
PlantFuel Advances Its Innovative Product Portfolio With Amplify Nutrition Pre-Workout and Electrolyte Gummies

PlantFuel Advances Its Innovative Product Portfolio With Amplify Nutrition Pre-Workout and Electrolyte Gummies

PlantFuel 通過 Amplify Nutrition 運動前軟糖和電解質軟糖推進其創新產品組合
newsfile ·  02/28 21:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 28, 2024) - PlantFuel Life Inc. (CSE: FUEL) (OTCQB: PLFLF) (FSE: BR1B) ("PlantFuel" or the "Company") — PlantFuel, a pioneering force in the plant-based nutrition industry, is thrilled to announce significant progress with its latest product offerings, Amplify Nutrition Pre-workout and Electrolyte Gummies. PlantFuel has successfully engaged manufacturing partners to produce initial production of its proprietary recipes, setting the stage for future scalability and market penetration. The Company will continue negotiations with interested parties to ensure that we are able to meet the increased demand for gummy format supplements. Plantfuel is focused on generating additional revenues for 2024 by adding in new sales channels for its products.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 28 日)- PlantFuel Life 公司(CSE:燃料)(OTCQB:PLFLF)(FSE:BR1B) (”植物燃料“或者”公司“)— 植物性營養行業的先驅力量PlantFuel很高興地宣佈其最新產品Amplify Nutrition運動前和電解質軟糖取得了重大進展。PlantFuel已成功聘請製造合作伙伴來生產其專有配方的初始產品,爲未來的可擴展性和市場滲透率奠定了基礎。該公司將繼續與有關各方進行談判,以確保我們能夠滿足對軟糖格式補充劑不斷增長的需求。Plantfuel專注於通過爲其產品增加新的銷售渠道,爲2024年創造額外收入。

As part of PlantFuel's commitment to delivering superior plant-based nutrition solutions, these new additions tap into the increasing demand for gummy supplement products within the sector. The Company is focused on generating additional revenues for 2024 by adding in new sales channels for its products. By 2021, Herbaland had expanded to seven production lines which enabled them to produce 70 million bottles and pouches of gummies a year. Today, they have four locations of total 14,000 m2 (150,000 sq. ft), including a warehouse where they store materials, and three production facilities, one of which runs 24/7. 1 Alani Nutrition, a US-based supplement company, quickly grew due to its viral marketing and influencer partnerships, eventually realizing revenues of $228M in 2021 with 270% growth. Alani Nutrition offers various products from protein powders, shakes, bars and gummies. Their "Fit Snack" gummies promote healthy snacking, and do not contain any functional ingredients. Amplify Nutrition Pre-workout gummies are designed to provide athletes and fitness enthusiasts with the energy and endurance needed to surpass their training goals, while the Electrolyte gummies offer a delicious and convenient way to stay hydrated and replenish essential minerals lost during intense workouts.

作爲PlantFuel承諾提供卓越的植物性營養解決方案的一部分,這些新增產品利用了該行業對軟糖補充劑產品不斷增長的需求。該公司致力於通過爲其產品增加新的銷售渠道,爲2024年創造額外收入。到2021年,Herbaland已擴大到七條生產線,使他們每年能夠生產7000萬瓶和袋裝軟糖。如今,他們有四個總面積爲14,000平方米(150,000平方英尺)的地點,包括一個儲存材料的倉庫和三個生產設施,其中一個全天候運行。 1 總部位於美國的補充劑公司Alani Nutrition由於其病毒式營銷和網紅合作伙伴關係而迅速增長,最終在2021年實現了2.28億美元的收入,增長了270%。Alani Nutrition 提供各種產品,包括蛋白粉、奶昔、棒和軟糖。他們的 “Fit Snack” 軟糖促進健康零食,並且不含任何功能性成分。Amplify Nutrition 運動前軟糖旨在爲運動員和健身愛好者提供超越訓練目標所需的能量和耐力,而電解質軟糖則爲保持水分和補充激烈鍛鍊中流失的必需礦物質提供了一種美味而便捷的方式。

The global gummy supplements market size was valued at USD 3,721.28 million in 2021. It is projected to reach USD 5,714.59 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 4.88% during the forecast period (2022-2030). 2 The supplemented food products and edible vitamins sector has witnessed exponential growth, driven by consumers' increasing preference for convenient, effective, and enjoyable nutritional options. Sales of gummy format dietary supplements grew 23% to $2.63 billion for the 52 weeks ending Dec. Growth among gummies last year was most significant for condition-specific supplement formulas (30% overall). 3 Gummy vitamins, in particular, have surged in popularity, offering a palatable alternative to traditional supplements. This trend reflects a broader shift in the health and wellness industry towards products that not only meet nutritional needs but also fit seamlessly into consumers' lifestyles.

全球軟糖補充劑市場規模的估值爲 2021 年 37.2128 億美元。預計將達到 到 2030 年 57.1459 億美元,生長在 複合年增長率爲4.88% 在預測期內(2022-2030)。 2 在消費者越來越偏愛方便、有效和令人愉悅的營養選擇的推動下,補充食品和可食用維生素行業呈指數級增長。在截至12月的52周內,軟糖型膳食補充劑的銷售額增長了23%,達到26.3億美元。去年,軟糖的增長最爲顯著的是針對特定疾病的補充劑配方(總體增長30%)。 3 特別是軟糖維生素越來越受歡迎,爲傳統補品提供了可口的替代品。這一趨勢反映了健康和保健行業向不僅滿足營養需求而且無縫融入消費者生活方式的產品的更廣泛轉變。

The launch of these innovative products is strategically aligned with PlantFuel's distribution plan, utilizing its existing sales channels with a special emphasis on launching with e-commerce, fitness and health food outlets. This approach ensures that Amplify Nutrition Pre-workout and Electrolyte Gummies will be readily accessible to the active and health-conscious consumer base that PlantFuel serves.

這些創新產品的推出在戰略上與PlantFuel的分銷計劃保持一致,利用其現有的銷售渠道,特別強調通過電子商務、健身和健康食品門店推出。這種方法可確保 PlantFuel 所服務的活躍且注重健康的消費者群可以輕鬆獲得鍛鍊前的 Amplify Nutrition 軟糖和電解質軟糖。

"We see great value in the Amplify Nutrition Pre-workout and Electrolyte Gummies with current and future market trends," stated Tony Qian, CEO of Plantfuel Life Inc. "As we continue to expand our product offerings, it allows us to enter new sales channels and increase customer loyalty." Qian is poised to introduce innovative product developments at PlantFuel Life Inc., with a focus on expanding the company's portfolio in line with emerging health trends and consumer needs. This strategy aims not only to solidify the company's market position but also to offer exciting investment opportunities for our shareholders.

Plantfuel Life Inc.首席執行官錢東尼表示:“我們認爲Amplify Nutrition運動前和電解質軟糖在當前和未來的市場趨勢下具有巨大的價值,隨着我們繼續擴大產品供應,它使我們能夠進入新的銷售渠道並提高客戶忠誠度。”錢準備在PlantFuel Life Inc. 推出創新的產品開發,重點是根據新興的健康趨勢和消費者需求擴大公司的產品組合。該戰略不僅旨在鞏固公司的市場地位,還旨在爲我們的股東提供令人興奮的投資機會。

As PlantFuel prepares for the sales expansion, the Company is focused on ensuring that these new products uphold its high standards of quality and specifications for large retail outlets.


About Plant Fuel Inc.
Plant Fuel Inc. is a leading developer and provider of sustainable, eco-friendly fuel alternatives. Established with a mission to combat climate change and reduce global dependence on fossil fuels, the company offers innovative solutions that are both environmentally responsible and economically viable. With a diverse portfolio of products and a commitment to ongoing research and development, Plant Fuel Inc. is dedicated to creating a greener future for generations to come. Visit PlantFuel online at .

關於 Plant Fuel Inc.
Plant Fuel Inc. 是可持續、環保燃料替代品的領先開發商和提供商。該公司成立的使命是應對氣候變化和減少全球對化石燃料的依賴,提供既對環境負責又經濟可行的創新解決方案。憑藉多樣化的產品組合和對持續研發的承諾,Plant Fuel Inc. 致力於爲子孫後代創造更綠色的未來。在線訪問PlantFuel,網址爲.

Tony Qian
Chief Executive Officer


Investor Contact:
P: 1-888-630-6938


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The risk factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results or expectations expressed in this press release. For additional information about assumptions and risks and uncertainties applicable to PlantFuel, please refer to PlantFuel's listing statement dated August 22, 2019 which is available on PlantFuel's SEDAR profile at .


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