
KWG Amends Option for Equity Conversion by CCC

KWG Amends Option for Equity Conversion by CCC

newsfile ·  01/20 09:58

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 19, 2024) - KWG Resources Inc. (CSE: CACR) (CSE: CACR.A), which carries on business as The Canadian Chrome Company ("KWG" or the "Company") (The Canadian Chrome Company is a registered business style of KWG Resources Inc.), reports that it has amended its agreement of January 18, 2021 with Tony Marquis ("Tony") relating to KWG's wholly-owned subsidiary, Canada Chrome Corporation ("CCC"), and the potential conversion of CCC's equity into multiple voting shares of KWG, as follows:

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 19 日)- KWG Resources Inc.(CSE:CACR)(CSE:CACR.A),該公司以加拿大Chrome公司的名義開展業務(”KWG“或者”公司“)(加拿大Chrome公司是KWG Resources Inc. 的註冊業務風格),報告說它已經修訂了2021年1月18日與託尼·馬奎斯的協議(”託尼“) 與 KWG 的全資子公司加拿大鍍鉻公司有關(”CCC“),以及CCC的股權可能轉換爲KWG的多股有表決權的股份,如下所示:

  • Tony will continue as the sole director of CCC at the pleasure of KWG;

  • Tony's right to tender unpaid Compensation to CCC in exchange for up to 244,400 CCC Shares will be extended to the following expiry dates (each an "Expiry Date"): (i) in respect of $800,000 of Compensation earned by Tony in 2021, the Expiry Date will be the earliest of (A) December 31, 2024, (B) a change of control of CCC or (C) a change of control of KWG; and (ii) in respect of $880,000 of Compensation earned by Tony in 2022 and January 2023, the Expiry Date will be the earliest of (A) December 31, 2025, (B) a change of control of CCC or (C) a change of control of KWG; and

  • in the event that Tony tenders unpaid Compensation to CCC and receives CCC Shares in exchange therefor: (i) Tony shall have the right, exercisable on or before the applicable Expiry Date for acquiring such CCC Shares, to tender such CCC Shares to KWG and receive 6.874 Multiple Voting Shares at a deemed price of $1.99 per Multiple Voting Share in exchange for each CCC Share tendered by Tony; and (ii) KWG will have the right to tender 6.874 Multiple Voting Shares to Tony at a deemed price of $1.99 per Multiple Voting Share in exchange for each CCC Share held by Tony. A total of 1,680,000 Multiple Voting Shares are issuable pursuant to the foregoing tender rights.

  • 託尼將繼續擔任CCC的唯一董事,這讓KWG感到高興;

  • 託尼向CCC支付未付薪酬以換取最多244,400股CC股票的權利將延長至以下到期日(每股”到期日期“):(i)對於託尼在2021年獲得的80萬美元薪酬,到期日最早的將是(A)2024年12月31日,(B)CCC控制權的變更或(C)KWG的控制權變更;(ii)對於託尼在2022年和2023年1月獲得的88萬美元薪酬,到期日最早的將是(A)2025年12月31日,(B)) CCC 控制權的變更或 (C) KWG 控制權的變更;以及

  • 如果託尼向CCC投標未付薪酬並獲得CCC股份作爲交換:(i) 託尼有權在收購此類CCC股份的適用到期日當天或之前行使向KWG投標此類CCC股票,並以每股多重投票股份1.99美元的認定價格獲得6.874股多重表決權股份,以換取託尼投標的每股CCC股票;(ii) KWG將有權投標6.874股多重表決權股份向託尼提供74股多重投票股票,認定價格爲每股多重投票股1.99美元,以換取託尼持有的每股CCC股份。根據上述投標權,共有1,680,000股多重表決權股票可供發行。

"We're very pleased that Tony will continue in his advisory role for KWG now that development alternatives for the Ring of Fire are being considered," said CEO Frank Smeenk. "To have a premier "railroad man" in our group is crucial, when the long-term economics of moving a bulk commodity from Canada's north to markets at a great distance south, is being assessed. We know he will continue to make a significant contribution to that process for this frontier project, from his wealth of experience in his frontier development industry."

“既然正在考慮《火環》的替代開發方案,我們很高興託尼將繼續在KWG擔任顧問職務,” 首席執行官弗蘭克·斯梅恩克說。 “在評估將大宗商品從加拿大北部向南長距離運輸市場的長期經濟學時,在我們集團中有一位首屈一指的 “鐵路工人” 至關重要。我們知道,憑藉他在前沿開發行業的豐富經驗,他將繼續爲這個前沿項目的這一進程做出重大貢獻。”

About The Canadian Chrome Company:
KWG, which carries on business as The Canadian Chrome Company, is an exploration stage company that is focused on identification, acquisition, consolidation, exploration, development and evaluation of large-scale deposits of minerals including chromite, base metals and strategic minerals and, where applicable, in the development of transportation links to access remote areas where these deposits may be located. KWG is the owner of 100% of the Black Horse chromite project (formerly part of Fancamp's "Koper Lake-McFaulds" properties) in which Bold Ventures Inc. is carried through exploration of the former Fancamp claims for 10% of the chromite project. KWG also holds other area interests including a 100% interest in the Hornby claims, a 15% vested interest in the McFaulds copper/zinc project and a vested 30% interest in the Big Daddy chromite project. KWG also owns 100% of Canada Chrome Corporation (the "Subsidiary") which staked mining claims between Aroland, Ontario (near Nakina) and the Ring of Fire. The Subsidiary has conducted a surveying and soil testing program to assess the prospects for the engineering and construction of a railroad along that route between the Ring of Fire and Aroland, Ontario covering the claims staked by the Subsidiary. The Subsidiary engaged Cormorant Utilities and Rail-Veyor Technologies for Engineering Proposals for the construction of a transportation and utility corridor within the route and has received those proposals. KWG has also acquired intellectual property interests, including a method for the direct reduction of chromite to metalized iron and chrome using natural gas. KWG subsidiary Muketi Metallurgical LP has acquired two chromite-refining patents in Canada and one in each of the USA, South Africa and Kazakhstan, and is prosecuting an application in Turkey.

KWG以加拿大鉻業公司的名義開展業務,是一家處於勘探階段的公司,專注於大型礦牀的識別、收購、整合、勘探、開發和評估,包括鉻礦、賤金屬和戰略礦物,並在適用的情況下開發交通連接以進入這些礦牀所在的偏遠地區。KWG是黑馬鉻礦項目(以前是Fancamp “Koper Lake-McFaulds” 房產的一部分)100%的所有者,在該項目中,Bold Ventures Inc.正在對前Fancamp索賠的鉻礦項目10%股份進行勘探。KWG還持有其他地區權益,包括霍恩比索賠的100%權益,麥克福爾德銅鋅項目15%的既得權益以及Big Daddy鉻礦項目30%的既得權益。KWG還擁有加拿大Chrome公司(“子公司”)100%的股份,該公司在安大略省阿羅蘭(納基納附近)和火環之間提出採礦索賠。該子公司開展了一項調查和土壤測試計劃,以評估火環和安大略省阿羅蘭之間的鐵路沿線的工程和建設前景,該鐵路涵蓋了子公司提出的索賠。該子公司聘請了Cormorant Utilities和Rail-Veyor Technologies爲該路線內建造交通和公用事業走廊提供工程提案,並已收到這些提案。KWG還收購了知識產權,包括一種使用天然氣將鉻鐵礦直接還原爲金屬化鐵和鉻的方法。KWG子公司Muketi Metallurgical LP已在加拿大獲得兩項鉻酸鹽提煉專利,在美國、南非和哈薩克斯坦各獲得一項專利,並正在土耳其起訴一項申請。

For further information, please contact:
Bruce Hodgman, Vice-President: 416-642-3575 ~

布魯斯·霍奇曼,副總裁:416-642-3575 ~

Forward-Looking Statements: Information set forth in this news release may involve forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. The forward-looking statements contained herein are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements included in this document are made as of the date of this document and KWG disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable securities legislation. Although management believes that the expectations represented in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.

前瞻性陳述: 本新聞稿中提供的信息可能涉及適用的證券法規定的前瞻性陳述。本警示性陳述明確限制了此處包含的前瞻性陳述的全部內容。本文件中包含的前瞻性陳述自本文件發佈之日起作出,除非適用的證券立法明確要求,否則KWG不打算或義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。儘管管理層認爲此類前瞻性陳述中代表的預期是合理的,但無法保證此類預期會被證明是正確的。

Disclaimer: Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

免責聲明: 加拿大證券交易所及其監管服務提供商(該術語在CSE政策中定義)均不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

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