
On February 15, 2024, Christopher Rondeau Resigned From Planet Fitness Board Over Disagreements About Job Cuts, Scope Of Role Of Interim CEO And Board's Role In Reviewing And Approving Such Decisions - Filing

On February 15, 2024, Christopher Rondeau Resigned From Planet Fitness Board Over Disagreements About Job Cuts, Scope Of Role Of Interim CEO And Board's Role In Reviewing And Approving Such Decisions - Filing

2024年2月15日,克里斯托弗·朗多辭去了Planet Fitness董事會的職務,原因是他在裁員、臨時首席執行官的作用範圍以及董事會在審查和批准此類決定中的作用方面存在分歧——備案
Benzinga ·  02/21 06:59

The Company believes that Rondeau resigned from the Board because of disagreements over decisions made by the Company since Rondeau's separation as chief executive officer in September 2023, including the decision to terminate the employment of approximately 9% of the Company's headquarters employees in February 2024, the scope of the role of the interim chief executive officer in managing the Company during the Company's ongoing search for a permanent chief executive officer, and the Board's role in reviewing and approving such decisions.


