
Royalty Management Holding Corporation's Titanium Dioxide, Iron Ore and Vanadium Royalty Project Commences Final Permitting Process

Royalty Management Holding Corporation's Titanium Dioxide, Iron Ore and Vanadium Royalty Project Commences Final Permitting Process

Accesswire ·  03/01 21:00

With the completion of initial deposit analysis and characterization, RMCO and its partner company are commencing the process of obtaining a full permit for development and production


Company will work with local regulators to develop the ability to extract and process the diversified resource by training and utilizing local labor and community development


FISHERS, IN / ACCESSWIRE / March 1, 2024 / Royalty Management Holding Corporation (NASDAQ:RMCO) ("Royalty Management" "RMCO", or the "Company"), an innovative royalty company building shareholder value by acquiring and developing high value assets in sustainable market environments, announce today that its investment into T. R. Mining Ltd., through a royalty structure on sale of resources sold, has entered into the next phase of development towards full production and commercialization through the commencement of the next steps to obtain the full production permit for the extraction and processing of a variety of minerals, compounds, and elements, such as titanium dioxide, iron ore and vanadium, in close partnership with local labor resources and by using environmentally sensitive processes.

印第安納州費舍爾/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月1日/特許權使用費管理控股公司(納斯達克股票代碼:RMCO)(“特許權使用費管理” “RMCO” 或 “公司”)是一家通過在可持續市場環境中收購和開發高價值資產來建立股東價值的創新特許權使用費公司,今天宣佈,其通過出售所售資源的特許權使用費結構對T.R. Mining Ltd. 的投資已進入下一階段的發展通過開始下一步措施來實現全面生產和商業化,以獲得全面生產許可證與當地勞動力資源密切合作,使用環境敏感型工藝,開採和加工各種礦物、化合物和元素,例如二氧化鈦、鐵礦石和釩。

"We are excited to support this project and help move it to the next stages of development for the extraction and sale of its high value materials, which, in turn, can generate long-term and lucrative royalty streams to our investors. T. R. Mining and its representatives has begun the process of communicating with the local regulators to start the process to obtain the full operating permit for this deposit, along with preliminary planning and development stages of building out the full commercial realization process." stated Thomas Sauve, CEO of RMCO. Mr. Sauve continued, "We feel really energized about the demand for the products and the overall growth of the infrastructure market worldwide and feel that our investors have the opportunity to benefit greatly from the royalty structure in-place with this deposit with a properly-executed game plan."

“我們很高興能夠支持該項目,並幫助其進入下一個開發階段,以開採和銷售其高價值材料,這反過來可以爲我們的投資者帶來長期而豐厚的特許權使用費來源。T.R. Mining及其代表已開始與當地監管機構進行溝通,以啓動獲得該礦牀正式運營許可證的程序,以及建立完整商業實現過程的初步規劃和開發階段。” RMCO首席執行官托馬斯·索夫說。索夫繼續說:“我們對產品的需求和全球基礎設施市場的整體增長感到非常充滿活力,並認爲我們的投資者有機會通過這筆存款通過適當執行的遊戲計劃從現行的特許權使用費結構中受益匪淺。”

RMCO will work with third-party mining companies to accelerate the extraction and monetization of the minerals and resources found within this licensed project, initially focusing on the extraction and sale of a set of high value materials found within the deposit, which includes:


  • Titanium Dioxide and related compounds: Used in a variety of applications, such as the manufacturing of paints, plastics, paper, and for the aerospace, defense, medical, and steel industries;
  • Vanadium Ore: Used for strengthening steel and is a component of rechargeable batteries; and
  • Iron Ore: Used in a variety of industries and applications, from ironmaking and steelmaking to resource processing, in the form of magnetite and other related compounds.
  • 二氧化鈦及相關化合物:用於各種應用,例如油漆、塑料、紙張的製造,以及用於航空航天、國防、醫療和鋼鐵行業;
  • 釩礦:用於強化鋼材,是可充電電池的組成部分;以及
  • 鐵礦石:以磁鐵礦和其他相關化合物的形式用於各種行業和應用,從鍊鐵、鍊鋼到資源加工。

RMCO holds an investment in T. R. Mining and the mining permit, equating to a 10% royalty on all product sales from the deposit in perpetuity. The investment in the royalty structure of T.R. Mining Ltd. compliments RMCO's current investment into Ferrox Holdings and its Tivani Project, located in the Limpopo province of South Africa, where the Company holds an equity interest in the production of various resources and minerals, and is aligned with the Company's stated strategy of targeting investments in resources and minerals needed for energy production, energy storage, energy transition and modern infrastructure.

RMCO持有T.R. Mining的投資和採礦許可證,相當於該礦牀中永久銷售所有產品的10%特許權使用費。對T.R. Mining Ltd.特許權使用費結構的投資補充了RMCO目前對位於南非林波波省的Ferrox Holdings及其Tivani項目的投資,該公司持有各種資源和礦產生產的股權,符合該公司宣佈的戰略,即投資能源生產、儲能、能源轉型和現代基礎設施所需的資源和礦產。

About Royalty Management Holding Corporation


Royalty Management Holding Corporation (NASDAQ: RMCO) is a royalty company building shareholder value to benefit both its shareholders and communities by acquiring and developing high value assets in sustainable market environments. The business model focuses on acquiring and structuring cashflow and revenue streams around assets that can support the communities by monetizing the current existing cash flow streams while identifying transitionary cash flow from the assets for the future. For more information visit .

Royalty Management Holding Corporation(納斯達克股票代碼:RMCO)是一家特許權使用費公司,通過在可持續的市場環境中收購和開發高價值資產,爲股東和社區創造價值。該商業模式側重於圍繞資產收購和構建現金流和收入流,這些資產可以通過將當前的現有現金流貨幣化來支持社區,同時確定來自資產的未來過渡性現金流。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements," including with respect to the initial public offering. No assurance can be given that the offering discussed above will be completed on the terms described, or at all. Forward-looking statements are subject to numerous conditions, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, including those that will be set forth in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's registration statement and proxy statement/prospectus to be filed with the SEC. Copies will be available on the SEC's website, The information contained in this release is as of the date first set forth above. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含構成 “前瞻性陳述” 的聲明,包括與首次公開募股有關的陳述。無法保證上述發行將按照所述條款完成,或根本無法保證。前瞻性陳述受許多條件的約束,其中許多條件是公司無法控制的,包括將在公司註冊聲明和向美國證券交易委員會提交的委託書/招股說明書的 “風險因素” 部分中列出的條件。副本將在美國證券交易委員會的網站www.sec.gov上公佈。本新聞稿中包含的信息截至上述首次規定的日期。除非法律要求,否則公司沒有義務在本新聞稿發佈之日後更新這些聲明以進行修訂或變更。

Investor Contact:
RedChip Companies Inc.
Robert Foley
1-800-RED-CHIP (733-2447)

RedChip Companies
1-800-RED-CHIP (733-2447)

Company Contact:
Thomas Sauve
Chief Executive Officer
(317) 855-9926

(317) 855-9926

SOURCE: Royalty Management Holding Corporation


