
Cerrado Gold Confirms Ability to Produce 67% High Purity, Direct Reduction Iron Grade Concentrates at Its Mont Sorcier Iron Ore Project in Quebec

Cerrado Gold Confirms Ability to Produce 67% High Purity, Direct Reduction Iron Grade Concentrates at Its Mont Sorcier Iron Ore Project in Quebec

Cerrado Gold 確認其位於魁北克的 Mont Sorcier 鐵礦石項目有能力生產 67% 的高純度直接還原鐵級精礦
Accesswire ·  03/01 19:00
  • Metallurgical test work confirms DRI grade iron concentrate with combined Silica and Alumina below 2.5%
  • 冶金測試工作證實 DRI 級鐵精礦,二氧化硅和氧化鋁的複合含量低於 2.5%

(All numbers reported in US dollars)


TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / March 1, 2024 / Cerrado Gold Inc. (TSXV:CERT)(OTCQX:CRDOF) ("Cerrado" or the "Company") is pleased to announce positive metallurgical test results confirming the ability to produce High Purity, DRI Grade iron concentrates at its Mont Sorcier magnetite iron ore project located near Chibougamau, Quebec held through its 100% owned subsidiary, Voyager Metals Inc. The metallurgical tests were the initial phase in determining the final flow sheet design for the feasibility study at Mont Sorcier targeted for later this year.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月1日/塞拉多黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CERT)(OTCQX: CRDOF)(“塞拉多” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈冶金測試結果良好,證實了其通過其100%擁有的子公司持有的位於魁北克希布加莫附近的Mont Sorcier磁鐵礦石項目生產高純度的DRI級鐵精礦的能力,Voyager Metals Inc.冶金測試是確定定於今年晚些時候在Mont Sorcier進行的可行性研究的最終流程圖設計的初始階段。

The design and analysis of the metallurgical test work program was conducted by Soutex Inc., a consultancy firm specializing in ore processing and metallurgical processes based in Quebec City, Quebec, with test work completed by SGS Canada, one of the world's leading testing, inspection and certification companies based in Quebec City.

冶金測試工作計劃的設計和分析由總部位於魁北克省魁北克市的專門從事礦石加工和冶金工藝的諮詢公司Soutex Inc. 進行,測試工作由總部設在魁北克市的世界領先的測試、檢驗和認證公司之一加拿大SGS完成。

The results of this initial phase of test work demonstrate that the Mont Sorcier project has the potential to produce a high purity iron concentrate grading 67% iron with low Silica and Alumina; making it suitable to be classified as a Direct Reduction Iron ("DRI") grade product. Such a product significantly reduces the overall emission of greenhouse gases in steel production compared to other lower grade concentrates. It has the potential to be used in electric arc furnaces to produce steel products, further reducing emissions. Also, as the Mont Sorcier project is a magnetite material, reducing the use of coal in the steel making process and when combined with the availability of Hydroelectric power in Quebec, lowers overall emission levels.

測試工作初始階段的結果表明,Mont Sorcier項目有可能生產出高純度的鐵精礦,含低二氧化硅和氧化鋁含量的 67%;因此適合歸類爲直接還原鐵(“DRI”)級產品。與其他低等級濃縮物相比,這種產品可顯著減少鋼鐵生產中溫室氣體的總體排放。它有可能用於電弧爐生產鋼鐵產品,從而進一步減少排放。此外,由於Mont Sorcier項目是一種磁鐵礦材料,因此減少了鍊鋼過程中煤炭的使用,再加上魁北克的水力發電,可以降低總體排放水平。

As the global demand for Green Steel increases, it is expected that the demand and price premium paid for higher grade products will continue to increase to a level above the most commonly traded iron products and replace demand for lower grade materials. The ability to produce High Purity iron concentrates places Mont Sorcier as a project capable of delivering Critical and Strategic High Purity Iron as outlined by the Quebec Government, as it aspires to become a leader to support energy transition through the development of critical and strategic minerals and reduce overall global emissions.

隨着全球對綠色鋼鐵需求的增加,預計對更高等級產品的需求和價格溢價將繼續增加到高於最常交易的鐵產品的水平,並取代對低等級材料的需求。正如魁北克政府所概述的那樣,生產高純度鐵精礦的能力使Mont Sorcier成爲一個能夠提供關鍵和戰略性高純度鐵的項目,因爲它希望成爲領導者,通過開發關鍵和戰略礦物來支持能源轉型,減少全球總體排放。

The test work program was designed to evaluate alternative processing flowsheets to maximize the value of the project as compared to the previous 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment completed in July 2022 and to assess the capability of producing a high purity iron concentrate, with low deleterious elements, suitable for direct reduction.


Composite samples representative of the Life of Mine material were processed at the laboratory scale through the following stages:


  • The material was ground to a size of minus 1.7 mm and was subjected to a magnetic separation process:
    • The concentrate of the first magnetic separation stage, the cobber stage, was reground to a P80 of 106μm and submitted to a rougher magnetic separation process;
    • The rougher concentrate was then reground to a P80 of 38μm, and magnetite was recovered in a final cleaning magnetic separation stage.
  • The magnetic concentrate was then processed through a hydroseparation step to remove low density fine material, followed by a sulfur flotation step aimed at reducing the sulfur content in the concentrate. These processing steps led to the production of a concentrate grading 65% Iron, 3% silica with a sulfur content below 0.4%, for an iron recovery of 75%, which was in accordance with the previous PEA results.
  • The concentrate was then processed through an additional reverse iron flotation stage to assess the capability of producing a low silica concentrate. Successful tests led to the production of a 67% iron concentrate, with combined silica and alumina grades below 2.3% (SiO2 ≈ 1.8% Al2O3 ≈ 0.5%) and sulfur content below 0.4% for an iron recovery of 61%.
  • 將材料研磨成負1.7 mm的尺寸,並經過磁分離過程:
    • 第一個磁分離階段,即補給階段,的濃縮物被重新磨成了 P80 爲 106μm 並經過更粗糙的磁分離過程;
    • 然後將較粗糙的濃縮物重新研磨成 P80 38μm,磁鐵礦是在最後的清潔磁分離階段回收的。
  • 然後,通過加氫分離步驟對磁性濃縮物進行處理,以去除低密度的精細物質,然後是旨在減少濃縮物中硫含量的硫浮選步驟。這些加工步驟導致了鐵品位爲 65%、二氧化硅含量低於 0.4% 的濃縮物的產生,鐵的回收率爲 75%,這與先前的 PEA 結果一致。
  • 然後,通過額外的反向鐵浮選階段對濃縮物進行加工,以評估生產低二氧化硅濃縮物的能力。成功的測試生產了 67% 的鐵精礦,二氧化硅和氧化鋁的複合品位低於 2.3% (SiO)2 ≥ 1.8% 鋁2O3 ≥0.5%),硫含量低於0.4%,鐵回收率爲61%。

The results generated from this test work program represent a significant step forward compared to previous results and demonstrate not only that a base case of 65% iron concentrate is readily achievable but also that the production of high purity 67% iron concentrates is now possible. Going forward, continued work will focus on flowsheet and grind size optimization, in addition to confirmation of the test work results obtained on the composite on variability samples. Currently, the deposit is defined by five domains, and work will now shift to understanding the best sequence for mining and processing to deliver the optimal production profile and enhance project economics.

與之前的結果相比,該測試工作計劃生成的結果代表了向前邁出的重要一步,不僅表明 65% 的鐵濃縮物的基本條件很容易實現,而且還表明現在可以生產 67% 的高純度鐵濃縮物。展望未來,除了確認複合材料在可變性樣品上獲得的測試工作結果外,還將重點進行流程圖和研磨尺寸優化。目前,礦牀由五個領域定義,現在的工作將轉移到了解最佳的採礦和加工順序上,以提供最佳的生產概況並提高項目經濟性。

Mark Brennan, CEO and Chairman, stated: "We are very pleased that the test results have confirmed the ability to produce DRI grade 67% iron concentrates with low levels of impurities. As the global steel markets continue to aim to reduce overall emissions in the steel production process, concentrates such as those from Mont Sorcier are expected to be in high demand to support this transition and replace lower grade materials."

首席執行官兼董事長馬克·布倫南表示: “我們很高興測試結果證實了生產雜質含量低的 DRI 級 67% 鐵精礦的能力。隨着全球鋼鐵市場繼續以減少鋼鐵生產過程中的總體排放爲目標,預計來自Mont Sorcier的精礦將需求旺盛,以支持這種過渡並取代低等級的材料。”

Review of Technical Information


The technical information contained in this news release with respect to the Mont Sorcier Project has been reviewed and approved on behalf of Voyager by Pierra-Jean Lafleur of Voyager Metals, who is a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").

本新聞稿中包含的有關Mont Sorcier項目的技術信息已由Voyager Metals的Pierra-Jean Lafleur代表Voyager進行審查和批准,他是國家儀器43-101定義的合格人員- 礦產項目披露標準 (“NI 43-101”)。

About Cerrado


Cerrado Gold is a Toronto-based gold production, development, and exploration company focused on gold projects in South America. The Company is the 100% owner of both the producing Minera Don Nicolás and Las Calandrias mine in Santa Cruz province, Argentina, and the highly prospective Monte Do Carmo development project, located in Tocantins State, Brazil. In Canada, Cerrado Gold is developing it's 100% owned Mont Sorcier Iron Ore project located outside of Chibougamou, Quebec.

Cerrado Gold是一家總部位於多倫多的黃金生產、開發和勘探公司,專注於南美的黃金項目。該公司是位於阿根廷聖克魯斯省生產的唐尼古拉礦和拉斯卡蘭德里亞斯礦以及位於巴西託坎丁斯州的極具前景的Monte Do Carmo開發項目的100%所有者。在加拿大,Cerrado Gold正在開發其100%擁有的Mont Sorcier鐵礦石項目,該項目位於魁北克省希布加穆郊外。

In Argentina, Cerrado is maximizing asset value at its Minera Don Nicolas operation through continued operational optimization and is growing production through its operations at the Las Calandrias Heap Leach project. An extensive campaign of exploration is ongoing to further unlock potential resources in our highly prospective land package in the heart of the Deseado Masiff.

在阿根廷,塞拉多正在通過持續的運營優化最大化其Minera Don Nicolas業務的資產價值,並通過其在拉斯卡蘭德里亞斯堆利奇項目的運營來提高產量。我們正在進行大規模的勘探活動,以進一步釋放我們位於Deseado Masiff中心地帶的極具前景的一攬子土地中的潛在資源。

In Brazil, Cerrado is rapidly advancing the Serra Alta deposit at its Monte Do Carmo Project, through feasibility and into production. Serra Alta is expected to be a high-margin and high-return project with significant exploration potential on an extensive and highly prospective 82,542 hectare land package.

在巴西,塞拉多正在通過可行性研究迅速推進其Monte Do Carmo項目的Serra Alta礦牀並投入生產。預計Serra Alta將是一個利潤率高、回報率高的項目,在廣闊且極具前景的82,542公頃土地上具有巨大的勘探潛力。

In Canada, Cerrado holds a 100% interest in the Mont Sorcier Iron Ore, which has the potential to produce a premium iron ore concentrate over a long mine life at low operating costs and low capital intensity. Furthermore, its high grade and high purity product facilitates the migration of steel producers from blast furnaces to electric arc furnaces contributing to the decarbonisation of the industry and the achievement of SDG goals.

在加拿大,塞拉多持有Mont Sorcier鐵礦石的100%權益,該鐵礦石有可能在較長的礦山壽命內以較低的運營成本和較低的資本密集度生產出優質的鐵礦石精礦。此外,其高品位和高純度的產品促進了鋼鐵生產商從高爐向電弧爐的遷移,這有助於該行業的脫碳和實現可持續發展目標的目標。

For more information about Cerrado please visit our website at: .


Mark Brennan
CEO and Chairman


Mike McAllister
Vice President, Investor Relations
Tel: +1-647-805-5662






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Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, without limitation, statements regarding the business and operations of Cerrado. In making the forward- looking statements contained in this press release, Cerrado has made certain assumptions, including, but not limited to predictions about the future demand for higher grade iron concentrates and the Company's ultimate ability to produce this type of produce from the Mont Sorcier Project. Although Cerrado believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this press release. Except as required by law, Cerrado disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise.

本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於有關塞拉多業務和運營的陳述。在發表本新聞稿中所載的前瞻性聲明時,塞拉多做出了某些假設,包括但不限於對未來對更高品位鐵精礦的需求以及該公司通過Mont Sorcier項目生產此類產品的最終能力的預測。儘管塞拉多認爲前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但它無法保證任何前瞻性陳述的預期都會被證明是正確的。可能導致實際業績和未來事件與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的重大差異的已知和未知風險、不確定性和其他因素。這些因素包括但不限於一般商業、經濟、競爭、政治和社會的不確定性。因此,讀者不應過分依賴本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述和信息。除非法律要求,否則塞拉多無意更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述以反映實際業績,無論是由於新信息、未來事件、假設變化、影響此類前瞻性陳述的因素的變化還是其他原因。

SOURCE: Cerrado Gold Inc.


