券交易所門票代碼是 “CC9”,市值約爲4500萬美元。Chariot Corporation是一家礦產勘探公司,專注於在美國發現和開發高品位和近地表鋰機會。要告訴我們更多的是 Chariot 董事總經理 Shanthar Pathmanathan。Shanthar,歡迎回到網絡。

Shanthar Pathmanathan: Thanks for having me, Peter. Absolute pleasure to be here.

Shanthar Pathmanathan:謝謝你邀請我,彼得。來到這裏絕對很高興。

Peter Milios: Thank you, Shanthar. First up, congrats on the expansion of your flagship Black Mountain Project, but can you elaborate on the details of this expansion?

彼得·米利奧斯:謝謝你,尚塔爾。首先,恭喜你的旗艦 Black Mountain Project 進行了擴展,但你能詳細說明這個擴展的細節嗎?

Shanthar Pathmanathan: Peter, what we're starting to see is that Black Mountain is a heavily mineralised mountain, right? It stands out in the prairies in Wyoming as a standalone feature. It has lithium endowment. We've intersected the lithium endowment at multiple levels now, so 1.74m, 45m at depth, and more results to come shortly. We've also encountered base metals at depth, so we think it's a secondary play, base metals, and potentially also gold.

Shanthar Pathmanathan:彼得,我們開始看到的是,黑山是一座礦化程度很高的山峯,對吧?它作爲一項獨立功能在懷俄明州的草原上脫穎而出。它擁有鋰天賦。我們現在已經在多個層面上橫穿了鋰資源,因此深度爲174米,深度爲45米,不久還會有更多結果。我們還在深度上遇到了基本金屬,因此我們認爲這是一種次要的手段,基本金屬,可能還有黃金。

The assays are in, but whilst we're waiting for the assays, we wanted to preempt any competition emerging around our property. So we have acquired, by staking this ground ourselves, another 218 claims on top of the 134 claims we previously had. So we've grown our land position there by about 206 per cent. It's a preemptive measure to fend off any competition coming and taking property next to our original Black Mountain area.

化驗已經完成,但是在我們等待化驗的同時,我們想搶先防範圍繞我們房產出現的任何競爭。因此,通過自己提出這一理由,我們在之前的134項索賠的基礎上又獲得了218項索賠。因此,我們在那裏的土地面積增長了大約 206%。這是一種先發制人的措施,可以抵禦任何競爭對手在我們原來的黑山地區附近奪取財產。

Peter Milios: Okay, Shanthar. And can we expect to see any further expansion of this project to further eliminate competition?


Shanthar Pathmanathan: I'm confident that'll happen, Peter. There's some private land there we need to acquire. Conversations will start shortly on that in and within our project area. We also need to expand it. So as I've said, we've got lithium potential base metals and gold potential at the same property, Black Mountain. So, I'm confident that Black Mountain will be further expanded as the drilling continues at that project.

Shanthar Pathmanathan:我相信那會發生,彼得。我們需要收購一些私人土地。不久將在我們的項目區域內和我們的項目區域內就此開始對話。我們還需要對其進行擴展。因此,正如我所說,我們在同一處房產黑山有潛在的鋰基基本金屬和黃金潛力。因此,我相信,隨着該項目鑽探的繼續,Black Mountain將進一步擴建。

Peter Milios: And, moving on to the second part of your announcement, Chariot announced it has increased its interest in Wyoming lithium from 91.9 per cent to 93.9 per cent. Can you explain why that is and if you expect to increase that figure?


Shanthar Pathmanathan: As at IPO, we started off with 91.9 per cent. We had a geologist partner who was a minority interest holder. We are the sole funder of that project. So, by virtue of spending capital there, we get more shares in that vehicle, and we've spent capital, done the drilling. We've increased our stake to 93.9 per cent. You can expect us to get close to 100 per cent, and whatever residual shares the minority interest holder holds at that time, we will then look to buy that out to get to exactly 100 per cent down the road.

Shanthar Pathmanathan:在首次公開募股時,我們一開始是91.9%。我們有一位地質學家合夥人是少數股權持有人。我們是該項目的唯一資助者。因此,通過在那裏投入資金,我們可以獲得更多該車輛的股份,並且我們已經花費了資金,完成了鑽探。我們已將股份增加到93.9%。你可以預期我們將獲得接近100%的股份,無論少數股權持有人當時持有多少剩餘股份,我們都將考慮將其買斷,以便在未來達到正好100%的股份。

Peter Milios: And last question from me, what news flow can investors look forward to from Chariot in the near future?


Shanthar Pathmanathan: There's going to be tremendous news flow from the company, Peter, all Black Mountain-focused. All great base metals have been encountered in a secondary formation. The mountain appears to have been very productive for lithium. That would have been formed about a couple of billion years ago. And then, more recently, a few hundred million years ago for the base metals.

Shanthar Pathmanathan:彼得,該公司將有大量新聞流出,全部以黑山爲重點。所有優質賤金屬都是在二次形成中遇見的。這座山似乎對鋰的生產率很高。那應該是在大約幾十億年前形成的。然後,最近,幾億年前的賤金屬。

So, what investors can expect is more results from our first phase one drilling program and then the announcements around the phase two drilling program that'll commence.


We've been limited to five acres in this phase one drilling program. We wanted to get in there early, shortly after the IPO, and do some drilling. With the phase two, we'll have a 2,500-acre permit, so we'll have the ability to disturb 2,500 acres for the phase two program. So, that'll be a much more comprehensive, potentially, resource drill out at Black Mountain for the lithium and potentially also the base metals and gold.


Peter Milios: Shanthar, thank you so much for your time, and we'll be watching your progress with interest.


Shanthar Pathmanathan: Pleasure, Peter. Thank you for having me.

Shanthar Pathmanathan:很高興,彼得。謝謝你邀請我。

Peter Milios: Thank you.





