
Earnings Call Summary | MAPFRE SA(MPFRF.US) Q4 2023 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | MAPFRE SA(MPFRF.US) Q4 2023 Earnings Conference

業績電話會議摘要 | MAPFRE SA (MPFRF.US) 2023 年第四季度業績發佈會
富途資訊 ·  02/15 08:38  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Mapfre, S.A. (MPFRF) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是 Mapfre, S.A. (MPFRF) 2023年第四季度業績電話會議記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Mapfre reported an impressive revenue increase, with premiums just under €27 billion (up nearly 10%) and total revenues over €32 billion (up around 9%).

  • The company ended the financial year with a net income of €767 million, marking more than a 19% increase, excluding a €75 million write-down.

  • The improved combined ratio to 97% is still above the target, causing some concern, while the Return on Equity (ROE) is within the target at 9%.

  • Dividends increased to €0.09, their highest in five years, leading to a total of €0.15 per share, offering one of the highest dividend yields amongst leading European insurers at 7.7%.

  • Mapfre experienced growth in Life and General insurance, as well as reinsurance and large commercial businesses, contributing to a diversified profit pool.

  • Despite some big losses due to global events, the net result touched €692 million with strong performances in Latin America and Iberia.

  • Mapfre報告了令人印象深刻的收入增長,保費略低於270億歐元(增長近10%),總收入超過320億歐元(增長約9%)。

  • 該公司在本財政年度結束時淨收入爲7.67億歐元,增長了19%以上,其中不包括7500萬歐元的減記。

  • 合併比率提高至97%,仍高於目標,這引起了一些擔憂,而股本回報率(ROE)在9%的目標範圍內。

  • 股息增至0.09歐元,爲五年來的最高水平,使每股分紅總額達到0.15歐元,是歐洲領先保險公司中股息收益率最高的國家之一,爲7.7%。

  • Mapfre在人壽和普通保險以及再保險和大型商業業務方面經歷了增長,爲多元化的利潤池做出了貢獻。

  • 儘管全球事件造成了一些重大損失,但淨業績仍達到6.92億歐元,在拉丁美洲和伊比利亞表現強勁。

Business Progress:


  • Mapfre is implementing a new strategic plan aimed at increasing sustainability, profit, and ROE. This plan will introduce several operational improvements including tariff adjustments and incorporation of climate change risks.

  • The growth in recurrent yield in fixed incomes for 2024 is expected, though there are points to be improved significantly in markets such as Brazil and Mexico.

  • Mapfre is continuously transforming digitally, with a significant 25% increase in digital clients over the year, now totaling 2.4 million.

  • They anticipate improvements in the Motor Insurance segment due to tariff adjustments aimed at counteracting increasing claims.

  • The company experienced significant growth in U.S., increasing tariffs and non-consumer premiums by 30% and 18% respectively from beginning of the year.

  • It aims to remain financially flexible by observing the repatriation of dividends, reducing the impact of volatility in the P&L, and expanding its investment portfolio.

  • The company is ahead in its asset management, with pension funds up over 12% and mutual funds nearly 20% over the year, indicating strong operational performance.

  • Mapfre正在實施一項新的戰略計劃,旨在提高可持續性、利潤和投資回報率。該計劃將引入多項業務改進,包括調整費率和納入氣候變化風險。

  • 儘管巴西和墨西哥等市場有顯著改善跡象,但預計2024年固定收益的經常性收益率將增長。

  • Mapfre正在持續進行數字化轉型,數字客戶數量同比顯著增長了25%,目前總數爲240萬。

  • 他們預計,由於旨在抵消不斷增加的索賠的費率調整,汽車保險板塊將有所改善。

  • 該公司在美國實現了顯著增長,自年初以來分別將關稅和非消費者保費提高了30%和18%。

  • 它旨在通過觀察股息匯回情況、減少損益波動的影響以及擴大其投資組合來保持財務靈活性。

  • 該公司的資產管理處於領先地位,養老基金同比增長了12%以上,共同基金增長了近20%,這表明了強勁的運營業績。

More details: MAPFRE SA IR


Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


