
CloudMD Demonstrates a Customer Focused Commitment to Profitable Business Growth Delivered With Efficiency

CloudMD Demonstrates a Customer Focused Commitment to Profitable Business Growth Delivered With Efficiency

CloudMD 承諾以客戶爲中心,致力於實現高效的盈利業務增長
newsfile ·  01/30 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 30, 2024) - CloudMD Software & Services Inc. (TSXV: DOC) (OTCQX: DOCRF) (FSE: 6PH) (the "Company" or "CloudMD"), a healthcare technology and innovative health services company transforming the delivery of care, is pleased to provide an update on recent developments and execution of its growth initiatives in the Health and Wellness Services ("HWS") and the Health and Productivity Solutions ("HPS") divisions, along with significant advancements in cost initiatives and security measures.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 1 月 30 日)-CloudMD Software & Services Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:DOC)(OTCQX:DOCRF)(FSE:6PH)(the”公司“或”CloudM“)是一家改變醫療服務的醫療保健技術和創新健康服務公司,很高興提供其健康與保健服務增長計劃的最新發展和執行情況(”HWS“) 和健康與生產力解決方案 (”HPS“)部門,以及成本舉措和安全措施方面的重大進展。

"2023 was a transformational year for CloudMD. It was a year of stabilization and reorganization for the Company to enable sustainable growth and profitability. We have been diligently executing our strategy to drive low double-digit organic growth and profitability. Our growth in 2024 will be driven by continuing to deliver on our paradigm-shifting approach to provide the highest quality of mental health and virtual care through nurse-led navigation and interoperability of Kii mobile first platform across our suite of outcome-based solutions," said Karen Adams, CEO of CloudMD. "This strategy has created unprecedented interest from clients and distribution partners who are demanding positive health outcomes and clinically focused programs. Along with growing topline, we continue to drive efficiencies by lowering our costs while maintaining high levels of service and product quality."

“2023 年對於 CloudMD 來說是變革性的一年。這是公司實現可持續增長和盈利能力的穩定和重組的一年。我們一直在努力執行我們的戰略,以推動低兩位數的有機增長和盈利能力。我們在2024年的增長將由繼續提供我們的模式轉變方法來推動,通過護士主導的導航以及Kii mobile優先平台在我們基於結果的解決方案套件中的互操作性來提供最高質量的心理健康和虛擬護理,” 他說 CloudMD 首席執行官凱倫·亞當斯。“這一戰略引起了客戶和分銷合作伙伴前所未有的興趣,他們要求積極的健康結果和以臨床爲中心的計劃。隨着收入的增長,我們將繼續通過降低成本來提高效率,同時保持高水平的服務和產品質量。”

Prakash Patel, CFO of CloudMD, added, "I'm proud of the team's success in Q4 and their focus on our key priorities. Through our cost-savings measures and revenue expansion, we delivered on our promise of being Adjusted EBITDA positive while ensuring we are building a cost effective, connected, and scalable support system behind it. Our focused approach to Customer Service initiatives while enhancing our operating platforms within HR, Finance, and IT is driving the sustainable corporate structure that will allow us to reinvest into our products to accelerate growth."

CloudMD 首席財務官 Prakash Patel,補充說:“我爲該團隊在第四季度的成功以及他們對我們關鍵優先事項的關注感到自豪。通過我們的成本節約措施和收入擴張,我們兌現了調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲正數的承諾,同時確保我們在此基礎上建立一個具有成本效益、互聯和可擴展的支持系統。我們在增強人力資源、財務和信息技術領域的運營平台的同時,對客戶服務計劃採取了重點方法,正在推動可持續的公司結構,這將使我們能夠對產品進行再投資以加速增長。”

Health and Wellness Services:


CloudMD is executing against its 2024 growth priorities of cross selling its product offering across its existing customer base, enhancing user experience, expanding into new geographies, and creating new strategic partnerships.


Cross selling


  • Cross selling efforts have demonstrated strong results, with 41% of sales in Q4 2023, and early Q1 2024, coming from existing customers, up from 39% in Q3 2023 and 32% in Q2 2023. Similarly, the recognition of the value provided by an integrated approach to healthcare has accelerated, with multi-product sales showcasing a steady progression, making up 42% of sales in Q4 2023, and early Q1 2024, compared to 35% in Q3 2023 and 26% in Q2 2023.
  • 交叉銷售已顯示出強勁的業績,2023年第四季度以及2024年第一季度初的銷售額中有41%來自現有客戶,高於2023年第三季度的39%和2023年第二季度的32%。同樣,人們對綜合醫療保健方法所帶來的價值的認識也有所加快,多產品銷售穩步增長,佔2023年第四季度以及2024年第一季度初銷售額的42%,而2023年第三季度爲35%,2023年第二季度爲26%。

User Experience


  • One of CloudMD's largest customers recently reaffirmed their commitment by renewing their contract with a substantial 15% increase in total contract size. This underscores the high quality of user experience and the value the HWS division delivers to customers.
  • CloudMD的最大客戶之一最近重申了他們的承諾,續訂了合同,合同總規模大幅增加了15%。這凸顯了高質量的用戶體驗和HWS部門爲客戶提供的價值。

Geographic Expansion


  • CloudMD is executing against its priority of geographic expansion in line with its previously communicated timeline, launching its Assessment business in Quebec and Alberta. This strategic move is garnering positive reviews and is expected to generate revenue late in Q1 2024.
  • CloudMD正在按照其先前公佈的時間表執行其地域擴張的優先事項,在魁北克和艾伯塔省啓動評估業務。這一戰略舉措獲得了好評,預計將在2024年第一季度末創造收入。

New Strategic Partnerships


  • The Company's sales pipeline remains robust as the Company actively seeks out new market penetration opportunities and successfully finalizes agreements with targeted clientele. This includes a notable engagement with a large hospital in the contract finalization phase to procure CloudMD's EAP services. Further details will be disclosed once the contractual terms have been finalized.
  • 隨着公司積極尋找新的市場滲透機會併成功與目標客戶達成協議,該公司的銷售渠道仍然強勁。這包括在合同敲定階段與一家大型醫院進行大量合作,以採購CloudMD的EAP服務。合同條款最終確定後,將披露更多細節。

Health and Productivity Solutions:


Remote Patient Monitoring Deployment


In December 2023, CloudMD successfully concluded the implementation period for its Remote Patient Monitoring ("RPM") service with a major U.S. regional Hospital system (the "Hospital"), paving the way for patient onboarding, which began on schedule at the beginning of January 2024. The collaborative effort is well underway with the integration of RPM with the Hospital's Electronic Medical Record System. This integration will streamline the onboarding process, enabling providers to seamlessly enroll eligible patients into the RPM program.

2023 年 12 月,CloudMD 成功結束了其遠程患者監護的實施期 (”轉速“) 在美國主要的地區醫院系統中提供服務(”醫院“),爲2024年1月初如期開始的患者入職鋪平了道路。隨着RPM與醫院的電子病歷系統的整合,合作工作正在順利進行中。這種整合將簡化入職流程,使提供者能夠無縫地將符合條件的患者註冊到RPM計劃中。

Recognizing the high incidence of mental health issues among those experiencing physical health issues, the HPS division continues to build a competitive advantage in the U.S. market by adding complementary services from CloudMD's extensive portfolio of mental health and education services. RPM clients and patients have access to the market-leading digital education library. Therapist Assisted Internet Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ("TAiCBT") has now started to be integrated with the RPM service, further enhancing the patient experience and revenue potential.

HPS部門認識到遇到身體健康問題的人群中心理健康問題的發生率很高,通過從CloudMD廣泛的心理健康和教育服務組合中增加補充服務,繼續在美國市場建立競爭優勢。RPM 客戶和患者可以訪問市場領先的數字教育圖書館。治療師輔助互聯網認知行爲療法 (”TaicBT“)現已開始與RPM服務整合,進一步增強了患者體驗和收入潛力。

The business continues to gain momentum, as evidenced by the signing of another mid-sized contract in December 2023. This underscores the growing demand for CloudMD's RPM solution and its positive impact on patient outcomes.


Enterprise Optimization Initiatives:


During 2023, CloudMD launched company-wide optimization initiatives aimed at maximizing operating efficiencies while improving operating cash flow. The Company is deploying a variety of strategies, such as leveraging technology enablement, process automation, and artificial intelligence, to optimize processes throughout the entire enterprise, with a strategic lens on Customer Experience, Innovation & Data, Employee Engagement, and Finance. The Company's focus is to drive and enable scalable profitability, showcasing the inherent operating leverage within CloudMD's business. These initiatives are crucial to meeting industry demand and ensuring continued growth in the sectors in which CloudMD operates.

2023 年,CloudMD 啓動了全公司範圍的優化計劃,旨在最大限度地提高運營效率,同時改善運營現金流。該公司正在部署各種戰略,例如利用技術支持、流程自動化和人工智能,從客戶體驗、創新和數據、員工參與度以及財務等戰略角度優化整個企業的流程。該公司的重點是推動和實現可擴展的盈利能力,展示CloudMD業務內在的運營槓桿作用。這些舉措對於滿足行業需求和確保CloudMD運營行業的持續增長至關重要。

Customer Experience


  • CloudMD continues to enhance operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness by increasing capacity to handle call volumes internally, reducing dependence on third-party overflow partners. This initiative is expected to result in an improvement in gross margin1 starting in Q1 2024.
  • In the last four months, CloudMD added 155 therapists to its national network to improve capacity, meet growing demand, and support revenue expansion.
  • CloudMD 通過增加內部處理呼叫量的能力,減少對第三方溢出合作伙伴的依賴,繼續提高運營效率和成本效益。該舉措預計將提高毛利率1 從 2024 年第一季度開始。
  • 在過去的四個月中,CloudMD在其全國網絡中增加了155名治療師,以提高容量,滿足不斷增長的需求並支持收入擴張。

Innovation & Data


  • CloudMD continues to execute its consolidation strategy, bringing its cloud infrastructure under a singular cloud tenant. Simultaneously, the Company is consolidating end-user software licensing costs, resulting in a substantial reduction in licensing expenses. This consolidation of the technology stack enables CloudMD to deploy its data optimization strategy, a cornerstone for the development and implementation of AI for automation, sentiment analysis, and population health insights.
  • The Company has successfully implemented Multifactor Authentication (MFA) on the Kii platform and has introduced automated penetration testing and vulnerability assessment within its product development pipeline. This approach bolsters the overall security posture of CloudMD's product offering.
  • CloudMD 繼續執行其整合戰略,將其雲基礎設施置於單一雲租戶之下。同時,該公司正在整合最終用戶軟件許可成本,從而大幅減少許可費用。這種技術堆棧的整合使CloudMD能夠部署其數據優化策略,這是開發和實施用於自動化、情感分析和人口健康洞察的人工智能的基石。
  • 該公司已成功在Kii平台上實施了多因素身份驗證(MFA),並在其產品開發管道中引入了自動滲透測試和漏洞評估。這種方法增強了CloudMD產品的整體安全狀況。

Employee Engagement


  • The Company has implemented a consolidated payroll and Human Resource Information Systems platform into a single offering, reducing the number of payroll cycles and improving the employee experience. This strategic implementation accelerates the ability to streamline the recruitment process with automated systems, and provide value-add insights into workforce trends, performance and engagement.
  • 該公司已將合併的薪資和人力資源信息系統平台整合到單一產品中,從而減少了工資週期並改善了員工體驗。這種戰略實施提高了使用自動化系統簡化招聘流程的能力,並提供了有關勞動力趨勢、績效和參與度的增值見解。



  • The Company has initiated modernizing its finance function around an ecosystem of tools and processes to enhance financial analysis, better report KPIs, improve forecasting accuracy, optimize budgeting processes, and identify areas for cost reduction or investment. This investment translates further into strategic vendor management and the ability to negotiate favorable terms, consolidate suppliers, and explore long-term partnerships to secure cost savings.
  • 該公司已開始圍繞工具和流程生態系統對其財務職能進行現代化改造,以加強財務分析,更好地報告關鍵績效指標,提高預測準確性,優化預算流程,並確定可降低成本或進行投資的領域。這項投資進一步轉化爲戰略供應商管理以及談判優惠條款、整合供應商和探索長期合作伙伴關係以確保節省成本的能力

Non-GAAP Financial Measures


Certain terms used in this news release, such as Adjusted EBITDA and gross margin, are non-GAAP financial measures that do not have a standard meaning and may not be comparable to similar measures disclosed by other issuers. These non-GAAP financial measures are provided to enhance the reader's understanding of the Company's historical and current financial performance and its prospects for the future. Details on such non-GAAP financial measures are set out in the Company's MD&A for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 and is available under the Company's issuer profile on SEDAR+ and can be accessed at .


About CloudMD Software & Services

關於 CloudMD 軟件和服務

CloudMD is an innovative North American healthcare service provider focused on empowering healthier living by combining leading-edge technology with an exceptional national network of healthcare professionals. Every day, our employees and healthcare providers live our values of delivering excellence, collaboration, connected communication, and accountability to solve complex health problems. CloudMD's industry-leading workplace health and wellbeing solution, Kii, supports members and their families with a personalized and connected healthcare experience across mental, physical, and occupational health. Kii delivers superior clinical health outcomes, consistent high engagement, and measurable ROI for payers such as employers, educational institutions, associations, governments, and insurers. CloudMD is also a market leader in workplace absence management through data-driven prevention, intervention, and return-to-work programs.

CloudMD 是一家創新的北美醫療保健服務提供商,致力於通過將尖端技術與卓越的全國醫療保健專業人員網絡相結合,實現更健康的生活。每天,我們的員工和醫療保健提供者都踐行我們的價值觀,即提供卓越、協作、互聯溝通和問責制,以解決複雜的健康問題。CloudMD行業領先的工作場所健康和福祉解決方案Kii爲會員及其家人提供包括心理、身體和職業健康在內的個性化和互聯醫療體驗。Kii爲僱主、教育機構、協會、政府和保險公司等付款人提供卓越的臨床健康結果、穩定的高參與度和可衡量的投資回報率。通過數據驅動的預防、干預和重返工作崗位計劃,CloudMD 還是工作場所缺勤管理的市場領導者。

In addition, the Company sells health and productivity tools to hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare service providers to empower them to deliver better care. Visit to learn more about the Company's comprehensive healthcare offerings.


Forward Looking Statements


This news release contains "forward-looking statements" and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities laws, including statements about the Company's focus, strategy and expectations for 2024. These statements are based upon information currently available to CloudMD's management. All information that is not clearly historical in nature may constitute forward‐looking statements. In some cases, forward‐looking statements may be identified by the use of terms such as "forecast", "assumption" and other similar expressions or future or conditional terms such as "anticipate", "believe", "could", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "plan", "predict", "project", "will", "would", and "should". Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based on certain factors and assumptions made by management of CloudMD based on their current expectations, estimates, projections, assumptions and beliefs regarding their business and CloudMD does not provide any assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. While management considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to them, they may prove to be incorrect. Such forward‐looking statements are not guarantees of future events or performance and by their nature involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, including those risks described in the Company's MD&A (which is filed under the Company's issuer profile on SEDAR+ and can be accessed at ), that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward‐looking statements. Although CloudMD has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward‐looking statements, other factors may cause actions, events or results to be different than anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could vary or differ materially from those anticipated in such forward‐looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward‐looking information. CloudMD does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information or future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿包含加拿大證券法所指的 “前瞻性陳述” 和 “前瞻性信息”,包括有關公司2024年的重點、戰略和預期的陳述。這些聲明基於CloudMD管理層目前獲得的信息。所有本質上不明確的歷史信息都可能構成前瞻性陳述。在某些情況下,前瞻性陳述可以通過使用 “預測”、“假設” 和其他類似表達方式或未來或條件術語來識別,例如 “預期”、“相信”、“可能”、“估計”、“期望”、“打算”、“可能”、“計劃”、“預測”、“項目”、“將” 和 “應該”。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述基於CloudMD管理層根據其當前對其業務的預期、估計、預測、假設和信念做出的某些因素和假設,CloudMD不保證實際業績將符合管理層的預期。儘管根據他們目前獲得的信息,管理層認爲這些假設是合理的,但這些假設可能被證明是不正確的。此類前瞻性陳述不能保證未來的事件或業績,就其性質而言,涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,包括公司管理層和分析中描述的風險(該報告在SEDAR+的公司發行人簡介下提交,可在以下網址查閱),這些風險可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與此類前瞻性聲明所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。儘管CloudMD試圖確定可能導致實際行動、事件或結果與前瞻性陳述中描述的重大差異的重要因素,但其他因素可能導致行動、事件或結果與預期、估計或預期的不同。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類前瞻性陳述中的預期有所不同或存在重大差異。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息。除非適用的證券法另有要求,否則CloudMD不承諾更新任何前瞻性信息,無論是由於新信息還是未來事件或其他原因導致的。

"Karen Adams"
Chief Executive Officer




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