DJ Pearson to Gain From U.S. Higher Education Courseware Improvement: UBS -- Market Talk
1002 GMT - U.K. education publisher Pearson is set to benefit from a stabilization at its U.S. higher-education courseware operations as well as continued growth from the flourishing parts of its portfolio, UBS says. The FTSE 100-listed company has been hit by a 28% fall in U.S. higher-education revenue since 2014, but this structural decline could come to an end in 2021, UBS says. Furthermore, growth businesses like distance learning, English and professional certification--which represented a combined 38% of the group's revenue last year--are expected to maintain their upward trend, the bank says. UBS raises Pearson to buy from neutral and increases its target price to 1,000 pence from 915 pence. Shares rise 1.7%. (
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
September 13, 2019 06:02 ET (10:02 GMT)
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DJ Pearson將從美國高等教育課件改進中獲益:UBS-市場談話
1002 GMT-瑞銀表示,英國教育出版商培生集團(Pearson)將受益於其美國高等教育課件運營的穩定,以及其投資組合中繁榮部分的持續增長。瑞銀(UBS)説,這家富時100指數(FTSE 100)成分股公司自2014年以來受到美國高等教育收入下降28%的打擊,但這種結構性下降可能會在2021年結束。此外,該銀行表示,遠程教育、英語和專業認證等成長型業務預計將保持上升趨勢,這些業務佔該集團去年總收入的38%。瑞銀(UBS)將培生集團(Pearson)上調為中性買入,並將目標價從915便士上調至1000便士。股價上漲1.7%。(
September 13, 2019 06:02 ET (10:02 GMT)