
Destiny Media Technologies Inc. (DSNY) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Destiny Media Technologies Inc. (DSNY) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Destiny Media Technologies Inc. (DSNY) 2024 年第一季度業績電話會議記錄摘要
富途資訊 ·  01/17 08:24  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Destiny Media Technologies Inc. (DSNY) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Destiny Media Technologies reported their highest Q1 revenue ever, experiencing growth of 10.6%, which unadjusted, is 13%.

  • New market acquisition contributed to a quarter to a third of this revenue growth, while the provision of international lists led to a roughly 5% increase in revenue.

  • Their EBITDA totaled about $300K, and while net income remained largely unchanged from the previous year, the firm's cash flow showed growth due to reinvestment into the business.

  • Destiny Media Technologies公佈了有史以來最高的第一季度收入,增長了10.6%,未經調整,爲13%。

  • 新的市場收購促成了收入增長的四分之一至三分之一,而國際名單的提供使收入增長了約5%。

  • 他們的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤總額約爲30萬美元,儘管淨收入與上年相比基本保持不變,但由於對業務的再投資,該公司的現金流顯示出增長。

Business Progress:


  • Destiny Media Technologies made significant strides in enhancing its global distribution platform and launched several features aimed at boosting customer marketing activities.

  • The company launched a series of international lists to grow their international presence and has put a focus on their existing markets as well as new market acquisitions for future growth.

  • They introduced various international genre lists to globalize client releases and launched the first worldwide holiday distribution option in 2024.

  • The company saw growth in US markets, particularly in Rock and Pop genres, and had success in the Canadian market, primarily with independent customers, attributed to Play MPE's global reach ability.

  • The company is enhancing its marketing strategy and adjusting its business development team to sustain its growth, despite slower growth in the Latin market.

  • Destiny Media Technologies在增強其全球發行平台方面取得了長足的進步,並推出了多項旨在促進客戶營銷活動的功能。

  • 該公司推出了一系列國際名單,以擴大其國際影響力,並將重點放在現有市場以及新的市場收購以促進未來增長。

  • 他們推出了各種國際類型列表,以實現客戶發行的全球化,並於2024年推出了第一個全球假日發行選項。

  • 該公司在美國市場,尤其是在搖滾和流行音樂類型方面取得了增長,並在加拿大市場取得了成功,主要是獨立客戶,這要歸功於Play MPE的全球影響力。

  • 儘管拉丁市場增長放緩,但該公司仍在加強其營銷戰略並調整其業務開發團隊以維持增長。

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