
Element 29 Receives Environmental Permit for Flor De Cobre Copper Project and Announces Partnership With GlobeTrotters on Exploration Activities

Element 29 Receives Environmental Permit for Flor De Cobre Copper Project and Announces Partnership With GlobeTrotters on Exploration Activities

Element 29 獲得 Flor De Cobre 銅礦項目的環境許可,並宣佈與 GlobeTrotters 合作開展勘探活動
newsfile ·  03/02 06:04

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 1, 2024) - Element 29 Resources Inc. (TSXV: ECU) (OTCQB: EMTRF) (BVL: ECU) ("Element 29" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received environmental permit approval for exploration drilling at its wholly-owned Atravesado porphyry target on the Flor de Cobre copper project, located in southern Peru.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞檔案公司,2024 年 3 月 1 日)-Element 29 Resources Inc. (TSXV: ECU) (OTCQB: EMTRF) (BVL: ECU) (”第 29 個元素“或者”公司“)高興地宣佈,它已獲得環境許可批准,可以在位於秘魯南部的Flor de Cobre銅礦項目的全資Atravesado斑岩目標上進行勘探鑽探。

The permit, known as a Declaración de Impacto Ambiental ("DIA"), allows the Company to drill from a maximum of 40 drilling platforms. Following approval of the environmental permit, Element 29 requested approval from the Peruvian General Mining Bureau ("DGM") for the Authorization to Initiate Exploration Activities ("AIEA"), which is a normal course step that triggers Peruvian authorities to evaluate the effect of exploration activities on the local community. The outcome of this evaluation will establish whether there is a need for a prior consultation process ("Consulta Previa"). In parallel, the Company is negotiating a surface rights agreement with the local community. After completing these steps, the Company expects that Peruvian authorities will be able to issue approval of the AIEA.

該許可證被稱爲《環境影響宣言》(”DIA“),允許公司在最多 40 個鑽井平台上進行鑽探。環境許可證獲得批准後,Element 29要求秘魯礦業總局批准(”DGM”) 以授權發起勘探活動 (”AIEA“),這是促使秘魯當局評估勘探活動對當地社區影響的正常步驟。本次評估的結果將確定是否需要事先進行磋商(”查閱預覽版“)。同時,該公司正在與當地社區談判一項地面權利協議。在完成這些步驟後,該公司預計秘魯當局將能夠批准AIEA。

Partnering with GlobeTrotters on Exploration

與 GlobeTrotters 合作進行探索

The Company plans to partner with GlobeTrotters Resource Group ("GlobeTrotters"), a private exploraton company focused on project generation in South America. GlobeTrotters has been actively exploring in Peru for more than 10 years and responsible for the initial discovery of the Company's flagship Elida porphyry Cu-Mo-Ag deposit and the Atravesado porphry Cu target at Flor de Cobre. The plans are to utilize GlobeTrotters' technical expertise in Peru to advance the Company's portfolio of highly prospective porphyry Cu projects and share operational resources to potentially significantly cut costs. The plans to partner with GlobeTrotters, the largest shareholder of the Company, complements the appointment of Manuel Montoya as Chief Technical Officer (see February 29, 2024 press release).


Richard Osmond, Chairman and CEO, commented, "The receipt of the Atravesado target DIA on our Flor de Cobre project is an important step towards drilling this highly prospective target. Our Peruvian team has worked diligently on both permitting and on gaining a better understanding of the Atravesado target. We anticipate receipt of the drill permit by Q3 2024."

董事長兼首席執行官理查德·奧斯蒙德評論說, “我們的Flor de Cobre項目收到了Atravesado目標DIA,這是朝着鑽探這個極具前景的目標邁出的重要一步。我們的秘魯團隊在許可和更好地了解Atravesado目標方面都在努力工作。我們預計將在2024年第三季度收到鑽探許可證。”

Mr. Osmond continues, "The planned partnership with GlobeTrotters fits perfectly with our strategic plans to reduce corporate costs and focus our efforts as much as possible on advancing our portfolio of highly prospective Peruvian porphyry copper projects in one of the top mining jurisdictions globally."


Atravesado is a large porphyry Cu target on the 1,800 hectare ("ha") Flor de Cobre property (Figure 1) in the Southern Peru Copper Belt (Figure 2) that hosts some of the world's largest Cu mines and deposits. Outcrop samples anomalous in Cu and molybdenum ("Mo"), resistivity and chargeability anomalies, and corresponding geological indicators define the target with an area of approximately 1.5 km x 2.0 km. Mapping completed by the Element 29 geological team suggests Atravesado is part of a larger porphyry complex that extends to the Candelaria zone to the southeast. The core of the Atravesado target has not been tested by drilling (Figure 1 and Figure 3).

Atravesado是秘魯南部銅帶(圖2)佔地 1,800 公頃(“公頃”)的 Flor de Cobre 地產(圖 1)上的一個大型斑岩銅礦目標,該地產擁有一些世界上最大的銅礦和礦牀。銅和鉬(“Mo”)中的露頭樣品、電阻率和可充電性異常以及相應的地質指標定義了面積約爲 1.5 km x 2.0 km 的目標。元素29地質小組完成的測繪表明,阿特拉維薩多是一個更大的斑岩建築群的一部分,該建築群延伸到東南部的坎德拉里亞區域。阿特拉維薩多目標的核心尚未經過鑽探測試(圖 1 和圖 3)。

Candelaria Concessions


As part of the Company's option agreement renegotiation discussions with the underlying property vendor of the Candelaria concessions comprising a total of 127.12 ha, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Candelaria Resources S.A.C. has signed a non-binding letter of intent following the expiry of the previous 5-year option agreement entered in 2019. The Company will provide status updates on the new negotiations with the property vendor.


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Richard Osmond (P.Geo.), Element 29's Chairman and CEO, who is the "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿的科學和技術內容已經過元素29董事長兼首席執行官理查德·奧斯蒙德(P.Geo.)的審查和批准,他是國家儀器43-101礦業項目披露標準所定義的 “合格人士”。

About Flor de Cobre

關於 Flor de Cobre

Flor de Cobre is a porphyry Cu exploration project that contains the recently outlined Atravesado porphyry Cu target 2.5 km northwest of the historical Candelaria mine. The property is in the Southern Peru Copper Belt and is 5 km northwest of Nexa Resources' Chapi mine and 26 km southeast of the Cerro Verde mine owned by Freeport-McMoRan, Sumitomo Metal Mining, and Compañía de Minas Buenaventura. Flor de Cobre hosts a classic Andean porphyry system with primary Cu sulphide mineralization associated with a multi-phase quartz monzonite porphyry complex. Weathering redistributed primary mineralization into a sub-horizontal enrichment blanket containing secondary Cu oxide and sulphide minerals at the base of a hematitic leached cap. Remnants of the upper jarositic component of the leached cap overlying the hematitic cap are preserved on the higher hill tops around the Candelaria prospect. An IP/Resistivity geophysical survey completed in 2019 outlined a core of moderate resistivity that coincides with widespread Cu oxide mineralization, strong Cu geochemistry, and late-stage quartz monzodiorite porphyry dikes. The resistive core is surrounded by a high-chargeability halo corresponding with weathered quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration.

Flor de Cobre是一個斑岩銅勘探項目,其中包含最近概述的阿特拉維薩多斑岩銅礦目標,該目標位於歷史悠久的坎德拉里亞礦西北2.5公里處。該物業位於秘魯南部的銅帶,位於Nexa Resources的查皮礦西北5公里處,位於弗裏波特-麥克莫蘭金、住友金屬礦業和布埃納文圖拉米納斯公司擁有的佛得角山東南26公里處。Flor de Cobre擁有典型的安第斯斑岩系統,其原生硫化銅礦化與多相石英單石斑岩複合體有關。風化將原生礦化重新分配到亞水平富集層中,該富集層的底部含有二次氧化銅和硫化物礦物。在坎德拉里亞勘探區周圍較高的山頂上,保留了覆蓋赤鐵礦蓋的浸出蓋的上部黃土成分的殘留物。2019年完成的IP/電阻率地球物理調查概述了中等電阻率的核心,這與廣泛的氧化銅礦化、強烈的銅地球化學以及晚期的石英單二長巖斑岩斑岩堤壩相吻合。電阻核心周圍環繞着高可充電性光環,該光環與風化的石英-絹雲母-黃鐵礦蝕變相對應。

About Element 29 Resources Inc.

關於 Element 29 資源公司

Element 29 Resources Inc. is an emerging copper exploration and development company focused on advancing its portfolio of Peruvian projects towards development in one of the world's more established mining jurisdictions. Element 29's growth strategy is led by our strong board and management, who have a proven track record of discovery and delivering value to our shareholders.

Element 29 Resources Inc. 是一家新興的銅礦勘探和開發公司,專注於將其秘魯項目組合推向在世界上較成熟的採礦司法管轄區之一的開發。Element 29的增長戰略由我們強大的董事會和管理層領導,他們在發現和爲股東創造價值方面有着良好的記錄。

The Company's principal objective is to explore and develop its Flor de Cobre Porphyry Cu Project located in the Southern Peru Copper Belt, 26 km southeast from Freeport-McMoRan's Cerro Verde copper mine, and its Elida Porphyry Cu Deposit in west-central Peru. Both projects are well located for potential mine development and will benefit from nearby infrastructure including roads, powerlines, ports, water, and a skilled workforce.

該公司的主要目標是勘探和開發位於秘魯南部銅帶的Flor de Cobre Porphyry Cu項目,該項目位於秘魯南部銅帶,距離弗裏波特-麥克莫蘭的Cerro Verde銅礦東南26公里,以及其位於秘魯中西部的Elida Porphyry Cu礦牀。這兩個項目都地理位置優越,可以進行潛在的礦山開發,並將受益於附近的基礎設施,包括道路、電力線、港口、水資源和熟練的勞動力。

More information is available at .


For additional information:
Richard Osmond, Chairman & CEO


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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation (collectively, "Forward-looking Statements"). All statements, other than statements of historical fact, constitute Forward-looking Statements. Words such as "will", "intends", "proposed" and "expects" or similar expressions are intended to identify Forward-looking Statements. Forward-looking Statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the Company's future plans, goals, expectations or strategies regarding the exploration and development of its resource properties, including advancing its portfolio of Peruvian copper projects; the Company's planned exploration of drilling targets and expected discovery of highly prospective porphyry Cu; approval of the AIEA from Peruvian authorities; the planned partnership with GlobeTrotters and the expected benefits thereof; and the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary entering into a binding option agreement with respect to the Candelaria concessions, if at all.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券立法所指的某些前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述(統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”)。除歷史事實陳述外,所有陳述均構成前瞻性陳述。諸如 “將”、“打算”、“提議” 和 “期望” 之類的詞語或類似的表述旨在識別前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於有關公司未來勘探和開發其資源地產的計劃、目標、預期或戰略的聲明,包括推進其秘魯銅項目組合;公司計劃勘探鑽探目標和預期發現極具前景的斑岩銅;秘魯當局對AIEA的批准;與GlobeTrotters的計劃合作伙伴關係及其全部預期收益;以及公司的-自有子公司就坎德拉里亞的特許權簽訂具有約束力的期權協議(如果有的話)。

Forward-looking Statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks, and important factors, among others, that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations including uncertainties related to the Company's ability to raise sufficient capital for its operations on acceptable terms or at all, fluctuations in copper and other commodity prices, uncertainties inherent in the exploration of mineral properties, legislative, political or economic developments, including changes in Peruvian federal and/or provincial laws that may significantly affect the mining industry, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary's ability to enter into a binding option agreement with respect to the Candelaria concessions on acceptable terms or at all, and other risk factors set forth in the Company's prospectus under the heading "Risk Factors".

前瞻性陳述必然涉及已知和未知的風險以及可能導致實際業績與公司預期存在重大差異的重要因素等,包括與公司以可接受的條件或完全籌集足夠資金的能力相關的不確定性、銅和其他大宗商品價格的波動、礦產勘探中固有的不確定性、立法、政治或經濟發展,包括秘魯聯邦和/或省級法律可能發生的變化嚴重影響了採礦業、公司全資子公司以可接受的條件或完全可以就坎德拉里亞特許權簽訂具有約束力的期權協議的能力,以及公司招股說明書中以 “風險因素” 爲標題列出的其他風險因素。

Readers are further cautioned not to place undue reliance on Forward-looking Statements as there can be no assurances that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any Forward-looking Statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for Element 29 to predict all of them or assess the impact of each such factor or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause results to differ materially from those contained in any Forward-looking Statement. Any Forward-looking Statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.


