


中國美東汽車 (1268.HK):可怕的 2023 年已經過去
招银国际 ·  01/31

Maintain BUY. We estimate that Meidong's net profit excluding impairment and withholding tax impact in 2H23E could be a similar level to that in 1H23, as the higher portion of after-sales service profit and cost cuts could offset the HoH decline for new-car GPM. However, we are of the view that impairment for goodwill and/or intangible assets is likely in 2H23E. We project FY24E net profit to be RMB371mn, as Porsche's new-car GPM is likely to improve from 2Q24E. We expect BMW and Lexus to continue facing headwinds in FY24E, which could force Meidong to adopt a more conservative approach in new-car sales.

維持買入。我們估計,美東在 2H23E 中扣除減值和預扣稅影響後的淨利潤可能與23年上半年相似,因爲售後服務利潤和成本削減的較高比例可能會抵消新車GPM的HoH下降。但是,我們認爲,2H23E 可能會對商譽和/或無形資產進行減值。我們預計,FY24E 的淨利潤爲人民幣3.71億元,因爲保時捷的新車GPM可能會比 2Q24E 有所改善。我們預計,寶馬和雷克薩斯將繼續在 FY24E 中面臨阻力,這可能會迫使美東在新車銷售中採取更爲保守的方針。

2H23 earnings under pressure on lower new-car margins and goodwill impairment risk. We project Meidong's new-car sales volume to rise 1% HoH in 2H23E to about 32,000 units (Porsche: ~5,200 units, BMW: ~11,700 units). However, we expect new-car revenue to fall 8% HoH due to lower average selling prices (ASP), as we estimate the ASP for Porsche to fall by RMB13,000 HoH and BMW to decline by RMB7,500 HoH. We expect after-sales service revenue to rise 11% YoY and 5% HoH to RMB2.1bn.

由於新車利潤率下降和商譽減值風險,下半年的收益面臨壓力。我們預計,2H23E 中美東的新車銷量將增長1%,達到約32,000輛(保時捷:約5,200輛,寶馬:約11,700輛)。但是,由於平均售價(ASP)的降低,我們預計新車收入將下降8%,因爲我們估計保時捷的平均售價將下降13,000元人民幣,寶馬的平均售價將下降7,500元人民幣。我們預計售後服務收入將同比增長11%,同比增長5%,達到21億元人民幣。

We project Meidong's new-car GPM to turn negative (-0.4%) in 2H23E, as we expect new-car GPM to remain the same HoH for Porsche and drop by 1ppt HoH for BMW and rise by 0.4ppt for Lexus. Accordingly, we expect Meidong's overall GPM to widen 0.4ppt HoH to 7.5% in 2H23E due to the larger contribution from after-sales services.

我們預計,在 2H23E 中,美東的新車GPM將變爲負數(-0.4%),因爲我們預計保時捷的新車GPM將保持不變,寶馬的HoH將下降1個百分點,雷克薩斯的GPM將上升0.4個百分點。因此,由於售後服務的貢獻增加,我們預計,2H23E 中美東的整體GPM將擴大0.4ppt HoH至7.5%。

We see the possibility for goodwill and intangible assets impairment in 2H23, but it is quite difficult for us to quantify. We assume an impairment loss of RMB100mn in 2H23E, which will also result in a higher effective tax rate, as impairment is not deductible for taxes. We estimate Meidong's net profit to be RMB41mn under such assumptions. It would imply that net profit excluding impairment in 2H23E would be about RMB65mn higher than that in 1H23.

我們看到了23年下半年商譽和無形資產減值的可能性,但我們很難量化。我們假設 2H23E 的減值損失爲人民幣1億元,這也將導致更高的有效稅率,因爲減值不能抵扣稅款。根據這樣的假設,我們估計美東的淨利潤爲4100萬元人民幣。這意味着,不包括 2H23E 減值的淨利潤將比23年上半年的淨利潤高出約6500萬元人民幣。

Porsche has the highest chance of posting a better new-car GPM in FY24 among all the brands. Based on our channel checks, Porsche's sales targets for Jan and Feb 2024 are quite low in a bid to cut inventories. We expect its new-car GPM to improve from 2Q24 amid a reasonable inventory level and the launch of the new Panamera. We project Porsche's retail sales volume to drop 13% YoY to about 70,000 units in China in 2024 and Meidong to account for 15% of it. We also project Porsche's new-car GPM at Meidong to widen by 0.5ppt YoY to 2.5% in FY24E. That would increase Meidong's new-car gross profit by about RMB24mn YoY in FY24E.

在所有品牌中,保時捷最有可能在24財年公佈更好的新車GPM。根據我們的渠道調查,保時捷爲削減庫存,2024年1月和2月的銷售目標相當低。我們預計,在合理的庫存水平和新款Panamera的推出下,其新車GPM將比24第二季度有所改善。我們預計,2024年,保時捷在中國的零售量將同比下降13%,至約7萬輛,而美東將佔其中的15%。我們還預計,在 FY24E 中,保時捷在美東的新車毛利率將同比增長0.5個百分點至2.5%。這將使美東在 FY24E 中的新車毛利同比增加約2400萬元人民幣。

BMW and Lexus still face challenges in FY24E. Based on our estimates, BMW's new-car gross profit fell by RMB3,500 per vehicle HoH in 2H23E, despite HoH subsidy increase of RMB4,000 per vehicle. The new-car margin deterioration has been continuing in 1Q24, based on our channel checks. BMW targets 6% YoY growth for retail sales volume in China, which is too aggressive in our view, despite its new- generation 5 Series launched in Jan 2024. The new Mercedes-Benz E Class, which was rolled out about one month ago, has already started to provide discounts, based on our channel checks. BMW also targets 20% of its China retail sales volume to be NEVs in 2024, which could also lower its dealers' margins, given the i5's less competitive pricing than its peers, in our view.

寶馬和雷克薩斯在 FY24E 中仍然面臨挑戰。根據我們的估計,儘管HoH的補貼增加了每輛車4,000元人民幣,但寶馬在 2H23E 中每輛車的新車毛利下降了3500元人民幣。根據我們的渠道調查,新車利潤率在24年第一季度持續下降。儘管寶馬於2024年1月推出了新一代5系,但寶馬的目標是中國的零售銷量同比增長6%,我們認爲這過於激進。根據我們的渠道調查,大約一個月前推出的新款梅賽德斯-奔馳E級轎車已經開始提供折扣。寶馬還將2024年中國零售銷量的20%定爲新能源汽車,鑑於i5的定價不如同行競爭力,這也可能降低其經銷商的利潤率。

We are of the view that new-car GPM for Lexus' dealers in 2024 could largely depend on subsidies, which makes our forecasting more difficult. Lexus targets retail sales volume of 0.18mn units in China in 2024, or flat YoY. We project BMW's and Lexus' new-car GPM to be -2% and -1.5% in FY24E, respectively.

我們認爲,雷克薩斯經銷商在2024年的新車GPM在很大程度上可能取決於補貼,這使得我們的預測更加困難。雷克薩斯的目標是2024年在中國的零售量爲18萬輛,同比持平。我們預計,在 FY24E 中,寶馬和雷克薩斯的新車 GPM 將分別爲 -2% 和 -1.5%。

We expect Meidong to adopt a conservative approach in new-car sales and cut costs aggressively. We do not expect new store openings for FY24E and we cannot rule out a possibility to close more stores after closing two in FY23E. We are of the view that Meidong still takes a cautious approach and is selective in partnering with NEV start-ups. We project Meidong's new-car sales volume and revenue to drop 8% YoY and 9% YoY in FY24E, respectively, as negative new-car GPM could force dealers to sell fewer cars in order to cut loss.

我們預計美東將在新車銷售方面採取保守的方針,並積極削減成本。我們預計 FY24E 不會有新門店開業,也不能排除在 FY23E 關閉兩家門店後關閉更多門店的可能性。我們認爲,美東仍然採取謹慎的態度,選擇性地與新能源汽車初創企業合作。我們預計,在 FY24E 中,美東的新車銷量和收入將分別同比下降8%和9%,這是因爲負的新車GPM可能會迫使經銷商減少汽車的銷售量以減少損失。

We project after-sales service revenue to rise 9% YoY in FY24E, which would make after-sales services account for 17% of Meidong's total revenue in FY24E. That would lift its overall GPM to 8.6% in FY24E on our estimates, despite limited improvement from new-car GPM.

我們預計,FY24E 的售後服務收入將同比增長9%,這將使售後服務佔美東 FY24E 總收入的17%。儘管與新車的GPM相比改善有限,但根據我們的估計,這將使其在 FY24E 中的總體GPM提高到8.6%。

We estimate SG&A ratio to drop from 6.3% in FY23E to 6.1% in FY24E, despite continuous amortization from intangible assets, as Meidong has been quite aggressive in cost reduction. We assume no impairment loss in FY24E, as the situation for Porsche is likely to improve. We still expect a high effective tax rate amid the withholding tax from the internal dividends to offshore subsidiaries in order to make the repayment ready for the convertible bond redemption in Jan 2025. Such redemption would reduce finance costs significantly in FY25E, which is likely to result in YoY growth for net profit in FY25E, although the visibility is still very low now.

我們估計,儘管無形資產持續攤銷,但由於美東在降低成本方面一直非常積極地進行攤銷,但銷售和收購比率仍將從 FY23E 的6.3%下降到FY24E 的6.1%。我們假設 FY24E 不會出現減值損失,因爲保時捷的情況可能會有所改善。我們仍然預計,在離岸子公司的內部股息預扣稅的同時,有效稅率將很高,以便爲2025年1月的可轉換債券贖回做好還款準備。這種贖回將顯著降低 FY25E 的財務成本,儘管目前知名度仍然很低,但這可能會導致 FY25E 的淨利潤同比增長。

Valuation/Key risks. Accordingly, we project FY24E net profit to be RMB371mn, or 50% lower than our prior forecast. We maintain our BUY rating but cut our target price from HK$7.20 to HK$4.00, which is still based on 13x our revised FY24E EPS, as the valuation premium for its management could narrow during tough times. Key risks to our rating and target price include lower sales and/or margins than our expectation, as well as a sector de-rating.

估值/主要風險。因此,我們預計 FY24E 的淨利潤將爲人民幣3.71億元,比我們先前的預測低50%。我們維持買入評級,但將目標價格從7.20港元下調至4.00港元,這仍基於我們修訂後的 FY24E 每股收益的13倍,因爲其管理層的估值溢價在艱難時期可能會縮小。我們評級和目標價格的主要風險包括銷售額和/或利潤率低於我們的預期,以及行業評級下調。

