
Galantas Gold Announces Sampling Program for Gairloch Gold-Bearing VMS Project in Scotland, in Collaboration With University of Edinburgh

Galantas Gold Announces Sampling Program for Gairloch Gold-Bearing VMS Project in Scotland, in Collaboration With University of Edinburgh

GlobeNewswire ·  03/04 15:00

Update on Marketing Contracts



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TORONTO, March 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Galantas Gold Corporation (TSX-V & AIM: GAL; OTCQX: GALKF) ("Galantas" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the Gairloch Project in Scotland.

多倫多,2024年3月4日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——加蘭塔斯黃金公司(TSX-V和AIM:GAL;OTCQX:GALKF)(“加蘭塔” 或 “公司”)很高興提供蘇格蘭蓋爾洛赫項目的最新情況。

Galantas Gold, in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, is currently undertaking a sampling program of drill core and outcrop to establish the Kerry Road deposit's geochemical signature which will be used to locate new mineralization in the Gairloch Schist Belt. The work will include petrology, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electron microprobe (EMP) analysis on selected rock samples. This sampling work is expected to help identify new target areas for follow-up exploration work and drilling.

Galantas Gold目前正在與愛丁堡大學合作,對鑽芯和露頭進行採樣計劃,以確定凱里路礦牀的地球化學特徵,該特徵將用於在蓋爾洛赫片岩帶定位新的礦化區。這項工作將包括對選定的岩石樣品進行岩石學、掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM)和電子微探針(EMP)分析。這項取樣工作有望幫助確定後續勘探工作和鑽探的新目標區域。

Mario Stifano, CEO of Galantas, commented: "We are honored to collaborate with the University of Edinburgh and look forward to the results of this detailed work. The team at the university's School of Geosciences brings experience in cutting-edge research and expert knowledge of VMS systems to help us better understand the Kerry Road deposit and determine the location of other mineralized bodies in the vicinity."


Overview of VMS deposits and work with the University of Edinburgh

VMS 存款概述及與愛丁堡大學的合作

The green energy transition will require significant amounts of metals such as copper, zinc and cobalt to enable the growth of clean technologies, electric vehicles and renewables. The Kerry Road copper-zinc-gold deposit at the Gairloch Project is classified as a Besshi-type VMS deposit, which is associated with cobalt enrichment. Additionally, its host rocks appear to be geologically similar to those in the Trans-Hudson Orogen in Manitoba and Saskatchewan which contain the prolific Flin Flon and Snow Lake VMS mining camps. This makes the Kerry Road deposit an important potential resource for the future.


VMS deposits are rarely solitary and typically exhibit multiple mineralized bodies in each system. These systems are formed through hydrothermal activity, which alters the surrounding rock and leaves a geochemical signature (or alteration halo) which can be detected through certain types of detailed analysis and observations. Each mineral deposit will have its own unique geochemical signature based on the composition of the local rock. This project with the University of Edinburgh aims to identify the Kerry Road's unique signature using garnet, chlorite, white mica and other silicate minerals. The results will be compared to new and existing data from other metamorphosed VMS deposits of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia – for example, Teutonic Bore, Wheatley, King, and Nimbus. The work is supported by grants from the Geological Society of London and Geological Society of Glasgow to the University of Edinburgh PhD student Cendi Dana.

VMS 礦牀很少是孤立的,通常在每個系統中都表現出多個礦化體。這些系統是通過熱液活動形成的,熱液活動會改變周圍的岩石並留下地球化學特徵(或蝕變光環),可以通過某些類型的詳細分析和觀測來檢測到這些特徵。根據當地岩石的成分,每個礦牀都有自己獨特的地球化學特徵。這個與愛丁堡大學合作的項目旨在使用石榴石、亞氯酸鹽、白雲母和其他硅酸鹽礦物來識別凱里路的獨特特徵。結果將與來自西澳大利亞州伊爾加恩克拉頓其他變質VMS礦牀的新數據和現有數據進行比較,例如條頓鑽孔、惠特利、金和雨雲。這項工作得到了倫敦地質學會和格拉斯哥地質學會對愛丁堡大學博士生Cendi Dana的資助。

Representative footwall, ore horizon and hanging-wall samples from drill core and outcrops have been collected for petrography, mineral chemistry, and whole-rock geochemical analysis. Whole-rock geochemical analysis will be carried out using x-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to establish geochemical trends and alteration halos. Mineralogy will be characterized by petrographic observations (transmitted and reflected light petrology, and scanning electron microscopy), coupled with mineral chemical analysis using an electron microprobe at the University of Edinburgh's Materials and Micro-Analysis Centre. When coupled with whole-rock geochemical data, the EMP data will allow geologists to determine the factors involved in the changes of mineral chemistry. This project will further characterize the alteration mineralogy of the Kerry Road deposit, and aid exploration efforts toward additional discoveries in the regional stratigraphy.


For more information on the Gairloch Project and drill results to date, see Galantas' press releases dated July 10, 2023; July 27, 2023; August 29, 2023; and October 16, 2023.


Figures 1 & 2: Outcrop of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite mineralization found 300 metres northwest along trend from the Kerry Road deposit.

圖 1 和 2:沿凱里路礦牀向西北 300 米處的黃銅礦和鐵礦化露頭。

Galantas Gold announces marketing contracts


The Company announces that it engaged GRIT Capital Corp ("Grit") of Toronto, Ontario, to create print advertising campaigns, including in GRIT's flagship newsletter, a landing page for advertising campaigns and CEO presentations on Twitter spaces, to provide the Company with exposure to potential investors, in accordance with Policy 3.4 – Investor Relations, Promotional and Market-Making Activities of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange"). The activity undertaken by GRIT occurred in its newsletter at and on a partner's Twitter account @WOLF_Financial. Grit was engaged in March 2023 for a period of 26 weeks, which arrangements are now complete at a fee of USD$65,000 (plus HST). The USD$65,000 was paid as to USD$5,000 in cash on entering into the agreement and USD$60,000 through the issuance of units. No buying or selling recommendations are made, no price projections on the Company are given and nor do they give any financial advice. The arrangements with Grit were and are an arm's length relationship with the Company. Grit is operated by Genevieve Sarah Roch-Decter. Pursuant to the arrangements Grit subscribed for and were issued 228,333 common shares (the "Grit Shares") and 228,333 share purchase warrants (the "Grit Warrants") (collectively the "Grit Units") of the Company under the private placement completed by the Company on March 27, 2023. The issuance of the Grit Units has been reviewed by the Exchange pursuant to policy 3.4 which states that compensation in the form of shares is not acceptable and payment should be in the form of cash. The Exchange has requested that the Grit Units be cancelled. Grit agreed that the Grit Warrants issued to them will be cancelled by the Company. Mr. Stifano, the CEO of the Company, has agreed to cancel 228,333 common shares of the Company ("Shares") owned by him. As of the date hereof, to the Company's knowledge, after the cancellation of the Shares held by Mr. Stifano and the Grit Warrants, GRIT (including its directors and officers) owns directly or indirectly 228,333 Shares of the Company and does not have any right or intent to acquire any additional Shares of the Company. The 228,333 Shares and 228,333 Grit Warrants were cancelled effectively February 27, 2024.

該公司宣佈,根據政策3.4——多倫多證券交易所(“交易所”)的投資者關係、促銷和做市活動,已聘請安大略省多倫多的GRIT Capital Corp(“Grit”)製作平面廣告活動,包括在GRIT的旗艦時事通訊、廣告活動的登錄頁面和Twitter空間的首席執行官演講,爲公司提供接觸潛在投資者的機會。GRIT 開展的活動發生在其 的時事通訊和合作夥伴的 Twitter 賬戶 @WOLF_Financial 上。Grit於2023年3月訂婚,爲期26周,現已完成安排,費用爲65,000美元(加上HST)。65,000美元在簽訂協議時以現金支付了5,000美元,通過發行單位支付了6萬美元。沒有提出買入或賣出建議,沒有給出公司的價格預測,也沒有提供任何財務建議。與Grit的安排過去和現在都是與公司的正常關係。Grit 由 Genevieve Sarah Roch-Decter 經營。根據安排,Grit根據公司於2023年3月27日完成的私募認購併發行了公司的228,333股普通股(“Grit Shares”)和228,333份股票購買權證(“Grit Warrants”)(統稱爲 “Grit Units”)。交易所根據政策3.4對Grit Units的發行進行了審查,該政策規定,不可接受股票形式的薪酬,應以現金形式支付。交易所已要求取消 Grit Units。Grit同意,公司將取消向他們發行的Grit認股權證。公司首席執行官斯蒂法諾已同意取消其擁有的228,333股公司普通股(“股份”)。據公司所知,截至本文發佈之日,在Stifano先生持有的股份和Grit Warrants被取消後,GRIT(包括其董事和高級管理人員)直接或間接擁有公司的228,333股股份,沒有任何權利或意圖收購公司的任何其他股份。228,333股股票和228,333份認股權證自2024年2月27日起取消。

The Company also announces that it engaged ABR Media Company ("ABR"), of Langley, British Columbia, covering a sponsorship of the Rocks and Stocks News website, whereby ABR will provide certain video interview services to the Company in accordance with Policy 3.4 – Investor Relations, Promotional and Market-Making Activities of the Exchange. ABR has been engaged since March 2023 for a period of one year, for a total fee of C$36,000. The C$36,000 was paid as to C$9,000 cash on closing of a private placement and C$27,000 through the issuance of Units. ABR conducts interviews with the Company which is distributed to ABR's subscriber base. There are no performance factors related to ABR's services. No buying or selling recommendations are made, no price projections on the Company are given and nor do they give any financial advice. The arrangements with ABR were and are an arm's length relationship with the Company. ABR and Rocks and Stocks News are operated by Allan Barry Laboucan who resides in Mexico. Pursuant to the arrangements Mr. Laboucan subscribed for 77,777 shares (the "Laboucan Shares") and 77,777 warrants "the Labouchan Warrants") (collectively the "Labouchan Units") of the Company under the private placement completed by the Company on March 27, 2023. The issuance of the Laboucan Units has been reviewed by the Exchange pursuant to policy 3.4 which states that compensation in the form of shares is not acceptable and payment should be in the form of cash. The Exchange has requested that the Labouchan Units be cancelled. Mr. Laboucan agreed that the Labouchan Warrants issued to him will be cancelled by the Company. Mr. Stifano has agreed to cancel 77,777 Shares owned by him. As of the date hereof, to the Company's knowledge, after the cancellation of the 77,777 Shares held by Mr. Stifano and the Labouchan Warrants, Mr. Laboucan does not own directly or indirectly any Shares of the Company and does not have any right or intent to acquire Shares of the Company. The 77,777 Shares and 77,777 Labouchan Warrants were cancelled effectively February 27, 2024.

該公司還宣佈,它聘請了位於不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的ABR Media Company(“ABR”),報道對Rocks and Stocks新聞網站的贊助,ABR將根據政策3.4——交易所的投資者關係、促銷和做市活動,向公司提供某些視頻採訪服務。ABR自2023年3月起開始爲期一年,總費用爲36,000加元。36,000加元在私募完成時以9,000加元的現金支付,27,000加元通過發行單位支付。ABR對公司進行訪談,並分發給ABR的訂戶群。沒有與 ABR 的服務相關的績效因素。沒有提出買入或賣出建議,沒有給出公司的價格預測,也沒有提供任何財務建議。與ABR的安排過去和現在都是與公司的正常關係。ABR 和 Rocks and Stocks News 由居住在墨西哥的艾倫·巴里·拉布坎運營。根據安排,拉布坎先生在公司於2023年3月27日完成的私募配售中認購了公司的77,777股股票(“Laboucan股票”)和77,777份認股權證(“Labouchan認股權證”)(統稱爲 “Labouchan單位”)。交易所根據政策3.4對Laboucan Units的發行進行了審查,該政策規定,不可接受股票形式的補償,應以現金形式支付。交易所已要求取消Labouchan部隊。拉布坎同意,公司將取消向他簽發的Labouchan認股權證。斯蒂法諾已同意取消其擁有的77,777股股票。據公司所知,截至本文發佈之日,在Stifano先生持有的77,777股股票和Labouchan認股權證被取消後,Laboucan先生不直接或間接擁有公司的任何股份,也沒有任何收購公司股份的權利或意圖。77,777股股票和77,777份Labouchan認股權證已於2024年2月27日起取消。

Following the cancellation of the 306,110 Shares held by Mr. Stifano, Mr. Stifano will be interested in a total of 156,445 Shares representing 0.14% of the Company's issued share capital.


Amendment to March 27, 2023 press release

2023 年 3 月 27 日新聞稿修正案

The Company advises that because of the reversal of the issuance of Grit Units and Labouchan Units described above, the press release of March 27, 2023, announcing the closing of the private placement for cash gross proceeds of $2,963,142.36 should have been for closing cash proceeds of $2,825,942.64. Following the cancellation of the 228,333 Shares and the 77,777 Shares, the issued and outstanding Shares of the Company is 114,535,293.

該公司表示,由於上述Grit Units和Labouchan Units的發行出現逆轉,2023年3月27日宣佈完成現金總收益爲2,963,142.36美元的私募股權的新聞稿本應用於收盤現金收益2,825,942.64美元。在取消228,333股股票和77,777股股票之後,該公司的已發行和流通股份爲114,535,293股。

Qualified Person


The technical and historical information pertaining to the Gairloch Project in this release has been reviewed and approved by Gavin Berkenheger (CGeol, EurGeol) who is considered, by virtue of his education, experience and professional association, a Qualified Person under the terms of NI 43-101. Mr. Berkenheger is not considered independent under NI 43-101 as he is a consultant of Galantas Gold Corporation.

本新聞稿中與蓋爾洛赫項目有關的技術和歷史信息已經過加文·伯肯黑格(CGeol,EurGeol)的審查和批准,憑藉其教育、經驗和專業協會,根據NI 43-101的條款,他被視爲合格人士。根據北愛爾蘭43-101,伯肯黑格不被視爲獨立人士,因爲他是加蘭塔斯黃金公司的顧問。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


About Galantas Gold Corporation


Galantas Gold Corporation is a Canadian public company that trades on the TSX Venture Exchange and the London Stock Exchange AIM market, both under the symbol GAL. It also trades on the OTCQX Exchange under the symbol GALKF. The Company's strategy is to create shareholder value by operating and expanding gold production and resources at the Omagh Project in Northern Ireland, and exploring the Gairloch Project hosting the Kerry Road gold-bearing VMS deposit in Scotland.




Galantas Gold Corporation
Mario Stifano: Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: +44(0)28 8224 1100

電話:+44 (0) 28 8224 1100

Grant Thornton UK LLP (AIM Nomad)
Philip Secrett, Harrison Clarke, Enzo Aliaj
Telephone: +44(0)20 7383 5100

英國格蘭特·桑頓律師事務所(AIM Nomad)
電話:+44 (0) 20 7383 5100

SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (AIM Broker)
David Hignell, Charlie Bouverat (Corporate Finance)
Grant Barker (Sales & Broking)
Telephone: +44(0)20 3470 0470

SP Angel 企業融資有限責任公司(AIM Broker)
電話:+44 (0) 20 3470 0470

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws, including results of exploration and sampling programs at the Gairloch Project. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions made by Galantas in light of its experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that Galantas believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Many factors could cause Galantas' actual results, the performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward looking statements or strategy, including: gold price volatility; discrepancies between actual and estimated production, actual and estimated metallurgical recoveries and throughputs; mining operational risk, geological uncertainties; regulatory restrictions, including environmental regulatory restrictions and liability; risks of sovereign involvement; speculative nature of gold exploration; dilution; competition; loss of or availability of key employees; additional funding requirements; uncertainties regarding planning and other permitting issues; and defective title to mineral claims or property. These factors and others that could affect Galantas' forward-looking statements are discussed in greater detail in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Galantas' Management Discussion & Analysis of the financial statements of Galantas and elsewhere in documents filed from time to time with the Canadian provincial securities regulators and other regulatory authorities. These factors should be considered carefully, and persons reviewing this press release should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Galantas has no intention and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements in this press release, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》和適用的加拿大證券法所指的前瞻性陳述,包括蓋爾洛赫項目勘探和抽樣計劃的結果。前瞻性陳述基於加蘭塔斯根據其對歷史趨勢、當前狀況和預期未來發展的經驗和看法,以及加蘭塔斯認爲適合具體情況的其他因素做出的估計和假設。許多因素可能導致加蘭塔斯的實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性聲明或戰略所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異,包括:黃金價格波動;實際和估計產量、實際和估計的冶金回收率和產量之間的差異;採礦運營風險、地質不確定性;監管限制,包括環境監管限制和責任;主權參與的風險;黃金勘探的投機性質;稀釋;競爭;關鍵員工的損失或可用性;額外的資金需求;規劃和其他許可問題的不確定性;礦產索賠或財產的所有權有缺陷。加蘭達管理層對加蘭達財務報表的討論與分析中題爲 “風險因素” 的部分以及不時向加拿大省級證券監管機構和其他監管機構提交的文件中的其他因素詳細討論了這些因素以及其他可能影響加蘭達前瞻性陳述的因素。應仔細考慮這些因素,審查本新聞稿的人不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述。除非法律要求,否則加蘭塔斯無意也沒有義務更新或修改本新聞稿中的任何前瞻性陳述。



1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
a) Name: Mario Stifano
2. Reason for the notification
a) Position/status: Chief Executive Officer
b) Initial notification/Amendment: Initial Notification
3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
a) Name: Galantas Gold Corporation
4. Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted
a) Description of the financial instrument type of instrument
Common Shares of nil par value

Identification Code

ISIN: CA36315W3012
b) Nature of the transaction Cancellation of shares
c) Price(s) and volume Price Volume
N/A 306,110
d) Aggregated information N/A single transaction
e) Date of the transaction February 27, 2024
f) Place of the transaction Outside of a trading venue
1。 履行管理職責的人員/密切相關人員的詳細信息
a) 姓名: 馬里奧·斯蒂法諾
2。 通知原因
a) 職位/狀態: 首席執行官
b) 初次通知/修訂: 初始通知
3。 發行人、排放補貼市場參與者、拍賣平台、拍賣商或拍賣監督機構的詳細信息
a) 姓名: 加蘭塔斯黃金公司
b) 謊言: LEI:213800JKVPLLKO4KVB93
4。 交易詳情:(i)每種工具;(ii)每種類型的交易;(iii)每種日期;(iii)每種交易的詳細內容;以及(iv)每個交易地點
a) 金融工具類型的描述


ISIN: CA36315W3012
b) 交易的性質 取消股份
c) 價格和數量 價格 音量
不適用 306,110
d) 彙總信息 不適用單筆交易
e) 交易日期 2024年2月27日
f) 交易地點 在交易場所外

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at


