
Seven West Media: A Saga of Decline and Disappointment

Seven West Media: A Saga of Decline and Disappointment

Seven West Media:衰落與失望的傳奇
sharecafe ·  02/13 06:43

Shareholders in Seven West Media (ASX:SWM), the proprietors of the Seven TV Network, have languished without dividends for over six years, underscoring the dismal performance of the company under the stewardship of Kerry Stokes.

Seven TV Network的所有者Seven West Media(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:SWM)的股東六年多來一直沒有分紅,這凸顯了該公司在凱里·斯托克斯領導下的慘淡業績。

As the December 2023 interim report failed to yield any dividend, the majority of shareholders face the prospect of enduring a seven-year drought in dividend payouts. The last dividend, a mere 2 cents per share for the 2016-17 financial year disbursed in September 2017, remains a distant memory.


Initially described as a 'temporary' measure, the decision to suspend dividends now appears entrenched, with no signs of imminent change. Concurrently, the company's share value has stagnated, hovering around 28 cents, a stark contrast to its standing of 75 cents two years ago and 58 cents four years prior.

暫停分紅的決定最初被描述爲 “臨時” 措施,現在看來已經根深蒂固,沒有即將發生變化的跡象。同時,該公司的股票價值停滯不前,徘徊在28美分左右,與兩年前的75美分和四年前的58美分形成鮮明對比。

Earnings have plummeted, underscored by significant write-offs, resulting in billions of dollars in accumulated losses. The latest financial report delivered further dismal news, with a 39.4% decline in EBITDA to $124.2 million and a staggering 49.2% decrease in net after-tax profits (excluding one-offs) to $62.5 million for the December half-year period. Post $7.9 million in one-off items and associated costs, net earnings amounted to a mere $54.46 million.


Revenue also experienced a downturn, contracting by 5% to $775.78 million, largely attributable to a 9.1% downturn in the TV advertising market. Despite claims of mitigating strategies, such as a 1.7% increase in market share over the half-year period, Seven's TV business witnessed yet another decline in both earnings and revenue.


"Seven's revenue decreased by 6.0 per cent to $686.3 million, despite a market decline for the period of 9.1%. Costs increased by 6.9 per cent to $570.7 million. As a result of these movements, EBIT decreased 44.3 per cent to $98.4 million," the company conceded on Tuesday.

“儘管市場在此期間下跌了9.1%,但Seven的收入下降了6.0%,至6.863億美元。成本增加了6.9%,達到5.707億美元。由於這些變動,息稅前利潤下降了44.3%,至9,840萬美元。” 該公司週二承認。

The company's newspaper operations in Perth fared no better, with West Australian Newspapers experiencing a modest 3.5% uptick in revenue to $87.9 million for the half-year period. However, escalating costs, attributed to additional printing requirements and associated overheads, resulted in a 10.7% decline in EBIT to $15.1 million.


The once-mighty media conglomerate, under Kerry Stokes' control, finds itself embroiled in a protracted saga of decline and disappointment, with shareholders left to ponder the elusive promise of recovery amidst a landscape fraught with challenges and uncertainties.



