
Essence SmartCare Selected to Provide Advanced Remote Senior Care Technology for "INES" Research Project

Essence SmartCare Selected to Provide Advanced Remote Senior Care Technology for "INES" Research Project

Essence SmartCare被選中爲 “INES” 研究項目提供先進的遠程老年護理技術
PR Newswire ·  02/14 21:26

The research, led by Techniker Krankenkasse aims to demonstrate how innovative SmartCare emergency detection systems can help independent seniors age in place

這項由Techniker Krankenkasse領導的研究旨在證明創新的SmartCare緊急檢測系統如何幫助獨立老年人就地養老

HERZLIYA, Israel, Feb. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Essence SmartCare, a global leader in IoT remote care solutions, has announced it was chosen as the sole technology provider for the "INES" (intelligent emergency detection system) project. Sponsored by the Innovation Fund, the project is being spearheaded by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), one of the largest health insurance funds in Germany, along with a total of nine partners. The initiative aims to shift Germany's elderly care paradigm, launching a research study to determine to what extent the use of smart emergency systems can effectively improve the care of independent seniors. The INES study will serve as a proof of concept for future initiatives, and is being conducted in tandem with Die Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., a nonprofit healthcare organization providing aid both in Germany and internationally, and the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK).

以色列赫茲利亞,2024年2月14日 /PRNewswire/ — 物聯網遠程護理解決方案領域的全球領導者Essence SmartCare宣佈,它被選爲 “INES”(智能應急檢測系統)項目的唯一技術提供商。該項目由創新基金贊助,由德國最大的健康保險基金之一Techniker Krankenkasse(TK)牽頭,共有九個合作伙伴。該計劃旨在改變德國的老年護理模式,啓動了一項研究,以確定使用智能應急系統可以在多大程度上有效改善獨立老年人的護理。INES的這項研究將爲未來的舉措提供概念驗證,是與在德國和國際上提供援助的非營利性醫療組織Die Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. 和德國紅十字會(DRK)共同進行的。

Essence SmartCare Selected to Provide Advanced Remote Senior Care Technology for "INES" Research Project
Essence SmartCare被選中爲 “INES” 研究項目提供先進的遠程老年護理技術

Recent reports indicate that Germany's aging population will increase 37% by 2055, from roughly 5.0 million to 6.8 million individuals. Concurrent with this shift in demographics is a growing preference among seniors to live independently at home, putting strain on family members, caretakers, and even emergency responders. This collaborative effort underscores the viability and necessity of advanced telecare solutions, positioning Essence SmartCare at the forefront of a fundamental shift in care in Germany, creating a model for cost-effective elderly care and fall detection amid rising expenses associated with senior care facilities and professional caregiving.

最近的報告表明,到2055年,德國的老齡化人口將增加37%,從大約500萬增加到680萬。在人口結構發生這種變化的同時,老年人越來越傾向於在家中獨立生活,這給家庭成員、看護人甚至應急人員帶來了壓力。這項合作突顯了先進的遠程護理解決方案的可行性和必要性,使Essence SmartCare處於德國護理領域根本性轉變的最前沿,在與老年護理設施和專業護理相關的費用不斷增加的情況下,爲具有成本效益的老年護理和跌倒檢測樹立了典範。

The study, which began in June 2023 and will run for 21 months, will provide close to 2,000 seniors over the age of 75 living alone across three regions in Germany with Essence's unique and patented technology to determine the benefits of smart emergency detection devices. This includes the AI-enabled MDsense solution – a radar-based, non-wearable home monitoring system that automatically detects falls and contacts emergency services – as well as its Voice Extender, which allows seniors to make 2-way calls from any room in the home. Essence's platform was chosen as the sole technology provider, catalysing the digital transformation of an analogue health system and enabling individuals to thrive safely within the comfort of their own homes.

該研究始於2023年6月,將持續21個月,將爲德國三個地區的近2,000名75歲以上的獨居老年人提供Essence獨特的專利技術,以確定智能緊急檢測設備的益處。這包括支持人工智能的 mdSense 解決方案——一種基於雷達的非可穿戴式家庭監控系統,可自動檢測跌倒和聯繫緊急服務部門——以及其語音擴展器,它允許老年人從家中的任何房間撥打雙向電話。Essence的平台被選爲唯一的技術提供商,促進了模擬醫療系統的數字化轉型,使個人能夠在舒適的家中安全地茁壯成長。

"We look forward to embarking on this initiative with TK and their esteemed partners to redefine the standard of care for aging populations in Germany," said Dr. Haim Amir, CEO and Founder of Essence Group. "This is a huge step forward in moving beyond traditional 'red button' solutions, and we're honored our radar fall detection device, MDsense, was selected to drive the transformation -- playing a key role in creating a safer and smarter independent living environment for seniors in a scalable and financially viable way."

Essence Group首席執行官兼創始人海姆·阿米爾博士表示:“我們期待與TK及其尊敬的合作伙伴一起啓動這項計劃,以重新定義德國老齡化人口的護理標準。”“這是在超越傳統的'紅色按鈕'解決方案方面向前邁出的一大步,我們很榮幸我們的雷達墜落探測設備, MdSense, 被選中是爲了推動轉型——在以可擴展且經濟上可行的方式爲老年人創造更安全、更智能的獨立生活環境方面發揮了關鍵作用。”

Essence's radar-based fall detection technology stood out in a thorough vetting process, demonstrating unparalleled reliability with superior accuracy in fall detection and a remarkably low false positives rate. MDsense also distinguished itself with its simple installation, low maintenance, and cost-efficiency. Additionally, Essence's Voice Extender is equipped with intelligent extender capabilities to provide a vital communication link even when the panic button is out of reach. Essence SmartCare emerged as a leader for the INES project based on the company's extensive global experience in remote care solutions and the advanced capabilities of its solutions to meet the needs of seniors living alone in Germany.

Essence 基於雷達的跌倒檢測技術在徹底的審查過程中脫穎而出,表現出無與倫比的可靠性、卓越的跌倒檢測精度和極低的誤報率。 mdSense 還以其簡單的安裝、低維護和成本效益而脫穎而出。此外,Essence 的語音擴展器配備了智能擴展器功能,即使緊急按鈕遙不可及,也能提供重要的通信鏈接。Essence SmartCare之所以成爲INES項目的領導者,是因爲該公司在遠程護理解決方案方面的豐富全球經驗及其解決方案的先進能力,可以滿足德國獨居老年人的需求。

"At Essence SmartCare, our systems are meticulously designed to deliver a responsive and customizable solutions that maintains the dignity and autonomy of the elderly," said Karin Schifter-Maor, CEO of Essence SmartCare. "As German citizens face rising costs associated with providing elderly care, we recognized an opportunity for Essence to significantly contribute to the development of a cohesive care infrastructure that will empower individuals to live independently, without being overburdened with costs."

Essence SmartCare首席執行官卡琳·希夫特-毛爾表示:“在Essence SmartCare,我們的系統經過精心設計,旨在提供響應式和可定製的解決方案,以維護老年人的尊嚴和自主權。”“隨着德國公民面臨與提供老年護理相關的不斷上漲的成本,我們意識到Essence有機會爲發展凝聚力的護理基礎設施做出重大貢獻,這將使個人能夠獨立生活,而不會承受過重的費用負擔。”

About Essence SmartCare

關於 Essence 智能護理

Essence SmartCare, part of the Essence Group, develops advanced health and remote monitoring platforms for market-leading healthcare and senior care providers, enabling smart preventive care and emergency response so seniors can live life to the fullest – with total peace of mind. Partnering with Essence SmartCare helps position companies as progressive, forward-thinking and in touch with the need to enable elderly and vulnerable people to lead more independent and safer lives. Essence SmartCare has a global presence with customers in over 30 countries and has offices and representatives worldwide.

Essence SmartCare隸屬於Essence Group,爲市場領先的醫療保健和老年護理提供商開發先進的健康和遠程監控平台,提供智能預防護理和應急響應,使老年人可以安心地過上充實的生活。與Essence SmartCare合作有助於將公司定位爲具有進取心、具有前瞻性思維的公司,能夠滿足讓老年人和弱勢群體過上更加獨立、更安全的生活的需求。Essence SmartCare的業務遍及全球,客戶遍及30多個國家,並在全球設有辦事處和代表。

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SOURCE Essence SmartCare

來源 Essence 智能護理

