
Altamira Gold Adds Second Diamond Drill Rig at Maria Bonita Discovery, Cajueiro Project, Brazil

Altamira Gold Adds Second Diamond Drill Rig at Maria Bonita Discovery, Cajueiro Project, Brazil

Altamira Gold 在巴西卡胡埃羅項目的 Maria Bonita Discovery 增加了第二臺鑽石鑽機
newsfile ·  01/16 20:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 16, 2024) - Altamira Gold Corp. (TSXV: ALTA) (FSE: T6UP) (OTC Pink: EQTRF), ("Altamira" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on its ongoing second stage diamond drilling programme at the Maria Bonita gold discovery at its Cajueiro project located in the states of Mato Grosso and Para, Brazil.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 16 日)- Altamira Gold Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ALTA)(FSE:T6UP)(場外交易粉紅:EQTRF), (”阿爾塔米拉“或者”公司“)很高興提供其位於巴西馬託格羅索州和帕拉州的卡胡埃羅項目正在進行的瑪麗亞博尼塔金礦發現項目第二階段鑽石鑽探計劃的最新情況。



  • Drilling has re-started at the Maria Bonita project following the year-end break. Drill hole MBA0010 is currently at a depth of 228 metres.
  • 年終休息後,瑪麗亞·博尼塔項目的鑽探工作已重新開始。MBA0010 鑽孔目前的深度爲 228 米。
  • A second diamond drill rig has been contracted and is currently mobilising to the project site.
  • 第二臺金剛石鑽機已經簽約,目前正在調動到項目現場。
  • The initial drill programme will consist of approximately 5000 metres in 27 drill holes and is designed to test the lateral and vertical extensions of the intrusive-hosted disseminated gold mineralization intersected in the seven initial reconnaissance holes drilled during 2023.
  • 最初的鑽探計劃將包括27個鑽孔中的約5000米,旨在測試2023年鑽探的七個初始偵察孔中相交的侵入性浸染金礦化的橫向和垂直延伸。

CEO Mike Bennett commented; "This is a very exciting time for Altamira and its shareholders. We have mobilised a second diamond drill rig to Maria Bonita in order to accelerate definition of the size of the intrusive-hosted mineralization discovered during 2023. Drill hole samples are in the laboratory awaiting assays. Further samples will be despatched on completion of each drill hole."

首席執行官邁克·貝內特評論說: “對於阿爾塔米拉及其股東來說,這是一個非常激動人心的時刻。我們已經向瑪麗亞·博尼塔調動了第二臺金剛石鑽機,以加快界定 2023 年發現的侵入性礦化物的規模。鑽孔樣本正在實驗室等待化驗。每個鑽孔完成後,將發送更多樣品。”



The Maria Bonita target forms part of the Cajueiro project which is located approximately 75km NW of the town of Alta Floresta in the state of Mato Grosso (Figure 1) in central western Brazil. The project is easily accessible by road and has grid power and local water supply. Cajueiro is one of three key projects that Altamira controls in the region, the other two being Apiacas and Santa Helena (Figure1).


The Maria Bonita target is located 7km to the west of the Company's NI 43-101 Mineral Resource at Cajueiro which currently comprises 5.66Mt @ 1.02 g/t gold for a total of 185,000 oz in the Indicated Resource category and 12.66Mt @ 1.26 g/t gold for a total of 515,000oz in the Inferred Resource category.

瑪麗亞·博尼塔的目標位於該公司位於卡胡埃羅的北愛爾蘭43-101礦產資源以西7公里處,該礦產資源目前包括566萬噸 @ 1.02克/噸的黃金,指示資源類別中總計18.5萬盎司的黃金,1.26克/噸的黃金,總計51.5萬盎司。

Initial diamond drilling in 2023 at Maria Bonita revealed consistent gold-mineralised intervals in seven of the nine initial scout diamond drill holes, including 69m @ 1g/t in MBA005, 50m @ 1.1 g/t gold in MBA004, 55m @ 1.0 g/t gold in MBA002, 50m @ 1.0 g/t gold in MBA001 and 45m @ 1.4 g/t gold in MBA003 (Figure 2). Disseminated gold mineralization in the initial discovery holes is hosted within rhyolitic intrusive rocks. Importantly, although there is no outcrop in the discovery area, the mineralization is present from surface over most of the known mineralized zone to date.

2023 年在 Maria Bonita 進行的首次鑽石鑽探顯示,在最初的九個偵察鑽石鑽孔中,有七個鑽孔的金礦化間隔一致,包括 MBA005 中的 69m @ 1g/t,MBA004 中的 50m @ 1.1 g/t 的金,MBA002 的 55m @ 1.0 g/t 的金,MBA001 的 50m @ 1.0 g/t 的金,MBA003 的 45m @ 1.4 g/t 的金(圖 2)。最初發現的洞穴中的浸染金礦化位於流紋岩侵入岩中。重要的是,儘管發現區沒有露頭,但迄今爲止,大多數已知礦化帶的地表都存在礦化作用。

Following the year-end break, drilling has now re-commenced and a second diamond drill rig has been added. A total of approximately 3000 metres in 20 drill holes are planned with the objective of defining a maiden resource following completion of this drill program.

在年終休息之後,鑽探現已重新開始,並增加了第二臺金剛石鑽機。計劃在 20 個鑽孔中總共鑽探約 3000 米,目的是在該鑽探計劃完成後確定首個資源。

Figure 1: Location of the Santa Helena, Apiacas and Cajueiro projects.

圖 1:聖赫勒拿、阿皮亞卡斯和卡胡埃羅項目的位置。

Figure 2: Planned diamond drill holes at Maria Bonita showing drill hole MBA 0010 (in progress). The background shows combined Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) ground magnetics (50m line spacing). The central, original discovery drill holes (MBA001-7) are highlighted within the core of the magnetic feature. Holes MBA008 & 009, which did not return significant gold, are located to the north-east of the lozenge shaped magnetic feature.

圖 2:計劃在 Maria Bonita 鑽孔的鑽孔顯示了 MBA 0010 的鑽孔(進行中)。背景顯示了組合的總磁強度 (TMI) 地面磁場(線間距 50 米)。中心的原始發現鑽孔 (MBA001-7) 在磁性特徵的核心內突出顯示。MBA008 和 009 孔位於菱形磁性特徵的東北部,它們沒有返回大量金子。

With two drill rigs in operation, a steady flow of results is expected over the next several months.


Qualified Person


Guillermo Hughes, FAIG and M AusIMM., a consultant to the Company as well as a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

吉列爾莫·休斯、FAIG和M Ausimm. 是公司的顧問,也是美國國家儀器43-101定義的合格人員,他們監督了本新聞稿中技術信息的編寫。

About Altamira Gold Corp.


The Company is focused on the exploration and development of gold and copper projects within western central Brazil. The Company holds 6 projects comprising approximately 190,000 hectares, within the prolific Juruena gold belt which historically produced an estimated 7 to 10Moz of placer gold. The Company's advanced Cajueiro project has NI 43-101 resources of 5.66Mt @ 1.02 g/t gold for a total of 185,000 oz in the Indicated Resource category and 12.66Mt @ 1.26 g/t gold for a total of 515,000oz in the Inferred Resource category.

該公司專注於巴西中西部黃金和銅礦項目的勘探和開發。該公司擁有6個項目,佔地約19萬公頃,位於多產的Juruena金礦帶內,該地歷史上估計生產了7至10Moz的砂金。該公司先進的Cajueiro項目在指示資源類別中擁有北愛爾蘭43-101萬噸 @ 1.02克/噸黃金,總量爲18.5萬盎司,在推斷資源類別中爲12.66萬噸 @ 1.26克/噸黃金,總量爲51.5萬盎司。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,




"Michael Bennett"


Michael Bennett
President & CEO


Tel: 604.676.5660




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Gold analysis has been conducted by SGS method FAA505 (fire assay of 50g charge), with higher grade samples checked by FAA525. Analytical quality is monitored by certified references and blanks. Until dispatch, samples are stored under the supervision the Company's exploration office. The samples are couriered to the assay laboratory using a commercial contractor. Pulps are returned to the Company and archived. Drill holes results are quoted as down-hole length weighted intersections.

金分析已通過 SGS 方法 FAA505(50 克電荷的火焰分析)進行,更高等級的樣本由 FAA525 檢查。分析質量由經過認證的參考文獻和空白進行監控。在發貨之前,樣品在公司勘探辦公室的監督下儲存。樣本由商業承包商運送到化驗實驗室。紙漿被歸還給公司並存檔。鑽孔結果以井下長度加權交叉點的形式引用。

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