
Vaxil Bio Proposed Reverse Takeover With Copper Bullet Terminated and Update of Research Activities

Vaxil Bio Proposed Reverse Takeover With Copper Bullet Terminated and Update of Research Activities

Vaxil Bio提議反向收購,Copper Bullet終止並更新研究活動
GlobeNewswire ·  03/04 22:57

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NESS-ZIONA, Israel, March 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vaxil Bio Ltd. ("Vaxil" or the "Company") (TSXV:VXL) announces that further to press release from January 10, 2024 with Copper Bullet Mines Inc., ("CBMI"), the Company has received a notice of termination of the letter of intent between the Company and CBMI.

以色列NESS-ZIONA,2024年3月4日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——瓦西爾生物有限公司(“Vaxil” 或 “公司”)(TSXV: VXL)宣佈,繼2024年1月10日與Copper Bullet Mines Inc.(“CBMI”)發佈新聞稿後,該公司已收到終止公司與CBMI之間的意向書的通知。

The Company will continue to actively explore other strategic options for maximizing shareholder value, including the continued development of Vaxil's existing assets.


To this end, the Company is pleased to advise that the work performed by the Company together with Prof. Ayelet David, from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev ("BGU"), which demonstrated therapeutic success by prolonging the survival of mice treated with P-Esbp-DOX in a mouse model of aggressive liver metastasis of colorectal cancer (CRC) has now been published and is available for review in the journal NanoToday at the following website link:

爲此,公司很高興地告知,公司與內蓋夫本古裏安大學(“BGU”)的Ayelet David教授共同開展的研究已經發表,該研究延長了結直腸癌侵襲性肝轉移(CRC)小鼠模型中接受p-ESBP-DOX治療的小鼠存活期,從而證明了治療上的成功以下網站鏈接:

The Company has an exclusive worldwide license agreement for the development and commercialization of this targeted cancer therapy with BGN Technologies, the technology transfer company of BGU. To the extent that a successful therapy is developed, the Company will pay BGU a royalty on sales.

該公司與BGU的技術轉讓公司BGN Technologies簽訂了全球獨家許可協議,用於開發和商業化這種靶向癌症療法。只要開發出成功的療法,公司將向BGU支付銷售特許權使用費。



Vaxil is an Israeli immunotherapy biotech company focused on its novel approach to targeting prominent cancer markers and infectious diseases. Its lead product ImMucin successfully completed a Phase 1/2 clinical trial in multiple myeloma for which it received orphan drug status from the FDA and EMA. The company aims to continue to develop ImMucin, a COVID-19 and a tuberculosis vaccine / treatment that has demonstrated promising preliminary results with further preclinical evaluation planned. Additional indications and mAb candidates are under evaluation as immuno-oncology and infectious disease treatments alone and in combination with other treatments.

Vaxil是一家以色列免疫療法生物技術公司,專注於其靶向主要癌症標誌物和傳染病的新方法。其主導產品Immucin成功完成了針對多發性骨髓瘤的1/2期臨床試驗,並獲得了美國食品藥品管理局和歐洲藥品管理局的孤兒藥地位。該公司的目標是繼續開發Immucin、一種 COVID-19 和一種結核疫苗/治療方法,該疫苗/療法已顯示出令人鼓舞的初步結果,並計劃進行進一步的臨床前評估。其他適應症和候選單抗正在評估中,可以單獨使用免疫腫瘤學和傳染病治療,也可以與其他療法聯合使用。

Vaxil exploits the unique properties of signal peptide domains on crucial proteins to develop targeted therapies against cancer targets and infectious disease pathogens. These signal peptide domains are identified by VaxHit, Vaxil's proprietary bioinformatic approach. These signal pepdies induce a robust T- and B-cell response across wide and varied HLA subtypes, while acting as true, universal neoantigens. The peptide platform targets these cells by "educating" or specifically activating the immune system to recognize and attack the affected cells. In addition, Vaxil's mAb platform directly recognizes the target protein expressed on malignant cells and recruits other elements of the immune system to lyse those cells.

Vaxil利用關鍵蛋白質上信號肽結構域的獨特特性,開發針對癌症靶標和傳染病病原體的靶向療法。這些信號肽結構域由Vaxil專有的生物信息學方法VaxHit識別。這些信號肽在廣泛多樣的 HLA 亞型中誘導強大的 T 細胞和 B 細胞反應,同時充當真正的通用新抗原。肽平台通過 “教育” 或特異性激活免疫系統來靶向這些細胞,以識別和攻擊受影響的細胞。此外,Vaxil的mAb平台可以直接識別惡性細胞上表達的靶蛋白,並招募免疫系統的其他元素來裂解這些細胞。

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Disclaimer: The TSX Venture Exchange Inc. has in no way passed upon the merits of the Company and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. This news release contains forward-looking information, which involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual events to differ materially from current expectation. Important factors - including the availability of funds, the results of financing efforts, the results of exploration activities -- that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations are disclosed in the Company's documents filed from time to time on SEDAR (see ). Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The company disclaims any intention or obligation, except to the extent required by law, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of the securities described herein in the United States or elsewhere. These securities have not been, and will not be, registered in the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to U.S. persons unless registered or exempt therefrom.

免責聲明:TSX Venture Exchange Inc.決沒有透露公司的案情,也沒有批准或不批准本新聞稿的內容。本新聞稿包含前瞻性信息,涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他可能導致實際事件與當前預期存在重大差異的因素。公司不時在SEDAR上提交的文件中披露了可能導致實際業績與公司預期存在重大差異的重要因素,包括資金的可用性、融資工作的結果、勘探活動的結果(見 )。提醒讀者不要過分依賴這些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述僅代表截至本新聞稿發佈之日。除非法律要求,否則公司不打算或承擔任何更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述的意圖或義務,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。本新聞稿不構成在美國或其他地方出售本文所述任何證券的賣出要約或邀請。這些證券過去和將來都不會在經修訂的1933年《美國證券法》或任何州證券法中註冊,除非註冊或豁免,否則不得在美國或向美國個人發行或出售。

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Gadi Levin, CFO


