
Marvel's CEO Issues Corporate Update Letter to Shareholders

Marvel's CEO Issues Corporate Update Letter to Shareholders

Accesswire ·  02/08 02:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE/ February 7, 2024 / Marvel Discovery Corp. (TSX-V:MARV)(Frankfurt:O4T)(MARVF:OTCQB); ( "Marvel " or the "Company" ) is pleased to report a corporate update letter in an address to shareholders from its Chief Executive Officer, Karim Rayani.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/ 2024年2月7日/漫威探索公司(TSX-V: MARV)(法蘭克福股票代碼:O4T)(MARVF: OTCQB);(“漫威” 或 “公司”)很高興地在致股東的講話中報告其首席執行官卡里姆·拉亞尼的公司最新情況信。

Dear Shareholders ,


As we embark on a new year, fueled by unwavering determination and a shared vision, we eagerly anticipate not only continuing our ambitious plan of furthering collaborative partnerships but to continue to look for value generation prospects. In the midst of this persistently challenging market landscape, timing remains paramount. The macro environment for precious metals and energy presents unprecedented opportunities, yet a perplexing disparity persists for companies despite the favorable backdrop.


Marvel's core and long-term philosophy remains the same. We are a versatile multi-commodity enterprise, spanning a wide array of valuable resources-from battery metals and energy to precious metals, and this diverse portfolio positions us strategically for future success as demand returns. We continue to strengthen the value proposition, with a strategic focus on both advancement and acquisition. Our portfolio spans a diverse range which makes us a unique proposition compared to our peers, especially in our market capitalization.


Notably, we've recently expanded our land holdings at the KLR-Walker Uranium Project in the Athabasca Basin , an area renowned for hosting the world's highest-grade uranium mines. This expansion positions us alongside industry giants such as Cameco and Fission , underscoring our commitment to unlocking the immense potential of uranium. Additionally, our presence in the Wollaston-Mudjactic Transition Zone aligns us with the success stories of basement-hosted uranium deposits, exemplified by NexGen Energy's Arrow Deposit -the largest undeveloped uranium deposit in Canada. Marvel is also uniquely positioned having one of the largest land positions next door to Atlantic's largest gold deposit - Valentine deposit, previously held by Marathon Gold, now purchased by Caliber Mining (January 24, 2024). As we continue to explore and develop our mineral assets, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence and growth. This combined with our Nickel, Cobalt and Copper prospects in Quebec, Rare Earth projects in BC, and Gold Projects throughout Newfoundland and Ontario, make us uniquely positioned.

值得注意的是,我們最近擴大了位於阿薩巴斯卡盆地的KLR-Walker鈾項目的土地持有量,該地區以擁有世界上最高等級的鈾礦而聞名。這次擴張使我們與Cameco和Fission等行業巨頭並駕齊驅,凸顯了我們對釋放鈾巨大潛力的承諾。此外,我們在沃拉斯頓-穆賈奇過渡區的存在使我們與地下室鈾礦牀的成功故事一致,加拿大最大的未開發鈾礦牀NexGen Energy的Arrow Deposit就是例證。漫威還處於獨特的地位,它擁有最大的土地儲量之一,毗鄰大西洋最大的金礦——情人節礦牀,此前由馬拉松黃金持有,現已被Caliber Mining收購(2024年1月24日)。在我們繼續探索和開發礦產資產的同時,我們將堅定不移地追求卓越和增長。再加上我們在魁北克的鎳、鈷和銅前景,不列顛哥倫比亞省的稀土項目以及紐芬蘭和安大略省的黃金項目,使我們處於獨特的地位。

Highlights of our recent work include:


  1. Marvel Acquires Costigan Lake Uranium Prospect, at Key Lake, adjacent to F3 Uranium, receives a strategic investment from Denison Mines of 15 million.
  2. Advanced the KLR and Highway Uranium project , completing 1800 meters of successful drilling. Phase 2 being planned for 2024.
  3. Duhamel Project, Nickel, Cobalt, and Copper prospect - Drilling is currently still ongoing. Where one historical drill hole drilled in 2000 intersected .064 Ni, .029 Cu, .06 Co over 4m., approx. 2.56 m (true width) which included 0.90 Ni, 0.40 Cu, and .08 Co over 2.66 m (1.71 m true width) and also included 1.55% Ni, 0.31 Cu and 0,14 Co over 0.64 true width from hole 1279-00-01 (from 21m to 25m) along a 400m wide target (See press release dated 2024-01-23).
  4. Marvel holds one of the largest contiguous claim groups to Defense Metals Rare Earth project near Prince George, BC.
  5. Marvel creates spin off Power One Resources Corp., Battery Metals Focus (Nickel near Elliott Lake Ontario, Symbol PWRO.V.
  6. Marvel sells BVBL (Newfoundland) to Carmanah Minerals Corp. (CSE: CARM).
  7. Completes first Phase Exploration at Hope Brook, adjacent to Benton - Sokoman's Lithium Discovery.
  1. 漫威收購了位於基湖的科斯蒂根湖鈾礦勘探區,毗鄰F3鈾礦,並獲得了丹尼森礦業1500萬美元的戰略投資。
  2. 推進了KLR和高速公路鈾項目,成功完成了1800米的鑽探。第二階段計劃於2024年進行。
  3. 杜哈梅爾項目、鎳、鈷和銅礦勘探——鑽探目前仍在進行中。其中 2000 年鑽出的一個歷史鑽孔在 4 米處與 .064 Ni、.029 Cu、.06 Co 相交,大約 2.56 m(真實寬度),其中包括超過 2.66 m(真實寬度 1.71 m)的 0.90 Ni、0.40 Cu 和 .08 Co,還包括來自 1279-00-01(從 21m 開始)真實寬度的 1.55% 鎳、0.31 銅和 0,14 Co,實際寬度超過 0.64 沿着 400 米寬的目標行駛 25m)(參見 2024-01-23 日的新聞稿)。
  4. 漫威擁有不列顛哥倫比亞省喬治王子附近的國防金屬稀土項目最大的連續索賠團體之一。
  5. 漫威在安大略省埃利奧特湖附近創建了分拆公司 Power One Resources Corp.、Battery Metals Focus(鎳幣),符號 P
  6. 漫威將BVBL(紐芬蘭)出售給了卡瑪納礦業公司(CSE:CARM)。
  7. 在 Hope Brook 完成第一階段勘探,毗鄰本頓——索科曼的鋰發現中心。

Marvel has that decided it will not be proceeding with its green fields prospects in Newfoundland, the Valentine South West, Slip, and Gander area prospects to enable the Company to focus resources on its more advanced prospects at Hope Brook, where Piedmont Lithium recently acquired a sizable interest in the neighboring project from Benton Resources, and its Victoria Lake Project adjacent to Caliber Mining's recent purchase of Marathon's Golds Valentine Deposit.

漫威已決定不繼續在紐芬蘭、瓦倫丁西南、斯利普和甘德地區的綠地前景展望,以使公司能夠將資源集中在霍普布魯克更先進的前景上,皮埃蒙特鋰業最近從本頓資源公司手中收購了鄰近項目的大量權益,以及與Caliber Mining最近收購馬拉松黃金情人節礦牀相鄰的維多利亞湖項目。

Marvel is opportunistically positioned in the Battery Metals, Rare Earth, Gold and Energy (Uranium) sectors.


Current Joint Ventures and Asset Sale


  • Marvel Joint Ventures Walker Creek Claims to Carmanah Minerals Corp. (CSE: CARM), Marvel holds a significant position in Carmanah Minerals.
  • Marvel sells its BVBL- Baie Verte Brompton projects to Carmanah Minerals Corp.
  • Marvel/ Falcon form Joint Alliance at Hope Brook (Golden Brook Project) to share in exploration expenditures.
  • 漫威合資企業 Walker Creek 向卡瑪納礦業公司(CSE: CARM)索賠,在卡瑪納礦業中佔有重要地位。
  • 漫威將其BVBL-Baie Verte Brompton項目出售給了Carmanah Minerals Corp.
  • Marvel/Falcon 在 Hope Brook(金溪項目)組建了聯合聯盟,以分擔勘探支出。

Marvel Project Portfolio


  1. Blackfly Gold Project Adjacent to Agnico Eagle Hammond Reef Deposit, Ontario.
  2. Wicheeda Project, Rare Earth Elements , Prince George B.C., adjacent to Defence Metals REE project.
  3. Duhamel Project Quebec, Nickel Cobalt Copper - Exploration On-Going.
  4. East Bull, Nickel PGE's, Ontario Contiguous to Grid Metals and Power One Marvel Spin-Off.
  5. Hope Brook, Joint Alliance with Falcon Gold, adjacent to First Mining and Matador Deposits, recent work identified the Kraken Zone adjacent to Benton Lithium Discovery.
  6. KLR and Walker Uranium Projects, tied to Cameco's Key Lake Mine and Mill Complex., optioned the Walker Creek to Carmanah Minerals on a 50-50 joint venture once the earn in has been achieved.
  7. Highway Zone Uranium project, Key Lake. Adjacent to KLR.
  8. Victoria Lake Project, adjacent to Caliber Mining recent acquisition of Marathon's Valentine Gold Deposit.
  1. 黑蠅金礦項目毗鄰安大略省阿格尼科鷹哈蒙德礁礦牀。
  2. Wicheeda項目,稀土元素,不列顛哥倫比亞省喬治王子市,毗鄰國防金屬稀土項目。
  3. 魁北克杜哈默爾項目,鎳鈷銅——勘探正在進行中。
  4. East Bull、Nickel PGE's、安大略省毗鄰電網金屬和Power One Marvel的衍生產品。
  5. Hope Brook,與獵鷹黃金聯合聯盟,毗鄰第一礦業和鬥牛士礦牀,最近的工作確定了毗鄰本頓鋰礦發現的海怪區。
  6. KLR和Walker Uranium Projects與Cameco的Kley Lake礦山和磨坊綜合體相關的Walker Creek和Walker Uranium Projects在實現收益後選擇了沃克溪與卡瑪納礦業公司成立50比50的合資企業。
  7. Key Lake 公路區鈾項目。毗鄰 KLR。
  8. 維多利亞湖項目,毗鄰Caliber Mining最近收購的馬拉松情人節金礦。

Joint Ventures, Plan of Arrangement, Subsidiaries


  1. Power One Resources Corp. Previously wholly owned subsidiary of Marvel (Spin-Off) Listed for trading January 18, 2024. (Marvel holds approximately 15 % of Power One).
  2. Marvel Creates New Marvel Energy and New Marvel Gold subsidiaries .
  3. Marvel Joint Ventures Walker Uranium Claims to Carmanah Minerals Corp., 50-50 Joint Venture .
  1. Power One Resources Corp. 此前是漫威(分拆公司)的全資子公司,於2024年1月18日上市交易。(漫威持有 Power One 大約 15% 的股份)。
  2. 漫威創建新的漫威能源和新的漫威金牌子公司。
  3. 漫威合資企業 Walker Uranium 向卡瑪納礦業公司索賠 50-50 的合資企業。

About Marvel Discovery Corp.


Marvel, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange for over 25 years, is a Canadian based emerging resource company. The Company is systematically exploring its extensive property positions in:


  • Newfoundland, ( Victoria Lake, and Hope Brook, Au- Li Prospects.)
  • Saskatchewan, (KLR, Highway, Walker Claims Uranium Prospects)
  • Atikokan, Ontario (BlackFly - Au Prospect)
  • Elliot Lake, Ontario (East Bull - Ni-Cu-PGE Prospect
  • Quebec (Duhamel - Ni-Cu-Co prospect & Titanium, Vanadium, and Chromium Prospect)
  • Prince George, British Columbia (Wicheeda North - Rare Earth Elements Prospect)
  • 紐芬蘭,(維多利亞湖和霍普布魯克,《Au-Li 展望》。)
  • 薩斯喀徹溫省,(KLR、Highway、Walker 聲稱擁有鈾礦前景)
  • 安大略省阿蒂科坎(BlackFly——Au Prospect
  • 安大略省艾略特湖(東牛——NI-CU-PGE Prospect)
  • 魁北克(杜哈默爾——鎳銅鈷前景和鈦、釩和鉻前景)
  • 不列顛哥倫比亞省喬治王子(Wicheeda North——稀土元素勘探區)

The Company's website is:




Marvel Discovery Corp.
"Karim Rayani"
Karim Rayani
President/Chief Executive Officer, Director
Tel: 604 716-1036 Email:

電話:604 716-1036 電子郵件

Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information:


Certain statements in this release are forward-looking statements which reflect the expectations of management. Forward-looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions regarding the future. Actual future results may differ materially. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. There is no assurance any of the conditions for closing will be met. Forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions, and projections on the date the statements are made and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the respective parties, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies. Readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release concerning these times. Except as required by law, the Company does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements of beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by law.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release .


SOURCE: Marvel Discovery Corp.


