
Riverside Samples 21 G/t Gold at PAT Target on the Pichette Gold Project, NW Ontario

Riverside Samples 21 G/t Gold at PAT Target on the Pichette Gold Project, NW Ontario

Riverside 在安大略省西北部皮切特金礦項目的 PAT Target 採樣 21 克/噸黃金
newsfile ·  02/29 21:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 29, 2024) - Riverside Resources Inc. (TSXV: RRI) (OTCQB: RVSDF) (FSE: 5YY) ("Riverside" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce it has located and sampled the PAT Vein showings inside its Pichette Project west of Geraldton, Ontario. As previously reported, P.A.T Mines drilled extensively a series of veins near the southern boundary in the 1950s. The company was also able to locate what it believes to be the PAT Veins where they outcrop on surface. Several samples were taken from the vein along a 50m exposed section that returned 1m chip samples of 13g/t and 21 g/t gold within banded iron formation units. These high-grade veins are similar to those mined at the Leitch and Sand River mines where the average grade was around 1 ounce/ton gold with silver.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 29 日)- 河濱資源公司 (TSXV: RRI)(場外交易代碼:RVSDF)(FSE:5YY)(“Riverside” 或 “公司”), 很高興地宣佈,它已經在安大略省傑拉爾頓以西的Pichette項目內找到了PAT Vein的展品並進行了取樣。正如先前報道的那樣,P.A.T Mines在1950年代在南部邊界附近廣泛鑽探了一系列礦脈。該公司還找到了它認爲是PAT Veins地表露出的礦脈。沿着 50 米的暴露部分從靜脈中採集了幾個樣本,返回了 100 萬個 13g/t 的芯片樣本 內含 21 克/噸黃金 帶狀鐵形成單位。這些高品位礦脈與在利奇和沙河礦開採的礦脈相似,其平均品位約爲每噸1盎司含銀的金礦。

The Pichette Project has excellent road access and infrastructure being located immediately south of the Trans-Canada Highway. The project is underlain by an east-west trending panel of Archean-aged metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks intruded by gabbros and latter porphyries. Metamorphism and tectonics have in most cases upgraded the tenor of gold mineralization in the belt between Beardmore and Geraldton.


In addition to the surface sampling Riverside completed a geological interpretation of the project to evaluate the timing and relationships of structural events and gold mineralization. As at the Greenstone Mine gold mineralization largely occurred in the first deformational events and was later remobilized or deformed by subsequent deformational events. The Greenstone Gold Mine has been studied by many experts and a complicated evolution of events has been documented as is common in Archean gold belts. The Greenstone Gold Mine will produce over 200,000 ounces of gold per year beginning this year.


"Riverside is very excited to have found high grade gold on surface at the PAT Veins. While the veins are mostly covered by the forest organics, the banded iron formations associated with the veins and mineralized shears are easy to locate using the magnetic survey completed in 2022. The BIF unit extends across the project outlining a multi-kilometer" states Riverside's President and CEO, John-Mark Staude.


Figure 1: Location of the Pichette Project within the Beardmore-Geraldton Greenstone Belt.

圖 1:皮切特項目在比爾德莫爾-傑拉爾頓綠石帶內的位置。

This fall the Company completed a structural analysis of the geology and timing of mineralization at Pichette in order provide some context of the structures within the property and how they relate to the evolution of larger greenstone belt and nearby past producers and known gold occurrences. This analysis interprets the first phase of deformation resulted in folding of the Banded Iron Formations and north-south shortening of intrusions with most of the vein mineralization occurring during a second sinistral shearing event. These rocks were again subjected to a third dextral shearing event which resulted in some remobilization in metals.


Table 1: Selected prospecting samples from Riverside most recent field programs.

表 1:從河濱最新實地項目中選出的勘探樣本。

Sample # Au ppb Sample type Comments
1192286 1,500 grab Cherty, Banded Iron Formation, weakly magnetic
1192287 200 grab Rusty orange, quartz vein, with <1% pyrite in fractures
P2023-1 13,400 chip Rusty, quartz carbonate vein striking east-west, 1m continuous sampling across
P2023-2 13 chip Iron oxide-stained quartz vein material in road cut
472703 21,900 chip 1.75m shear zone with rusty quartz-carbonate veins striking at 070, dipping at 80 N
472704 22 chip Metasediments, shear zone, 1.5m continuous sampling across.
472705 22 chip Narrow Quartz-carbonate vein, 12cm wide, no sulfides, following the structure
472706 553 chip Fine grained Metaseds, sheared, siliceous, west of the 13 g/t sample
示例 # Au ppb 樣本類型 評論意見
1192286 1,500 Cherty,帶狀鐵形成,弱磁性
1192287 200 生鏽的橙色,石英脈,骨折中黃鐵礦
P2023-1 13,400 芯片 生鏽的石英碳酸鹽脈衝向東西向,連續採樣 1 米
P2023-2 13 芯片 路口中用氧化鐵染色的石英脈材料
472703 21,900 芯片 1.75 米的剪切帶,生鏽的石英碳酸鹽脈衝擊在 070 處,在 80 N 處傾斜
472704 22 芯片 超沉積物、剪切區、橫向 1.5 米的連續採樣。
472705 22 芯片 狹窄的石英碳酸鹽礦脈,寬 12 厘米,無硫化物,遵循結構
472706 553 芯片 在 13 g/t 樣品以西的硅質細顆粒超細顆粒 Metaseds,經過剪切處理

Figure 2: Riverside bedrock sampling sites from recent site visits on Aeromagnetic map.

圖 2:航磁地圖上最近實地訪問的河濱基岩採樣地點。

On surface the mineralized zone consists of sugary and banded quartz with massive pyrrhotite and lesser arsenopyrite and pyrite with chlorite The average width of the altered and mineralized zone is 30m consisting primarily of pyritized and silicified mafic metavolcanics and BIF. Historical drill logs suggest a sharp contact between geological units that include mafic metavolcanics, metasediments, gabbros and quartz porphyries.


Gold is commonly enriched in intensely altered rocks adjacent to or within quartz-carbonate veins and veinlets as is found in orogenic deposits. Several of the historical drill logs document high grade intercepts similar to those documented at the Leitch Gold Mine to the west at Beardmore.


The alteration comprises a sequence of well fractured greenstone containing occasional small stringers of hard, reddish, siliceous material, with slight pyritization. The rock changes northward into a light green or tanned rock described in logs as "carbonate". On surface more siliceous phases are noted with hard, black cherty material often found with the quartz veins. Moving further away from the zone a sericitic phase dominates.

這種變化包括一系列斷裂良好的綠巖,其中偶爾會有小串的堅硬、微紅的硅質物質,略有黃鐵化作用。岩石向北變成淺綠色或曬黑的岩石,在日誌中被描述爲 “碳酸鹽”。在表面上,石英脈中常見的堅硬的黑色櫻桃體材料中會發現更多的硅質相。在離該區域更遠的地方,絲質相占主導地位。

Figure 3: Riverside Surface samples in relation to mineralized zones as defined by historical drilling.

圖 3:歷史鑽探定義的與礦化區相關的河濱地表樣本。

Rock samples from the exploration program discussed above at Pichette were driven from site to Activation Laboratories in Thunder Bay for analysis. Analysis was completed using total digestion and Multi-Element Analysis (40 element) via Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry and fire assay for gold. The QA/QC program implemented as part of the sampling procedures included inserting one standard and one blank inserted by Riverside every 20 batch of samples. Activation Laboratories is an ISO/IEC accredited laboratory.

上述皮切特勘探計劃的岩石樣本被從現場運送到桑德貝的活化實驗室進行分析。分析是通過電感耦合等離子體原子發射光譜法進行全消化和多元素分析(40 個元素)和金的火法分析完成的。作爲抽樣程序的一部分實施的質量保證/質量控制計劃包括每20批樣本插入一個標準和一個空白處,由Riverside插入一個空白。活化實驗室是 ISO/IEC 認可的實驗室。

Bonus Share Issuance:


On January 17, 2024, the Company issued 335,000 common shares to certain individuals in recognition of their contribution to the Company over the past year. The shares were issued pursuant to the Company's shareholder-approved bonus share plan and are subject to the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange and will include a hold period expiring May 18th 2024.

2024年1月17日,公司向某些個人發行了33.5萬股普通股,以表彰他們在過去一年中對公司的貢獻。這些股票是根據公司股東批准的紅股計劃發行的,受多倫多證券交易所風險交易所政策的約束,並將包括截至5月18日的持有期第四 2024。

Qualified Person:


This news release was reviewed and approved by Freeman Smith, P.Geo., a non-independent qualified person to Riverside Resources, who is responsible for ensuring that the geologic information provided within this news release is accurate and who acts as a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿由弗里曼·史密斯P.Geo. 的審查和批准,他是河濱資源公司的非獨立合格人士,負責確保本新聞稿中提供的地質信息準確無誤,並根據國家儀器43-101礦產項目披露標準充當 “合格人員”。

About Riverside Resources Inc.:


Riverside is a well-funded exploration company driven by value generation and discovery. The Company has over $6M in cash, no debt and less than 75M shares outstanding with a strong portfolio of gold-silver and copper assets and royalties in North America. Riverside has extensive experience and knowledge operating in Mexico and Canada and leverages its large database to generate a portfolio of prospective mineral properties. In addition to Riverside's own exploration spending, the Company also strives to diversify risk by securing joint-venture and spin-out partnerships to advance multiple assets simultaneously and create more chances for discovery. Riverside has properties available for option, with information available on the Company's website at .




"John-Mark Staude"
Dr. John-Mark Staude, President & CEO

John-Mark Staude博士,總裁兼首席執行官

For additional information contact:


John-Mark Staude
President, CEO
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
Fax: (778) 327-6675
Mehran Bagherzadeh
Corporate Communications
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

電話:(778) 327-6671
傳真:(778) 327-6675
Mehran Bagherzadeh
電話:(778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

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