
Altamira Gold Reports 88% Gold Recovery From Column Leach Tests on Mineralized Saprolite Material From the Maria Bonita Gold Discovery, Cajueiro Project, Brazil

Altamira Gold Reports 88% Gold Recovery From Column Leach Tests on Mineralized Saprolite Material From the Maria Bonita Gold Discovery, Cajueiro Project, Brazil

Altamira Gold報告稱,對巴西卡胡埃羅項目瑪麗亞·博尼塔金礦發現項目礦化腐蝕巖材料進行柱浸試驗後,黃金回收率爲88%
newsfile ·  02/07 20:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 7, 2024) - Altamira Gold Corp. (TSXV: ALTA) (FSE: T6UP) (OTC Pink: EQTRF), ("Altamira" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results of initial column leach tests on mineralized drill core from the Maria Bonita gold discovery.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 7 日)- Altamira Gold Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ALTA)(FSE:T6UP)(場外交易粉紅:EQTRF), (”阿爾塔米拉“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈對Maria Bonita金礦發現的礦化鑽芯進行的初步柱浸出測試結果。



  • Column leach metallurgical tests (simulating a heap leach) of a composite drill core sample of mineralized saprolite material from the Maria Bonita gold discovery at Cajueiro, returned an excellent gold recovery of 88% for a feed size of 100% passing 9.5mm
  • 對Cajueiro發現的Maria Bonita金礦中礦化腐殖巖材料的複合鑽芯樣本的柱浸冶金試驗(模擬堆浸法)顯示,進料大小爲100%,超過9.5毫米的金回收率爲88%
  • The Maria Bonita bedrock or primary mineralization has a broad halo of oxidised saprolite material containing gold associated with the intrusive-hosted and disseminated bedrock mineralization. A coherent, gold-mineralized saprolite zone, defined by a 0.4g/t gold-in-soil contour, extends over an area of approximately 320m by 270m (~9 hectares)
  • Maria Bonita基岩或原生礦化區具有廣泛的氧化腐石物質光環,其中含有與侵入性基岩和浸染基岩礦化相關的金。一個連貫的、金礦化的腐殖巖地帶,以 0.4g/t 的土壤中金輪廓界定,延伸到大約 320 米 x 270 米(約 9 公頃)的面積上
  • To date, both diamond and auger drilling define the thickness of the saprolite as between 4 and 17m.
  • 迄今爲止,金剛石和螺旋鑽都將腐蝕巖的厚度定義爲4到17m之間。
  • The company intends to conduct further tests to optimise the leach dynamics and scope a potential fast track, low cost, initial operation to mine the mineralized saprolite.
  • 該公司打算進行進一步的測試,以優化浸出液動力學,並確定潛在的快速通道、低成本的初始開採礦化腐殖巖的範圍。

CEO Mike Bennett commented; "Following the earlier excellent results from initial agitated tank leach metallurgical test work, where over 90% gold recovery was achieved, these new column leach test results indicate that the saprolite material at Maria Bonita should be highly amenable to heap leaching. Given the zero to very low strip-ratio over the central part of the mineralized area drilled to date, we now have a sound technical rationale to develop studies on a very low capital intensity start-up option on the saprolite mineralization. As we progress the current round of diamond drilling, we will further evaluate both the saprolite and underlying primary mineralization to identify options to generate early cashflow."


Consulting metallurgist Ian Gordon Hall Dun BSc (Eng), MSc., commented, "These column leach test results on saprolite are very encouraging as they offer very similar leach recoveries to those achieved to date for agitated leach. There is potential to optimise the crush size and conditioning of the feed to further improve the kinetics and potential economics."

諮詢冶金學家Ian Gordon Hall Dun 理學學士(英文)理學碩士評論說:“這些腐石柱浸出測試結果非常令人鼓舞,因爲它們的浸出回收率與迄今爲止攪拌浸出液的回收率非常相似。有可能優化破碎規模和飼料的調節,以進一步改善動力學和潛在的經濟性。”



The Cajueiro project is located approximately 75km NW of the town of Alta Floresta in the state of Mato Grosso (Figure 1) in central western Brazil and is easily accessible by road and has grid power. Cajueiro forms one of three key projects that Altamira controls in the region, the other two being Apiacas and Santa Helena (Figure1).

Cajueiro 項目位於巴西中西部馬託格羅索州(圖 1)阿爾塔弗洛雷斯塔鎮西北約 75 公里處,可通過公路輕鬆到達,擁有電網電力。卡胡埃羅是阿爾塔米拉在該地區控制的三個關鍵項目之一,另外兩個是阿皮亞卡斯和聖海倫娜(圖1)。

Figure 1: Location of the Cajueiro, Apiacas and Santa Helena projects.

圖 1:卡胡埃羅、阿皮亞卡斯和聖海倫娜項目的位置。

The Cajueiro project has current NI 43-101 resources of 5.66Mt @ 1.02 g/t gold for a total of 185,000 oz in the Indicated Resource category and 12.66Mt @ 1.26 g/t gold for a total of 515,000 oz in the Inferred Resource category.

Cajueiro項目目前的NI 43-101資源爲5.66Mt @ 1.02 g/t黃金,在指定資源類別中總計爲18.5萬盎司,在推斷資源類別中爲1266Mt @ 1.26g/t黃金,總計爲51.5萬盎司。

Maria Bonita Target


Prior diamond drilling returned excellent results from the initial nine diamond drill holes which include 69m @ 1g/t gold in MBA005, 50m @ 1.1 g/t gold in MBA004, 55m @ 1.0 g/t gold in MBA002, 50m @ 1.0 g/t gold in MBA001 and 45m @ 1.4 g/t gold in MBA003. Disseminated gold mineralization in the initial discovery holes is hosted within rhyolitic intrusive rocks. Importantly, although there is no outcrop in the discovery area, the mineralization is present from surface over most of the known mineralized zone to date.

先前的金剛石鑽探從最初的九個金剛石鑽孔中獲得了出色的結果,其中包括 69m @ 1g/t 金色 在 MBA005 中, 50 米 @ 1.1 克/噸黃金 在 MBA004 中, 55m @ 1.0 g/t 黃金 在 MBA002 中, 50m @ 1.0 g/t 黃金 在 MBA001 中和 45 米 @ 1.4 g/t 黃金 在 MBA003 中。最初發現的洞穴中的浸染金礦化位於流紋岩侵入岩中。重要的是,儘管發現區沒有露頭,但迄今爲止,大多數已知礦化帶的地表都存在礦化作用。

A second diamond drill programme of approximately 5,000 metres is underway to test the anomalous magnetic and soil geochemistry footprint of the target. Holes MBA010 and MBA011 were completed during the month and samples are in the laboratory for analysis.

第二個大約 5,000 米的金剛石鑽探計劃正在進行中,以測試目標的異常磁學和土壤地球化學足跡。MBA010 和 MBA011 孔已於當月完成,樣本已在實驗室進行分析。

Maria Bonita column leach test results


The current column leach test results complement agitated leach test results released on March 2nd, 2023, and April 12th, 2023, using both cyanide and thiosulphate leaching agents respectively which were very positive and resulted in +90% gold recoveries.


For the current test, samples of approximately 30kg were prepared from composited quarter core subsamples of the initial diamond drilling program (holes MBA001-MBA005). The samples were composited from up to forty-two individual core samples, each generally representing a one metre interval of diamond drill core.

在當前的測試中,大約30千克的樣品是根據初始鑽石鑽探計劃(MBA001-MBA005 孔)的複合四分之一岩心樣品製備的。這些樣品由多達四十二個岩心樣本組成,每個樣本通常代表一米的鑽石鑽芯間隔。

The samples were submitted to Testwork Desenvolvimento de Processo Ltda in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The test work was conducted under the observation of the Company's consulting metallurgist, Ian Gordon Hall Dun BSc (Eng), MSc.

樣本已提交給位於巴西米納斯吉拉斯州新利馬的Testwork Desenvolvimento de Processo Ltda。測試工作是在公司的諮詢冶金學家伊恩·戈登·霍爾·鄧理學士(英文)、理學碩士的觀察下進行的。

No of subsamples Weighted avg grade g/t Au Lab head grade g/t Au Difference %
Saprolite 34 1.02 1.18 14%
Fresh rock 42 1.07 1.07 0%
子樣本數 加權平均等級 g/t Au 實驗室負責人等級 g/t Au 差異%
Saprolite 34 1.02 1.18 14%
新鮮搖滾 42 1.07 1.07 0%

Table 1: Estimated head grades (from weighted drill assay composites) versus average assayed head grades at the metallurgical laboratory

表 1:估算的鑽頭等級(來自加權鑽孔分析複合材料)與冶金實驗室測得的鑽頭平均等級

Samples were first crushed to 80% passing 9.5mm. Head grades analysed in the laboratory were broadly in line with the estimated grades from the calculated drill core composite assay grades (Table 1). The saprolite sample received by the laboratory contained 14% more gold than the estimated grade of the core composites making up the sample. This positive difference in the saprolite analysis might reflect the presence of physical gold within the saprolite. To date, visible gold has not been observed in the drill core however rare, fine physical gold has been observed from the panning of soils. This might represent upside for future bulk sampling of saprolite.

樣品首先通過9.5毫米粉碎至80%。實驗室分析的鑽頭等級與計算出的鑽芯複合分析等級中的估計等級大致一致(表 1)。實驗室收到的腐爛石樣本中金含量比構成樣本的核心複合材料的估計品位高出14%。腐爛石分析中的這種正差異可能反映了腐爛巖中存在的實物金。迄今爲止,尚未在鑽芯中觀察到可見的黃金,儘管在土壤平整中觀察到了稀有的優質實物金。這可能爲將來的腐爛巖批量採樣帶來好處。

Each leach sample was agglomerated and conditioned using 2kg/t of cement and lime to facilitate both a pH of 10.5-11 and percolation through the column over the life of the leach test. Laboratory columns of 1m height and 6 inches diameter were used. The percolation rate was 10 litres per hour per square metre of surface area. Cyanide concentrations of 300-500ppm were used. The columns were irrigated for 30-45 days.

每個浸出液樣品均使用2kg/t的水泥和石灰進行凝聚和調節,以促進pH值爲10.5-11,並在浸出測試的整個生命週期內滲透到色譜柱中。使用了高 1 米、直徑 6 英寸的實驗室柱子。滲透率爲每平方米表面積每小時10升。使用的氰化物濃度爲300-500ppm。這些柱子被灌溉了 30-45 天。

The results show a net gold recovery of 88.2% with a cyanide consumption of 750g/t for saprolite (Table 2). This is a very positive result for a coarse 9.5mm crush top-size, implying that the weathered saprolite is amenable to heap leaching and offering potential to further investigate crushing, agglomeration, and reagent dosing to further optimise the results.

結果顯示,淨黃金回收率爲88.2%,腐爛石的氰化物消耗量爲750克/噸(表2)。對於粗糙的 9.5 毫米壓碎機來說,這是一個非常積極的結果,這意味着風化的腐生石易於堆浸並有可能進一步研究破碎、團聚和試劑配量,以進一步優化結果。

In parallel, rolling bottle (agitated leach) control tests were conducted on samples ground to 80 per cent passing 200 mesh (75 microns) for 24 hours (Table 2). The agitated leach test for the saprolite reported a gold recovery of 91.6% at a cyanide consumption of 330g/t, confirming the previous tests conducted using a similar agitated leach methodology. This bottle roll test indicated that leach kinetics after 16 hours are similar to those for 24 hours, suggesting that agitated leach times can be optimised.

同時,對經過 200 目(75 微米)的 80% 的樣品進行了滾瓶(攪拌浸出)對照試驗,持續24小時(表2)。腐爛石的攪拌浸出測試報告稱,氰化物消耗量爲330g/t時,金回收率爲91.6%,這證實了先前使用類似的攪拌浸出方法進行的測試。該瓶卷測試表明,16小時後的浸出動力學與24小時後的浸出動力學相似,這表明可以優化攪拌浸出時間。

Column leach Agitated leach
Au recovery % CN consumption g/t Au recovery % CN consumption g/t
Saprolite 88.2 750 91.6 330
Fresh rock 51.8 1170 90.4 417
柱狀浸出 激動的浸出
金回收率% 氯化萘消費 g/t 金回收率% 氯化萘消費 g/t
Saprolite 88.2 750 91.6 330
新鮮搖滾 51.8 1170 90.4 417

Table 2: Summary of results. CN is cyanide reagent.

表 2:結果摘要。CN 是氰化物試劑。

Column leach testing of the fresh rock material gave an initial gold recovery of 51.8% (Table 2). Further work is warranted on finer crush and grind sizes to evaluate whether a suitable liberation and recovery combination for heap leaching versus the demonstrated agitated leach route (greater than 90% gold recovery) is likely to be economically attractive for the fresh rock material.


Further metallurgical testing to investigate crushing and grinding metrics, sample conditioning and reagent consumption is planned using drill core from the recently started second drill programme. In addition, shallow auger and diamond drilling will be used to supplement the drill database for the surficial saprolite gold deposit, leading to a mineral resource estimate.


Stock Options


Altamira also announces that it has granted 5,350,000 stock options to directors, officers, employees, and consultants of the Company. The stock options are exercisable for a term of 5 years at an exercise price of C$0.16 per common share. The options are subject to the Company's Stock Option Plan.


Qualified Person


Guillermo Hughes, FAIG and M AusIMM., a consultant to the Company as well as a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

Guillermo Hughes、FAIG和M AusimM. 是公司的顧問,也是National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員,他們監督了本新聞稿中技術信息的編寫。

About Altamira Gold Corp.


The Company is focused on the exploration and development of gold and copper projects within western central Brazil. The Company holds 6 projects comprising approximately 190,000 hectares, within the prolific Juruena gold belt which historically produced an estimated 7 to 10Moz of placer gold. The Company's advanced Cajueiro project has NI 43-101 resources of 5.66Mt @ 1.02 g/t gold for a total of 185,000 oz in the Indicated Resource category and 12.66Mt @ 1.26 g/t gold for a total of 515,000oz in the Inferred Resource category.

該公司專注於巴西中西部黃金和銅礦項目的勘探和開發。該公司擁有6個項目,佔地約19萬公頃,位於多產的Juruena金礦帶內,該地歷史上估計生產了7至10Moz的砂金。該公司先進的Cajueiro項目在指示資源類別中擁有北愛爾蘭43-101萬噸 @ 1.02克/噸黃金,總量爲18.5萬盎司,在推斷資源類別中爲12.66萬噸 @ 1.26克/噸黃金,總量爲51.5萬盎司。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,




"Michael Bennett"


Michael Bennett
President & CEO


Tel: 604.676.5660


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根據加拿大證券法,此處包含的某些信息構成 “前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息包括但不限於有關延長認股權證的陳述。通常,前瞻性信息可以通過使用前瞻性術語來識別,例如 “意願”、“打算”,或者某些行爲、事件或結果 “將” 發生的詞語和短語的變體或陳述。前瞻性陳述基於管理層在發表此類陳述之日的觀點和估計,並受已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際結果與此類前瞻性陳述或前瞻性信息(包括獲得所有必要的監管批准)所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。儘管公司管理層試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性陳述或前瞻性信息中包含的業績存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績不如預期、估計或預期。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述和前瞻性信息。除非適用的證券法要求,否則公司不會更新此處以引用方式納入的任何前瞻性陳述或前瞻性信息。



Gold analysis has been conducted by SGS method FAA505 (fire assay of 50g charge), with higher grade samples checked by FAA525. Analytical quality is monitored by certified references and blanks. Until dispatch, samples are stored under the supervision the Company's exploration office. The samples are couriered to the assay laboratory using a commercial contractor. Pulps are returned to the Company and archived. Drill holes results are quoted as down-hole length weighted intersections.

金分析已通過 SGS 方法 FAA505(50 克電荷的火焰分析)進行,更高等級的樣本由 FAA525 檢查。分析質量由經過認證的參考文獻和空白進行監控。在發貨之前,樣品在公司勘探辦公室的監督下儲存。樣本由商業承包商運送到化驗實驗室。紙漿被歸還給公司並存檔。鑽孔結果以井下長度加權交叉點的形式引用。

