
Aston Bay and American West Metals Announce Exploration Program at the Storm Copper Project, Canada

Aston Bay and American West Metals Announce Exploration Program at the Storm Copper Project, Canada

Accesswire ·  02/26 20:00

Drilling to focus on immediate resource growth and testing of large-scale copper exploration targets


TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / February 26, 2024 / Aston Bay Holdings Ltd. (TSXV:BAY)(OTCQB:ATBHF) ("Aston Bay" or the "Company") is pleased to report the details of an aggressive exploration program set to commence at the Storm Copper Project ("Storm" or the "Project") on Somerset Island, Nunavut. The program will be conducted by American West Metals Limited ("American West"), who is the operator of the Project. American West will be solely responsible for funding the program.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年2月26日/阿斯頓灣控股有限公司(TSXV: BAY)(OTCQB: ATBHF)(“阿斯頓灣” 或 “公司”)欣然報告定於努納武特薩默塞特島的Storm Copper項目(“Storm” 或 “項目”)啓動的積極勘探計劃的細節。該項目將由該項目的運營商美國西部金屬有限公司(“美國西部”)開展。美國西部將全權負責爲該計劃提供資金。



  • Field program will commence in March 2024 focused on resource expansion/definition and exploration
  • Extensive 22,000 metres (m) reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling program planned with a focus on:
    • Testing the extensions of the mineralized zones at Storm (National Instrument 43-101 maiden resource anticipated to be released in March-April, 2024)
    • Resource definition of the known high-grade copper (Cu) discoveries at the Thunder (48.6m @ 3.0% copper (Cu)), Lightning Ridge (30.4m @ 2.2% Cu) and The Gap zones (1.5m @ 4.4% Cu and 2m @ 2.5% Cu) at Storm
    • Exploration for new high-grade copper zones along strike and below the existing prospects and copper discoveries
    • Exploration along the prospective >100 kilometre (km) long copper belt including the Blizzard, Tornado and Tempest prospects
  • High-resolution surface electromagnetic (EM) surveys are planned at the underexplored Blizzard, Tornado and Tempest Prospect areas
  • Permitting roadmap continuing with environmental, mining and metallurgical studies underway
  • 實地項目將於2024年3月啓動,重點是資源擴展/定義和勘探
  • 計劃進行廣泛的22,000米(m)反循環(RC)和鑽石鑽探計劃,重點是:
    • 測試暴風雨礦化帶的延伸部分(國家儀器43-101首次資源預計將於2024年3月至4月發佈)
    • 已知的高品位銅(Cu)在 Thunder(48.6m @ 3.0% 的銅(Cu))、閃電嶺(30.4m @ 2.2% Cu)和 The Gap 區域(1.5m @ 4.4% Cu 和 2m @ 2.5% Cu)發現的高品位銅(Cu)的資源定義
    • 在走向沿線和現有前景下方勘探新的高品位銅礦區,並發現銅礦
    • 沿着長度超過100千米(km)的潛在銅帶進行探索,包括暴風雪、龍捲風和暴風雨前景
  • 計劃在未充分開發的暴雪、龍捲風和暴風勘探區進行高分辨率的地表電磁(EM)調查
  • 許可路線圖仍在繼續,環境、採礦和冶金研究正在進行中

"We are excited about this significant exploration program at Storm," stated Thomas Ullrich, CEO of Aston Bay. "Our partner American West is fully financed and currently coordinating mobilization in order to conduct the 2024 resource expansion and exploration program. Geophysics and 22,000m of planned drilling will focus on expanding the known areas of near-surface high-grade copper mineralization at several prospects at Storm, as well as continuing to explore for new targets at depth and along strike over the almost 100-kilometre prospective trend for sediment-hosted copper mineralization."


Figure 1: Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling at the Cyclone Deposit during 2023.

圖 1:2023 年在旋風礦牀進行反循環 (RC) 鑽探。



The open zones of the known copper mineralization, recent discoveries of copper mineralization in the Storm area, and the largely untested 100km prospective copper belt highlight the outstanding potential for the discovery and definition of further resources within the Project area.


Figure 2: Plan view of the Storm Project showing drilling, overlaying Fixed Loop Electromagnetic (FLEM) imagery (Late time conductivity - Channel 16. Hotter colours indicate higher conductivity).

圖 2:風暴項目的平面視圖,顯示了鑽探情況,覆蓋了固定環路電磁 (FLEM) 圖像(晚期電導率——第 16 頻道)。顏色越熱表示電導率越高)。

In addition to the potential expansion of the Cyclone Zone suggested by the conductivity anomaly at Cyclone North, three immediate opportunities have been defined for the expansion and addition of new zones of mineralization at Storm, including the Thunder and Lightning Ridge, Cyclone North, and The Gap Prospects (Figure 2).

除了北部氣旋的電導率異常所暗示的氣旋區可能擴張外,還確定了在暴風雨區擴建和增加新的礦化帶的三個直接機會,包括雷電山脊、北部氣旋和峽谷展望(圖 2)。

All of these prospects contain high-grade copper mineralization (including 48.6m @ 3.0% Cu within drill hole ST23-03 at Thunder) and are characterized by broad zones of late time EM conductivity and more localized, highly-conductive 'bullseye' style EM anomalies.

所有這些勘探區都包含高品位銅礦化(包括 Thunder ST23-03 鑽孔內的 48.6m @ 3.0% Cu),其特徵是晚期電磁導率區域寬廣,還有更局部化的、高導電性的 “靶心” 式電磁異常。

EM anomalies tested to date in the Storm area have a strong correlation with the higher-grade, >2.0% Cu mineralization.

迄今爲止在風暴地區測試的電磁異常與高品位、> 2.0% 的銅礦化有很強的相關性。

A recent review and reinterpretation of the historical Induced Polarization (IP) data has also yielded exciting results and defined numerous targets for the potential discovery of further copper mineralization (Figure 3).

最近對歷史誘導極化(IP)數據的審查和重新解釋也得出了令人興奮的結果,併爲進一步發現銅礦化的潛在目標定義了許多目標(圖 3)。

IP is an effective geophysical method for the detection of network textured and vein-hosted sulfides. The IP data has been reassessed using a 'metal factor' algorithm which filters the raw resistivity and conductivity data to define areas likely containing metallic sulfides (including copper sulphide), as opposed to other potential sources of the IP (i.e. clay, iron-oxides).

IP 是檢測網絡紋理和靜脈承載硫化物的有效地球物理方法。已使用 “金屬因子” 算法對IP數據進行了重新評估,該算法過濾了原始電阻率和電導率數據,以確定可能含有金屬硫化物(包括硫化銅)的區域,而不是其他潛在的IP來源(即粘土、氧化鐵)的區域。

The new imagery highlights a series of extensive IP anomalies that are coincident with the known copper deposits and main structures of the graben fault system (main copper fluid sources).


Of particular interest is a newly defined anomaly located immediately to the south of the Cyclone Zone, across the graben fault. The anomaly is interpreted to be at a deeper stratigraphic level (~100-200m depth) to Cyclone and covers an area roughly the same size as the known Cyclone mineralization. This anomaly is located in an area of no drilling and may represent a southern, offset extension of the Cyclone copper mineralization.


Multiple other anomalies have been highlighted in this data set, including strong coincident anomalies with the Corona and Cirrus Deposits, and the Thunder, Lightning Ridge, and The Gap Prospects.


Detailed Moving Loop Electromagnetics (MLEM) and approximately 12,000m of drilling have been planned for resource expansion activities in the Storm area. These activities will commence during March/April 2024.

已計劃進行詳細的動環電磁學 (MLEM) 和大約 12,000 米的鑽探,用於風暴地區的資源擴張活動。這些活動將於 2024 年 3 月/4 月開始。

Figure 3: Plan view of the Storm area showing the known copper deposits and drilling, overlaying IP metal factor imagery (Hotter colours indicate higher conductivity contrast) at -100 to 200m depth.

圖 3:風暴區域的平面視圖,顯示了已知的銅礦牀和鑽探情況,疊加了 -100 至 200 米深度的 IP 金屬因子圖像(顏色越熱表示更高的電導率對比度)。



The recent exploration and resource definition activities suggest that Storm and new copper discoveries are only a small part of a larger sediment hosted copper mineralized system.


High-grade copper sulphide mineralization has been found at a stratigraphic level 200m below the known copper deposits, and at numerous other locations along the 100km strike of the prospective copper belt. Significantly, the same high-grade copper mineral assemblage of chalcocite-bornite-chalcopyrite is present in the new deeper discoveries as in the extensive near-surface mineralization.


Exploration activities during 2024 will be aimed at extending the coverage of drilling and detailed geophysics into these underexplored areas.


The exploration program will first focus below the Storm Prospects at depth, and at the Blizzard, Tornado and Tempest Prospects. Surface geophysics, including Moving Loop Electromagnetics (MLEM) and gravity, and RC and diamond drilling will be used to screen and test the highest-priority targets.

該探索計劃將首先聚焦在《風暴前景》下方的深度,以及暴雪、龍捲風和暴風雨前景。地表地球物理學,包括動環電磁學 (MLEM) 和重力,以及 RC 和金剛石鑽探,將用於篩選和測試優先級最高的目標。

Approximately 10,000m of drilling has been allocated to the exploration work.

已爲勘探工作分配了大約 10,000 米的鑽探。



The Blizzard and Tornado Prospects are located approximately 5-10km along strike to the southeast of Storm. The area shares a geological setting that is interpreted to be identical to that of Storm, and contains numerous outcropping copper occurrences with coincident geophysical anomalies.


The Tornado Prospect is centered on an area with abundant chalcocite and malachite boulders in frost heaved sub-crop and float, within a 3.2km x 1.5km geochemical copper anomaly. The large copper anomaly shares the same linear trend as the main structural features of the Storm graben. Most of the anomalous copper samples are located around the interpreted northern graben fault, which is a similar setting to that of the large and laterally extensive Cyclone Prospect at Storm.

Tornado Prospect的中心區域位於3.2km x 1.5km的地球化學銅異常範圍內,該區域有大量的輝石和孔雀石巨石,處於霜降的子作物和漂浮物中。大型銅異常與暴風地的主要結構特徵具有相同的線性趨勢。大多數異常銅樣本都位於解釋後的北部格拉本斷層周圍,該斷層與暴風時橫向分佈的大型氣旋展望臺的背景類似。

The Blizzard Prospect is defined by a broad, oval shaped zone of elevated Vertical Time Domain Electromagnetics (VTEM) conductance with approximate dimensions of 4.0km x 1.5km. The target is enhanced locally by elevated levels of copper in rock and soil samples.

暴雪展望是由垂直時域電磁學(VTEM)電導率升高的寬橢圓形區域定義的,其尺寸約爲4.0km x 1.5km。岩石和土壤樣本中銅含量升高會增強局部目標。

Both the Tornado and Blizzard Prospects also contain a number of strong gravity anomalies (defined using 2015 and 2016 gravity survey data), which share similar features to those defined at Storm during 2023. The gravity anomalies are located in favourable geological locations and are coincident with the soil and rock copper anomalies (Figure 4).

《龍捲風》和《暴雪展望》還包含許多強重力異常(使用2015年和2016年的重力調查數據定義),這些異常與2023年在Storm中定義的特徵相似。重力異常位於有利的地質位置,與土壤和巖銅異常相吻合(圖 4)。

Moving Loop Electromagnetics (MLEM) and drilling will be used to follow-up these prospective areas with the aim of defining another Storm-style copper camp along strike of the existing copper resources.


Figure 4: Gravity anomalies at the Tornado and Blizzard Prospects - terrain corrected Bouger gravity anomalies from 2023 survey.

圖 4:《龍捲風》和《暴雪展望》中的重力異常——地形修正了2023年調查中的鮑格重力異常。



The Tempest Prospect is located approximately 40 kilometres south of the known copper discoveries at Storm (Figures 5 to 7). The area was discovered through historical rock and soil sampling which defined copper gossans over 250m, with assays returning copper grades up to 32% Cu.

Tempest Prospect位於Storm已知銅礦發現以南約40公里處(圖5至7)。該地區是通過歷史岩石和土壤採樣發現的,這些採樣確定了超過2.5米的銅礦石,化驗得出的銅品位高達32%的銅。

The geology of the area is interpreted to contain the southern extension of the highly prospective Storm copper belt, overlapping much older Proterozoic rocks to the west. This geological setting and the interpreted unconformity between two main geological terranes are interpreted to be highly prospective for base metal mineralization.


A small reconnaissance sampling and field mapping program during the 2023 field season was aimed at expanding the understanding of the area. The mapping revealed a series of gossans that are significantly more extensive than originally defined. The gossans have now been traced over 4km of strike to the north and south of the original Tempest Prospect, significantly upgrading the exploration potential of the area.


Seven samples were collected of gossanous rock outcrop and float, and one was collected from exposed gneiss basement. A number of the gossanous samples yielded highly anomalous base metals with copper grades up to 38.2% Cu and zinc grades 30.8% Zn.


A ground Loupe Electromagnetic (TDEM) and magnetic survey were also completed over the Tempest area during August 2023 to aid with mapping the stratigraphy and to define potential targets for further exploration work (Figure 6).


The TDEM survey has defined a series of conductive anomalies that lie along the strike of the stratigraphy and are coincident with the copper/zinc gossans in a number of areas (Figure 6). The conductors are localised and modelling of the data estimates that they are potentially steeply dipping. The relatively short strike length of the conductive features is positive and suggests that the anomalies may not be related to conductive stratigraphic horizons such as black shales, graphite, or iron sulfides.


Moving Loop Electromagnetics (MLEM) and drilling will be used to follow up on these highly prospective areas.


Figure 5: Photo of the southern Tempest copper/zinc gossan (brown/reddish rocks), looking north.

圖 5:南部 Tempest 銅/鋅高桑(棕色/紅色岩石)向北看的照片。

Figure 6: Plan view map of the Tempest Prospect showing the mapped gossans and geochemical sampling points, overlaying TDEM image (late time conductivity - Gate 6) and aerial photography.

圖 6:Tempest Prospect的平面視圖圖,顯示了測繪的山體和地球化學採樣點,疊加了 TDEM 圖像(晚期電導率——第 6 號門)和航空攝影。

Figure 7: Map of the Project area showing the known copper and base metal deposits/prospects overlaying magnetics (Airborne GeoTEM - hotter colours indicate higher magnetic intensity). The Tempest Prospect is located approximately 40km south of Storm Copper.

圖 7:項目區域地圖,顯示了疊加磁體的已知銅和賤金屬礦牀/前景(Airborne GeoTem-顏色越高表示磁強度越高)。Tempest Prospect 位於 Storm Copper 以南約 40 公里處。

About the Storm Copper and Seal Zinc-Silver Projects, Nunavut

關於 Storm Copper and Seal 鋅銀項目,努納武特

The Nunavut property consists of 173 contiguous mining claims covering an area of approximately 219,257 hectares on Somerset Island, Nunavut, Canada. The Storm Project comprises both the Storm Copper Project, a high-grade sediment-hosted copper discovery (intersections including 110m* @ 2.45% Cu from surface and 56.3m* @ 3.07% Cu from 12.2m) as well as the Seal Zinc Deposit (intersections including 14.4m* @ 10.58% Zn, 28.7g/t Ag from 51.8m and 22.3m* @ 23% Zn, 5.1g/t Ag from 101.5m). Additionally, there are numerous underexplored and undrilled targets within the 120-kilometre strike length of the mineralized trend, including the Tornado copper prospect where 10 grab samples yielded >1% Cu up to 32% Cu in gossans. The Nunavut property is now the subject of an 80/20 unincorporated joint venture with American West (see "Agreement with American West" below for more details).

努納武特地區的財產包括173個連續採礦索賠,佔地約219,257公頃,位於加拿大努納武特的薩默塞特島。風暴項目包括暴風銅礦項目,這是一個高品位沉積物承載的銅礦發現(交叉點包括來自地表的110m* @ 2.45% Cu和來自122m的56.3m* @ 3.07% Cu)以及海豹鋅礦牀(交叉點包括來自51.8m的144m* @ 10.58% Zn、28.7g/t Ag 和來自101.5m的22.3m* @ 23% Zn、5.1g/t Ag)m)。此外,在礦化趨勢的120公里走向長度內,有許多未充分開發和未鑽探的目標,包括龍捲風銅礦勘探區,其中的10個採集樣本在高山中產出銅含量> 1%,銅含量高達32%。努納武特的房產現在是與美國西部建立的80/20的非法人合資企業的主體(更多細節見下文 “與美國西部的協議”)。

Storm Discovery and Historical Work


High-grade copper mineralization was discovered at Storm in the mid-1990s by Cominco geologists conducting regional zinc exploration around their then-producing Polaris lead-zinc mine. A massive chalcocite boulder found in a tributary of the Aston River in 1996 was traced to impressive surface exposures of broken chalcocite mineralization for hundreds of metres of surface strike length at what became named the 2750N, 2200N, and 3500N zones. Subsequent seasons of prospecting, geophysics and over 9,000 m of drilling into the early 2000s confirmed a significant amount of copper mineralization below the surface exposures as well as making the blind discovery of the 4100N Zone, a large area of copper mineralization with no surface exposure.

20世紀90年代中期,Cominco地質學家在當時生產的北極星鉛鋅礦周圍進行了區域鋅勘探,在Storm發現了高品位銅礦化區。1996 年在阿斯頓河的一條支流中發現了一塊巨大的輝石巨石,這可追溯到後來被命名爲 2750N、2200N 和 3500N 的區域在數百米的地表走向長度上破碎的硫鋁石礦化帶來的令人印象深刻的地表暴露。隨後幾個季節的探礦、地球物理學和直至2000年代初的超過9,000米的鑽探證實了地表暴露下有大量的銅礦化,並盲目發現了4100N區域,這是一大片沒有表面暴露的銅礦化區域。

Following the merger of Cominco with Teck in 2001 and the closure of the Polaris Mine, the Storm claims were allowed to lapse in 2007. Commander Resources staked the property in 2008 and flew a helicopter-borne VTEM survey in 2011 but conducted no additional drilling. Aston Bay subsequently entered into an earn-in agreement with Commander and consolidated 100% ownership in 2015. Commander retains a 0.875% Gross Overriding Royalty in the area of the original Storm claims.

在2001年Cominco與泰克合併以及北極星礦山關閉之後,Storm索賠於2007年被允許失效。Commander Resources於2008年質押了該財產,並於2011年進行了直升機載VTEM調查,但沒有進行更多鑽探。阿斯頓灣隨後與指揮官簽訂了盈利協議,並於2015年合併了100%的所有權。在最初的風暴索賠範圍內,指揮官保留了0.875%的壓倒性特許權使用費。

In 2016 Aston Bay entered into an earn-in agreement with BHP, who conducted a 2,000-station soil sampling program and drilled 1,951m of core in 12 diamond drill holes, yielding up to 16m* @ 3.1% Cu. BHP exited the agreement in 2017 and retains no residual interest in the project. Aston Bay conducted a property-wide airborne gravity gradiometry survey in 2017 and drilled 2,913m in nine core holes in the Storm area in 2018 yielding a best intercept of 1.5m* @ 4.39% Cu and 20.5m* @ 0.56% Cu.

2016年,阿斯頓貝與必和必拓簽訂了盈利協議,必和必拓進行了2,000個站點的土壤採樣計劃,並在12個鑽石鑽孔中鑽了19.51億個岩心,產量高達1600萬*,銅含量爲3.1%。必和必拓於2017年退出該協議,在該項目中沒有保留任何剩餘權益。阿斯頓灣於2017年對整個物業進行了機載重力梯度測量,並於2018年在風暴區的九個核心孔中鑽了2913米,得出最佳截距爲150米* @ 4.39% 銅和20.5米* @ 0.56% 銅。

Agreement with American West


As previously disclosed, Aston Bay entered into an Option Agreement dated March 9, 2021 (the "Option Agreement") with American West Metals Limited and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Tornado Metals Ltd. (collectively, "American West") pursuant to which American West was granted an option (the "Option") to earn an 80% undivided interest in the Project by spending a minimum of CAD$10 million on qualifying exploration expenditures ("Expenditures"). The parties amended and restated the Option Agreement as of February 27, 2023 to facilitate American West potentially financing the Expenditures through flow-through shares but did not change the commercial agreement between the parties.

正如先前披露的那樣,阿斯頓貝於2021年3月9日與美國西部金屬有限公司及其全資子公司龍捲風金屬有限公司(統稱 “美國西部”)簽訂了期權協議(“期權協議”),根據該協議,美國西部獲得期權(“期權”),通過在符合條件的勘探支出(“支出”)上至少花費1,000萬加元來賺取該項目80%的不可分割權益。雙方修訂並重申了自2023年2月27日起的期權協議,以促進美國西部可能通過流通股票爲支出融資,但沒有修改雙方之間的商業協議。

The Expenditures were completed during the 2023 drilling program and American West exercised the Option in accordance with the terms of the Option Agreement, as amended. American West and Aston Bay will form an 80/20 unincorporated joint venture and enter into a joint venture agreement. Under such agreement, Aston Bay shall have a free carried interest until American West has made a decision to mine upon completion of a bankable feasibility study, meaning American West will be solely responsible for funding the joint venture until such decision is made. After such decision is made, Aston Bay will be diluted in the event it does not elect to contribute its proportionate share and its interest in the Project will be converted into a 2% net smelter returns royalty if its interest is diluted to below 10%.


Recent Work


American West completed a fixed loop electromagnetic (FLEM) ground geophysical survey in 2021 that yielded several new subsurface conductive anomalies. A total of 1,534m were drilled in 10 diamond drill holes in the 2022 season, yielding several impressive near-surface intercepts including 41m* @ 4.1% Cu as well as 68m of sulfide mineralization associated with a deeper conductive anomaly.

美國西部於 2021 年完成了固定迴路電磁 (FLEM) 地面地球物理調查,得出了幾個新的地下傳導異常。2022賽季共在10個金剛石鑽孔中鑽探了1534米,產生了幾個令人印象深刻的近地表截距,包括41m* @ 4.1% Cu以及與更深的導電異常相關的68m硫化物礦化。

In April 2022, results of beneficiation studies demonstrated that a mineralized intercept grading 4% Cu from the 4100N area could be upgraded to a 54% Cu direct ship product using standard sorting technology. Further beneficiation studies are ongoing.


In April 2023, American West embarked on a spring delineation drilling program using a helicopter-portable RC drill rig as well as conducting gravity and moving loop electromagnetic (MLEM) ground geophysical programs.

2023 年 4 月,美國西部開始了春季劃界鑽探計劃,使用直升機便攜式 RC 鑽機,並進行了重力和動環電磁 (MLEM) 地面地球物理項目。

The summer 2023 program conducted further delineation drilling of the near-surface high-grade copper zones to advance them toward maiden resource estimates by late 2023 or early 2024. Diamond drilling tested new high-priority gravity targets and environmental baseline studies will be initiated.


*Stated drill hole intersections are all core length, and true width is expected to be 60% to 100% of core length.


QA/QC Protocols


The analytical work reported on herein was performed by ALS Global ("ALS"), Vancouver Canada. ALS is an ISO-IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 accredited geoanalytical laboratory and is independent of Aston Bay Holdings Ltd., American West Metals Limited, and the QP. Drill core and hand samples were subject to crushing at a minimum of 70% passing 2 mm, followed by pulverizing of a 250-gram split to 85% passing 75 microns. Samples were subject to 33 element geochemistry by four-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) to determine concentrations of copper, silver, lead, zinc, and other elements (ALS Method ME-ICP61a). Overlimit values for copper (>10%) and were analyzed via four-acid digestion and ICP-AES (ALS Method Cu-OG62).

此處報告的分析工作由加拿大溫哥華的ALS Global(“ALS”)進行。ALS是經ISO-IEC 17025:2017 和 ISO 9001:2015 認證的地質分析實驗室,獨立於阿斯頓灣控股有限公司、美國西部金屬有限公司和 QP。鑽芯和手部樣品的粉碎度至少爲 70%,穿過 2 毫米,然後將 250 克的裂縫粉碎至 85%,穿過 75 微米。通過四酸消解和電感耦合等離子體原子發射光譜(ICP-AES)對樣品進行了33種元素的地球化學,以確定銅、銀、鉛、鋅和其他元素的濃度(ALS方法ME-ICP61a)。銅的超限值(> 10%),通過四酸消解和ICP-AES(ALS方法Cu-OG62)進行了分析。

Aston Bay Holdings Ltd. and American West Metals Limited followed industry standard procedures for the work carried out on the Storm Project, incorporating a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program. Blank, duplicate, and standard samples were inserted into the sample sequence and sent to the laboratory for analysis. No significant QA/QC issues were detected during review of the data. Aston Bay Holdings Ltd. and American West Metals Limited are not aware of any drilling, sampling, recovery, or other factors that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the data referred to herein.


Qualified Person


Michael Dufresne, M.Sc., P.Geol., P.Geo., is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information in this press release.

Michael Dufresne,理學碩士,P.Geol.,P.Geo.,是美國國家儀器43-101定義的合格人士,他已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中的科學和技術信息。

About Aston Bay Holdings


Aston Bay is a publicly traded mineral exploration company exploring for high-grade copper and gold deposits in Virginia, USA, and Nunavut, Canada. The Company is led by CEO Thomas Ullrich with exploration in Virginia directed by the Company's advisor, Don Taylor, the 2018 Thayer Lindsley Award winner for his discovery of the Taylor Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit in Arizona. The Company is currently exploring the high-grade Buckingham Gold Vein in central Virginia and is in advanced stages of negotiation on other lands with high-grade copper potential in the area.

Aston Bay是一家上市礦產勘探公司,在美國弗吉尼亞州和加拿大努納武特地區勘探高品位銅和金礦牀。該公司由首席執行官托馬斯·烏爾裏****,在弗吉尼亞州進行勘探,由公司的顧問唐·泰勒指導。唐·泰勒因在亞利桑那州發現泰勒鉛鋅銀礦牀而獲得2018年塞耶·林茲利獎。該公司目前正在弗吉尼亞州中部勘探高品位的白金漢金礦脈,該地區其他具有高品位銅潛力的土地的談判已進入後期階段。

The Company and its joint venture partners, American West Metals Limited and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Tornado Metals Ltd. (collectively, "American West") have agreed to form a 20/80 unincorporated joint venture and enter into a joint venture agreement in respect of the Storm Project property, which hosts the Storm Copper Project and the Seal Zinc Deposit. Under such agreement, Aston Bay shall have a free carried interest until American West has made a decision to mine upon completion of a bankable feasibility study, meaning American West will be solely responsible for funding the joint venture until such decision is made. After such decision is made, Aston Bay will be diluted in the event it does not elect to contribute its proportionate share and its interest in the Storm Project property will be converted into a 2% net smelter returns royalty if its interest is diluted to below 10%.

該公司及其合資夥伴美國西部金屬有限公司及其全資子公司Tornado Metals Ltd.(統稱 “美國西部”)已同意組建一家20/80的非法人合資企業,並就託管暴風銅業項目和海豹鋅礦牀的Storm Project物業簽訂合資協議。根據此類協議,在美國西部完成銀行可行性研究後做出開採決定之前,阿斯頓灣將擁有自由附帶權益,這意味着在做出此類決定之前,美國西部將全權負責爲合資企業提供資金。做出此類決定後,如果阿斯頓灣選擇不按比例出資,則阿斯頓灣將被攤薄,如果其利息稀釋至10%以下,其在Storm Project物業中的權益將轉換爲2%的淨冶煉廠回報特許權使用費。

About American West Metals Limited


AMERICAN WEST METALS LIMITED (ASX: AW1) is an Australian clean energy mining company focused on growth through the discovery and development of major base metal mineral deposits in Tier 1 jurisdictions of North America. Our strategy is focused on developing mines that have a low-footprint and support the global energy transformation. Our portfolio of copper and zinc projects in Utah and Canada include significant existing resource inventories and high-grade mineralization that can generate robust mining proposals. Core to our approach is our commitment to the ethical extraction and processing of minerals and making a meaningful contribution to the communities where our projects are located.

AMERICAN WEST METALS LIMITED (ASX: AW1) 是一家澳大利亞清潔能源礦業公司,專注於通過在北美一級司法管轄區發現和開發主要基本金屬礦牀來實現增長。我們的戰略側重於開發佔地面積小、支持全球能源轉型的礦山。我們在猶他州和加拿大的銅鋅項目組合包括大量的現有資源庫存和高品位礦化,可以提出強有力的採礦提案。我們方法的核心是我們承諾以合乎道德的方式開採和加工礦物,併爲我們的項目所在社區做出有意義的貢獻。

Led by a highly experienced leadership team, our strategic initiatives lay the foundation for a sustainable business which aims to deliver high-multiplier returns on shareholder investment and economic benefits to all stakeholders.


For further information on American West, visit: .

有關美國西部的更多信息, 訪問:.



Statements made in this news release, including those regarding entering into the joint venture and each party's interest in the Project pursuant to the agreement in respect of the joint venture, management objectives, forecasts, estimates, expectations, or predictions of the future may constitute "forward-looking statement", which can be identified by the use of conditional or future tenses or by the use of such verbs as "believe", "expect", "may", "will", "should", "estimate", "anticipate", "project", "plan", and words of similar import, including variations thereof and negative forms. This press release contains forward-looking statements that reflect, as of the date of this press release, Aston Bay's expectations, estimates and projections about its operations, the mining industry and the economic environment in which it operates. Statements in this press release that are not supported by historical fact are forward-looking statements, meaning they involve risk, uncertainty and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Although Aston Bay believes that the assumptions inherent in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which apply only at the time of writing of this press release. Aston Bay disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent required by securities legislation.

本新聞稿中的聲明,包括關於根據協議加入合資企業和各方在項目中的權益的聲明、管理目標、預測、估計、預期或對未來的預測可能構成 “前瞻性陳述”,可以通過使用條件時態或將來時態或使用諸如 “相信”、“期望”、“可能”、“將”、“應該” 等動詞來識別”、“估計”、“預測”、“項目”、“計劃” 以及含義相似的詞語,包括變體其形式和負面形式。本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,這些陳述反映了截至本新聞稿發佈之日,阿斯頓貝對其運營、採礦業和經濟環境的預期、估計和預測。本新聞稿中沒有歷史事實支持的陳述均爲前瞻性陳述,這意味着它們涉及風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的業績存在重大差異。儘管阿斯頓·貝認爲前瞻性陳述中固有的假設是合理的,但不應過分依賴這些陳述,這些陳述僅適用於撰寫本新聞稿時。除非證券立法要求,否則阿斯頓貝不表示有任何意圖或義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

For more information contact:


Thomas Ullrich, Chief Executive Officer
(416) 456-3516

(416) 456-3516

SOURCE: Aston Bay Holdings Ltd


