
Torr Metals Announces Kolos Project Preliminary Soils Reveal 3 Km Trend to Untested Copper-Gold Anomalies Along Highway 5

Torr Metals Announces Kolos Project Preliminary Soils Reveal 3 Km Trend to Untested Copper-Gold Anomalies Along Highway 5

Torr Metals 宣佈 Kolos 項目初步土壤顯示 5 號公路沿線未經測試的銅金異常走向 3 千米
newsfile ·  02/01 01:29

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 31, 2024) - Torr Metals Inc. (TSXV: TMET) ("Torr" or the "Company") is pleased to announce preliminary assay results from 896 of a total 3348 soil samples collected during the 2023 field program on the 100% owned 140 km2 Kolos Copper-Gold Project, located adjacent to Highway 5 and 23 kilometers (km) north-northeast of the city of Merritt, British Columbia.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 1 月 31 日)-Torr Metals Inc.(TSXV:TMET)(”托爾“或者”公司“) 很高興地宣佈2023年實地項目期間在100%擁有的140公里範圍內收集的總共3348份土壤樣本中的896份的初步化驗結果2 科洛斯銅金項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省梅里特市東北偏北 23 千米處,毗鄰 5 號高速公路。

The initial results are derived from soil samples specifically gathered to explore potential extensions to mineralization observed in limited exposures of outcrop. Soil results yielded up to 723 parts per million (ppm) copper (Cu) and 474 parts per billion (ppb) gold (Au) within two newly identified envelopes of >200 ppm Cu that highlight significant large-scale mineralization measuring 1300 metres (m) by 750 m and 950 m by 550 m at the Lodi and Kirby Zones, respectively (Figure 1).

初步結果來自專門收集的土壤樣本,這些樣本旨在探索在露頭暴露有限暴露條件下觀察到的潛在礦化延伸。 土壤結果在兩個新發現的銅含量>200 ppm 的包絡中得出了高達百萬分之723(ppm)銅(Cu)和十億分之474(ppb)的金(Au),這突顯了洛迪和柯比區分別測量1300米(m)x 750米和950米乘550米的顯著大規模礦化 (圖 1)。

Zones of anomalous copper and gold at Kolos occur across a 3 km trend, coinciding with a 6 km north-south trending magnetic high anomaly that is typically associated with major porphyry deposits elsewhere within the region.

科洛斯出現銅和金異常區域 穿過 3 千米的走向,恰逢6千米的南北向磁高位異常,該異常通常與該地區其他地方的主要斑岩礦牀有關。

Highlights include:


  • Outcropping Mineralization within Kilometre-Scale Soil Anomalies: 2023 soil sampling has confirmed robust copper-gold mineralization aligning with exposures of mineralized outcrop, where select historical rock grab sampling yielded 4.42 grams per tonne (g/t) Au, 0.52% Cu, and 11.3 g/t silver (Ag) at the Kirby occurrence and (see November 16, 2023 news release).

  • Highly Anomalous Copper-Gold with Additional Assays Pending: Of the 896 soil samples analyzed, 394 showed highly anomalous concentrations exceeding 50 ppm Cu, with 129 surpassing 100 ppm Cu, and 27 samples registering over 200 ppm Cu; additionally, 37 soil samples exhibited values greater than 20 ppb Au (Figure 1). Pending assays for 2,452 soil samples will further assess the expansion potential of the Lodi and Kirby Zones, along with four additional exploration targets to the north.

  • District-Scale with Untested New Discovery Potential: The Kolos Project comprises six road-accessible copper-gold-molybdenum occurrences (Kirby, Lodi, Ace, Rea, Helmer, Clapperton) that remain untouched by drilling. The forthcoming results from the completed 2023 surface geochemical field program combined with an extensive property-wide ZTEM survey will pinpoint specific targets for future potential drilling.

  • Strategic Location within Major Porphyry Belt: The Project occupies a pivotal position within one of the most productive porphyry belts in British Columbia and showcases comparable Late Triassic calc-alkaline and alkaline intrusions that have given rise to major deposits and long-life mines in the region. With its strategic location, Kolos emerges as a prime contender for major new discovery potential within a similar geological setting to surrounding deposits including Highland Valley (30 km to the northwest), New Afton (30 km to the north), and Copper Mountain (106 km to the south).

  • 千米級土壤異常內的露出礦化: 2023 年土壤採樣證實了穩健的銅金礦化作用與礦化露頭的暴露量一致,其中部分歷史岩石採集取樣本得出 每噸 4.42 克 (g/t) 金、0.52% 銅和 11.3 克/噸銀 (Ag) 在 Kirby 事件發生時以及(見 2023 年 11 月 16 日的新聞稿)。

  • 高度異常的銅金,尚待進一步檢測:在分析的896個土壤樣本中,有394個樣本顯示高度異常濃度超過50 ppm Cu,129個樣本的銅含量超過100 ppm,27個樣本的銅含量超過20ppm;此外,37個土壤樣本的金值大於20 ppb(圖1)。 待對2,452份土壤樣本進行化驗 將進一步評估洛迪和柯比區的擴張潛力,以及向北的另外四個勘探目標。

  • 區域規模,具有未經測試的新發現潛力: Kolos 項目包括六處可通行的銅金鉬礦點(Kirby、Lodi、Ace、Rea、Helmer、Clapperton) 不受鑽探影響。2023年完成的地表地球化學現場項目即將得出的結果,加上廣泛的全地產ZTEM調查,將爲未來潛在鑽探確定具體目標。

  • 主要斑岩帶內的戰略位置: 該項目在不列顛哥倫比亞省產量最高的斑岩帶之一中佔據關鍵地位,並展示了類似的晚三疊紀鈣鹼性和鹼性侵入物,這些入侵物在該地區形成了主要礦牀和長壽命礦山。憑藉其戰略位置,科洛斯在與周圍礦牀相似的地質環境中成爲重大新發現潛力的主要競爭者,包括 高地谷 (向西北 30 千米), 新雅富頓 (向北 30 千米),以及 銅山 (向南 106 公里)。

Malcolm Dorsey, President and CEO, commented, "Our findings not only highlight key locations of interest at Kirby and Lodi but also underscore the unprecedented nature of our initial 2023 results, revealing a 3 km trend of anomalous copper and gold that has previously not been defined in this area. Alongside its advantageous location next to a highway, this discovery positions Torr as a significant new player in the Quesnel Trough, one of British Columbia's most productive porphyry belts. We eagerly await the remaining geochemical assays and ZTEM data, anticipating that they will unveil additional exploration opportunities by assessing both the expansion potential of existing targets and new areas across the project."


Figure 1. Preliminary soil sample results and annotated target locations on the Kolos Copper-Gold Project, highlighting zones of anomalous copper in soil (>200 ppm) overlying a regional RMI-VD geophysical survey.

圖 1。 Kolos Copper-Gold 項目的初步土壤樣本結果和帶註釋的目標位置,突出顯示了覆蓋區域 RMI-VD 地球物理調查的土壤中異常銅區域(>200 ppm)。

2023 Exploration Program

2023 年勘探計劃

The 2023 Kolos exploration initiative involved the meticulous collection of 3348 soil samples, strategically spaced at 50 m intervals, with 100 m line-spacing dedicated to known historic mineral occurrences. A further 300 m reconnaissance line spacing covered the remaining grid area spanning approximately 48 km2 (Figure 1). The pending assays for 2452 soil samples and 47 rock samples hold the promise of unveiling new discoveries. Moreover, a Z-Tipper Axis Electromagnetic (ZTEM) airborne geophysical survey has been carried out across the extensive 140 km2 Project area. After final processing, Torr's technical team is set to interpret the data which will paving the way for identifying future exploration upside.

2023 年科洛斯勘探計劃涉及精心採集 3348 個土壤樣本,戰略性地間隔爲 50 m,線間距爲 100 米,專門用於收集已知的歷史礦物礦點。另外 300 米的偵察線間距覆蓋了橫跨大約 48 千米的剩餘網格區域2 (圖 1)。這個 正在對2452個土壤樣本和47個岩石樣本進行化驗有望揭開新發現。此外,已經在長達140公里的範圍內進行了Z-Tipper Axis電磁(ZTEM)航空地球物理調查2 項目區域。經過最終處理,托爾的技術團隊將解釋數據,這將爲確定未來的勘探優勢鋪平道路。

Torr is currently in the process of obtaining a drill permit for the Kolos Project.


Quality Assurance and Control


Results from samples were analyzed at ALS Global Laboratories (Geochemistry Division) in Vancouver, Canada (an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 accredited facility). A secure chain of custody is maintained in transporting and storing of all samples. At ALS the "B" horizon soil samples underwent screening to 180 microns under the ALS code PREP-41. The samples were digested using Aqua Regia and analyzed via ICP-MS and ICP-AES using a 25g sample aliquot under the ALS code AuME-TL43. The Company follows industry standard procedures for the work carried out on the Kolos Project. Due to the reconnaissance nature of the soil sampling the Company relied on the internal quality assurance quality control ("QA/QC") measures of ALS. Torr Metals detected no significant QA/QC issues during review of the data.

樣品結果在加拿大溫哥華的ALS全球實驗室(地球化學部)(經ISO/IEC 17025:2017 和ISO 9001:2015 認證的設施)進行了分析。所有樣品的運輸和儲存都保持了安全的監管鏈。在 ALS,“B” 地平線土壤樣本接受了 180 微米的篩查,ALS 代碼爲 PREP-41。使用Aqua Regia對樣本進行了消化,並使用ALS代碼爲Aume-TL43的25g樣本等分通過ICP-MS和ICP-AES進行了分析。該公司在Kolos項目上開展的工作遵循行業標準程序。由於土壤採樣的偵察性質,公司依賴ALS的內部質量保證質量控制(“QA/QC”)措施。Torr Metals在審查數據期間沒有發現任何重大的質量保證/質量控制問題。

Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Michael Dufresne, M.Sc., P.Geol., P.Geo., a consultant to the Company who is a qualified person defined under National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已由理學碩士、P.Geol.、P.Geol. Michael Dufresne審查和批准,他是公司顧問,是National Instrument 43-101規定的合格人員。

About Torr Metals

關於 Torr Metals

Torr Metals is a Vancouver based mineral exploration company focused on defining and developing the substantial exploration potential of its 100% owned portfolio of district-scale gold and copper projects; including the ~261 km2 Filion Gold Project in northern Ontario, ~140 km2 Kolos Copper-Gold Project in south-central British Columbia, and ~689 km2 Latham Copper-Gold Project which includes the Gnat Pass deposit in northern British Columbia. All projects are located in prolific mining regions with substantial infrastructure and favourable geology for significant new discovery potential. For further details please refer to the Company's website or geological Technical Reports (August 24, 2021) filed on November 25, 2021 under the Company's profile on SEDAR at .

Torr Metals是一家總部位於溫哥華的礦產勘探公司,專注於定義和開發其100%擁有的地區規模金銅項目組合的巨大勘探潛力;包括約261公里的項目2 安大略省北部的 Filion 黃金項目,約 140 千米2 位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中南部的科洛斯銅金項目,約689公里2 瑞生銅金項目包括位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的Gnat Pass礦牀。所有項目都位於多產的礦區,擁有充足的基礎設施和有利的地質條件,具有巨大的新發現潛力。欲了解更多詳情,請參閱公司網站或2021年11月25日根據公司在SEDAR的簡介下提交的地質技術報告(2021年8月24日),網址爲。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Torr Metals Inc.
"Malcolm Dorsey"
Malcolm Dorsey
President, CEO and Director
For further information:
Malcolm Dorsey
Telephone: 236-982-4300

Torr Metals Inc.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This press release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information includes, without limitation, statements regarding the use of proceeds from the Company's recently completed financings, and the future plans or prospects of the Company. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved". Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are inherently subject to business, market and economic risks, uncertainties and contingencies that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Other factors which could materially affect such forward-looking information are described in the risk factors in the Company's most recent annual management's discussion and analysis which is available on the Company's profile on SEDAR at . The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券立法所指的 “前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息包括但不限於有關公司最近完成的融資所得款項使用情況的陳述,以及公司的未來計劃或前景。通常,前瞻性信息可以通過使用前瞻性術語來識別,例如 “計劃”、“預期” 或 “不期望”、“預期”、“預期”、“預計”、“預測”、“打算”、“預期” 或 “不預期” 或 “相信”,或者使用此類詞語和短語的變體或陳述某些行動、事件或結果 “可能”、“可能”、“可能”、“可以”、“將”、“可能” 或 “將採取”、“發生” 或 “實現”。前瞻性陳述必然基於許多假設,儘管管理層認爲這些假設是合理的,但本質上會受到商業、市場和經濟風險、不確定性和突發事件的影響,這些風險可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果、業績或成就存在重大差異。儘管公司試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性信息中包含的業績存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績與預期、估計或預期不符。無法保證此類信息會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類聲明中的預期存在重大差異。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息。公司最新的年度管理層討論和分析中的風險因素描述了可能對此類前瞻性信息產生重大影響的其他因素,該討論和分析可在公司在SEDAR上的簡介中查閱 。除非根據適用的證券法,否則公司不承諾更新任何前瞻性信息。

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