
Sable Announces Preliminary Results From Cerro Negro Greenfields Project in San Juan Argentina

Sable Announces Preliminary Results From Cerro Negro Greenfields Project in San Juan Argentina

Sable 公佈了位於阿根廷聖胡安的 Cerro Negro Greenfields 項目的初步結果
GlobeNewswire ·  03/01 20:00

Figure 1

圖 1

Cerro Negro project summary looking SSW.
Cerro Negro 的項目摘要看起來很不錯

Figure 2

圖 2

Location and Metallogenic Regional Context of the Cerro Negro project.
Cerro Negro 項目的位置和成礦區域背景。

Figure 3

圖 3

Magnetics, Chargeability and Resistivity distribution at the Cerro Negro Project.

Figure 4

圖 4

Distribution of response ratios for main porphyry associated metals.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sable Resources Ltd. ("Sable" or the "Company") (TSXV:SAE | OTCQB:SBLRF) is pleased to announce preliminary exploration results from its new grassroots Cerro Negro project recently staked by the Company. Cerro Negro is an early-stage project located 50km east of Sable's Don Julio Project, 35 km NW of Challenger Gold's Hualilan Project, and 34 km ENE of Minsud Resources – South32 Chita Valley Project in the province of San Juan, Argentina.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年3月1日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Sable Resources Ltd.(“Sable” 或 “公司”)(TSXV: SAE | OTCQB: SBLRF)欣然宣佈該公司最近投注的新基層塞羅內格羅項目的初步勘探結果。Cerro Negro是一個早期項目,位於Sable的唐胡里奧項目以東50公里處,Challenger Gold的Hualilan項目西北35公里處,位於阿根廷聖胡安省明蘇德資源——South32赤塔谷項目東北34公里處。

Dr. Ruben Padilla, President and CEO of Sable commented, "Cerro Negro was identified by Sable during its ongoing project generation work. This project represents an opportunity for new concealed copper resources along underexplored segments of known fertile terrains. We have employed conceptual work and systematic modern exploration techniques that step by step keep suggesting the potential for finding a new Miocene blind porphyry system. The exploration program at Don Julio is ongoing with results from the 2023 / 2024 exploration season anticipated late March."




  • New project with excellent location, infrastructure, access, and lower elevation allowing year-round exploration work.
  • 100% owned by Sable, never explored, or drilled before.
  • Located along a NW regional structure within the fertile San Juan Miocene mineral belt.
  • Geophysical, geochemical, and alteration anomalies indicating potential for Miocene porphyry mineralization concealed under Quaternary gravels.
  • 新項目地理位置優越,基礎設施,交通便利,海拔較低,可以全年進行勘探工作。
  • 100% 歸 Sable 所有,從未探索過或鑽探過。
  • 位於肥沃的聖胡安中新世礦產帶內的西北區域結構沿線。
  • 地球物理、地球化學和蝕變異常表明有可能隱藏在第四紀礫石下方的中新世斑岩礦化。

Figure 1. Cerro Negro project summary looking SSW.

圖 1。Cerro Negro 的項目摘要看上去 SSW。

Cerro Negro was staked based on the presence of a regional magnetic anomaly under quaternary gravels. After staking the ground, Sable conducted geological mapping finding discrete outcrops of Miocene porphyry intrusions; additionally, Sable completed two lines (9km) of Induced Polarization (IP) survey finding a significant chargeability anomaly of at least 800 by 900m on the SW margin of the magnetic anomaly; and a second, more subtle chargeability anomaly on the NE extreme of the IP survey. Rock sampling on available outcrops returned copper anomalies up to 0.1% Cu associated with small quartz-carbonate structures hosted in Ordovician sediment and containing trace amounts of chalcopyrite and Cu oxides. Spectral analysis of rock samples collected shows the presence of white mica, chlorite, and epidote alteration, all of them typical of porphyry environment.

Cerro Negro 的投注依據是第四紀礫石下存在區域磁異常。紮下地面後,Sable進行了地質測繪,發現了中新世斑岩入侵的離散露頭;此外,Sable完成了兩條感應極化(IP)調查線(9km),在磁異常的西南邊緣發現了至少800×900m的顯著電荷異常;在IP調查的東北極端發現了第二條更微妙的充電異常。對現有露頭進行岩石採樣後,銅異常值高達 0.1%,這與奧陶紀沉積物中的小型石英碳酸鹽結構有關,含有微量的黃銅礦和氧化銅。對採集的岩石樣品進行光譜分析顯示,存在白雲母、亞氯酸鹽和附着物蝕變,所有這些都是斑岩環境的典型特徵。

Figure 2. Location and Metallogenic Regional Context of the Cerro Negro project.

圖 2。Cerro Negro 項目的位置和成礦區域背景。

Given the coincidence of magnetic and IP features with localized anomalous rock samples, the company decided to conduct a soil sampling survey using the partial extraction MMI technique (Mobile Metal Ion) to define ionic metal anomalies transported vertically through the gravel cover. The survey consisted of 255 samples collected along the IP lines to compare geochemical and geophysical responses. The MMI results show consistent and significant anomalies of porphyry-related metals like Cu, Au, Ag, Mo within and around the main chargeability anomaly; traditional pathfinders such As, Sb, Tl, Te, Se, Pb, Zn show variable anomalies in different zones of the sampled area.

鑑於磁性和 IP 特徵與局部異常岩石樣本的重合,該公司決定使用部分提取的 MMI 技術(Mobile Metal Ion)進行土壤取樣調查,以定義垂直穿過礫石覆蓋層的離子金屬異常。該調查包括沿IP線收集的255個樣本,用於比較地球化學和地球物理響應。MMI結果顯示,在主要可充電性異常內和周圍出現了與斑岩相關的金屬,如銅、金、銀、鉬的持續顯著異常;傳統探路者如、錫、鈦、錫、硒、鉛、鋅在採樣區域的不同區域顯示出可變異常。

Figure 3. Magnetics, Chargeability and Resistivity distribution at the Cerro Negro Project.

圖 3.塞羅內格羅項目的磁學、可充電性和電阻率分佈。

Results of MMI soil sampling can be presented as absolute values of certain element but better expressed as a Response Ratio (RR) which represents the number of times that each value exceeds the background. Normally RR values of 2 or less are considered too close to the background level and therefore not anomalous. Response Ratios of 2 to 5 times background are already considered anomalous (SGS, Technical Bulletin 23, 2005). At Cerro Negro response ratios of up to 70 were obtained for Au; 20 for Cu; 75 for Mo; and 96 for Ag, as well as elevated values for different porphyry pathfinders including up to 2,400 times background for As. Figure 3 shows the calculated response ratios for the main elements along sampling lines 6400 and 7200.

MMI 土壤採樣結果可以用特定元素的絕對值表示,但最好用響應比 (RR) 表示,它表示每個值超過背景的次數。通常,等於 2 或更小的 RR 值被認爲離背景級別過近,因此不是異常。背景回覆率的2到5倍已經被認爲是異常的(SGS,技術公告23,2005)。在Cerro Negro,金的響應比最高爲70;銅的響應比爲20;鉬的響應比爲75;銀的響應比爲96,不同的斑岩探路者的響應比最高爲2400倍,其中砷的背景值高達2400倍。圖 3 顯示了採樣線 6400 和 7200 上計算出的主要元素的響應比。

Future Work


The Company is planning the extension of the MMI soils and geophysical surveys over the entirety property to define drill targets on the search of blind Miocene porphyry centers bellow the quaternary gravels.


Figure 4. Distribution of response ratios for main porphyry associated metals.

圖 4.主要斑岩相關金屬的響應比分佈。



Luis Arteaga M.Sc. P.Geo., Vice President Exploration is the Company's Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. He has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

路易斯·阿特亞加理學碩士根據NI 43-101的定義,勘探副總裁P.Geo. 是公司的合格人員。他已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術信息。



Cerro Negro is a new grassroots exploration project product of Sable's target generation work. Cerro Negro is located in the province of San Juan, Argentina; 34km ENE of Minsud's/South32 Chita Valley Project with multiple significant drilling intercepts including 786m @ 0.43% Cu; 0.23 g/t Au; 15.78 g/t Ag (MinSud PR. May 8, 2023); 35km NW of Challenger Gold's Hualilan Project which contains a resources of 2.8MOz AuEq (Challenger Gold Announcement March 29, 2023); and 50km East of Sable's Don Julio Project which is advancing funded by an Earn-in agreement with South32. Sable is advancing the Cerro Negro project through systematic and modern exploration.

Cerro Negro是Sable目標生成工作中一個新的草根探索項目產物。Cerro Negro 位於阿根廷聖胡安省;Minsud/south32 東北 34 千米 赤塔谷項目 有多個重要的鑽探截距,包括 786m @ 0.43% Cu;0.23 g/t Au;15.78 g/t Ag(minsUD PR.2023 年 5 月 8 日);Challenger Gold's 西北 35 千米 華麗蘭項目 其中包含 2.8mOz auEQ(2023 年 3 月 29 日挑戰者黃金公告)的資源;以及 Sable 以東 50 公里處 唐·胡里奧項目 它的進展是由與South32簽訂的盈利協議資助的。Sable 正在通過系統和現代的探索來推進 Cerro Negro 項目。


關於 SABLE 資源有限公司

Sable is a well-funded junior grassroots explorer focused on the discovery of Tier-One new precious metal and copper projects through systematic exploration in endowed terranes located in favourable, established mining jurisdictions. Sable's focus is developing its large portfolio of new Greenfields projects to resource level. Sable is actively exploring the San Juan Regional Program (163,969 ha) incorporating the Don Julio, El Fierro, and Los Pumas Projects in San Juan Province, Argentina.


For further information, please contact:


Ruben Padilla, President & CEO at or +1 (520) 488-2520

魯本·帕迪拉,總裁兼首席執行官 或 +1 (520) 488-2520

Related link:


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Rock samples collected in Argentina are sent to ALS Chemex Argentina, a subsidiary of ALS Minerals, at its facility located in Mendoza, Argentina. Analyses are carried out at their laboratory in Lima, Peru. Sample preparation includes drying in an oven at a maximum temperature of 60°C, fine crushing of the sample to at least 70% passing less than 2 mm, sample splitting using a riffle splitter, and pulverizing a 250 g split to at least 85% passing 75 microns (code PREP-31). The rock samples contained in this press release were analyzed by methods Au-AA24 (Fire Assay Fusion and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry finish) and ME-MS61 (Four Acid Digestion with Mass Spectrometry finish); the latter includes 48 elements (Al, Ag, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hf, In, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Re, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sn, Sr, Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W, Y, Zn, Zr). Both digestion methods dissolve most minerals but not all elements are quantitatively extracted in some sample matrices. Control samples (standards, blanks, and duplicates) are inserted systematically, and their results are evaluated according to the Company protocols.

在阿根廷採集的岩石樣本被送往ALS Minerals的子公司ALS Chemex Argentina位於阿根廷門多薩的工廠。分析是在他們位於秘魯利馬的實驗室進行的。樣品製備包括在最高溫度爲60°C的烤箱中乾燥,將樣品細碎至少 70%,通過小於 2 mm,使用裂紋分離器進行樣品分割,以及通過75微米將250 g的分裂物粉碎至至少 85%(代碼 PREP-31)。本新聞稿中包含的岩石樣品是通過 Au-aa24(火分析融合和原子吸收光譜法完成)和 ME-MS61(完成質譜分析的四酸消解)的方法分析的;後者包括 48 種元素(鋁、銀、砷、鋇、鈷、鎘、鈷、鉻、銅、鐵、鎵、鍺、氫、鋰、鎂、錳、鉬、鈉、銻、鎳、磷、鉛、銠、瑞、硫、銻、硅、錫、錫、錫、錫、錫、錫、錫、錫、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈦、鈾、V、W、Y、鋅、鋯)。兩種消化方法都能溶解大多數礦物質,但並非所有元素都是在某些樣品基質中定量提取的。系統地插入對照樣本(標準、空白和重複樣本),並根據公司協議對其結果進行評估。

Soil samples were collected following the protocols recommended by SGS Minerals. The samples were submitted to SGS labs in San Juan Argentina and subsequently analyzed at SGS in Lima, Peru. The MMI technique is a partial extraction method oriented to determine elements in ionic state. The MMI methodology has proven to be particularly useful for finding buried mineralization and multiple successful study cases can be found in the literature. After extraction, the samples are analyzed for 54 elements (code MMI-ME).

土壤樣本是按照 SGS 礦業推薦的協議採集的。樣本被提交到位於阿根廷聖胡安的SGS實驗室,隨後在秘魯利馬的SGS進行了分析。MMI 技術是一種局部提取方法,旨在確定處於離子狀態的元素。事實證明,MMI 方法對尋找埋藏礦化特別有用,文獻中可以找到多個成功的研究案例。提取後,對樣本進行54個元素的分析(代碼爲MMI-ME)。



Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on Sable's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. Although such statements are based on reasonable assumptions of Sable's management, there can be no assurance that any conclusions or forecasts will prove to be accurate.

本新聞稿中包含的某些陳述構成前瞻性信息。這些陳述與未來的事件或未來的表現有關。使用 “可能”、“打算”、“期望”、“相信”、“將”、“預期”、“預期”、“估計” 等詞語以及與非歷史事實的事項有關的類似表達和陳述,均旨在識別前瞻性信息,並基於Sable當前對此類未來事件的結果和時機的信念或假設。未來的實際結果可能存在重大差異。儘管此類陳述基於Sable管理層的合理假設,但無法保證任何結論或預測都會被證明是準確的。

While Sable considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available, they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors include risks inherent in the exploration and development of mineral deposits, including risks relating to changes in project parameters as plans continue to be redefined, risks relating to variations in grade or recovery rates, risks relating to changes in mineral prices and the worldwide demand for and supply of minerals, risks related to increased competition and current global financial conditions and the COVID-19 pandemic, access and supply risks, reliance on key personnel, operational risks, and regulatory risks, including risks relating to the acquisition of the necessary licenses and permits, financing, capitalization and liquidity risks.

儘管根據目前可用的信息,Sable認爲這些假設是合理的,但它們可能被證明是不正確的。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。這些因素包括礦牀勘探和開發固有的風險,包括與計劃不斷重新定義時項目參數變化相關的風險、與品位或回收率變化相關的風險、與礦產價格變化和全球礦產需求和供應相關的風險、與競爭加劇和當前全球金融狀況以及 COVID-19 疫情相關的風險、准入和供應風險、對關鍵人員的依賴、運營風險和監管風險,包括與之相關的風險獲得必要的執照和許可證, 融資, 資本化和流動性風險.

The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof, and Sable is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.


Figures accompanying this announcement are available at:


