
Bayhorse Silver Receives Significant Mag VTEM Survey Results On Its Idaho Bayhorse Property

Bayhorse Silver Receives Significant Mag VTEM Survey Results On Its Idaho Bayhorse Property

Bayhorse Silver 收到了其愛達荷州 Bayhorse 房產的 Mag VTEM 重要調查結果
newsfile ·  03/04 23:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 4, 2024) - Bayhorse Silver Inc, (TSXV: BHS) (OTCQB: BHSIF) (FSE: 7KXN) (the "Company" or "Bayhorse") reports Strong Mag results from the recently completed Geotech Ltd. helicopter-borne VTEM and Horizontal Magnetic Gradiometer Geophysical Survey over its Bayhorse Silver Mine Property in Oregon and Idaho, USA.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 4 日)- Bayhorse Silver Inc,(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BHHS)(場外交易代碼:BHSIF)(FSE:7KXN)(“公司” 或 “Bayhorse”) 報告了最近完成的Geotech有限公司對其位於美國俄勒岡州和愛達荷州的Bayhorse銀礦地產進行的直升機載VTEM和水平磁梯度計地球物理調查的Strong Mag結果。

The Company is pleased to report the presence of three significant magnetic anomalies, within an area 1.8 km by 1.2 km (1.13 miles by 0.75 miles) (Figure 1) in the northern section of the property from where the "Low Resistivity" signatures were announced in the southeast section of the Idaho property ( BHS2024-05), (Figure 2).

該公司很高興地報告,在愛達荷州房產東南部分宣佈 “低電阻率” 特徵的北部1.8千米(1.13英里乘0.75英里)的區域內存在三個明顯的磁異常(BHS2024-05)),(圖 2)。

There are possibly two different mineralized targets on the newly acquired Idaho claims. A Bayhorse Mine style silver rich massive sulphide target related to the strong magnetic signatures and a possibly Hercules Silver-type copper porphyry target marked by the strong minimal Resistivity results.

新收購的愛達荷州索賠中可能有兩個不同的礦化目標。一種與強磁特徵相關的Bayhorse Mine式富含銀的塊狀硫化物靶材,以及可能具有極低電阻率結果的Hercules Silver型銅斑岩靶標。

Bayhorse CEO, Graeme O'Neill, comments: "that the large significant magnetic anomalies in the north of the Idaho property, may significantly increase the discovery potential of additional Bayhorse style silver rich mineralization such as is present at the Bayhorse Silver Mine, as well as a copper porphyry deposit as found at Hercules Silver property, 44 km to the north in similar geological terrain."

Bayhorse首席執行官格雷姆·奧尼爾評論說:“愛達荷州房產北部存在重大磁異常 可能會顯著增加其他Bayhorse式富銀礦化的發現潛力,例如Bayhorse銀礦的發現潛力,以及在Hercules Silver地產中發現的銅斑岩礦牀,該礦牀位於北部44公里處的類似地質地形中。”

Due to the historic reported gold grades of up to 10 g/t at the Bayhorse Mine, (Silver King Mines, 1984) and presence of high grade gold properties in close proximity to the Bayhorse Mine (Gleason, 8 km to the west, Connor Creek, 6 km to the north) the Company's senior geological consultants believe it possible that the silver-rich Bayhorse Mine epithermal mineralization may be underlain by a gold-rich zone.

由於歷史上報告的Bayhorse礦的黃金品位高達10 g/t(Silver King Mines,1984年),而且在Bayhorse礦(西邊8公里處的格里森,北邊6公里處的康納溪)附近有高品位的金礦產,該公司的高級地質顧問認爲,富含銀的貝霍斯礦的超熱礦化有可能被富金區所掩蓋。

Figure 1 Strong Magnetic anomalies in the northern section of the Bayhorse Idaho property.

圖 1 愛達荷州貝霍斯地產北部的強磁異常。

Figure 2 Low resistivity zones in the eastern and southern sections of the Bayhorse Idaho property

圖 2 愛達荷州貝霍斯房產東部和南部的低電阻率區域

Dr. Clay Conway, P.Geol., has mapped rhyolite-hosted mineralization east of the Snake River in the area underlain by the strong magnetic anomalies. This raises the possibility that another Bayhorse Silver rich deposit may be found at the hydrothermally altered rhyolite contacts.

P.Geol. Clay Conway博士繪製了蛇河以東受強磁異常影響區域流紋岩爲主的礦化分佈圖。這增加了在水熱改變的流紋岩接觸點處發現另一個富含Bayhorse銀的礦牀的可能性。

It has long been known that there is a strong genetic and spatial relationship between porphyry plutons (which are the source of the hot fluids and metals) and outlying or overlying epithermals, skarns, mantos and even vein systems. If the metals stay in the pluton or close to its margins it may end up as a Cu porphyry. If in addition the fluids move upwards along conduits, then this could result in precious metal epithermal mineralization like the Bayhorse high grade silver deposit.


During the recent staking of the Idaho property, surface sampling was conducted on the historic adits, pits and dumps. More copper-stained surface exposures were identified. This work will form part of a further comprehensive mapping program.


The Company announces that, subject to the approval of the TSX-V Exchange, the Company has extended the expiry date of the following warrants (all other terms remain unchanged):


a) Original expiry date of 11,497,000 warrants: March 28, 2024.

a) 11,497,000份認股權證的原始到期日:2024年3月28日。

b) New expiry date of 11,497,000 warrants: March 28, 2025.

b) 11,497,000份認股權證的新到期日:2025年3月28日。

Exercise price of warrants: 15 cents.


This News Release has been prepared on behalf of the Bayhorse Silver Inc. Board of Directors, which accepts full responsibility for its content. Mark Abrams, AIPG Certified Professional Geologist, a Qualified Person and Director of the Company has prepared, supervised the preparation of, and approved the technical content of this press release.

本新聞稿是代表Bayhorse Silver Inc.董事會編寫的,董事會對其內容承擔全部責任。AIPG認證專業地質學家、合格人士兼公司董事馬克·艾布拉姆斯已編寫、監督並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

On Behalf of the Board.


Graeme O'Neill, CEO




About Bayhorse Silver Inc.

關於 Bayhorse Silver Inc

Bayhorse Silver Inc. is an exploration and production company with a 100% interest in the historic Bayhorse Silver Mine located in Oregon, USA. With state of the art Steinert Ore-Sorting technology reducing waste rock entering the processing stream by up to 85%, we have created a minimum environmental impact facility capable of mining 200 tons of mineralization per day and the ability to process and supply 3,600 tons per year of silver/copper/antimony concentrate ranging between 7,500 to 15,000 g/t silver and 10-12% copper, 10-12% antimony, and 15-18% zinc using standard flotation processing at its milling facility in nearby Payette County, Idaho, USA, with an offtake agreement in place with Ocean Partners UK Limited. The Company also has an option to acquire an 80% interest in the Brandywine high grade silver/gold property located in B.C. Canada. The Company has an experienced management and technical team with extensive mining expertise in both exploration and building mines.

Bayhorse Silver Inc. 是一家勘探和生產公司,擁有位於美國俄勒岡州歷史悠久的貝霍斯銀礦的100%權益。憑藉最先進的施泰納特礦石分選技術,將進入加工流的廢石減少多達85%,我們創建了一個對環境影響最小的設施,能夠每天開採200噸礦化物,並且能夠使用標準浮選處理每年加工和供應3,600噸銀/銅和10-12%的銅、10-12%的銻和15-18%的鋅工廠位於美國愛達荷州帕耶特縣附近,與Ocean簽訂了承購協議英國合夥人有限公司該公司還可以選擇收購位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的Brandywine高品位白銀/黃金地產 80% 的權益。該公司擁有一支經驗豐富的管理和技術團隊,在勘探和建造礦山方面擁有豐富的採礦專業知識。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


