
ATEX Expands High-Grade Early Porphyry at Valeriano Intersects 112 Metres of 1.42% CuEq Within a Longer Interval of 852 M Grading 0.82% CuEq

ATEX Expands High-Grade Early Porphyry at Valeriano Intersects 112 Metres of 1.42% CuEq Within a Longer Interval of 852 M Grading 0.82% CuEq

ATEX 擴建瓦萊里亞諾的高級早期斑岩在 852 M 的更長間隔內與 112 米的 1.42% CueQ 相交,等級 0.82% cueQ
newsfile ·  02/22 20:00

Current drilling leads to updated interpretation of early porphyry units highlighting potential for significant expansion of high-grade system.


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 22, 2024) - ATEX Resources Inc. (TSXV: ATX) ("ATEX" or the "Company") is pleased to announce complete assay results for drill holes ATXD16A and ATXD17A, the second and third holes from its Phase IV drill campaign at the Valeriano Copper-Gold Project ("Valeriano" or the "Project") located in Atacama Region, Chile

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 22 日)- ATEX Resources Inc.(多倫多證券交易所:ATX) (”ATEX“或者”公司“) 很高興地宣佈 ATXD16A 和 ATXD17A 鑽孔的完整分析結果,這是 Valeriano Copper-Gold 項目第四階段鑽探活動的第二個和第三個孔(”瓦萊里亞諾“或者”項目“) 位於智利阿塔卡馬地區

Highlights include:


  • ATXD16A extends the high-grade porphyry ~100 meters to the southeast, with 852m grading 0.82% CuEq (0.60% Cu, 0.28 g/t Au, 0.98 g/t Ag and 72 g/t Mo), including:

    • 594m grading 0.92% CuEq (0.67% Cu, 0.32 g/t Au, 1.13 g/t Ag and 71 g/t Mo) within Early Porphyry ("EP") from 1,168m downhole.

    • and 112m of 1.42% CuEq (1.01% Cu, 0.57 g/t Au, 2.06 g/t Ag and 46 g/t Mo) from 1,616m downhole.

  • Merging the results from ATXD16A (daughter hole) with the upper part of VAL16 (historical hole) forms a longer continuous interval of 1,226 metres grading 0.72% CuEq (0.52% Cu, 0.25 g/t Au, 0.91 g/t Ag and 68 g/t Mo) starting at 576 metres downhole in VAL16 (Table 1).

  • ATXD17A intersected 924 metres grading 0.61% CuEq (0.45% Cu, 0.17 g/t Au, 0.88 g/t Ag and 99 g/t Mo) from 1,052 metres downhole including 98 m of 0.79% CuEq (0.56% Cu, 0.28 g/t Au 0.90 g/t Ag and 103 g/t Mo) related to EP mineralization.

  • Integrating the assay results and logging data from the first three holes of Phase IV with geophysical data sets has led to the evolution of the EP model, indicating the potential for a larger EP target within a NNW trending corridor (Figure 2).

  • Additionally, ATXD25 (currently drilling from the west (Figures 1&2)) has intersected EP at 1,550 metres downhole and approximately 200 metres west of the EP intersected in ATXD11B (1,342.5m of 0.70% CuEq (0.46% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au, 43 g/t Mo) See Company news dated March 30, 2023), within the Western Trend. This adds further support to the evolving concept of the NNW trending EP corridor.

  • ATEX currently has three rigs actively drilling on the project with holes ATXD26 and ATXD17B are currently underway with the aim of testing for continuity of mineralized porphyry between the currently modelled EP trends (Figure 2).

  • ATXD16A 將高品位斑岩向東南延伸約 100 米,其中 8.52 米品位爲 0.82% CueQ(0.60% 銅、0.28 g/t Au、0.98 g/t Ag、0.98 g/t Ag 和 72 g/t Mo),包括:

    • 在早期斑岩(“EP”)中,594m 品位爲 0.92% CueQ(0.67% Cu、0.32 g/t 金、1.13 g/t Ag 和 71 g/t Mo) 從井下 1,168 米處。

    • 以及來自井下 16.16 米的 1.12 億個 1.42% CuEq(1.01% Cu、0.57 g/t Au、2.06 g/t Ag 和 46 g/t Mo)。

  • 合併 ATXD16A 的結果 (子洞)與 VAL16(歷史洞)的上半部分形成一個 更長的連續間隔爲 1,226 米,品位爲 0.72% CueQ(0.52% Cu、0.25 g/t Au、0.91 g/t Ag、0.91 g/t Ag 和 68 g/t Mo 68 g/t) 從 VAL16 的井下 576 米處開始(表 1)。

  • ATXD17A 橫穿了 924 米,等級 0.61% cueQ (0.45% 銅、0.17 g/t Au、0.88 g/t Ag 和 99 g/t Mo)來自井下 1,052 米,包括 98 m 的 0.79% CueQ(0.56% 銅、0.28 g/t Au 0.90 g/t Ag 和 103 g/t Mo)與 EP 礦化有關。

  • 將來自第四階段前三個孔洞的分析結果和記錄數據與地球物理數據集相整合,促成了EP模型的發展,這表明在NNW趨勢走廊內有可能出現更大的EP目標(圖2)。

  • 此外,ATXD25(目前從西部鑽探(圖 1和2))在井下 1,550 米處、在 EP 以西約 200 米處與 ATXD11B 相交的 EP(1,342.5 米,0.70% CueQ)與 EP 相交 (0.46% 銅,0.31 克/噸金,43 克/噸鉬粉) 參見 2023 年 3 月 30 日的公司新聞), 在西方趨勢中。這進一步支持了NNW趨勢EP走廊不斷演變的概念。

  • ATEX 目前有三臺鑽機正在該項目上積極鑽探,鑽孔 ATXD26 和 ATXD17B 目前正在進行中,目的是測試當前模擬的極壓趨勢之間礦化斑岩的連續性(圖 2)。

"These results are among the most exciting delivered to date by the Valeriano Project," stated Raymond Jannas, President and CEO of ATEX. "We have delivered one of the highest grade and longest intervals on the project in ATXD16A, which combined with the other holes from Phase IV, specifically ATXD25, has highlighted the potential for a NNW trending EP corridor that likely hosts a larger EP target than originally anticipated. This NNW conceptual trend remains open along strike and we are actively drilling to infill gaps and expand the high-grade EP system."

ATEX總裁兼首席執行官雷蒙德·詹納斯表示:“這些結果是瓦萊里亞諾項目迄今爲止取得的最令人興奮的成果之一。”“我們在 ATXD16A 中交付了該項目中等級最高、間隔時間最長的項目之一,再加上第四階段的其他鑽孔,特別是 ATXD25,凸顯了新西北趨勢的EP走廊的潛力,該走廊的EP目標可能比最初預期的要大。這種NNW概念趨勢在罷工期間仍然是開放的,我們正在積極鑽探以填補空白並擴展高品位的EP系統。”

Table 1 - Summary results for ATXD16A and ATXD17A

表 1-ATXD16A 和 ATXD17A 的彙總結果

Hole ID From To Interval Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq% (1)

% g/t g/t g/t

ATXD16A* 950 1,802 852 0.60 0.28 0.98 72 0.82

Incl. 1,168 1,762 594 0.67 0.32 1.13 71 0.92

Incl. 1,616 1,728 112 1.01 0.57 2.06 46 1.42

VAL16/ATXD16A** 576 1802 1,226 0.52 0.25 0.91 68 0.72

ATXD17A*** 1,052 1,976 924 0.45 0.17 0.88 99 0.61

Incl. 1,062 1,555 493 0.50 0.21 0.82 113 0.69

Incl. 1,216 1,314 98 0.56 0.28 0.90 103 0.79
*Includes an interval of 10.8m from 996.2m to 1,006.9m where no core was recovered due to use of directional drilling tool.
**Includes intervals of 23.5m from 862.3m to 885.7m and 18.7m from 915.3m to 934m where no core was recovered due to use of directional drilling tool.
***Includes intervals of 16.85m from 1,554.8 to 1,571.65m and 13.85m from 1,580.95 to 1,594.8m where no core was recovered due to use of directional drilling tool.
(1) CuEq calculated using recoveries assumed in 2023 MRS (90% Cu, 70% Au, 80% Ag and 60% Mo) (See Company news Sept, 12 2023) using the formula stated below
Copper Equivalent (CuEq) is calculated using the formula CuEq % = Cu % + (6,481.488523 * Au g/t /10,000) +(94.6503085864* Ag g/t /10,000) + (4.2328042328 * Mo g/t /10,000)

洞 ID 來自 間隔 Au Ag Mo CUeQ% (1)

% g/t g/t g/t

ATXD16A* 950 1,802 852 0.60 0.28 0.98 72 0.82

包括。 1,168 1,762 594 0.67 0.32 1.13 71 0.92

包括。 1,616 1,728 112 1.01 0.57 2.06 46 1.42

VAL16/ATXD16A** 576 1802 1,226 0.52 0.25 0.91 68 0.72

ATXD17A*** 1,052 1,976 924 0.45 0.17 0.88 99 0.61

包括。 1,062 1,555 493 0.50 0.21 0.82 113 0.69

包括。 1,216 1,314 98 0.56 0.28 0.90 103 0.79
(1) CueQ 使用 2023 年 MRS(90% Cu、70% Au、80% Ag 和 60% Mo)(參見 2023 年 9 月 12 日公司新聞)中假設的回收率計算得出,公式如下
銅當量 (CueQ) 使用公式 cueQ% = Cu% + (6,481.488523 * Au g/t /10 ,000) + (94.6503085864* Ag g/t /10 ,000) + (4.2328042328 * Mo g/t /10 ,000) + (4.2328042328 * Mo g/t /10 ,000)

Results and Interpretation (Figure 2)

結果和解釋(圖 2)

The results released today combined with existing and historical results indicate the potential for a larger EP target within a NNW trending corridor. All EP and high-grade mineralization intersected by drilling to date, falls within a corridor (Figure 2) with rough dimensions measuring 1.2 kilometres by 0.55 kilometres.

今天公佈的結果與現有和歷史結果相結合,表明在NNW趨勢走廊內有可能實現更大的EP目標。迄今爲止,所有通過鑽探相交的極壓和高品位礦化均位於一條走廊內(圖 2),大致尺寸爲 1.2 千米 x 0.55 千米。

In addition, ATXD16A intersected EP in the gap between the Central and Eastern Trends confirming that the two might be connected. The highest-grade interval intersected in hole ATXD17A was 0.79% CuEq (0.56% Cu, 0.28 g/t Au 0.90 g/t Ag and 103 g/t Mo) over 98 metres (Table 1) and occurred directly above the projected EP contact and within the gap between the Central and Western Trends. Additionally, this intersection occurs within the southern contact of conceptual NNW EP corridor. This adds further support to potential for EP below this intersection. Lastly the intersection of EP within potassic alteration in ATXD25, 200 metres to the west of the EP intersected in ATXD11B (1,342.5m of 0.70%(2) CuEq (0.46% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au, 43 g/t Mo) , and along the projection of the NNW trending corridor is a significant development for the project, opening up a large EP target area to the west of previous drilling. This NNW corridor is currently open along strike in both directions.

此外,ATXD16A 在《中部和東部趨勢》之間的差距中與 EP 相交,證實了兩者可能有關聯。ATXD17A 孔中相交的最高等級間隔爲 98 米以上的 0.79% CueQ(0.56% Cu、0.28 g/t Au 0.90 g/t Ag 和 103 g/t Mo)(表 1),位於預計的極壓接觸點正上方和中西部趨勢之間的間隙內。此外,該交叉路口位於概念性NNW EP走廊的南部接觸點內。這進一步支撐了該交叉點下方EP的潛力。最後,在 EP 以西 200 米處的 ATXD25 鉀蝕變內的 EP 交叉點在 ATXD11B(1,342.5 米,0.70%)中相交(2) CueQ(0.46% 銅,0.31 g/t Au,43 g/t Mo)以及沿着NNW趨勢走廊的預測是該項目的重大進展,在先前鑽探的西部開闢了一個大型的極壓目標區域。這條NNW走廊目前在雙向罷工期間開放。

The most continuous high-grade intervals intersected on the Valeriano project to date have all been within EP along what are believed to be discrete NE trending bodies. Drilling is currently underway to target the gaps between these porphyry trends. Confirming the continuity of the EP within the gaps would significantly increase the EP target size within the current mineralized footprint.


At the end of ATXD16A and ATXD17A, ATEX has completed approximately 6,500 metres of drilling in Phase IV.

在 ATXD16A 和 ATXD17A 結束時,ATEX 已經在第四階段完成了大約 6,500 米的鑽探。

Table 2. Detailed Results for ATXD16A and ATXD17A

表 2.ATXD16A 和 ATXD17A 的詳細結果

Hole ID From To Interval Cu
CuEq % MRS(1) CuEq % In Situ(2) CuEq % Met(3)
ATXD16A* 950 1,802 852 0.60 0.28 0.98 72 0.82 0.89 0.88
Incl. 1,168 1,762 594 0.67 0.32 1.13 71 0.92 1.00 0.99
Incl. 1,616 1,728 112 1.01 0.57 2.06 46 1.42 1.53 1.52
VAL16/ATXD16A** 576 1802 1,226 0.52 0.25 0.91 68 0.72 0.79 0.78
ATXD17A*** 1,052 1,976 924 0.45 0.17 0.88 99 0.61 0.66 0.65
Incl. 1,062 1,555 493 0.50 0.21 0.82 113 0.69 0.75 0.74
Incl. 1,216 1,314 98 0.56 0.28 0.90 103 0.79 0.87 0.85
*Includes an interval of 10.8m from 996.2m to 1,006.9m where no core was recovered due to use of directional drilling tool.
**Includes intervals of 23.5m from 862.3m to 885.7m and 18.7m from 915.3m to 934m where no core was recovered due to use of directional drilling tool.
***Includes intervals of 16.85m from 1,554.8 to 1,571.65m and 13.85m from 1,580.95 to 1,594.8m where no core was recovered due
to use of directional drilling tool.
(1) CuEq calculated using recoveries assumed in 2023 MRE (90% Cu, 70% Au, 80% Ag and 60% Mo) (See Company news Sept, 12 2023) using the formula stated below
Copper Equivalent (CuEq) is calculated using the formula CuEq % = Cu % + (6,481.488523 * Au g/t /10,000) + (94.6503085864* Ag g/t /10,000) + (4.2328042328 * Mo g/t /10,000)
(2) CuEq reported in situ assuming 100% recovery for component metals assuming metal prices of US$1,800 /oz Au, US$3.15 /lb Cu, US$23 /oz Ag, and US$20.00 /lb Mo and using the formula stated below
Copper Equivalent (CuEq) is calculated using the formula CuEq % = (((Cu % * 3.15 * 22.0462)) + (Au g/t * (1,800/31.1034768))+(Ag g/t * (23/31.1034768)) + ((Mo g/t / 10,000) * (20*22.0462))) / (3.15*22.0462)
(3) CuEq calculated using recoveries reported from metallurgical test work results reported in Company news Oct, 18 2023 (95% Cu, 94% Au, 89% Ag and 83% Mo) using the formula stated below
Copper Equivalent (CuEq) is calculated using the formula CuEq % = (((Cu % * 3.15 * 22.0462)) + ((0.94/0.95 * Au g/t) * (1,800/31.1034768))+((0.89/0.95 * Ag g/t) * (23/31.1034768)) + ((0.83/0.95 * Mo g/t / 10000) * (20*22.0462))) / (3.15*22.0462)
*CuEQ values reported in historical releases use metals reported in situ (100% basis). Recoveries for these metals as assumed in the NI 43-101 technical report titled "Independent Technical Report for the Valeriano Copper-Gold Project, Atacama Region, Chile" by Joled Nur, CCCRRM-Chile, and David Hopper, CGeol, with an effective date of September 1, 2023, available at and are 90% Cu, 70% Au, 80% Ag and 60% Mo.
洞 ID 來自 間隔
cueQ% MRS(1) cueQ% 原位(2) cueQ% Met(3)
ATXD16A* 950 1,802 852 0.60 0.28 0.98 72 0.82 0.89 0.88
包括。 1,168 1,762 594 0.67 0.32 1.13 71 0.92 1.00 0.99
包括。 1,616 1,728 112 1.01 0.57 2.06 46 1.42 1.53 1.52
VAL16/ATXD16A** 576 1802 1,226 0.52 0.25 0.91 68 0.72 0.79 0.78
ATXD17A*** 1,052 1,976 924 0.45 0.17 0.88 99 0.61 0.66 0.65
包括。 1,062 1,555 493 0.50 0.21 0.82 113 0.69 0.75 0.74
包括。 1,216 1,314 98 0.56 0.28 0.90 103 0.79 0.87 0.85
***包括從 1,554.8 到 1571.65 米的 1685 米間隔,以及從 1,580.95 到 1594.8 米的 1385 米間隔,這段時間間隔內沒有回收任何岩心
(1) CueQ 使用 2023 年 MRE(90% Cu、70% Au、80% Ag 和 60% Mo)(參見 2023 年 9 月 12 日公司新聞)的回收率計算得出,公式如下
銅當量 (CueQ) 使用公式 cueQ% = Cu% + (6,481.488523 * Au g/t /10 ,000) + (94.6503085864* Ag g/t /10 ,000) + (4.2328042328 * Mo g/t /10 ,000) + (4.2328042328 * Mo g/t /10 ,000)
(2) CueQ現場報告稱,假設金屬價格爲1,800美元/盎司金、3.15美元/磅銅、23美元/盎司銀和20.00美元/磅摩並使用下述公式,成分金屬的回收率爲100%
銅當量 (CueQ) 使用公式 cueQ% = (((Cu% * 3.15 * 22.0462)) + (Au g/t * (1,800/31.1034768)) + (Ag g/t * (23/31.1034768)) + ((Mo g/t/10,000) * (20*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))
(3) CueQ 使用公司新聞 2023 年 10 月 18 日報道的冶金測試工作結果(95% Cu、94% Au、89% Ag、89% Ag 和 83% Mo)中報告的回收率計算得出,公式如下
銅當量 (CueQ) 使用公式 cueQ% = (((Cu% * 3.15 * 22.0462)) + ((0.94/0.95 * Au g/t) * (1,800/31.1034768)) + ((0.89/0.95 * Ag g/t) * (23/31.1034768)) + ((0.83/0.95 * Mo g/t/10g/t) + ((0.83/0.95 * Mo g/t/10g/t) 000) * (20*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462)
*歷史版本中報告的CUEq值使用現場報告的金屬(100% 基準)。智利CCCRM的Joled Nur和CGeol的大衛·霍珀在題爲 “智利阿塔卡馬地區瓦萊里亞諾銅金項目獨立技術報告” 的NI 43-101技術報告中假設這些金屬的回收率爲2023年9月1日,銅含量爲90%、金70%、銀80%和鉬60%。



Drill holes are collared with a PQ drill bit, reduced to HQ and, sequentially, to NQ as the drill holes progressed deeper. Drill core produced by the drill rigs was extracted from the core tubes by the drill contractor under the supervision of ATEX employees, marked for consistent orientation and placed in core boxes with appropriate depth markers added. Full core boxes were then sealed before being transported by ATEX personnel to the Valeriano field camp. Core at the field camp is processed, quick logged, checked for recovery, photographed, and marked for specific gravity, geotechnical studies and for assays. From camp, the core is transferred to a secure core-cutting facility in Vallenar, operated by IMG, a third-party consultant. Here, the core trays are weighed before being cut using a diamond saw under ATEX personnel oversight. ATEX geologists working at this facility double-check the selected two-metre sample intervals, placing the samples in seal bags and ensuring that the same side of the core is consistently sampled. Reference numbers are assigned to each sample and each sample is weighed. The core trays with the remaining half-core are weighed and photographed. Additionally, core logs are updated, and specific gravity and geotechnical samples are collected. The remaining core is stored in racks at the Company's secure facility in Vallenar.

鑽孔用 PQ 鑽頭開孔,鑽孔縮小到總部,隨着鑽孔的深入,依次縮減到 NQ。鑽機生產的鑽芯由鑽探承包商在ATEX員工的監督下從岩心管中提取,標記方向一致,然後放入岩心盒中,並添加了適當的深度標記。然後,完整的核心箱被密封,然後由ATEX人員運送到瓦萊里亞諾野戰營地。野戰營地的岩心經過處理、快速記錄、檢查是否恢復、拍照,並標記用於比重、岩土工程研究和化驗。核心資源從營地轉移到位於瓦萊納爾的一個安全的切芯設施,該設施由第三方顧問IMG運營。在這裏,在ATEX人員的監督下使用金剛石鋸切割巖芯托盤之前,先對芯盤進行稱重。在該設施工作的ATEX地質學家仔細檢查選定的兩米採樣間隔,將樣品放入密封袋中,並確保岩心同一側的採樣始終如一。爲每個樣本分配參考編號,並對每個樣本進行稱重。對帶有剩餘半芯的核心托盤進行稱重並拍照。此外,還更新了岩心日誌,收集了比重和岩土工程樣本。剩餘的核心存儲在公司位於瓦萊納爾的安全設施的機架中。

From Vallenar samples are sent to an ALS preparation facility in La Serena. ALS is an accredited laboratory which is independent of the Company. The prepared samples were sent to the ALS assay laboratories in either Santiago, Chile and Lima, Peru for gold (Au-AA24), copper (Cu-AA62), molybdenum (Mo-AA62) and silver (Ag-AA62) assays as well as and multi-element ICP (ME-MS61) analysis. No data quality problems were indicated by the QA/QC program.

來自瓦萊納爾的樣本被送到拉塞雷納的肌萎縮性側索硬化症製備設施。ALS 是一家獨立於公司的經認證的實驗室。準備好的樣本被送往智利聖地亞哥和秘魯利馬的肌萎縮性側索硬化症分析實驗室進行金(Au-AA24)、銅(cu-aa62)、鉬(mo-aa62)和銀(Ag-AA62)的測定以及多元素ICP(ME-MS61)分析。質量保證/質量控制計劃未發現任何數據質量問題。

Qualified Person


Mr. Ben Pullinger, P.Geo., registered with the Professional Geoscientists Ontario, is the Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, for the Valeriano Copper Gold Porphyry Project. Mr. Pullinger is not considered independent under NI 43-101 as he is Senior Vice President Exploration and Business Development of ATEX. He has reviewed and approved the disclosure of the scientific and technical information contained in this press release.

根據國家儀器 43-101 的定義,在安大略省專業地球科學家協會註冊的 P.Geo. Ben Pullinger 先生是合格人員- 礦產項目披露標準,用於瓦萊里亞諾銅金斑岩項目。根據NI 43-101,Pullinger先生不被視爲獨立人士,因爲他是ATEX勘探和業務發展高級副總裁。他已審查並批准了本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息的披露。

About ATEX


ATEX is exploring the Valeriano Copper Gold Project which is located within the emerging copper gold porphyry mineral belt linking the prolific El Indio High-Sulphidation Belt to the south with the Maricunga Gold Porphyry Belt to the north. This emerging belt, informally referred to as the Link Belt, hosts several copper gold porphyry deposits at various stages of development including, Filo del Sol (Filo Mining), Josemaria (Lundin Mining), Los Helados (NGEX Minerals/JX Nippon), La Fortuna (Teck Resources/Newmont) and El Encierro (Antofagasta/Barrick Gold).

ATEX正在探索瓦萊里亞諾銅金項目,該項目位於新興的銅金斑岩礦帶內,將多產的埃爾印第奧高硫化帶與北部的馬裏昆加金斑岩帶連接起來。這個新興的礦帶被非正式地稱爲鏈接帶,擁有多個處於不同開發階段的銅金斑岩礦牀,包括Filo del Sol(Filo Mining)、Josemaria(倫丁礦業)、洛斯赫拉多斯(NGEX Minerals/Jx Nippon)、La Fortuna(Teck Resources/Newmont)和El Encierro(Antofagasta/Barrick Gold)。

Valeriano hosts a large copper gold porphyry resource: 1.41 billion tonnes at 0.67% CuEq (0.50% Cu, 0.20 g/t Au, 0.96 g/t Ag and 63.80 g/t Mo), which includes a higher-grade core totaling 200 million tonnes at 0.84% CuEq (0.62% Cu, 0.29 g/t Au 1.25 g/t Ag and 55.7 g/t Mo), reported in September 20231.

瓦萊里亞諾擁有大量銅金斑岩資源:14.1億噸,銅當量爲 0.67%(0.50% 銅、0.20 克/噸金、0.96 克/噸銀和 63.80 克/噸 Mo),其中包括總量爲 0.84% cueQ(0.62% 銅、0.29 g/t Au、1.25 g/t Mo 和 55.7 g/t Mo)的更高品位岩心,2023 年 9 月公佈1

For further information, please contact:


Raymond Jannas,
President and CEO


Ben Pullinger,
Senior Vice President of Exploration and Business Development


or visit ATEX's website at

或者訪問 ATEX 的網站,網址爲



This news release contains forward-looking statements, including predictions, projections, and forecasts. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "planning", "expects" or "does not expect", "continues", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "potential", "anticipates", "does not anticipate", or describes a "goal", or variation of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, future events, conditions, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, prediction, projection, forecast, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,包括預測、預測和預測。通常,前瞻性陳述可以通過使用 “計劃”、“規劃”、“期望” 或 “不期望”、“繼續”、“計劃”、“估計”、“預測”、“打算”、“潛在”、“預期”、“不預期” 等詞語來識別,或者描述 “目標”,或者這些詞彙和短語的變體或聲明 “某些行動、事件或結果” 可以”、“可以”、“會”、“可以”、“可以”、“可以” 或 “將” 會被採取、發生或實現。前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、未來事件、條件、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、預測、預測、業績或成就存在重大差異。

Such forward-looking statements include, among others: plans for the evaluation of exploration properties including the Valeriano Copper Gold Project; the success of evaluation plans; the success of exploration activities especially to the significant expansion of the high-grade corridor; mine development prospects; potential for future metals production; changes in economic parameters and assumptions; all aspects related to the timing and extent of exploration activities including the Phase IV drill program contemplated in this press release; timing of receipt of exploration results; the interpretation and actual results of current exploration activities and mineralization; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; the results of regulatory and permitting processes; future metals price; possible variations in grade or recovery rates; failure of equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; the results of economic and technical studies; delays in obtaining governmental and local approvals or financing or in the completion of exploration; timing of assay results; as well as those factors disclosed in ATEX's publicly filed documents.


Although ATEX has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider has reviewed or accepts
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1 Please see NI 43-101 technical report titled "Independent Technical Report for the Valeriano Copper-Gold Project, Atacama Region, Chile" by Joled Nur, CCCRRM-Chile, and David Hopper, CGeol, with an effective date of September 1, 2023, available at and for additional details on the 2023 Mineral Resource Estimate for the Valeriano project.

1 請參閱智利CCCRRM的Joled Nur和CGeol的David Hopper撰寫的題爲 “智利阿塔卡馬地區瓦萊里亞諾銅金項目獨立技術報告” 的NI 43-101技術報告,生效日期爲2023年9月1日,網址爲 以及有關瓦萊里亞諾項目2023年礦產資源估算的更多詳細信息。

