
Argo Investments Maintains Dividend

Argo Investments Maintains Dividend

Argo 投資維持股息
sharecafe ·  02/05 08:23

Despite an 8.5% slide in net profit, Argo Investments (ASX:ARG) is holding its interim dividend at 16.5 cents a share. The Adelaide-based listed investment company (LIC) informed the ASX on Monday that the lower result stemmed from a decline in distributions from some of its major investments. It revealed it had sold out of its holdings in Insurance Australia Group and Liontown and accepted bids for Estia Health and Invocare.

儘管淨利潤下降了8.5%,但Argo Investments(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:ARG)的中期股息仍維持在每股16.5美分。這家總部位於阿德萊德的上市投資公司(LIC)週一告知澳大利亞證券交易所,較低的業績是由於其一些主要投資的分配下降。該公司透露已出售其在澳大利亞保險集團和Liontown的股份,並接受了對Estia Health和Invocare的出價。

However, the company did admit that being underweight in Fortescue Metals and the big banks had impacted its performance for the half, while it also acknowledged that high rates on bank investment accounts were diverting investment funds from the market.

但是,該公司確實承認,減持Fortescue Metals和大銀行影響了其上半年的業績,同時它也承認銀行投資賬戶的高利率正在將投資資金從市場上轉移出去。

"Investment income received from companies in the investment portfolio declined, particularly dividends from mining companies BHP and Rio Tinto due to softer commodity prices. Income generated from option writing and trading activities was also lower compared to the previous corresponding period," the company stated on Monday.

“由於大宗商品價格疲軟,投資組合中公司獲得的投資收入下降了,尤其是礦業公司必和必拓和力拓的股息。與前一同期相比,期權寫入和交易活動產生的收入也有所下降。” 該公司週一表示。

Argo reported that its investment performance for the half, as measured by net tangible assets (NTA) return after management costs and adjusted for company tax paid, was +5.6%, lower than the ASX 200 Accumulation Index return of +7.6% over the six months to December 2023 (without any allowance for costs).


"Holdings in Clarity Pharmaceuticals (up more than +170%) and Stanmore Resources (up nearly +60%) contributed positively to performance. However, gains were offset by negative returns from other holdings, including pathology and imaging provider Healius. In general, Australian healthcare providers have lagged due to higher costs and lower utilization levels. Not owning Fortescue materially weighed on relative performance, as did our underweight exposure to the major banks," Argo admitted.

“Clarity Pharmicals(增長超過170%)和Stanmore Resources(增長近60%)的持股量爲業績做出了積極貢獻。但是,包括病理學和影像提供商Healius在內的其他持股公司的負回報抵消了漲幅。總體而言,由於成本上漲和利用率降低,澳大利亞的醫療保健提供商一直處於落後狀態。不持有Fortescue嚴重影響了相對錶現,我們對主要銀行的減持敞口也是如此,” Argo承認。

The share price performance was +5.4%, with Argo shares now trading at a slight discount to their NTA backing. Sharply higher returns from term deposits have decreased the comparative appeal of many equity investments, including listed investment companies (LICs). "We expect this trend to reverse as the monetary policy cycle continues and interest rates fall."


Argo said it made purchases in a range of stocks (in addition to the four exits detailed above). It mentioned larger purchases in the portfolio (now 86 companies, down from 89), a new position in Resmed, along with higher holdings of Santos, Woodside, Stanmore Resources, CSL, and Viva Energy.

Argo表示,它購買了一系列股票(除上面詳述的四個退出外)。它提到了投資組合中的更多收購量(現在爲86家公司,低於89家),瑞思邁的新頭寸,以及桑托斯、伍德賽德、斯坦莫爾資源、CSL和Viva Energy的持股量增加。

Looking ahead, Argo directors said that "Australia's economic fundamentals remain solid with the outlook underpinned by strong employment and moderating inflation. This broadly positive economic picture belies the impact that price increases and higher mortgage repayments are having on many consumers. As a result, we anticipate a significant dispersion in profit results this corporate reporting season, which underscores the benefit of Argo's highly diversified portfolio. With a strong balance sheet, no debt, and cash on hand, Argo is well positioned as we enter the new calendar year," the company said.



