
2月赛力斯汽车销量同比增长700.63% 相关零部件厂商有望持续受益

Cyrus automobile sales increased 700.63% year-on-year in February, and related parts manufacturers are expected to continue to benefit ·  Mar 4 07:54

① Cyrus announced that in February 2024, sales of new energy vehicles were 30,300 units, an increase of 360.04% over the previous year. Among them, Cyrus sold 2,8062 vehicles, an increase of 700.63% over the previous year. ② Dongguan Securities believes that the Quanjie M9 is expected to become a new generation of popular models, leading industry innovation and driving supply chain flexibility. Related aspects such as 800v silicon carbide fast charging, intelligent driving, and smart cockpit are expected to benefit.

Cyrus announced that in February 2024, sales of new energy vehicles were 30,300 units, an increase of 360.04% over the previous year. Among them, Cyrus sold 2,8062 vehicles, an increase of 700.63% over the previous year. A few days ago, according to AITO Auto's Weibo account, its flagship SUV model surpassed 50,000 units of the M9. As the brand's flagship, the M9 is the pinnacle of cooperation between Huawei and Cyrus. It is quite expensive, but this high-end model, known by Yu Chengdong as the “King of Technology Cars,” was very popular once it went on sale, and even set a record of over 1,000 units per day.

The Quest M9 is equipped with the top ten Huawei black technologies, including Huawei's advanced intelligent driving, intelligent lighting system, the industry's first vehicle-grade projection screen, 4th generation range extension platform, 800V high-pressure silicon carbide platform, super strong Xuanwu body, and Touring smart chassis. Dongguan Securities believes that as Huawei's first flagship SUV, the Wenjie M9 maintains leadership in terms of charging efficiency, handling experience, and degree of intelligence. It is expected to become a new generation of popular models, leading industry innovation and driving supply chain flexibility. Related aspects such as 800v silicon carbide fast charging, intelligent driving, and smart cockpit are expected to benefit.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

There is a smart cockpit-related fixed point between Guangfeng Technology and Celis. It is related to the entertainment display in the rear row of the car. This fixed point corresponds to the M9.

Huayang Group has now been awarded a designated project for the M9 high-power automotive wireless charging and NFC key module products.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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