
Riverside Acquires the Deer Park and Sunrise Gold Projects Near Castlegar British Columbia

Riverside Acquires the Deer Park and Sunrise Gold Projects Near Castlegar British Columbia

newsfile ·  01/22 22:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 22, 2024) - Riverside Resources Inc. (TSXV: RRI) (OTCQB: RVSDF) (FSE: 5YY) ("Riverside" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce that it has successfully acquired two new gold projects in the Castlegar, British Columbia area. This region is known for hosting significant gold and base metals mineral systems. The Company has entered a simple option to acquire the Deer Park and Sunrise projects, which are prospective for precious and base metals and have been explored for gold via diamond drilling and the sinking of adits and shafts. The Projects can be 100% owned by Riverside, free from any underlying royalties or encumbrances by making three cash payments over two years, as outlined below. The Company is actively expanding its presence in British Columbia by adding these prospective gold projects to its portfolio. This endeavour is part of Riverside's 2023-2024 generative field exploration program.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 22 日)- 河濱資源公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:RRI)(場外交易代碼:RVSDF)(金融證券交易所:5YY) (“河邊” 或 “公司”), 很高興地宣佈,它已成功收購了不列顛哥倫比亞省卡斯爾加地區的兩個新的黃金項目。該地區以擁有重要的黃金和基本金屬礦產系統而聞名。該公司已進入收購Deer Park和Sunrise項目的簡單選擇,這些項目具有開採貴金屬和基本金屬的前景,並已通過鑽石鑽探和鑽井和豎井下沉來勘探黃金。這些項目可以由Riverside100%擁有,在兩年內支付三筆現金,無需支付任何基礎特許權使用費或抵按金,如下所述。該公司正在通過將這些潛在的黃金項目添加到其投資組合中來積極擴大其在不列顛哥倫比亞省的業務。這項工作是里弗賽德2023-2024年發電式野外勘探計劃的一部分。

Key Highlights:


  • Two main targets have been identified through Riverside's work and activities, building upon earlier exploration and small scale mining work: the Viking Horde, and Cougar Ridge targets. These targets have been defined through geochemical and geophysical surveys showing trends of greater than >1.2 km in length.
  • 55 rock samples were collected this fall returning assays of up to 7.07 and 3.92 g/t Au, in the Viking and Cougar targets respectively.
  • 在先前的勘探和小規模採礦工作的基礎上,通過Riverside的工作和活動,已經確定了兩個主要目標:維京部落和美洲獅嶺目標。這些目標是通過地球化學和地球物理調查確定的,顯示長度超過1.2 km的趨勢。
  • 今年秋天收集了55個岩石樣本,分別對維京和美洲獅目標進行了高達7.07和3.92克/噸金的化驗。

John-Mark Staude, President and CEO, commented on the recent acquisition: "We are excited to be acquiring an area with mineralization similar to the near by former operating mining camp of Rossland, BC. The historical work on property that Riverside has now optioned is demonstrating favorable conditions for extensive mineralization and provide excellent high-quality gold and base metal targets. These new Projects compliment Riverside's developing portfolio in southern British Columbia."


Project Option Terms:


The Deer Park (and Sunrise) projects can be acquired via a simple property option agreement that requires Riverside to make 3 cash payments over 2 years: $25,000 on signing (paid); $30,000 on year one and $35,000 on year two. Riverside is also required to complete $20,000 in exploration expenditures per year over the life of the option. No NSR or other conditions apply. A single option agreement and payment is done for both properties combined of which Riverside has made payments and property is all in good standing.

鹿園(和日出)項目可以通過簡單的房地產期權協議收購,該協議要求Riverside在2年內支付3筆現金:簽署(付款)時支付25,000美元;第一年30,000美元,第二年35,000美元。Riverside還需要在期權有效期內每年完成20,000美元的勘探支出。不適用 NSR 或其他條件。Riverside簽訂了單一期權協議,並對這兩處房產進行了付款,房產狀況良好。

Deer Park Project Geology


The geology in the vicinity of the Deer Park property comprises mainly Paleozoic metasedimentary (Pass, Pss, and Pm) and metavolcanic (Pv) rocks that are intruded by granodiorites and granites that are tentatively assigned to the middle Jurassic Nelson plutonic and syenites and monzonites of the Eocene Coryell intrusive suite (Figure 1). Two regional structural trends occur throughout the area. North-trending faults and shear zones are steep to shallow which are related to Eocene extension. The Valkyr shear zone forms the western contact of the Valhalla complex (Carr et al, 1987) while the Kettle River fault, a similar north trending Eocene age fault, defines the eastern margin of the Grand Forks complex (Preto, 1970). On the property north and northwest trending faults cut these rocks, with vein quartz-gold mineralization occurring dominantly along the north trending structures. Mineralization as shown on the stratigraphic column is hosted in key units which are now being targeted in the 2024 exploration program. As well the high-grade mineralization found in veins is being outlined as the Company begins to discuss the property with potential partners.

鹿園地產附近的地質主要包括古生代變沉積岩(Pass、Pss和Pm)和化火山(Pv)岩石,這些岩石被花崗閃長巖和花崗岩侵入,這些岩石暫定屬於侏羅紀中期納爾遜深體和始新世Coryell侵入套件的正長巖和單峯巖(圖1)。整個地區出現兩種區域結構性趨勢。北向斷層和剪切帶從陡到淺,這與始新世延伸有關。瓦爾基爾剪切帶構成了瓦爾哈拉建築群的西部接觸面(Carr等人,1987年),而凱特爾河斷層則定義了大福克斯建築群的東緣(Preto,1970年),這是一個類似的朝北走向的始新世斷層。在岩石上,北向和西北方向的斷層切開了這些岩石,岩脈石英金礦化主要發生在北向結構上。如地層柱所示,礦化分佈在關鍵單元中,這些單元現在是 2024 年勘探計劃的目標。在公司開始與潛在合作伙伴討論該物業時,還概述了礦脈中發現的高品位礦化作用。

Figure 1: Schematic stratigraphic column for the Deer Park Project, with hostbeing in younger intrusive rocks as shown.

圖 1:鹿園項目的地層示意圖,宿主位於較年輕的侵入性岩石中,如圖所示。

Deer Park Project History


Historical workings are limited however old mineral workings are scattered through out the area, with many prospecting pits and test adits. Several small exploration pits, with unknown production, occur along a mineralized structural zone that extends north-south through the length of the property parallel to other major mineralized trends in southern BC and northeastern Washington state, USA. One vertical shaft has been developed on a pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite vein on the eastern side of the claim showing alteration styles similar to that found in Rossland and Kettle River Mining Camps. Previous work includes geological mapping and sampling, AeroTEM Electromagnetic & Magnetic Survey (2007), soil geochemistry, trenching and 570m of diamond drilling (2010). This work has been compiled by Riverside and now being used to work-up targets for potential drill testing in 2024.


Deer Park Project Targets


Riverside spent time during the fall of 2023 mapping, sampling, and reviewing the old showings and areas of mineralization. Riverside took 55 rock samples with the best samples found in the areas of the Cougar Ridge and Viking showings and a new area TK Hill (Table 1). Riverside used a portable XRF unit as a precursor to geochemistry on many areas to outline several exploration targets supported by geochemistry and geology.

Riverside 在 2023 年秋季花了一些時間對舊的礦物和礦化區域進行了測繪、採樣和審查。里弗賽德採集了55個岩石樣本,其中最好的樣本是在美洲獅嶺和維京人展區以及TK Hill的新區域(表1)。Riverside使用便攜式XRF裝置作爲許多地區的地球化學前身,概述了地球化學和地質學支持的多個勘探目標。

Table 1 below shows some assay results from the first round of prospecting.


Sample Au (g/t) Zone Comments
RRI-14997 7.07 Viking Horde Mesothermal mineralization with chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and pyrite hosted along the contact. Historic gold data indicates 2.9 g/t, 36.4 g/t, and 1.5 g/t Au in surface samples (Kootenay Gold, 2008)
DP-05-23 2.69 Viking Horde
DP-06-23 0.80 Viking Horde
RRI-14837 0.29 Viking Horde
RRI-14989 3.12 Cougar Ridge The quartz and sulphide mineralogy shows mesothermal characteristics; crystalline quartz and high pyrrhotite content.
DC19-12 3.92 TK Hill Series of milky to crystalline quartz veins in foliated gabbro with iron staining -100/75
DC19-15 2.06 TK Hill Zone of vuggy quartz veining with actinolite and iron stained.
RRI-14845 0.24 Cougar Ridge N-NW quartz vein with quartz, pyrrhotite, and pyrite with silica alteration.
示例 金 (g/t) 區域 評論意見
RRI-14997 7.07 維京部落 接觸處存在黃銅礦、黃鐵礦和黃鐵礦的中溫礦化。歷史黃金數據顯示,表面樣品中有 2.9 克/噸、36.4 克/噸和 1.5 克/噸金(Kootenay Gold,2008 年)
DP-05-23 2.69 維京部落
DP-06-23 0.80 維京部落
RRI-14837 0.29 維京部落
RRI-14989 3.12 美洲獅嶺 石英和硫化物礦物學顯示出中溫特性;結晶石英和高鐵礦含量。
DC19-12 3.92 TK Hill 葉狀輝長岩中的一系列乳白色至結晶石英脈,帶有鐵染色 -100/75
DC19-15 2.06 TK Hill 凹凸不平的石英脈紋區域,上面有陽起石和鐵染色。
RRI-14845 0.24 美洲獅嶺 N-NW 石英脈帶石英、鐵礦和帶二氧化硅蝕變的黃鐵礦。

The Viking Target: This target is a shear-related gold bearing quartz vein with gold and a strong Cu-As chemical signature. Showings demonstrate a 600-700-meter strike and the geophysical response spans at least 1300 meters along strike. Kootenay Gold sampled outcrops from this area that returned values up to 36.4 g/tonne gold (Hoy, 2009). Next phase work of mapping and drilling is ready to be progressed.

維京目標: 該靶標是與剪切相關的含金石英礦脈,含有金和強烈的銅砷化學特徵。演示顯示了600-700米的撞擊,地球物理反應沿着打擊至少跨越了1300米。庫特尼黃金對該地區的露頭進行了採樣,其返回值高達36.4克/噸黃金(Hoy,2009年)。下一階段的測繪和鑽探工作已準備就緒。

The Cougar Ridge Target: This target is a pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite massive sulphide vein system and breccia with gold being associated with Pb-Zn-Ag. The pit at Cougar Ridge was sampled by Kootenay Gold in 2009 and returned values up to 23.2 g/tonne gold. Here, mineralized quartz veinlets trend more westerly suggesting that they may be extensional veins developed in response to right-lateral motion on the shears. In 2009, Kootenay Gold took 31 samples from this area with the best sample assayed at 10.68 g/t Au and 15.32 g/t Ag (Hoy, 2009). Riverside using XRF and full assay geochemistry confirmed the presence and extends the scale as the target is worked up toward a drill target.

美洲獅嶺目標: 該目標是硫鐵礦-黃銅礦塊狀硫化物礦脈系統和角礫岩,金與鉛鋅-銀有關。庫特尼黃金公司在2009年對美洲獅嶺的礦坑進行了採樣,返回的黃金價值高達23.2克/噸。在這裏,礦化石英脈向西傾斜,這表明它們可能是爲了響應剪刀上的右側運動而形成的延伸脈。2009年,庫特尼黃金從該地區採集了31個樣本,最佳樣本測定爲10.68克/噸金和15.32克/噸銀(Hoy,2009年)。Riverside使用XRF和全面的地球化學分析證實了這一存在,並隨着目標朝着鑽探目標的方向發展,擴大了規模。

TK Hill: This new area is to the east of the Viking Horde and a contact zone between sediments and intrusive rock but is not skarn. The veins here are similar to those noted elsewhere and are believed to be the same mineralizing event but will require more work to confirm. Samples from this area show elevated copper, arsenic and lead.

TK Hill: 這個新區域位於維京部落以東,是沉積物和侵入性岩石之間的接觸區,但不是硅卡巖。這裏的礦脈與其他地方看到的礦脈相似,據信是相同的礦化事件,但需要更多工作才能確認。該區域的樣本顯示銅、砷和鉛含量升高。

The veins found in the Deer Park Project have similarities to the massive sulphide veins that form the "Main" veins of the Rossland gold-copper camp. Both are associated with or occur within mafic phases of the Nelson plutonic suite and comprise massive pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Mineralization is structurally controlled and occurs between two major units. It is believed these are a product of Mid-Jurassic intrusion of the Nelson Pluton. Possibly like the 163 Ma Monzonite observed in the Rossland Deposit 40km to the south where the presence of gold occurrence seems to be intricately linked to sulphides within breccias and veins over 500 meters.

鹿園項目中發現的礦脈與構成羅斯蘭金銅營地 “主要” 礦脈的巨大硫化物礦脈有相似之處。兩者都與納爾遜深子套件的基質相相關或發生在基質相中,由塊狀硫鐵礦和黃銅礦組成。礦化受結構控制,發生在兩個主要單元之間。據信這是侏羅紀中期入侵納爾遜冥王星的產物。可能就像在向南 40 公里處的羅斯蘭礦牀中觀察到的 163 Ma Ma Monzonite 一樣,那裏的金礦存在似乎與 500 米以上的角礫岩和礦脈內的硫化物有着錯綜複雜的聯繫。

Figure 2: Geology of the Deer Park Project after Hoy (2012) showing Riverside sampling in white and historical samples in gray.

圖 2:霍伊之後鹿園項目的地質情況(2012)顯示了白色河濱採樣和灰色歷史樣本。

Stock Option Grant:


On January 17th, 2024, the Company granted 1,725,000 incentive stock options (the "Options") to Directors, Officers and Consultants of the Company. The Options are exercisable at $0.12 per share for a period of 5 years from the date of grant. Options granted to individuals in their capacity as a Director vest in 3 equal instalments over 18 months. Options granted to Officers and Consultants vest in 4 equal instalments over 12 months. The Options were granted pursuant to the Company's shareholder approved stock option plan and are subject to the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange and any applicable regulatory hold periods.


Qualified Person:


This news release was reviewed and approved by Freeman Smith, P.Geo., a non-independent qualified person to Riverside Resources, who is responsible for ensuring that the geologic information provided within this news release is accurate and who acts as a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿由弗里曼·史密斯P.Geo. 的審查和批准,他是河濱資源公司的非獨立合格人士,負責確保本新聞稿中提供的地質信息準確無誤,並根據國家儀器43-101礦產項目披露標準充當 “合格人員”。

About Riverside Resources Inc.:


Riverside is a well-funded exploration company driven by value generation and discovery. The Company has over $6M in cash, no debt and less than 75M shares outstanding with a strong portfolio of gold-silver and copper assets and royalties in North America. The option agreement for the above project was signed on September 29, 2023. Riverside has extensive experience and knowledge operating in Mexico and Canada and leverages its large database to generate a portfolio of prospective mineral properties. In addition to Riverside's own exploration spending, the Company also strives to diversify risk by securing joint-venture and spin-out partnerships to advance multiple assets simultaneously and create more chances for discovery. Riverside has properties available for option, with information available on the Company's website at .




"John-Mark Staude"
Dr. John-Mark Staude, President & CEO

John-Mark Staude博士,總裁兼首席執行官

For additional information contact:


John-Mark Staude
President, CEO
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
Fax: (778) 327-6675

電話:(778) 327-6671
傳真:(778) 327-6675

Mehran Bagherzadeh
Corporate Communications
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

Mehran Bagherzadeh
電話:(778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

Certain statements in this press release may be considered forward-looking information. These statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology (e.g., "expect"," estimates", "intends", "anticipates", "believes", "plans"). Such information involves known and unknown risks -- including the availability of funds, the results of financing and exploration activities, the interpretation of exploration results and other geological data, or unanticipated costs and expenses and other risks identified by Riverside in its public securities filings that may cause actual events to differ materially from current expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述可能被視爲前瞻性信息。這些陳述可以通過使用前瞻性術語(例如 “預期”、“估計”、“打算”、“預期”、“相信”、“計劃”)來識別。此類信息涉及已知和未知的風險,包括資金的可用性、融資和勘探活動的結果、對勘探結果和其他地質數據的解釋,或Riverside在其公開證券文件中發現的意外成本和支出以及可能導致實際事件與當前預期存在重大差異的其他風險。提醒讀者不要過分依賴這些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述僅代表截至本新聞稿發佈之日。

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