
Encouraging Results at Liberty Lithium

Encouraging Results at Liberty Lithium

sharecafe ·  02/09 03:30

QX Resources Limited (ASX:QXR) Managing Director Steve Promnitz discusses movements in the lithium price and recent drill results.

QX Resources Limited(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:QXR)董事總經理史蒂夫·普羅姆尼茨討論了鋰價格的變動和最近的鑽探結果。

Paul Sanger: We're talking today with QX Resources (ASX:QXR), and QXR has a market cap of around $29m. QX Resources is focused on exploration and development of battery minerals with hard rock lithium assets in a prime location of WA, a lithium brine project in the USA, California, and copper, moly and gold assets in Queensland, and a strategic investment in nickel sulphides in Sweden.

保羅·桑格:我們今天正在與QX Resources(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:QXR)交談,QXR的市值約爲2900萬美元。QX Resources專注於在西澳大利亞州黃金地段勘探和開發具有硬巖鋰資產的電池礦產,在美國和加利福尼亞州的鋰鹽水項目,昆士蘭州的銅、鉬和黃金資產,以及瑞典對硫化鎳的戰略投資。

We're talking today with their CEO, Steve Promnitz. Steve, welcome back to the network.


Steve Promnitz: Thank you very much.

Steve Promnitz:非常感謝。

Paul Sanger: Now, Steve, when I last spoke to you at the end of last year, you were excited that you are finally ready to embark on a two-hole diamond drill program at the Liberty Lithium Brine Project in California. Earlier today, you announced to the market that numerous brine aquifers were intersected between 90m and 250m depths at your second drill hole. Tell us what exactly does this mean. And also, at this stage, do you know if the brines are lithium-bearing or is it too early to tell?

保羅·桑格:現在,史蒂夫,當我上次在去年年底與你交談時,你很高興你終於準備好在加利福尼亞的Liberty Lithium Brine項目開始一項兩孔金剛石鑽探項目。今天早些時候,您向市場宣佈,在您的第二個鑽孔處,許多鹽水含水層在90米至250米深度之間相交。告訴我們這到底是什麼意思。而且,在這個階段,你知道鹽水是含鋰還是現在判斷還爲時過早?

Steve Promnitz: Well, first of all, thank you very much for the opportunity. In lithium brine exploration, we are in a new field. We've tied up the entire basin with leases. We did that last year. As you said, we've just finished the second hole. And what's been encouraging in the second hole is when you find a whole series of brine-bearing aquifers in sediments which look almost cookie-cut repeat of the lithium producer across the Nevada border, which is Albemarle's long-producing Silver Peak, then you're quite encouraged.

Steve Promnitz:嗯,首先,非常感謝你給我這個機會。在鋰鹽水勘探中,我們進入了一個新領域。我們已經將整個盆地與租約捆綁在一起。我們去年就這樣做了。正如你所說,我們剛剛完成了第二個洞。而在第二個洞中,令人鼓舞的是,當你在沉積物中發現了一整套含鹽水的含水層,這些含水層看上去幾乎是像內華達州邊境(Albemarle長期生產的銀峯)的鋰生產商一樣,你會大受鼓舞。

Now, the problem is we don't have the results yet for the first hole, and we're only undergoing the sampling now, very detailed sampling using packer for the second hole. So, we're going to get that in the coming weeks and for the second hole, probably late March. But, all things being equal, if you're out there looking for a virgin lithium brine play, this has got all the hallmarks of that. So, that's basically what today's announcements mean. We can't really say much more because at the end of the day the results drive these outcomes, but it looks pretty encouraging.

現在,問題是我們還沒有第一個孔的結果,而且我們現在只在進行採樣,使用打包機對第二個孔進行非常詳細的採樣。因此,我們將在接下來的幾周內拿到這個,第二個洞,可能是 3 月下旬。但是,在所有條件相同的情況下,如果你在外面尋找一種純鋰鹽水,那麼它具有所有特徵。因此,這基本上就是今天的公告的意思。我們真的不能多說,因爲歸根結底,結果推動了這些結果,但看起來相當令人鼓舞。

Paul Sanger: That's great to hear. And just on the same topic, I'd love to get your views here. It's been a pretty tough start for lithium companies this year. Lithium price is under enormous pressure. Brokers downgrading aggressively. Love to get your thoughts and views and what you are seeing from your end.


Steve Promnitz: Look, I'm only one fish in this pond. But from my own interactions, both with people in the supply chain and in the market generally, yes, we have seen prices come off, certainly spodumene prices in particular. And so that's had a depressive effect on market caps. But then we've seen the traditional supply side response. It doesn't matter if it's copper, or iron ore, or whatever, you start to see projects being mothballed. You see development projects being slowed down. And that's always a sign that things are starting to turn around.

Steve Promnitz:你看,我只是這個池塘裏的一條魚。但是從我自己的互動來看,無論是與供應鏈中的人還是整個市場上的人的互動,是的,我們已經看到了價格的下跌,尤其是鋰輝石的價格。因此,這對市值產生了抑制作用。但是後來我們看到了傳統的供應方反應。無論是銅、鐵礦石還是其他任何東西,你都會開始看到項目被封存。你會看到開發項目正在放緩。這始終表明情況開始好轉。

And then secondly, specifically with QXR, I think there's going to be more of a focus on operating costs. We haven't really bothered because prices has been up here, operating costs down there. I think we're going to see more of a focus on operating costs. And brines historically have always been right down the bottom of the cost curve.


And then, last of all, we're in the USA, and almost regardless of what happens in the market, the US really does want domestic production. If they can get that, put in the supply chain from a geopolitical risk reduction perspective, they're quite keen.


So, look, I am not certain when we'll see things turn around. It's always a little bit silly to try and pick the bottom, because you only ever see that in the rearview mirror. But I think it's a great time for anybody who's got a portfolio to start looking around for value opportunities, because as things turn around, that's when you create value.


Paul Sanger: And earlier this week, I think Wednesday, globally it started in Asia. Lithium stocks had decent rebounds. The same in the US. And it obviously followed into Australia. So there are early signs that people may be feeling the same, that things are a little bit overdone at these levels.


Steve Promnitz: And I suspect once we come out the other side of Chinese Lunar New Year, which kicks off this weekend, we're also going to see a response as the machines turn back on in the Middle Kingdom.


Paul Sanger: Steve Promnitz, always great to have you on, and we'll love to have you back on soon.

保羅·桑格:Steve Promnitz,能讓你上線總是很高興,我們很樂意讓你儘快回來。

Steve Promnitz: Cheers for that.

Steve Promnitz:爲此歡呼。




