WTW Launches New Large and Complex Client Growth Team
WTW Launches New Large and Complex Client Growth Team
WTW's CRB NA introduces a new 5-member team of Strategic Client Engagement Leaders (SCELs) with plans to continue investment and expansion of the team
WTW的CRB NA引入了一個由5人組成的戰略客戶參與負責人(SCEL)的新團隊,並計劃繼續投資和擴大該團隊
NEW YORK, Jan. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WTW (NASDAQ: WTW), a leading global advisory, broking, and solutions company, today announced the formation of a newly created team, Strategic Client Engagement Leaders (SCELs), focused on driving growth of large, complex clients within the twelve industry vertical divisions of Corporate Risk & Broking, North America (CRB NA) at WTW. Building upon the success of CRB NA's existing client advocacy strategy, this expanded structure targeting large and complex accounts will amplify the business' ambitions of being the market-leading, industry-focused broker.
紐約,2024年1月17日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——全球領先的諮詢、經紀和解決方案公司WTW(納斯達克股票代碼:WTW)今天宣佈成立一個新成立的團隊,即戰略客戶參與領導者(SCELs),專注於推動WTW北美企業風險與經紀業(CRB NA)十二個垂直行業中大型複雜客戶的增長。在CRB NA現有客戶宣傳戰略取得成功的基礎上,這種針對大型複雜賬戶的擴張結構將增強該業務成爲市場領先、以行業爲重點的經紀商的雄心。
The SCEL role, which is geography-agnostic, combines a hybrid of sales, strategic consulting, and executive stewardship aimed at delivering an exceptional client experience. The new SCEL team brings a diversity of thought to support ongoing risk management challenges and objectives, while also anticipating emerging client risks.
Reporting to Louise Pennington, Head of Strategic Client Engagement, the SCEL team includes:
- Ken Gould: Ken joined WTW from Lockton in October 2023. Ken has been leading large, complex risk management client engagements for 35 years, and brings a unique ability to manage strategic client service while driving revenue growth within the Fortune 1000 segment;
- Nikki Hall Jones: Nikki joined from the WTW Health, Wealth and Career (HWC) Investment Team, where she was part of the Insurance Investment Advisory Group. She brings to the new role a wealth of client management experience from her 19+ years working at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC);
- Michael Reese: Michael joined from the WTW Health, Wealth and Career (HWC) Investment Team having worked at WTW for 15+ years in a variety of roles. Most recently Michael was responsible for driving revenue growth within WTW's "Fund of Funds" solutions and advisory business as a key member of WTW's Investments Team. He also brings a diverse background of industry knowledge after working in virtually every industry, with a deep understanding of the key requirements of functions including finance, human resources, and strategy;
- Lori Seidenberg: Lori joined WTW in January 2024 from BlackRock, where she most recently served as the Global Director of Insurance in their Private Market Funds vertical. Her risk management experience includes strength in financial institutions and asset management and expands to include real estate, infrastructure and the energy industries. Lori also currently serves as the President of the New York chapter of RIMS and has served on the board of the Spencer Foundation for several years;
Angela Taylor: Angela joined WTW in May 2023, bringing a wealth of experience from her role as Global Risk Manager for Equitable Life Insurance. She brings a deep understanding of risk management across multiple industries, and is an active member of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Advisory Council for RIMS, while also serving as a board member of the National African American Insurance Association (NAAIA) in Charlotte, North Carolina;
- 肯·古爾德:肯於 2023 年 10 月從洛克頓加入 WTW。Ken領導大型複雜風險管理客戶業務已有35年,具有管理戰略客戶服務的獨特能力,同時推動財富1000強細分市場的收入增長;
- 妮基·霍爾·瓊斯:Nikki加入了WTW健康、財富與職業(HWC)投資團隊,曾是該團隊的保險投資諮詢小組的一員。她爲新職位帶來了在全國保險專員協會(NAIC)工作超過19年的豐富客戶管理經驗;
- 邁克爾·里斯:邁克爾從WTW健康、財富與職業(HWC)投資團隊加入,他在WTW工作了15年以上,擔任過各種職務。最近,作爲WTW投資團隊的重要成員,邁克爾負責推動WTW “基金基金” 解決方案和諮詢業務的收入增長。在幾乎所有行業工作後,他還帶來了多元化的行業知識背景,對財務、人力資源和戰略等職能的關鍵要求有深刻的了解;
- 洛裏·塞登伯格:洛瑞於2024年1月從貝萊德加入WTW,她最近在貝萊德擔任該行業私募市場基金的全球保險總監。她的風險管理經驗包括金融機構和資產管理方面的實力,並擴展到房地產、基礎設施和能源行業。洛裏目前還擔任RIMS紐約分會會長,並在斯賓塞基金會董事會任職多年;
- 安吉拉·泰勒:安吉拉於2023年5月加入WTW,她作爲公平人壽保險全球風險經理帶來了豐富的經驗。她對多個行業的風險管理有着深刻的理解,並且是RIMS多元化公平與包容(DE&I)諮詢委員會的活躍成員,同時還是位於北卡羅來納州夏洛特的全國非裔美國人保險協會(NAAIA)的董事會成員;
Louise Pennington commented, "This SCEL team is an outstanding group of seasoned professionals with diverse backgrounds and experience, driven to significantly grow the business while delivering exceptional client service and strategic advice. I am thrilled to work with this team to help our clients navigate the ever-changing risk environment."
About WTW
關於 WTW
At WTW (NASDAQ: WTW), we provide data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk and capital. Leveraging the global view and local expertise of our colleagues serving 140 countries and markets, we help organizations sharpen their strategy, enhance organizational resilience, motivate their workforce and maximize performance.
Working shoulder to shoulder with our clients, we uncover opportunities for sustainable success—and provide perspective that moves you. Learn more at wtwco.com.
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Arnelle.Sullivan@wtwco.com +1 (718) 208-0474
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