
Ophir Provides an Update on the Radis and Leran Lithium Projects in James Bay, Quebec

Ophir Provides an Update on the Radis and Leran Lithium Projects in James Bay, Quebec

newsfile ·  01/22 20:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 22, 2024) - Ophir Gold Corp. (TSXV: OPHR) (OTCQB: OPHRF) (FSE: 80M) ("Ophir" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on two (2) of its lithium projects in its James Bay, Quebec portfolio – Radis and Leran Projects. The properties cover highly prospective greenstone terrains with the Radis Property strategically located proximal to existing hydroelectric power and all-season road infrastructure.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 22 日)- 奧菲爾黃金公司 (TSXV:OPHR)(場外交易代碼:OPHRF)(FSE:80M) (”Ophir“或者”公司“)很高興提供其魁北克詹姆斯灣投資組合中的兩(2)個鋰項目——Radis和Leran項目的最新情況。這些物業涵蓋了極具前景的綠巖地形,Radis Property地理位置優越,靠近現有的水力發電和四季道路基礎設施。

Radis Lithium Project

Radis 鋰電項目

The Company's inaugural exploration of the Radis Property was successful in confirming lithium pegmatite at the Property, with the vast majority of the Property remaining to be assessed for lithium pegmatite. Initial results were previously announced in news release dated October 5, 2023.




  • 1.28% Li2O over 3.0 m from channel CH23-01 on Chou Showing with an average of 0.71% Li2O and 205 ppm Ta2O5 over exposed pegmatite interval of 6.0 m

  • Channel CH23-02 on Chou extension outcrop returned length weighted average of 0.79% Li2O and 135 ppm Ta2O5 over 2.9m including 1.43% Li2O over 1.0 m

  • A total of 33 grab and 9 channel samples collected from over 30 separate pegmatite dykes returned values greater than 54 ppm to a maximum of 706 ppm Ta2O5 primarily surrounding the Navet dyke swarm, showing the expansive LCT pegmatite potential of the Radis Property

  • Both Chou and Navet spodumene pegmatite showings remain open in multiple directions and Property has confirmed 4.5 km trend of LCT pegmatite occurrences

  • Vast majority of Property and prospective trends remain to be assessed for lithium pegmatite

  • Completion of 30.6 line-km IP-Resistivity Survey over the identified lithium trend on the western portion of the Radis Property returned seventeen (17) high priority resistivity anomalies

  • 1.28% 李2O 超過 3.0 m 來自 Chou Showing 的 CH23-01 頻道,平均李爲 0.71%2O 和 205 ppm Ta2O5 過度暴露的偉晶岩間隔爲 6.0 m

  • Chou 擴展 Outcrop 上的 CH23-02 頻道返回的長度加權平均值爲 0.79% Li2O 和 135 ppm Ta2O5 超過 290 萬包括 1.43% 李2O 超過 1.0 m

  • 從 30 多個獨立偉晶岩岩脈中採集的 33 個採集樣本和 9 個通道樣本返回的值大於 54 ppm,最大值爲 706 ppm Ta2O5 主要圍繞 Navet 堤壩群,顯示了雷迪斯地產的廣闊的 LCT 偉晶岩潛力

  • Chou和Navet的鋰輝石偉晶岩展出仍在多個方向上開放,Property已經證實了LCT偉晶岩的出現趨勢爲4.5千米

  • 鋰偉晶岩的絕大多數地產和前景趨勢仍有待評估

  • 對雷迪斯地產西部已確定的鋰走勢完成了30.6線-千米的IP電阻率調查,發現了十七(17)個高優先級電阻率異常

Shawn Wescott, Company CEO, comments: "We are excited about the results from 2023 exploration work at the Radis Property. The channel results prove that mineralization of the central portion of the Chou Pegmatite is consistent and remains open in multiple directions. Results from the remaining dykes indicate that the pegmatites at Radis are highly fractionated and likely part of a robust LCT system over a 4.5km trend. We look forward to pulling together all data collected in 2023 and continuing to advance the Radis Property concurrently with the highly prospective Pilipas Lithium Property we recently announced."

公司首席執行官肖恩·韋斯科特評論說: “我們對雷迪斯地產2023年勘探工作的結果感到興奮。河道結果證明,Chou偉晶岩中心部分的礦化是一致的,並且在多個方向上保持開放。其餘堤壩的結果表明,Radis的偉晶岩是高度分餾的,可能是4.5公里趨勢上強大的LCT系統的一部分。我們期待彙總2023年收集的所有數據,並繼續推進雷迪斯地產的發展,同時我們最近宣佈的極具前景的Pilipas鋰業地產。”

The exploration field program at Radis was completed over twelve (12) field days between September 1 to September 14, 2023 and followed up on the very successful 1.5 days of prospecting completed in early June 2023 which confirmed lithium mineralization at the Chou Spodumene Pegmatite (2.33% Li2O) and the Navet Spodumene Pegmatite (1.26% Li2O) (see news release dated June 29, 2023). A total of 87 rock samples were collected during the September program, including 10 channel samples at the Chou Pegmatite.

Radis 的勘探項目在 2023 年 9 月 1 日至 9 月 14 日期間完成了十二 (12) 天的實地考察,隨後於 2023 年 6 月初成功完成了 1.5 天的勘探,證實了 Chou 鋰輝石偉晶岩的鋰礦化作用 (2.33% 李2O) 還有 Navet 鋰輝石偉晶岩 (1.26% 李2O) (參見 2023 年 6 月 29 日的新聞稿)。在9月的節目中,共收集了87個岩石樣本,其中包括在Chou偉晶岩採集的10個通道樣本。

During the September program, two channels were cut across both spodumene pegmatite outcrops that characterize the Chou Showing: a 6.5 m long channel across the northern, original Chou Showing dyke (CH23-01) and a 2.9 m long channel across the newly discovered southern dyke situated 26 m along strike (CH23-02) (Figure 1). Both channels were oriented perpendicular to the approximated strike of the dykes and samples were collected continuously at approximately 1 m intervals. Channel CH23-01 across the sampled pegmatite interval returned an average of 0.71% Li2O and 205 ppm Ta2O5 over 6.0 m including 1.28% Li2O over 3.0 m within the central portion of the dyke. Channel CH23-02 returned a length-weighted average of 0.79% Li2O and 135 ppm Ta2O5 over the entire 2.9 m channel, including 1.43% Li2O over 1.0 m. Both channels displayed a more lithium-enriched central core of the dyke with lithium content decreasing near the margins; however, tantalum mineralization was consistently elevated throughout the pegmatite. The Chou Pegmatite remains open to the north, south and at depth, and has yet to be drill tested.

在九月的節目中,兩條航道穿過了 Chou Showing 特徵的兩塊鋰輝石偉晶岩露頭:一條橫跨北部的 6.5 米長的河道,原始的 Chou Showing 堤壩 (CH23-01),一條長達 2.9 米的通道穿過沿走向 26 米的新發現的南部堤壩 (CH23-02)(圖 1)。兩個通道的方向都垂直於堤壩的大致走向,樣本是以大約 1 m 的間隔連續採集的。採樣偉晶岩間隔內的 CH23-01 通道返回的平均鋰離子含量爲 0.71%2O 和 205 ppm Ta2O5 超過 6.0 米,包括 1.28% 李2O 超過 3.0 m 在堤壩的中心部分內。CH23-02 頻道返回的長度加權平均值爲 0.79% Li2O 和 135 ppm Ta2O5 覆蓋整個 290 萬個頻道,包括 1.43% 的Li2O 超過 1.0 m。兩個通道都顯示堤壩的中心核心更富鋰,邊緣附近的鋰含量在下降;但是,整個偉晶岩中的鉭礦化率持續升高。Chou偉晶岩仍然向北、向南和深處開放,尚未經過鑽探測試。

The 2023 surface exploration resulted in the mapping of over 30 previously unsampled pegmatite dykes, primarily on the western portion of the Property surrounding the Navet and Courgette Showings. A total of thirty-three (33) pegmatite grab samples over an approximate 4.5 km trend returned values greater than 54 ppm to a high of 706 ppm Ta2O5. (Table, 1, Figure 2). The results, primarily concentrated within a >1 km area, suggest that Navet and Courgette are part of a much larger swarm of LCT pegmatite dykes within the overall 4.5 km trend.

2023 年的地表勘探繪了之前未採樣的 30 多個偉晶岩堤壩,主要位於海軍和西葫蘆展周圍的物業西部。在大約 4.5 千米的趨勢下,共有三十三 (33) 個偉晶岩採集樣本返回的值大於 54 ppm,最高爲 706 ppm Ta2O5。(表,1,圖 2)。 這個 結果主要集中在 >1 km 的區域內,表明Navet和Courgette是整個4.5千米趨勢範圍內更大的LCT偉晶岩岩脈群的一部分

Elevated indicator elements such as cesium (Cs), rubidium (Rb), and beryllium (Be), and low potassium-rubidium (K/Rb) ratios indicate that pegmatites at Radis are highly fractionated. These indicator elements and K/Rb ratios can be used as a tool to evaluate fertility and vector towards lithium mineralization. Although nominal lithium content was sampled outside of the main Navet and Chou Showings, the widespread tantalum mineralization and evidence of highly fractionated pegmatites suggests the presence of a potential robust LCT pegmatite system over a 4.5 km trend on the Radis Property.

硒 (Cs)、銠 (Rb) 和鈹元素 (Be) 等指示元素升高以及鉀釕比 (K/Rb) 低表明 Radis 的偉晶岩是高度分餾的。這些指標元素和 K/Rb 比率可用作評估肥力和鋰礦化載體的工具。儘管標稱鋰含量是在主要的Navet和Chou Showings之外採樣的,但廣泛的鉭礦化和高度分餾偉晶岩的證據表明,Radis地產在4.5千米的趨勢範圍內存在潛在的強大LCT偉晶岩系統。

Table 1: Grab Sample Highlights from 2023 June and September Exploration

表 1:截取 2023 年 6 月和 9 月勘探的樣本亮點

Several samples were also collected for their gold and base metal potential. Three samples collected from quartz veins returned 1.62, 1.78, and 0.77 g/t Au with the latter sample also returning 1.03% Cu. An additional sample collected for base metal potential returned 8.0% Zn and 5.6% Pb. The results demonstrate the polymetallic potential of the Radis Property.

還採集了幾個樣本,以了解其金和賤金屬的潛力。從石英脈中採集的三個樣本返回了1.62、1.78和0.77 g/t的金,後一個樣本也返回了1.03%的銅。另外收集的賤金屬電位樣本返回了 8.0% 的鋅和 5.6% 的鉛。結果表明了雷迪斯屬性的多金屬潛力。

Figure 1: Chou Pegmatite - Channel Sample Results

圖 1:Chou 偉晶岩-通道樣本結果

Figure 2: Navet and Courgette spodumene pegmatite showings with Ta2O5 results (ppm)

圖 2:含有 Ta 的 Navet 和 Courgette 鋰輝石偉晶岩示意圖2O5 結果 (ppm)

An IP-resistivity geophysical survey was carried out by TMC Geophysique out of Val d'Or, Quebec, from October 21 to November 21, 2023, and focused on the western greenstone belt on the Radis Property, which hosts the Chou, Navet and Courgette showings. The survey totalled approximately 30.6-line kilometres, with eight (8) lines completed at 100 m spacing and four (4) infill lines of 50 m spacing directly over the Chou Showing. Similar surveys completed on nearby projects such as Alkem Inc.'s James Bay Deposit, have demonstrated that resistive features can correlate to granitic pegmatite dykes and bodies. Interpretation of the IP-Resistivity survey completed by TMC, identified twenty-two (22) resistive axes indicative of pegmatite dykes. The majority of the anomalous zones fall within the southwestern portion of the Property proximal to the Navet dyke swarm and could indicate more substantial dykes within the subsurface (Figure 3). A total of seventeen (17) high priority targets for follow up evaluation have been outlined by TMC and the dataset will be utilized to help plan future work on the Radis Property.

2023年10月21日至11月21日,TMC Geophysique在魁北克瓦爾德奧進行了一次IP-電阻率地球物理調查,重點是舉辦Chou、Navet和Courgette展覽的雷迪斯地產的西部綠巖帶。該調查總長約30.6線千米,其中八(8)條線以100 m的間距完成,四(4)條間距爲50 m的填充線直接在Chou Showing上方完成。對附近的項目(例如Alkem Inc.)完成了類似的調查詹姆斯灣礦牀已經證明,電阻特徵可能與花崗岩偉晶岩岩脈和巖體相關。對 TMC 完成的 IP 電阻率調查的解釋確定了二十二 (22) 個表示偉晶岩岩脈的電阻軸。大多數異常區域位於該物業的西南部,靠近海軍堤群,可能表明地下有更堅固的堤壩(圖 3)。TMC共概述了十七(17)個後續評估的高優先級目標,該數據集將用於幫助規劃雷迪斯地產的未來工作。

The Company is currently evaluating the recently acquired Property-wide airborne LiDAR and Orthophoto survey flown at Radis in September 2023, and the final deliverables of the IP-Resistivity survey to generate targets ahead of a planned expansive surface exploration program in 2024. The data from both surveys will be utilized, along with the analytical results from the 2023 prospecting and mapping programs, to outline additional prospecting targets and plan a maiden drill program at the Chou and Navet Spodumene Pegmatites at the Property in 2024.


Figure 3: 2023 IP-Resistivity Survey Anomalies

圖 3:2023 年 IP 電阻率調查異常

Leran Lithium Property

Leran 鋰業地產

Ophir Gold Corp. is also pleased to announce the analytical results following a one-day prospecting program completed on its fully owned Leran Property (See News Release Dated September 27, 2023). The primary objective of the one-day site visit was to prospect in the up-ice direction of a historically documented 1 m X 1 m X 1 m spodumene pegmatite boulder, grading 1.21% Li (~2.61% Li2O) and 123 ppm Ta2O5 (CG-2016-08, SIGEOM Sample 16AB1220-A).

Ophir Gold Corp. 還很高興地宣佈其全資樂蘭地產爲期一天的勘探計劃完成後的分析結果(見2023年9月27日的新聞稿)。爲期一天的實地考察的主要目標是朝着冰上方向勘探一塊有歷史記錄的1 m X 1 m X 1 m的鋰輝石偉晶岩巨石,其鋰含量爲 1.21%(約 2.61% Li2O) 和 123 ppm Ta2O5 (CG-2016-08,SIGEOM 樣本 16AB1220-A)。

The source outcrop was not identified during the one-day prospecting program; however, two additional spodumene-bearing boulders were located and sampled, which returned assay values of 2.43% Li2O and 0.43% Li2O (Figure 4). Additionally, three (3) of the six (6) boulder samples collected returned highly anomalous tantalum values, with one sample returning 205 ppm Ta2O5. This suggests the overall LCT nature of the pegmatite boulders sampled to date on the Leran Property. The pegmatite boulders sampled were up to 1 m3 in size and primarily described as subrounded. There is sparse outcrop exposure on the Leran Property, with significant overburden cover in the up-ice direction to the northeast; further work is required to determine the source location and its potential to fall within the project boundary.

在爲期一天的勘探計劃中,未發現露頭的來源;但是,又找到並採樣了另外兩塊含鋰輝石的巨石,返回的測定值爲 2.43% Li2O 和 0.43% Li2O(圖 4)。此外,在收集的六(6)個巨石樣本中,有三(3)個返回了高度異常的鉭值,其中一個樣本返回了 205 ppm Ta2O5。這表明了迄今爲止在Leran地產上採樣的偉晶岩巨石的整體LCT性質。採樣的偉晶岩巨石大小可達 1 m3,主要描述爲環狀岩石。Leran Property的露頭暴露量稀少,向東北的上冰方向有大量的覆蓋層覆蓋;要確定源頭位置及其落入項目邊界內的可能性,還需要做進一步的工作。

Figure 4: Leran Property Prospecting Results

圖 4:Leran 房地產勘探結果

Management cautions that discoveries or mineralization on adjacent properties (i.e. successful IP-Resistivity survey at Alkem Inc.'s James Bay Deposit) may not necessarily be indicative to the presence of mineralization on the Radis or Leran properties.

管理層警告說,在相鄰地產上發現或礦化(即在Alkem Inc.成功進行了知識產權電阻率調查)。”s James Bay Deposit(詹姆斯灣礦牀)不一定表示雷迪斯或勒蘭地產中存在礦化現象。

Quality Assurance / Quality Control


All samples were collected in the field using a hammer, chisel and/or a battery-operated diamond-bladed rock saw. Sample locations were obtained using a handheld GPS or tablet with samples placed in pre-labelled sample bags. Metal tags with the sample numbers and flagging tape were left at each sample location. Samples were securely transported by field staff to SGS Canada's laboratory in Val d'Or, QC, for standard sample preparation (code PRP89), which includes drying at 105°C, crushing to 75% passing 2mm, riffle splitting 250 g, and pulverizing to 85% passing 75 microns. The pulps were then shipped to SGS Canada's laboratory in Burnaby, BC, where they were subsequently analyzed for multi-element (including Li and Ta) using sodium peroxide fusion with ICP-AES/MS finish (code GE_ICM91A50). A Quality Assurance/Quality Control protocol was incorporated into the program and included the insertion of certified reference material and silica blanks at a rate of approximately 10%. SGS Canada is independent of the Company.

所有樣本都是使用錘子、鑿子和/或電池供電的金剛石刀片岩鋸在野外採集的。樣本位置是使用手持式全球定位系統或平板電腦獲得的,樣本放入預先貼有標籤的樣品袋中。每個樣本位置都留下了帶有樣本編號的金屬標籤和標記膠帶。現場工作人員將樣本安全地運送到加拿大分公司位於質量控制瓦爾德奧的實驗室,進行標準樣品製備(代碼 PRP89),包括在 105°C 下乾燥、通過 2 毫米粉碎至 75%、破碎 250 g、粉碎至 85%,通過75微米粉碎至85%。然後,這些紙漿被運往加拿大SGS位於不列顛哥倫比亞省本那比的實驗室,隨後使用過氧化鈉融合和ICP-AES/MS表面處理(代碼GE_ICM91A50)對它們進行多元素(包括鋰和鉭)的分析。該計劃中納入了質量保證/質量控制協議,其中包括以約10%的比率插入經過認證的參考材料和二氧化硅空白。加拿大SGS獨立於本公司。

Management cautions that prospecting surface rock samples and associated assays, as discussed herein, are selective by nature and represent a point location and, therefore, may not necessarily be fully representative of the mineralized horizon sampled.


Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Nathan Schmidt, P. Geo., Senior Geologist for Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd., and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, who has prepared and reviewed the content of this press release.

本新聞稿的技術內容已經過達魯日地質諮詢有限公司高級地質學家Nathan Schmidt,P. Geo. 的審查和批准,也是National Instrument 43-101的合格人員,他編寫並審查了本新聞稿的內容。

Mr. Schmidt has verified all scientific and technical data disclosed in this news release, including the sampling and QA/QC results and certified analytical data underlying the technical information disclosed. Mr. Schmidt noted no errors or omissions during the data verification process. The Company and Mr. Schmidt do not recognize any factors of sampling or recovery that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the assay data disclosed in this news release.


About the Radis Lithium Property


In December 2022, the Company entered into an option agreement to earn 100% interest in 152 claims of the Radis Property, with an additional three (3) claims acquired through a separate purchase agreement in March 2023. The Radis Property consists of 155 claims totalling 8,005.35 hectares and is situated within a volcano-sedimentary sequence (i.e., a g greenstone belt) belonging to the Yasinski group. The greenstone belt contains at least two distinct spodumene-bearing outcrops sampled in 2023: the Chou Showing (2.33% Li2O, 1.68% Li2O and 1.17% Li2O) and the Navet Showing (1.26% Li2O). The Radis Property is considered highly prospective for additional lithium pegmatites, hosting a tight regional fold which may provide favourable dilation zones for pegmatite emplacement.

2022年12月,公司簽訂了期權協議,從雷迪斯地產的152份索賠中獲得100%的利息,另外三份索賠於2023年3月通過單獨的收購協議收購。雷迪斯地產由155份索賠組成,總面積爲8,005.35公頃,位於屬於亞辛斯基群的火山沉積層序列(即綠巖帶)內。綠巖帶至少包含 2023 年採樣的兩塊不同的含鋰輝石的露頭:Chou Showing(2.33% Li2O,1.68% Li2O 和 1.17% Li2O) 和 Navet Showing (1.26% Li)2O)。Radis地產被認爲極有可能開採更多的鋰偉晶岩,其區域褶皺非常緊密,可能爲偉晶岩的安置提供有利的擴張區域。

About the Company


Ophir is a diversified mineral exploration company focused on the exploration and development of the Radis and Pilipas Lithium Properties in James Bay, Quebec, and the past-producing Breccia gold property located in Lemhi county, Idaho.


Ophir holds an option to earn a 100-per-cent interest in the Radis property over a three-year period from Eastmain Resources Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Fury Gold Mines Ltd., an option to earn a 70% interest in the Pilipas property over a three-year period from Azimut Exploration Inc. and an option to earn a 100-per-cent interest in the Breccia property from DG Resource Management Ltd.

奧菲爾可以選擇在三年內從Fury Gold Mines Ltd.的全資子公司Eastmain Resources Inc.獲得雷迪斯房產的100%權益,可以選擇在三年內從Azimut Exploration Inc.獲得Pilipas房產70%的權益,也可以選擇從DG Resource Management Ltd.獲得Breccia房產的100%權益。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Shawn Westcott"
Ophir Gold Corp.


For further information, please contact:


Shawn Westcott, CEO
Phone 1 (604) 365 6681

電話 1 (604) 365 6681

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Cautionary Note


The information contained herein contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking statements relate to information that is based on assumptions of management, forecasts of future results, and estimates of amounts not yet determinable and include statements in this press release related to the exploration and discovery potential of the Radis and Leran Properties, interpretation of exploration results, that the vast majority of Property and prospective trends remain to be assessed for lithium pegmatite; that the Chou and Navet pegmatite mineralization remains open in multiple directions; confirmation of the continuity of mineralization across the pegmatite body; the timeline for the maiden drill program; the generation of targets ahead of an expansive surface exploration program in 2024; the completion of an induced polarization and resistivity survey over the Property; and the Company's future exploration plans with respect to the Radis and Learn Property. Any statements that express predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risk related to the failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and on acceptable terms; risks related to the outcome of legal proceedings; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; risks related to the maintenance of stock exchange listings; risks related to environmental regulation and liability; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of technical reports including feasibility studies; the uncertainty of profitability; risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of sampling and drill results, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; risks related to the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses; results of preliminary economic assessments, prefeasibility and feasibility studies, and the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; risks related to commodity price fluctuations; and other risks and uncertainties related to the Company's prospects, properties and business detailed elsewhere in the Company's disclosure record. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations or projections.

此處包含的信息包含適用證券立法所指的 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述涉及基於管理層假設、未來業績預測和尚未確定的金額估計的信息,包括本新聞稿中與Radis和Leran Properties的勘探和發現潛力、對勘探結果的解釋、鋰偉晶岩的絕大多數財產和前景趨勢仍有待評估;Chou和Navet偉晶岩礦化仍在多個方向上處於開放狀態;的連續性偉晶岩體的礦化情況;首次鑽探計劃的時間表;在2024年大規模地表勘探計劃之前制定目標;完成對該物業的感應極化和電阻率調查;以及公司未來對Radis and Learn地產的勘探計劃。任何表達預測、預期、信念、計劃、預測、目標、假設或未來事件或業績的陳述都不是歷史事實陳述,可能是 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述受各種風險和不確定性的影響,可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性陳述中反映的有所不同,包括但不限於:與未能及時以可接受的條件獲得充足融資相關的風險;與法律訴訟結果相關的風險;與採礦和勘探相關的政治和監管風險;與維持證券交易所上市相關的風險;與環境監管和責任相關的風險;勘探或開發活動或包括可行性研究在內的技術報告的完成可能出現延誤;盈利能力的不確定性;與採樣和鑽探結果解釋、礦牀地質、品位和連續性有關的風險和不確定性;與生產和成本估算的固有不確定性以及可能出現意想不到的成本和支出有關的風險;初步經濟評估的結果、預可行性和可行性研究以及未來勘探的可能性,開發或採礦業績將與公司的預期不一致;與大宗商品價格波動相關的風險;以及公司披露記錄中其他地方詳述的與公司前景、財產和業務相關的其他風險和不確定性。如果其中一種或多種風險和不確定性成爲現實,或者基本假設被證明不正確,則實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中描述的結果存在重大差異。提醒投資者不要將不必要的確定性歸因於前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述自本文發佈之日起作出,除非根據適用的證券法,否則公司不承擔任何更新或修改這些陳述以反映新事件或情況的義務。實際事件或結果可能與公司的預期或預測存在重大差異。

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