
BWR Exploration Inc. Provides Update on Little Stull Lake Gold Project NE Manitoba

BWR Exploration Inc. Provides Update on Little Stull Lake Gold Project NE Manitoba

BWR Exploration Inc. 提供曼尼托巴省東北部小斯圖爾湖黃金項目的最新情況
GlobeNewswire ·  03/01 23:37



  • Manitoba Mineral Development Fund ("MMDF") releases final instalment of $100,000 to BWR.
  • Manto Sipi Cree Nation ("MSCN") Chief and Council provided clearance to BWR to commence an environment focused site visit to BWR's Little Stull Lake exploration camp.
  • MSCN advise that they are in process of a referendum to determine whether there is a majority of registered citizens authorizing Chief and Council to commence negotiations with BWR regarding exploration within their Ancestral Land at Little Stull Lake.
  • 曼尼托巴省礦業開發基金(“MMDF”)向BWR發放了最後一筆10萬加元的分期付款。
  • Manto Sipi Cree Nation(“MSCN”)首席執行官兼理事會允許BWR開始對BWR的小斯圖爾湖探險營地進行以環境爲重點的實地考察。
  • MSCN表示,他們正在舉行全民公決,以確定是否有大多數註冊公民授權酋長和理事會開始與BWR進行談判,討論在小斯圖爾湖祖傳土地上進行勘探。

TORONTO, March 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BWR Exploration Inc. (the "Company" or "BWR") (TSX.V: BWR) is pleased to announce that the final tranche of funding as outlined in the "Contribution Agreement" dated October 25, 2021 and amended March 24, 2023 with MMDF Corporation has been released; to date BWR has received $300,000 grant from the Manitoba Mineral Development Fund ("MMDF"), details of which were previously announced on January 7, 2021. MMDF required that as per the Contribution Agreement, BWR must submit a final report on the use of the MMDF grant by the end of 2023, this report was completed and submitted in early January, the final $5,000 holdback (pending release of the report) was released to BWR on February 7, 2023.

多倫多,2024年3月1日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——BWR Exploration Inc.(“公司” 或 “BWR”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BWR)欣然宣佈,2021年10月25日與MMDF公司簽訂的 “捐款協議” 中概述並於2023年3月24日修訂的最後一筆資金已經發布;迄今爲止,BWR已從曼尼托巴省礦產開發基金獲得了30萬美元的撥款(“MMDF”),其詳細信息此前已於2021年1月7日公佈。MMDF要求根據捐款協議,BWR必須在2023年底之前提交有關MMDF補助金使用情況的最終報告,該報告於1月初完成並提交,最後的5,000美元滯留款(待報告發布)已於2023年2月7日發佈給BWR。

Fall 2023 Site Visit: With specific reference to use of funds from the third tranche, BWR received clearance from Manto Sipi Cree Nation ("MSCN") to engage an independent environmental consulting group to participate in an environment focused site visit to BWR's exploration camp located at Little Stull Lake in Northeastern Manitoba, within MSCN Ancestral Land. The purpose of the site visit was to have representatives of MSCN witness an independent review and provide eco-guidance with a recommended course of action on a previously identified environmental concern, where low levels of hydrocarbon in soil was detected and reported in a small area within BWR's general permit camp site. BWR retained Pinchin Ltd., an environmental consulting firm with offices in Winnipeg, to peer review the 2021 and 2022 Soil Report(s) completed and prepared by BWR, with the purpose of developing an all-encompassing delineation and remediation plan for the affected area. On October 19, 2023, Pinchin provided onsite guidance and made the recommendation to complete a soil sampling program surrounding and including the area previously identified by BWR, to confirm and further delineate the nature and scope of the environmental issue.

2023年秋季實地考察:具體到第三批資金的使用情況,BWR獲得了曼託·西皮·克里國家(“MSCN”)的許可,聘請一個獨立的環境諮詢小組參與對位於曼尼托巴省東北部小斯圖爾湖的MSCN祖地內的BWR勘探營地進行以環境爲重點的實地考察。實地考察的目的是讓MSCN的代表見證一項獨立審查,並就先前確定的環境問題提供生態指導和建議的行動方案,在該問題中,在BWR通用許可營地的一小部分區域內檢測並報告了土壤中碳氫化合物的含量很低。BWR聘請了在溫尼伯設有辦事處的環境諮詢公司Pinchin Ltd. 對BWR完成和編寫的2021年和2022年土壤報告進行同行審查,目的是爲受影響地區制定全面的劃界和修復計劃。2023年10月19日,平欽提供了現場指導,並建議完成BWR先前確定的區域周圍的土壤採樣計劃,以確認和進一步描述環境問題的性質和範圍。

The sampling program was completed between October 22 and October 26, 2023, as witnessed by a representative of MSCN. Samples were systematically selected by Pinchin and submitted to Bureau Veritas Laboratories (BV Labs) in Winnipeg, Manitoba for analysis. BV Labs is an independent laboratory accredited by the Standards Council of Canada and the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation. Pinchin further agreed to propose (if engaged to do so) a go-forward environmental monitoring program for the early-stage exploration program that BWR is proposing on its Little Stull Lake project. The results of the Pinchin site visit were reviewed and incorporated into a project conclusion report that was submitted to MMDF, thus completing the file as outlined in the Contribution Agreement as well as the environmental site visit clearance permission by MSCN Chief and Council in their letter of support dated September 14, 2023. BWR has agreed to share this final MMDF funded report with MSCN in due course.

在 MSCN 的一位代表的見證下,抽樣計劃於 2023 年 10 月 22 日至 10 月 26 日完成。Pinchin對樣本進行了系統篩選,並提交給位於曼尼托巴省溫尼伯的必維實驗室(BV Labs)進行分析。BV Labs 是獲得加拿大標準委員會和加拿大實驗室認證協會認可的獨立實驗室。平欽進一步同意爲BWR在其Little Stull Lake項目中提出的早期勘探計劃提出一項前瞻性的環境監測計劃(如果有人蔘與的話)。對Pinchin實地考察的結果進行了審查,並將其納入了提交給MMDF的項目結論報告中,從而完成了捐款協議以及MSCN負責人和理事會在2023年9月14日的支持信中獲得的環境實地訪問許可中概述的文件。BWR已同意在適當的時候與MSCN分享這份由MMDF資助的最終報告。

Work Permit update: BWR's 2024 early-stage exploration proposal involves diamond drilling several exploratory holes; the start-up of this early-stage exploration program has been contingent upon following the Consultation Protocol Roadmap as agreed to between MSCN and the Crown, back in November 2022.


BWR anticipates receiving a conditional work permit from the Crown once consultation with the leadership of MSCN and the MSCN community has concluded. The issuance of a work permit would be contingent on MSCN voting in support of BWR's proposal during its community referendum, with voting scheduled to end on March 14, 2024. If the referendum vote is "yes", then the parties will have a mandate to move expeditiously to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"). The MOU would lay out the basis for BWR entering into an early-stage exploration agreement with MSCN.

BWR預計,與MSCN領導層和MSCN社區的磋商結束後,將獲得王室的有條件工作許可。工作許可證的發放將取決於MSCN在社區公投期間投票支持BWR的提議,投票定於2024年3月14日結束。如果公投結果是 “是”,那麼各方將有權迅速採取行動,談判諒解備忘錄(“諒解備忘錄”)。該諒解備忘錄將爲BWR與MSCN簽訂早期勘探協議奠定基礎。

The Consultation Protocol Roadmap involved BWR meeting with leadership of MSCN as well as a series of "in-community meetings" that concluded in early August 2023. BWR received notice in late August that the community leadership had decided to hold a referendum on BWR's proposal, to determine whether the majority of MSCN citizens are supportive of Chief and Council entering into a Memorandum of Understanding / Exploration Agreement with BWR as it pertains to the Little Stull Lake Gold Project going forward with the proposed exploration program. In a late August email, Chief and Council encouraged BWR to complete the aforementioned environmental site visit and offered to have representatives of the community observe or participate in the environmental work program. This prompted the mid-October site visit, after which the community leadership further advised that they would hold an internal meeting to review and discuss the project going forward with BWR. BWR has recently been advised that the community held an internal meeting on February 8, 2024 during which they set an original target date for the referendum at February 29, 2024. BWR was informed on February 28th that the on-line voting portal was opened on February 26th and will continue until March 14.

磋商協議路線圖包括BWR與MSCN領導層的會晤以及於2023年8月初結束的一系列 “社區內會議”。BWR在8月下旬收到通知,社區領導層已決定就BWR的提議舉行全民公決,以確定大多數MSCN公民是否支持酋長和理事會與BWR簽訂諒解備忘錄/勘探協議,該備忘錄/勘探協議涉及小斯圖爾湖金礦項目推進擬議勘探計劃。在8月下旬的一封電子郵件中,酋長和理事會鼓勵BWR完成上述環境實地考察,並表示願意讓社區代表觀察或參與環境工作計劃。這促使他們於10月中旬進行了實地考察,之後社區領導層進一步建議,他們將舉行一次內部會議,與BWR一起審查和討論該項目的進展。BWR最近獲悉,該社區於2024年2月8日舉行了一次內部會議,在此期間,他們將公投的最初目標日期定爲2024年2月29日。BWR 於 2 月 28 日獲悉第四 在線投票門戶網站已於2月26日開放第四 並將持續到3月14日。

About BWR Exploration Inc.: BWR Exploration Inc. is a public company focused on exploring for base and precious metals, with its flagship Little Stull Lake Gold Project in NE Manitoba along with other exploration projects in Northern Ontario, and Northern Quebec, Canada. Management of BWR includes an accomplished group of exploration/mining specialists with many decades of operational experience in the junior resource sector in Canada and abroad. There are 106,010,461 shares currently issued.

關於BWR Exploration Inc.:BWR Exploration Inc.是一家專注於勘探基本金屬和貴金屬的上市公司,其旗艦Little Stull Lake黃金項目位於曼尼托巴省東北部,其他勘探項目位於加拿大安大略省北部和魁北克省北部。BWR的管理層包括一群經驗豐富的勘探/採礦專家,他們在加拿大和國外的初級資源領域擁有數十年的運營經驗。目前已發行106,010,461股股票。

PDAC 2024: BWR Exploration Inc. will be attending and participating in PDAC 2024 in Toronto, ON. Please drop by BWR's booth in the Investor Exchange area, booth 2418A on March 3 and 4.

PDAC 2024:BWR Exploration Inc.將參加和參與在安大略省多倫多舉行的2024年PDAC。請於3月3日和4日光臨BWR在投資者交流區的展位2418A號展位。

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For information about BWR Exploration Inc. please visit our website: or call/email:

有關 BWR Exploration Inc. 的信息,請訪問我們的網站:或致電/發送電子郵件至:

Neil Novak, P.Geo., President, CEO & Director,
BWR Exploration Inc.
82 Richmond St. E, Toronto, ON M5C 1P1
Office (416) 848 6866

BWR 勘探公司
安大略省多倫多市裏士滿街 82 號 M5C 1P1
辦公室 (416) 848 6866

