
Ridgeline Minerals Provides 2024 Exploration Updates for the Nevada Gold Mines Earn-Ins at the Swift and Black Ridge Projects

Ridgeline Minerals Provides 2024 Exploration Updates for the Nevada Gold Mines Earn-Ins at the Swift and Black Ridge Projects

Ridgeline Minerals 提供 2024 年內華達金礦在 Swift 和 Black Ridge 項目的勘探最新情況
newsfile ·  02/07 21:45

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 7, 2024) - Ridgeline Minerals Corp. (TSXV: RDG) (OTCQB: RDGMF) (FSE: 0GC0) ("Ridgeline" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on 2024 exploration programs for the Swift and Black Ridge (formerly Carlin-East) projects being operated under separate exploration earn- in agreements with Nevada Gold Mines ("NGM") (Figure 1). The Company is happy to announce that a combined total of US $7.5 million in qualifying work expenditures has been spent across both projects through December 31, 2023 (see September 21, 2021 Swift press release HERE and July 17, 2023 Black Ridge press release HERE for detailed earn-in terms).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 2 月 7 日)-Ridgeline Minerals Corp.(TSXV:RDG)(場外交易代碼:RDGMF)(FSE:0GC0)(”Ridgeline“或者”公司“)很高興提供2024年斯威夫特和黑嶺(前身爲Carlin-East)項目勘探計劃的最新情況,這些項目是根據與內華達金礦公司(“NGM”)簽訂的單獨勘探盈利協議運營的(圖1)。該公司很高興地宣佈,總共有 750 萬美元 截至2023年12月31日,符合條件的工作支出已花在兩個項目上(詳見2021年9月21日斯威夫特新聞稿此處和2023年7月17日Black Ridge新聞稿點擊此處)。

Ridgeline anticipates an additional US $5.2 million to be spent by NGM across both projects in 2024, the bulk of which will be directed towards follow-up drilling at Swift, followed by data collection and target generation at Black Ridge. See below for additional details on NGM's 2024 exploration programs.

Ridgeline 預計還會有更多 520 萬美元 NGM將在2024年將用於這兩個項目,其中大部分將用於在Swift進行後續鑽探,隨後在Black Ridge進行數據收集和目標生成。有關NGM 2024年勘探計劃的更多詳細信息,請參見下文。

Chad Peters, Ridgeline's President, CEO & Director, commented, "We are pleased with the exploration progress at Swift and Black Ridge to-date, with significant exploration dollars going in the ground in 2024. Exploring for deep Carlin-Type gold deposits is a time and capital-intensive process and we are fortunate to be able to leverage the NGM team's incredible track record of discovery in Nevada."


Chad Peters continues, "By partnering with the NGM team, Ridgeline offers its shareholders meaningful exposure to two of the highest potential Carlin-Type gold exploration projects in Nevada. We look forward to updating our shareholders as the spring exploration programs commence."


2024 Exploration Program Highlights

2024 年勘探計劃亮點

Swift Project - NGM (Swift project operator) has proposed a 2024 exploration budget of up to US $5.0 million to fund the next phase of framework drilling at Swift (Figure 2).

Swift 項目- NGM(斯威夫特項目運營商)已提出2024年高達500萬美元的勘探預算,爲斯威夫特下一階段的框架鑽探提供資金(圖2)。

  • 2024 drill planning is in progress with a total of 3-5 deep core holes anticipated in Q2-Q4, with start times dependent on the approval of ongoing permitting initiatives with the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM")
  • 2024 年的鑽探計劃正在進行中,預計在 Q2-Q4 中總共有 3-5 個深的岩心孔,開始時間取決於土地管理局(“BLM”)對正在進行的許可計劃的批准

Black Ridge Project - NGM (Black Ridge project operator) has proposed a 2024 exploration budget of up to US $200,000 to fund the next phase of field mapping and surface geochemical surveys to support a maiden drill program in 2025 (Figure 3).

黑嶺項目- NGM(黑嶺項目運營商)已提出2024年的勘探預算,最高爲20萬美元,爲下一階段的實地測繪和地表地球化學調查提供資金,以支持2025年的首次鑽探計劃(圖3)。

Swift Project
NGM has proposed a 2024 exploration budget of up to US $5.0 million to fund the next phase of framework drilling at Swift.

Swift 項目

  • 2024 drill planning is in progress with a total of 3-5 deep core holes anticipated in Q2-Q4, with start times dependent on the approval of ongoing permitting initiatives with the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM")
    • Priority targets include: Follow-up drilling in the vicinity of 2022 drilling (Figure 2), which returned thick intercepts of gold including 48.8m grading 0.45 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au"), 0.98 g/t Ag in SW22-003 and 51.1m grading 0.19 g/t Au in SW22-002 (see February 16, 2023 Press Release HERE), and
    • Follow-up drilling at the Mill Creek structural corridor, which includes both SW23-005 (abandoned) and historical drillhole MCK-99-5A, which returned a highlight intercept of 18.3m grading 0.64 g/t Au including 3.0m grading 2.10 g/t Au (Figure 2)
  • 2024 年的鑽探計劃正在進行中,預計在 Q2-Q4 中總共有 3-5 個深的岩心孔,開始時間取決於土地管理局(“BLM”)對正在進行的許可計劃的批准
    • 優先目標包括:在2022年鑽探附近進行後續鑽探(圖2),該鑽探返回了厚厚的黃金截獲物,包括 488m 品位每噸(“g/t”)金(“金”)品位爲 0.45 克,銀 0.98 克/噸 在 SW22-003 和 SW22-002 中的 511m 金品位爲 0.19 g/t (請參閱此處的 2023 年 2 月 16 日新聞稿),以及
    • 在 Mill Creek 結構走廊進行後續鑽探,該走廊包括 SW23-005(廢棄)和歷史鑽孔 MCK-99-5A,後者返回了截獲的亮點 18.3m 品位爲 0.64 g/t Au 包括 30m 品位爲 2.10 g/t Au (圖 2)
  • NGM's 2023 drilling did not test the intended Mill Creek target with drill hole SW23-005 unable to test the intended Lower Plate target as a result of difficult drilling conditions forcing NGM to abandon the hole at a depth of 1,041 m
  • NGM 2023 年的鑽探沒有測試預定的 Mill Creek 目標,鑽孔 SW23-005 無法測試預定的 Lower Plate 目標,原因是鑽探條件艱苦,迫使 NGM 放棄了深度爲 1,041 m 的鑽孔
  • NGM has incurred a total of US $7,226,660 in qualifying work expenditures on the project through December 31, 2023
  • NGM 總共產生了 美元 7,226,660 美元 截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日該項目的合格工作支出

Swift Earn-In Terms - NGM retains the right to earn an initial 60% interest in the Swift project (see September 21, 2021 press release HERE) over an initial five year term by incurring a minimum of US $20.0 million (of which US $7.23 million has been spent through 2023) in qualifying work expenditures. NGM retains the option to increase its interest up to 60% by incurring an additional $10.0 million in qualifying work expenditures before December 31, 2029. Within 90 days of a joint venture decision to proceed with development and construction of a mine and/or related processing facilities on Swift, NGM will have a one-time option to elect to provide, or arrange for third-party, financing of Ridgeline's portion of debt financing required for the development in consideration, in either case, for an additional 5% interest in the project for a total of 75% (or 65% if the second option was not exercised).

Swift 盈利條款 -NGM保留在最初的五年期限內獲得Swift項目(見2021年9月21日新聞稿)的初始60%權益的權利,將至少2,000萬美元(其中723萬美元已在2023年之前支出)作爲符合條件的工作支出。NGM保留通過在2029年12月31日之前額外支付1,000萬澳元的合格工作支出將其利息提高至60%的選擇權。在合資企業決定繼續在Swift上開發和建設礦山和/或相關加工設施後的90天內,NGM將有一次性選擇爲Ridgeline的部分債務融資提供或安排第三方融資,無論哪種情況,均可額外獲得該項目5%的權益,總額爲75%(如果未行使第二個期權,則爲65%)。

Black Ridge Project
NGM has proposed a 2024 exploration budget of up to US $200,000 to fund the next phase of field mapping and surface geochemical surveys to support a maiden drill program in 2025 (Figure 3).


  • 2023 exploration program (US $276,932) included 657 soil samples, 8 rock chips, geologic mapping and detailed re-logging of holes previously drilled by Ridgeline between 2019 and 2021
  • 2023 年勘探計劃(276,932 美元)包括 657 個土壤樣本、8 個岩屑、地質測繪以及對 Ridgeline 先前在 2019 年至 2021 年間鑽孔的詳細重新記錄
  • NGM has incurred a total of US $276,932 in qualifying work expenditures on the project through December 31, 2023, with a minimum spending requirement of US $1,500,000 required by December 31, 2025
  • NGM 總共產生了 美元 276,932 美元 在 2023 年 12 月 31 日之前的項目符合條件的工作支出中,2025 年 12 月 31 日之前的最低支出要求爲 1,500,000 美元

Black Ridge Earn-In Terms - NGM retains the right to earn an initial 60% interest in the Black Ridge project (see July 17, 2023 press release HERE) over an initial five year term by incurring a minimum of US $4.5 million (of which US $0.3 million has been spent through 2023). NGM retains the option to increase its interest up to 70% by incurring an additional $5.0 million in qualifying work expenditures before July 14, 2030. Within 90 days of a joint venture decision to proceed with development and construction of a mine and/or related processing facilities on Black Ridge, NGM will have a one-time option to elect to provide, or arrange for third-party, financing of Ridgeline's portion of debt financing required for the development in consideration, in either case, for an additional 5% interest in the project for a total of 75% (or 65% if the second option was not exercised).

Black Ridge 盈利條款 -NGM保留在最初的五年期限內獲得黑嶺項目(見2023年7月17日新聞稿)的初始60%權益的權利,方法是至少投入450萬美元(其中30萬美元已在2023年之前支出)。NGM保留在2030年7月14日之前通過額外支付500萬澳元的合格工作支出將其利息提高至70%的選擇權。在合資企業決定繼續在黑嶺開發和建設礦山和/或相關加工設施後的90天內,NGM將有一次性選擇爲Ridgeline的部分債務融資提供或安排第三方融資,無論哪種情況,均可額外獲得該項目5%的權益,總額爲75%(如果第二種選擇權未行使,則爲65%)。

Figure 1: Ridgeline's 195 km2 exploration portfolio in Nevada. The Black Ridge and Swift projects are located on the world-class Carlin and Battle Mountain - Eureka trends

圖 1:Ridgeline 在內華達州的 195 平方公里勘探組合。Black Ridge 和 Swift 項目位於世界一流的 Carlin 和 Battle Mountain 上-Eureka trends

Figure 2: Ridgeline's conceptual long section A-A' at Swift highlighting past exploration results, which include significant gold intercepts in SW22-002 & SW22-003 as well as MCK-99-5A

圖 2:Ridgeline 在 Swift 的概念長段 A-A 部分重點介紹了過去的勘探結果,其中包括 SW22-002 和 SW22-003 以及 MCK-99-5A 中的大量黃金截獲量

Figure 3: Plan view map of the Carlin Trend showing Ridgeline's Black Ridge (previously Carlin-East) project currently being operated by Nevada Gold Mines

圖 3:卡林趨勢的平面視圖圖顯示 Ridgeline 的 Black Ridge(前身爲 Carlin-East)項目目前由內華達金礦運營

QAQC Procedures
Samples are submitted to ALS Minerals, Elko Nevada, which is a certified and accredited laboratory, independent of Nevada Gold Mines. Samples are prepared using industry-standard prep methods and analysed using Au-AA23 (Au; 30 g fire assay) and ME-MS61 (48 element Suite; 0.25 g 4-acid digestion/ICP- MS) methods. ALS also undertakes its own internal coarse and pulp duplicate analysis to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration. Nevada Gold Mines QAQC program includes regular insertion of CRM standards, duplicates, and blanks into the sample stream with a stringent review of all results completed internally by Nevada Gold Mines technical personnel.

樣本提交給內華達州埃爾科的ALS Minerals,這是一個經過認證和認可的實驗室,獨立於內華達金礦。樣品採用行業標準制備方法制備,並使用 Au-AA23(金;30 g 火試驗)和 ME-MS61(48 元素套件;0.25 g 4 酸消化/ICP-MS)方法進行分析。ALS還自行進行內部粗糙和紙漿重複分析,以確保正確的樣品製備和設備校準。內華達金礦QAQC計劃包括定期在樣本流中插入CRM標準、副本和空白,並對內華達金礦技術人員內部完成的所有結果進行嚴格審查。

Technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Michael T. Harp, CPG. the Company's Vice President, Exploration, who is Ridgeline's Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 and responsible for technical matters of this release.

本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已經過CPG公司勘探副總裁邁克爾·哈普的審查和批准,他是Ridgeline在National Instrument 43-101下的合格人員,負責本新聞稿的技術事務。

About Ridgeline Minerals Corp.
Ridgeline Minerals is a discovery focused precious and base metal explorer with a proven management team and a 204 km2 exploration portfolio across six projects in Nevada and Idaho, USA. More information about Ridgeline can be found at .

Ridgeline Minerals是一家以發現爲重點的貴金屬和賤金屬勘探公司,擁有一支久經考驗的管理團隊和204公里2 在美國內華達州和愛達荷州的六個項目的勘探投資組合。有關 Ridgeline 的更多信息,請訪問。

On behalf of the Board
"Chad Peters"
President & CEO


Further Information:
Chad Peters, P.Geo.
President, CEO & Director
Ridgeline Minerals Corp.
+1 775 304 9773

+1 775 304 9773

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


Cautionary Note regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-Looking Information") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-Looking Information includes, but is not limited to, the anticipated benefits of the Earn-In Agreement and the transaction contemplated thereby. The words "potential", "anticipate", "meaningful", "discovery", "forecast", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "plan", "historical", "historic" and similar expressions are intended to be among the statements that identify Forward-Looking Information. Forward-Looking Information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results to be materially different from any future results expressed or implied by the Forward-Looking Information. In preparing the Forward-Looking Information in this news release, Ridgeline has applied several material assumptions, including, but not limited to, assumptions that TSX Venture Exchange approval will be granted in a timely manner subject only to standard conditions; the current objectives concerning the Project can be achieved and that its other corporate activities will proceed as expected; that general business and economic conditions will not change in a materially adverse manner; and that all requisite information will be available in a timely manner. Forward-Looking Information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Ridgeline to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the Forward-Looking Information. Such risks and other factors include, among others, risks related to dependence on key personnel; risks related to unforeseen delays; risks related to historical data that has not been verified by the Company; as well as those factors discussed in Ridgeline's public disclosure record. Although Ridgeline has attempted to identify important factors that could affect Ridgeline and may cause actual actions, events, or results to differ materially from those described in Forward-Looking Information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that Forward-Looking Information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on Forward-Looking Information. Except as required by law, Ridgeline does not assume any obligation to release publicly any revisions to Forward-Looking Information contained in this news release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

本新聞稿中包含的非歷史事實的陳述屬於適用的加拿大證券立法和1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的 “前瞻性信息” 或 “前瞻性陳述”(統稱爲 “前瞻性信息”)。前瞻性信息包括但不限於盈利協議的預期收益及其所考慮的交易。“潛力”、“預期”、“有意義”、“發現”、“預測”、“相信”、“估計”、“期望”、“可能”、“將”、“項目”、“計劃”、“歷史”、“歷史” 和類似表達方式旨在作爲識別前瞻性信息的陳述之一。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績存在重大差異。在準備本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息時,Ridgeline應用了幾項重大假設,包括但不限於以下假設:多倫多證券交易所風險交易所將及時獲得批准,但僅限於標準條件;該項目的當前目標可以實現,其其他公司活動將按預期進行;總體業務和經濟狀況不會發生重大不利變化;所有必要信息將及時提供。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致Ridgeline的實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。此類風險和其他因素包括與依賴關鍵人員相關的風險;與不可預見的延誤相關的風險;與公司未驗證的歷史數據相關的風險;以及Ridgeline公開披露記錄中討論的那些因素。儘管Ridgeline試圖確定可能影響Ridgeline並可能導致實際行動、事件或結果與前瞻性信息中描述的存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致行動、事件或結果與預期、估計或預期不符。無法保證前瞻性信息會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息。除非法律要求,否則Ridgeline沒有義務公開發布本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息的任何修訂,以反映本新聞稿發佈之日之後的事件或情況或反映意外事件的發生。

