
Prosper Gold Expands Cyprus Project to 61,880 Hectares

Prosper Gold Expands Cyprus Project to 61,880 Hectares

Prosper Gold 將塞浦路斯項目擴大到 61,880 公頃
GlobeNewswire ·  02/26 21:00

Figure 1

圖 1

Map showing location of Cyprus Project in relation to existing copper ± gold prospects in north-central British Columbia

Figure 2

圖 2

Google earth imagery with regional total magnetics overlain showing complex high amplitude magnetic response under broad valley.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Prosper Gold Corp. ("Prosper Gold" or the "Company") (TSXV:PGX) is pleased to announce that the Company has acquired an additional 60,512 hectares by means of staking to increase the Cyprus Project land position to 61,880 hectares.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年2月26日(環球新聞專線)——Prosper Gold Corp.(“Prosper Gold” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PGX)欣然宣佈,該公司已通過質押方式額外收購了60,512公頃土地,將塞浦路斯項目的土地面積增加到61,880公頃。

"The acquisition of 150,000 acres of prospective ground in north-central British Columbia establishes the Cyprus Project as one of the largest in the region," commented Peter Bernier, CEO. "The exploration potential of this newly acquired ground is bolstered by the presence of significant copper-gold mineralization at the Kaza and Northstar prospects. We will be systematically exploring this ground, beginning with a district-scale ZTEM survey covering 675 km2, generating targets under cover and at depth."


The Cyprus Project


The road-accessible Cyprus Project is situated in north-central British Columbia, Canada (Figure 1). The 61,880 hectare Project includes the historical Kaza and Northstar copper prospects (see the Company's February 20, 2024 news releases for details) and is considered a district-scale copper-gold porphyry exploration Project.

塞浦路斯公路通行項目位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部 (圖 1)。這個佔地61,880公頃的項目包括歷史上的Kaza和Northstar銅礦前景 (詳情請參閱公司2024年2月20日的新聞稿) 並被認爲是一個地區規模的銅金斑岩勘探項目。

At the historical Kaza copper-gold prospect, soil samples up to 5.09 gpt gold and 10,000 ppm copper and surface rock chip samples from 1973 including 0.88% copper, 15.4 gpt gold and 120 gpt silver over 4.0 metres coincide with a 2,000 metre by 600 area of high IP chargeability and low magnetic response. The presence of sparse feldspar porphyry dikes and the sulphide assemblages present at surface suggest copper-gold porphyry mineralization may exist at depth.

在歷史悠久的喀扎銅金礦區,自1973年以來土壤樣本高達5.09 gpt的金和10,000 ppm的銅和地表岩屑樣本,包括超過4.0米的0.88%的銅、15.4加侖的金和120 gpt的銀,與2,000米乘600的高IP可充電性和低磁響應的區域重合。稀疏的長石斑岩堤和地表存在的硫化物組合表明,銅金斑岩礦化可能存在於深處。

Copper mineralization at the Northstar prospect consists of vein-hosted and disseminated chalcocite and bornite within faulted and fractured andesite. Surface trench sampling results includes 23.0 metres grading 2.1% copper and historical drilling intercepts include 0.55% copper over 138.2 metres. Zones of copper mineralization outlined by previous operators at the Northstar prospect are likely driven by a magmatic-hydrothermal system in the immediate vicinity.


Figure 1. Map showing location of Cyprus Project in relation to existing copper ± gold prospects in north-central British Columbia.

圖 1。地圖顯示了塞浦路斯項目相對於現有銅的位置 ± 不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的黃金前景。

District-scale Exploration Upside


A broad valley with very little outcrop exposure is situated to the southwest of the Kaza and Northstar prospects (Figure 2). The roughly 15 km wide valley is the manifestation of a series of northwest-trending faults which represents a district-scale exploration opportunity in the search for large copper-gold porphyry deposits. The valley is underlain by a complex and strong magnetic response related to long-lived intrusive activity in this portion of the volcano-plutonic arc. The Company is planning to commission a ZTEM survey covering 675 km2 that will outline targets in this covered and prospective portion of the Cyprus Project.

Kaza和Northstar勘探區的西南面有一個寬闊的山谷,露出量很小 (圖 2)。寬約15千米的山谷是一系列向西北延伸的斷層的表現,這爲尋找大型銅金斑岩礦牀提供了區域規模的勘探機會。該山谷由複雜而強烈的磁響應所覆蓋,該磁響應與火山深子弧這一部分的長期侵入活動有關。該公司計劃委託進行一次覆蓋675公里的ZTEM調查2 這將概述塞浦路斯項目這一涵蓋和未來部分的目標。

Figure 2. Google earth imagery with regional total magnetics overlain showing complex high amplitude magnetic response under broad valley.

圖 2。帶有區域總磁場的谷歌地球圖像顯示了寬谷下複雜的高振幅磁響應。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed by Rory Ritchie, P.Geo., Vice-President of Exploration for Prosper Gold and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101. The historical results contained in this release were completed by previous operators of the Property. Although the Company was not involved in the original work in respect of these results, proper industry data verification procedures appear to have been followed.

本新聞稿中的科學和技術信息已由P.Geo.、Prosper Gold勘探副總裁、National Instrument 43-101合格人員羅裏·裏奇審閱。本新聞稿中包含的歷史結果由該物業的前運營商完成。儘管該公司沒有參與與這些結果有關的最初工作,但似乎已經遵循了適當的行業數據驗證程序。

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Per: "Peter Bernier"
Peter Bernier
President & CEO

每個: 彼得·伯尼爾

For further information, please contact:


Peter Bernier
President & CEO
Prosper Gold Corp.
Cell: (250) 316-6644

手機:(250) 316-6644

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