Mink Ventures Completes Drill Program at Warren Copper Nickel Project, Timmins, Ontario
Mink Ventures Completes Drill Program at Warren Copper Nickel Project, Timmins, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 27, 2024) - Mink Ventures Corporation (TSXV: MINK) ("Mink" or the "Company") today announced it has completed a 507 meter drill program, in six drill holes, at its Warren Copper Nickel Project. All six holes intersected sulphide mineralization. A total of 144 core samples were submitted for analysis and results are pending. The drill program confirmed that there is an excellent correlation between surface geophysical survey responses including magnetics, electro-magnetic (EM) responses (conductivity), induced polarization (IP) responses with surface sulphide mineralization in historical trenches, and recent drill intercepts. The Warren property covers 1,010 hectares of land, located in Whitesides Township, approximately 35 km west of Timmins, Ontario. (See Figure 1.)
安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 2 月 27 日)-Mink Ventures Corporation(TSXV:MINK)(”貂皮“或者”公司“)今天宣佈,它已經在其沃倫銅鎳項目中完成了在六個鑽孔中完成了一項507米的鑽探計劃。 所有六個孔都與硫化物礦化相交。共提交了144份核心樣本供分析,尚待結果。鑽探計劃證實,包括磁學、電磁(EM)響應(電導率)、與歷史溝槽中表面硫化物礦化的誘導極化(IP)響應以及最近的鑽探截獲在內的地表地球物理調查響應之間存在極好的相關性。沃倫地產佔地1,010公頃,位於安大略省蒂明斯以西約35公里的懷特塞德斯鎮。(參見圖 1。)
The "A" Zone (see Figure 2) was the focus of this initial drill program. It was selected as a high priority target for drill testing as a result of geological data review, a field examination, and a confirmation sampling program conducted by company geologists during the summer of 2023. The A zone is exposed in historical trenches over a strike length of 120 meters. Mink's grab samples on the A zone returned assay values ranging from 1.075% to 2.08% copper (Cu). Nickel (Ni) values ranged from 0.313% to 0.348% Ni. Cobalt (Co) values ranged from 0.0389% to 0.0498% Co and silver (Ag) values of interest ranged from 10.3 ppm to 23.8 ppm Ag. (See press releases: February 5, 2024, September 20,2023.)
“A” 區域(參見圖 2)是本次初始鑽探計劃的重點。由於公司地質學家在2023年夏季進行的地質數據審查、實地考察和確認採樣計劃,它被選爲鑽探測試的高優先目標。A 區域暴露在歷史戰壕中,攻擊長度爲 120 米。Mink 在 A 區域採集的樣本已返回 測定值介於 1.075% 到 2.08% 的銅 (Cu) 之間。 鎳(Ni)值 介於 0.313% 到 0.348% 的鎳之間 鈷(Co) 銅值介於0.0389%至0.0498%之間,目標銀(Ag)的價值在10.3 ppm至23.8 ppm Ag之間。(參見新聞稿:2024 年 2 月 5 日、2023 年 9 月 20 日。)
Five of the six drill holes intersected the A zone sulphide mineralization over broad, near surface intervals ranging from 11 to 30.4 meters. The objective of the drill program was to determine the geometry of the zone and confirm the tenure of base metal grades of this zone. Jade Oil and Gas drilled 23 holes to test Zones A and B in the mid 1950's and outlined a historical non-compliant NI43-101 resource* of 385,000 tons of 1% Cu + Ni.
The sixth hole (W24-4) intersected a 4.5 meter zone of mineralization in the upper portion of the hole. This intersection is interpreted to be the northern extension of the "B" Zone. This extends the strike of the "B" zone by approximately 75 meters beyond the historical trenched outcrop area for a total interpreted strike length of approximately 200 meters. Two historical bulk samples on the B zone returned 0.21% Cu, 0.96% Ni, 0.11% Co and 0.10% Zinc (Zn), and a second bulk sample returned 2.83% Cu, 0.58% Ni, 0.10 Co and 0.13 Zn.
The preliminary surface examination and sampling of trenches, along with the recent drill program, has given company geologists significant insight into the nature of the mineralization on the property. Drilling has confirmed an excellent correlation between surface geophysical survey responses including magnetics, electro-magnetic (EM) responses (conductivity) and induced polarization (IP) responses and the mineralized A zone surface trenching and recent drill intercepts.
The team is looking forward to receiving and reporting results and returning to continue exploration and drilling at Warren on the A zone and as well as the numerous other priority targets outlined on several other zones across the property.
六個鑽孔中有五個與 A 區硫化物礦化區相交,間隔範圍從 11 到 30.4 米不等。鑽探計劃的目標是確定該區域的幾何形狀並確認該區域基本金屬等級的使用壽命。Jade Oil and Gas 在 20 世紀 50 年代中期鑽了 23 個鑽孔來測試 A 區和 B 區,並概述了歷史上不合規的 NI43-101 資源*,即 38.5 萬噸 1% 的銅 + 鎳。
第六個洞(W24-4)在洞的上部與4.5米的礦化區相交。該交叉路口被解釋爲 “B” 區域的北部延伸。這使 “B” 區的攻擊範圍比歷史上的挖溝露頭區域延伸了大約 75 米,解釋後的攻擊總長度約爲 200 米。B區的兩個歷史散裝樣本返回了0.21%的銅、0.96%的鎳、0.11%的鈷和0.10%的鋅(鋅),第二個散裝樣本返回了2.83%的銅、0.58%的鎳、0.10%的鈷和0.13的鋅。
*The resource calculation is historical in nature and is not NI43-101 compliant; it is not to be relied upon and is reported as a historical statement only. Note: Certain historical information pertaining to a historical resource estimate, is disclosed in this press release. The methods and parameters used to prepare this estimate and the category of the estimate is unknown. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves, and the issuer is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources or reserves.
*資源計算本質上是歷史的,不符合 NI43-101;不可依靠,僅作爲歷史陳述進行報告。注意:本新聞稿中披露了與歷史資源估算相關的某些歷史信息。用於編制此估計值的方法和參數以及估計值的類別尚不清楚。合格人員在將歷史估計值歸類爲當前礦產資源或礦產儲量方面做得不夠,發行人也沒有將歷史估計值視爲當前的礦產資源或儲量。
References: Technical Report for Western Troy Capital Resources on the Warren Property (W. Hawkins P. Eng, 2021) and Maxmin, Magnetometer and VLF Surveys Evaluation Report, Whitesides and Massey Twp. Claims (C. Mackenzie Consulting Geologist, 1990).
參考文獻:關於沃倫地產的西特洛伊資本資源技術報告(W. Hawkins P. Eng,2021年)和Maxmin,磁強計和VLF調查評估報告,Whitesides和Massey Twp。索賠(C. 麥肯齊諮詢地質學家,1990年)。
Mink's Warren Project is hosted within the Kamiskotia Gabbro Complex (KGC) and is thought to be broadly equivalent to the Montcalm Gabbro Complex (MGC) but separated by a granitic arch. The MGC hosts the former Montcalm Mine which produced approximately 3.93 million tonnes grading 1.25% Ni, 0.67% Cu and 0.05% Co (OGS, Atkinson, B., 2010).
Gabbro complexes such as MGC and KGC are known to be prospective for magmatic nickel copper sulphide deposition as demonstrated by the Montcalm Mine located within the MGC. The Warren property complements Mink's Montcalm property due to the distinctly similar prospective geological environments found in the MGC and the KGC, as well as the presence of significant Cu Ni zones on the Warren Property.
The Warren patents have had a sporadic exploration history since the late 1920's to present day and a number of promising historical mineralized Cu Ni zones were outlined. The majority of the exploration completed to date on the property was completed in an area representing a very minimal portion of the property and completed well over 60 years ago. More recent geophysical surveys from the early 1990's and 2008-2009 outlined a series of untested targets along strike from known mineralization and/or new targets proximal to known mineralization. These targets are particularly evident in the accompanying magnetic and IP compilation map shown in Figure 3.
自20世紀20年代末至今,沃倫專利一直有零星的勘探歷史,並概述了許多前景看好的歷史礦化銅鎳帶。迄今爲止對該物業完成的大部分勘探都是在佔該物業極小部分的區域內完成的,並且早在60多年前就完成了。20世紀90年代初和2008-2009年的最新地球物理調查概述了一系列未經測試的目標,包括已知礦化區和/或已知礦化附近的新目標。這些目標在圖 3 所示的隨附磁和 IP 編譯圖中尤爲明顯。
Qualified Person:
Mr. Kevin Filo, P. Geo. (Ontario), is a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Filo approved the technical data disclosed in this release.
凱文·菲洛先生,P. Geo。(安大略省)是國家儀器43-101所指的合格人士。Filo 先生批准了本新聞稿中披露的技術數據。
About Mink Ventures Corporation:
關於 Mink Ventures 公司:
Mink Ventures Corporation (TSXV: MINK) is a Canadian mineral exploration company exploring for critical minerals (nickel, copper, cobalt) at its Warren and Montcalm projects, in the Timmins, Ontario area. Mink's flagship Montcalm Project, covers 40 km2 adjacent to Glencore's former Montcalm Mine which had historical production of 3.93 million tonnes of ore grading 1.25% Ni, 0.67% Cu and 0.051% Co (Ontario Geological Survey, Atkinson, 2010). Its Warren Ni Cu Co Project is located 35 km away. Both projects have excellent access and infrastructure with an all-weather access road and power as well as its proximity to the skilled labour and facilities of the Timmins Mining Camp. The Company has 18,810,534 shares outstanding.
Mink Ventures Corporation(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MINK)是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,在其位於安大略省蒂明斯地區的沃倫和蒙特卡姆項目中勘探關鍵礦產(鎳、銅、鈷)。Mink 的旗艦蒙特卡姆項目,覆蓋 40 公里2 毗鄰嘉能可的前蒙特卡姆礦,該礦的歷史產量爲393萬噸,鎳品位爲1.25%,銅品位爲0.67%,鈷品位爲0.051%(安大略省地質調查局,阿特金森,2010年)。其沃倫鎳銅公司項目距離酒店有35公里。這兩個項目都擁有良好的交通和基礎設施,道路和電力可以全天候通行,而且靠近蒂明斯採礦營地的熟練勞動力和設施。該公司有 18,810,534 已發行股份。
For further information about Mink Ventures Corporation please contact: Natasha Dixon, President & CEO, T: 250-882-5620 E: ndixon@minkventures.com or Kevin Filo, Director, T: 705-266-6818 or visit
有關 Mink Ventures Corporation 的更多信息,請聯繫:總裁兼首席執行官娜塔莎·迪克森,電話:250-882-5620 E:ndixon@minkventures.com 或董事凱文·菲洛,電話:705-266-6818 或訪問
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes certain "forward-looking information", including, but not limited to, statements with respect to the Warren Project, the exploration work required to exercise the option, and the prospectivity of the Warren Project and the Montcalm Project. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Mink to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could affect the outcome include, among others: future prices and the supply of metals; the results of exploration work; inability to raise the money necessary to incur the expenditures required to retain and advance the Warren Project and Montcalm Project; environmental liabilities (known and unknown); general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; accidents, labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; political instability, or delays in obtaining governmental and stock exchange approvals. For a more detailed discussion of such risks and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, refer to Mink's filings with Canadian securities regulators available on SEDAR+. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and Mink disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.
本新聞稿包含某些 “前瞻性信息”,包括但不限於有關沃倫項目、行使期權所需的勘探工作以及沃倫項目和蒙特卡姆項目前景的聲明。前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致Mink的實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。可能影響結果的因素包括:未來的價格和金屬供應;勘探工作的結果;無法籌集必要的資金來支付保留和推進沃倫項目和蒙特卡姆項目所需的支出;環境負債(已知和未知);一般業務、經濟、競爭、政治和社會的不確定性;採礦業的事故、勞資糾紛和其他風險;政治不穩定或延遲獲得政府和證券交易所的批准。要更詳細地討論可能導致實際業績與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異的風險和其他因素,請參閱Sedar+上Mink向加拿大證券監管機構提交的文件。這些前瞻性陳述自本文發佈之日起作出,除非適用的證券法要求,否則Mink不打算或義務公開更新任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件或業績還是其他原因。
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or ac curacy of this release.
Figure 1: Location Map
圖 1:位置圖
Figure 2: Trench and Drill Hole Location Map
圖 2:溝槽和鑽孔位置圖
Figure 3: Compilation Map (IP & Magnetics)
圖 3:編譯圖(IP 和 Magnetics)